Steps to retrieve current user data in firebase using vuejs - firebase

I’m creating an application where only users I create manually in firebase can log in.
The app consists of a multistep form to gather user information. For example:
Step1 ==> gather user general information
Step2 ==> information about user’s company
I want the user to be able to log back in, see the form fields populated with his data and allow him to edit them if needed.
So far I have the multi step form, that sends data to firebase. I’m using vuex and vuefire.
I understand that I can retrieve the data in two ways: before/after navigation (
Should I create a child in the database using the currentuser uid and then reference the database using a dynamic route such as"
db.ref('forms/' + user.uid)
I'm a beginnger and I don’t know how to go about this and if it's the correct way to think about it. How would you go about retrieving the data for a specific user and push that data into each field?
There seems to exist a vuexfire could that be the way to go about this?

I'm not familiar with vuefire but I would request user data like the following
// for getting data once
let uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
let dbRef = "users/"+uid;
firebase.database().ref(dbRef).once("value", snap => {
let email = snap.val().email;
// for realtime updates
let uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
let dbRef = "users/"+uid;
firebase.database().ref(dbRef).on("value", snap => {
this.yourVueObject = snap.val().yourData


Reading data from Realtime Database

I have read a few posts but I am confused. This is the first time I've used firebase realtime database (I've used firestore without much problems upto now).
My data looks like the following:
It gets automatically updated. I have to make a flutter app now which can read this data and write to this individual document as well. I just can get past a simple read. Could use some help please. My simple code is attached to a button. I want to then tap into the data and make a listview.
onPressed: () async {
final fb = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference();
fb.child('turk****fault-rtdb/1buFA3****am6w32mDGon****kCeLs/Form Responses 1/').once()
.then((DataSnapshot data) {
print("Value: ${data.value}"); // prints null
print("Key: ${data.key}"); // prints Form Response 1
if (kDebugMode) print (onError);
How can I tap into each 'record' and get details out of it?
This looks off:
fb.child('turk****fault-rtdb/1buFA3****am6w32mDGon****kCeLs/Form Responses 1/').once()
You can't pass the database URL itself into the child() call.
Try this instead:
final fb = FirebaseDatabase("your database URL").reference()
fb.child('Form Responses 1').once()...
Also see: Why is the Firebase Realtime Database's data appearing as null in the console?

Flutter dynamic links test

Edited Question :
I have an issue with Firebase Dynamic Links Packag , My goal is getting know if new user installed and opend my app for first time to give him a rewards like 10 point . I tried to search everywhere but no answer,in firebase website there is option to know if user install for first time.
My Goal is : Getting value for first time install & how to debug this code ?
initDynamicLinks when app Lanched :
void initDynamicLinks() async {
onSuccess: (PendingDynamicLinkData dynamicLink) async {
final Uri deepLink = dynamicLink?.link;
if (deepLink != null) {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, deepLink.path);
onError: (OnLinkErrorException e) async {
final PendingDynamicLinkData data = await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink();
final Uri deepLink = data?.link;
if (deepLink != null) {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, deepLink.path);
You're mixing two things here.
The First-opens tab gives you the number of unique users who clicked on your Firebase Dynamic Link for the first time.
If you want to know how many unique users used your app, by clicking the Firebase Dynamic Link or not to get to your app, you have to implement the Firebase Analytics plugin to your app.
This way you'll get access to Dashboards showing you how many Unique users you have.
Reading your comment, looks like your question is not related to your problem.
What you want here is to attribute rewards for users who invited their friends thanks to a referral link.
Since I never implemented this witout a dedicated backend, the only thing I can share is a use-case I used some time ago explaining the logic to follow to implement it.
The logic explained in the documentation is the following :
1- Generate a Dynamic Link for UserA.
2- UserA sends the Dynamic Link to someone (called UserB).
3- When UserB starts the app from a Dynamic Link, retrieve the referral informations in the app (to retrieve UserA's informations)
4- Call a route on your backend to attribute the reward to UserA (and check if UserB is really a new user in your database).
The point is, you shouldn't manage a referral/referrer relationship on the client's side (it would be way too easily abused/hacked).
It's the job of a backend (or cloud function) to manage this.
Once you have received the link clickthrough in your app use the google_analytics package to log an event.
Related thread here:
Flutter log event with google analytics
To be honest i have never used Firebase Dynamic Links , But if your Goal is to Achieve a first open or login token , you can always use the Sharedpreferences package , in my case iam using it to navigate to different pages passed on the first login value .
i think that Sharedpreferences is more reliable and easier than what you are trying to achieve with firebase
what you actually want to do is make a firebase collection with IMEI numbers , when there is a new IMEI that means a new user , when that IMEI is in your collection that means that the app is not installed for the first time ,
you can use this package imei_plugin to get IMEI number and store it on firebase

Firebase + Flutter : get platform user used to sign in

I have an app with 3 sign in methods: Google, Facebook & mail.
I want to show the users that are signed in with mail a different screen.
Is it possible to get the sign in method form the package firebase authentication?
I know I can fix this by using firestore & checking if a statement is true or false. But that will cost me a read every time a user opens the app...
This seems to be what you want:
In my app where I use Google logins only, I have firebaseUser.providerData[1].providerId == ''.
Btw, firebaseUser.providerData[0].providerId == 'firebase'.
I guess you could check them all and look for what providers you get for different kinds of users.
Edit: here's what I get when logging in with e-mail:
Firebase has a special property providerId. But, as mentioned #GazihanAlankus it always returns firebase.
And, the property firebaseUser.providerData[1].providerId sometimes not exists (for example when user used anonymous login).
So, we should use appropriate approaches, for example:
FirebaseUser user = await _firebaseAuth.currentUser();
if (user.providerData.length < 2) {
// do something
else {
The list of values, that are returned by property providerId:
EmailAuthProviderID: password
PhoneAuthProviderID: phone
I got this list from the cool research here What is the full list of provider id's for firebase.UserInfo.providerId?
In my app I used
FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.providerData[0].providerId == ''.,
cause providerData[1] doesn't contain any value
For anyone reading this in 2022, Firebase now has nice new docs for Flutter and in it they have this, which I personally found super useful:
if (user != null) {
for (final providerProfile in user.providerData) {
// ID of the provider (, apple.cpm, etc.)
final provider = providerProfile.providerId;
// UID specific to the provider
final uid = providerProfile.uid;
// Name, email address, and profile photo URL
final name = providerProfile.displayName;
final emailAddress =;
final profilePhoto = providerProfile.photoURL;
Source: Firebase documentation
But that will cost me a read every time a user opens the app. THIS IS TRUTH!
Alternatively, you can create your own app DB using SQFLite, and create only one table (user) in that, having a field of signUpMethod having possible values are google, facebook and mail. Whenever you opens the app, first check that in your db, if this is mail, redirect to another screen which you want, else call firebase service

How to use dialogflow Fulfillment Inline Editor to save users names and moods on a realtime database?

I built action on google using dialogflow for experience sampling purpose.
It's idea is: it asks specific users about their mood 3 times per day.
It sends these users then every week a weekly overview about their mood after it has been analysed by researchers.
So I need to save each user info with his mood entries on a database so they can be accessed later by researchers, analysed and sent back to users.
I'm using dialogflow fulfilment with index.js to connect to Firebase database to save the entries.
This agent should be integrated as action on google
On the database I get users names and moods but they are not related to each other so I cannot know which user entered which mood and, also I cannot do the userID check.
I would really appreciate if anybody could help me with the functions since I am totally unfamiliar with node.js or databases but I have to do it that way.
here is my code.
// See
// for Dialogflow fulfillment library docs, samples, and to report issues
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
//initialise DB connection
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
function saveName(agent) {
const nameParam =;
const context = agent.getContext('awaiting_name_confirm');
const name = nameParam ||;
agent.add('Hi ' + name + ' Are you ready to answer my question?' || 'Hi' + name + 'Have you got a moment for me? ' );
//agent.add('Hi' + name + 'Have you got a minute for me? ');
return admin.database().ref('/names').push({name: name}).then((snapshot)=>
console.log('database write sucessful: ' + snapshot.ref.toString());
function saveMood(agent) {
const moodParam = agent.parameters.mood;
const mood = moodParam;
agent.add('That is good! keep it up. Thanks for sharing with me! Bye ');
//agent.add('Hi' + name + 'Have you got a minute for me? ');
return admin.database().ref('/moods').push({mood: mood}).then((snapshot)=>
console.log('database write sucessful: ' + snapshot.ref.toString());
// Run the proper function handler based on the matched Dialogflow intent name
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('Get Name', saveName);
intentMap.set('Confirm Name Yes', saveName);
// intentMap.set('Confirm Name Yes', getName);
intentMap.set('attentiveness', saveMood);
You have a few issues in your code and approach that you'll need to address:
You need to design your database so that you can associate the user's mood with their account. (And possibly other user information, such as their name or email address, while you're at it.)
You need a unique identity for the person.
A person's name isn't a unique identity. Two people may have the same name, or the system may hear the name differently each time, so you need to have a way to know who you're talking to.
You also need to know their email address and possibly other information, so you can send them their report at the end of the week.
You need to make sure you have their identity between calls to your Action during the same conversation.
Fortunately, you do one thing that is typically missed - you make your calls to the database using Promises. So that part works.
Unique Identity
Your example code asks the user for their name, which it sounds like you intend to use as their identity. Unfortunately, this is a bad idea for a few reasons:
The name isn't an identity. What happens if two people with the same name access your Action?
Names are easily discoverable, so other people could use it and report misleading information. This may not be too serious in your case, but it can still have trustworthiness implications.
Names can be Personally Identifiable Information (PII), so may be covered by additional privacy laws.
Users might want to terminate their account, and can't do this without "changing" their name.
Additionally, you may need other identity information later, such as their email address, and asking for that every time may become troublesome.
You have a few ways to deal with this:
If you're developing for the Google Assistant, you can also use Google Sign In for Assistant which will tell you the user's Google identifier, which you can use as a unique ID. You also get their email address and name as part of their profile.
You can ask for this information (name, email, etc) and save it against a user ID that you generate or a user name the user provides. This ID becomes the identifier. If you're developing for the Google Assistant, you can save this ID in the user's private storage - only you and the user have access to it or can delete it. If not, you may need to use the database to look up the ID. More on this later.
You may wish to use variants on this later point, depending what information you're getting and how you want the user to identify themselves every time. But the important part is that they need to identify themselves with something unique and that you can easily capture.
Use identity in the same session
If you're using Google Sign In, you don't have to worry about this. You'll get the same ID each session and for each call during a session.
If you're using the user's private storage with the Google Assistant, you'll have this as part of the userStore object.
But if you're not, you need to make sure that you get the user's ID in an early intent, and saving this as part of a Context so it is preserved in between calls to your webhook. In subsequent handlers, you can get the ID out of the context and then use it to access other information.
You don't need to store it in the database at this point. All you have is an identifier - this becomes the key that you will use for other information. You just need to remember it for later parts of the conversation.
So in your saveName() function, it might look something like
function saveName(agent) {
const nameParam =;
agent.add('Hi ' + nameParam + ' Are you ready to answer my question?');
name: 'user',
lifespan: 99,
parameters: {
id: nameParam
As an aside - your handler seems to try to determine if this is the user saying their name, or confirming their name. This is probably better handled as separate intents and separate handlers. Trying to combine them will confuse things.
Structuring and Accessing your Database
We have an ID. We have the user reporting the data. How do we associate the two?
There are a lot of ways to structure the data, and Firebase goes into some detail depending on how you intend to use it, access it, and make it available to the users or others.
In this case, it seems pretty straightforward that you want to store records about the user. Each record can use their ID as a key, and then contain some information about the user, including their mood.
One nice thing about the Firebase database is that you can (mostly) treat it like a Javascript object. If we think about it this way, it might look something like
"user": {
"moods": [
And so forth. With Firebase, we would reference the moods of user "id3" with a path such as user/id3/moods. If we have the user id in a variable name, we might use the following code to get that reference
var ref = admin.database().ref('user').ref(name).ref('moods');
and then use code such as this to push an object with the mood onto the array (and return the Promise that we need to do):
var obj = {
mood: mood
return ref.push( obj ).then( snapshot => {
// Do stuff, including acknowledge to the user you saved it.
Keep in mind that you may want to also use this to store more information about each user (such as their name or email) on the user level, or more about the moods (such as a timestamp) in the mood object.

Cannot Create User Profile in Firebase

First off, thanks for taking the time; this is my first question posted!
I'm in the middle of coding my first mobile application in React Native: a stats managing App for my fraternity. Right now, I would like an admin user to be able to add other users to the app and set their initial profile information (first name, last name, position, dues paid etc).
Once they submit the details, the code below tells firebase to create a new user using the provided email and password, then adds their other profile information under the user parent in the Realtime Database.
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then(() => {
firebase.database().ref('/ChapterName/users/' + key)
.set({ firstName, lastName, rank, position, goodStanding, dues, communityService, chapters, mixers, brotherhoods });
The JSON tree created can be seen here: Firebase Tree
My problem is that when the new user logs in, I cannot find a way to access their profile information...ideally, I would set the key of each child under 'user' to the user's email: that way they could login and I could match their email to the key of their profile info and fetch it that way. Unfortunately, keys must be UTF-8 encoded and don't allow for me to include '# or .'
Does anyone know a way around this? I feel as if the firebase Admin API could be a solution but I can't seem to wrap my head around it.
Inside react-native with firebase, if they user already login and you already integrate firebase with redux, you can access the current user information inside redux using this line
as per my suggestion, I think it's best for to integrate
react-native app + react-native-firebase + react-redux-firebase
thus, you dont have to use web firebase function as it's already exist in props.
if you need to update the profile after user already created you can use something like this
this.props.firebase.auth().createUserAndRetrieveDataWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then((user) => {
name: 'Hazim',
age: 24,
mode: 'Rampage'
}).catch((error) => {
//Error value
and inside any component, you can get current user info with connect function like this.
class Home extends Component {
export default compose(
connect( state => {
profile: state.firebase.profile
