When an API created in publisher portal, where does the api definition created (in wso2 folder directory)? - wso2-api-manager

I wanted see where the yaml/json files of an api stored in wso2 directory.

API definition is only stored in the Registry database. It won't be stored in the physical file system.


User secrets null in build

I'm making an asp.net core application and using user secrets. User secrets are set properly and I can see them when I right click the project -> Manage user secrets. Everything works fine inside Visual Studio when I hit "Debug". But when I build my app and launch the .dll file, it is not retrieving the user secret properly and is getting an empty string from it.
If you're building the app and deploying it, the secret manager will not work. The Secret Manager tool for development purposes only. The Secret Manager tool doesn't encrypt the stored secrets and shouldn't be treated as a trusted store. The keys and values are stored in a JSON configuration file in the user profile directory. More details on Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core. If you're deploying to Azure use Azure Vault or Azure App Configuration for managing secrets.

No `api-manager.xml` configuration file inside WSO2 Identity server

I'm trying to configure WSO2 Identity Server as a key manager for WSO2 Api Manager by following this tutorial.
In that, under step-4, following instructions are there.
For this purpose open the /repository/conf/api-manager.xml
file and change the element that appears under the
section, so that it points to the API Manager server.
But there is no api-manager.xml file inside <IS_KM_HOME>/repository/conf/. I'm using WSO2 Identity Server 5.6.0.
Does anyone know where can I find this api-manager.xml file?
This XML file exists only in WSO2 IS as a Key Manager (WSO2 IS-KM). Please refer[1][2]. You can download the IS as KM from [2]. For API Manager 2.6.0, IS as KM version is 5.7.0. IS 5.6.0 is not a Key manager hence it will not include that configuration file.

The easiest way to access Azure File Storage?

I need to migrate an application to Azure and I have a Azure Web Application with 50gb storage space and an Azure File Storage with 250gb, that I'll use to store videos, images and other things.
My application stores the files in a folder in the same directory of my application, so It was easy to do, I didn't have to access another server, like Azure File Storage seems to be.
I have access by FTP to my app folder, like It was at the other server, but this folder only have the 50GB of storage. Does exist an way of mapping the 250gb's Azure File Storage folder to my app folder, or I'll have to change my code to use the Azure API?
Your application can work against Azure File shares without code changes. You will need to persist credentials using cmdkey, and then instead of local path, use the file share path or mounted drive within your application. For more information you can refer to:
How to use Azure Files on Windows
How to use Azure Files on Linux
I run a batch file on login which runs the following command, you can use whichever drive letter you choose:
net use <drive-letter>: /delete /y
net use <drive-letter>: \\<storage-account-name>.file.core.windows.net\<share-name> /u:<storage-account-name> <storage-account-key>
An example with dummy information would look like this:
net use t: /delete /y
net use t: \\testaccount.file.core.windows.net\testshare /u:accountname verylongstorageaccountkey

How to create File Share in azure resource manager template itself?

I am trying to automate deployment process of Moodle(https://moodle.org/) using ARM template.
Now, i have used Azure CLI commands for creating File Share in Azure Storage Account, But, is there any way to specify file share within the template itself?

How to configure encryption of documents in ravendb in a multitenant scenario within IIS 7.5

Thanks to Daniel Lang's blogpost we were able to encrypt our documents.
Since we are now in a multitenant situation(Multitenancy in RavenDb) and deployed ravendb within IIS 7.5 we want to encrypt all of the tenants.
Unfortunately we're getting a lot of errors (especially in the management studio):
The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
Our tenant databases are created, as we can see them on the file system. But within the management studio we cannot see them anymore.
To enable encryption we placed the encryption dll in the Plugins folder.
Do we need to make some extra configurations to get this to work?
Edit: steps for reproduce:
Clean instance of ravendb configured, IIS 7.5
Created an encryption dll, based on Daniel Lang's blog post
Created a plugin folder and saved the encryption dll from step 2 in this folder
Go to management studio and create some sample data for the default database
Optional: create a tenant database and create some sample data
