Can I reject notifications when I uninstall Progressive Web App on the home screen? - push-notification

I am in trouble with the operation of Progressive Web Apps.
First, I pressed "Add to Home Screen" on the web, added the application to the home screen, and gave permission for push notification.
After that, I uninstalled Progressive Web Apps from the home screen, I expected that the notification will not arrive, but in fact it gets notified.
Can I detect uninstallation and reject push notifications?
I tried searching including the following site.
For example, but there is nothing expected of event or status.
Although it is an attachment of the home screen after uninstallation,
A Google Chrome icon is displayed in the notification bar.
home screen image

Based on your comment in response to the other answer, I figure you are building a progressive web app and want to implement this feature (turning off notifications on removal from the home screen) in your own PWA?
Currently (October 2017) there is no way for a PWA to detect if a user has removed it from their home screen. There is a way for the PWA to detect if it is uninstalled (as in the service worker is removed from the browser all together) but that is something totally different. You aren't uninstalling the PWA when you remove it from the home screen, you're just removing a shortcut. The PWA is still installed in the user's browser. They could still manually visit the site and your PWA would still be working.
Maybe this will become a feature in the future. For right now there isn't even a way to create a hack that would help.

If you navigate to the web app in question using Chrome for Android, either directly or by tapping on a notification, you can manually adjust its permissions by tapping on the "Lock" icon next to the location bar, then choosing "SITE SETTINGS", and then making changes there.
The specific steps to do this would vary if you're using a browser other than Chrome.


Firebase Dynamic Link: Does not work correctly when opened from iOS Safari

I am using Firebase Dynamic Link in my app and am seeing issues when they are opened from iOS Safari as an URL.
-Expected behavior: The link leads to the app preview page, where the user can click on the link that will redirect to the app.
-Actual behavior: The link tries to open the preview page initially but loads the website even when the app is installed.
-The issue happens for both actual devices and simulators.
-The link works fine when opened from iOS Chrome as an URL, other iOS apps, and for all scenarios in Android devices/emulators.
I did my research but could find the exact same case as mine. Can someone tell me what might be the issue here so that I can investigate further?
Here is the Firebase Dynamic Link debugger result:
Here are the apple-app-site-association parameters:
{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"####.***.****","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}
Can someone help out? Thanks!
For those who might run into a similar issue, I resolved this by disabling forced redirects in the link parameter. Somehow mobile Safari was force redirecting to the website, not the app.

Is there a way to control appearance of Bot Menu Button?

The somewhat-new feature of bot menu button now dissapeared from my and other bots I used from my macOS client, presumably after latest mac Telegram update, version 8.1 (221723) Stable. Looking at some screenshots I did, menu button was there as of 14th September. Still shows on the Android phone. Link to two screenshots showing the issue
Google and SO searches do not address the question:
Can developers manage the appearance of the menu button instead of attachment button? Where did it go?
My bot heavily depends on the button and doesn't give any hints to the commands in the text. Did they silently disable it for desktop client? Any insight appreciated.
Can developers manage the appearance of the bot-menu button?
Yes, by using the setMyCommands method, you can control the command listed in the menu.
The command scope is used to determine the list of commands for a particular user viewing the bot menu
Can developers manage the appearance of the attachment-menu button?
No, the attachment button is handled by the Telegram Client.
Therefore it's not possible to manually show/hide the button.
There isn't a complete list of clients which will show the button, however
Telegram Desktop 3.1 client
Telegram 8.1 (221723) AppStore client
Both show the original design, with the / and attachment button.
The Android version does not show the button.

Is there a way to prevent my website to be viewed over the webView of mobile apps?

I have noticed that some mobile app utilizes webview to display and process information. For instance, this mobile app asks username/password as part of its registration process, then creates a user on my website using webView behind an activity window. Then, automatically login the user on its webView and display the content of my website.
Old days, the clickjacking issue was a popular topic using iframe. Similar to clickjacking issue, is there a way to prevent from being webViewed?

Chromebook does not show app page

A friend has two google accounts and one chromebook. Neither google account will display the app page on the chromebook. Prolly not helpful, but included is a screen capture of the message.
screen capture showing the app page error message
Logging into any other computer properly displays the app page. Logging out and in on the chromebook doesn't change things. Clearing cache on the chromebook doesn't help. No joy.
I've asked him to check his proxy settings, and to have a friend try yet a different google account.

Mono for Android - How to disabled Home button

When my activity is running, I don't want return in home screen when I click on Home button.
I find answers for android but I do not manage to translate code to mono.
Can you help me please ?
Disabling the home button is an anti-pattern and generally frowned upon in Android. You are not able to override the behavior of the Home button itself in ICS and up either. However if you are developing a Kiosk mode app or a Home launcher, it is possible to work it around.
You will need to tell Android that your application is a Launcher/Home application. Beyond creating a custom home app, there is no way to intercept the HOME button except through firmware modifications.
