Atom white window. How can I solve it? - atom-editor

I installed the Atom Software when I opened it I saw only white windows :((
Somebody can help me !?

When you see Atom looking like this, it's usually because something went wrong with Atom loading the stored data from last session. If you click on the Console tab, you'll see an error message.
You should take a look at the Debugging section of the Flight Manual. The most likely solution to your problem is to open Atom while clearing the stored data. From the command line, you can use atom --clear-window-state, which will wipe out all unsaved files and state data from your previous session.
If you share the error message with us, I will revise this answer to address the specific problem if it's something that I know about.


Get "Error: Access denied" when I click on commit on RStudio

I'm pretty new to using Github and Git in general. But this error is driving me crazy because I can't find anyone with a similar problem..
In short. Whenever I try to commit a saved file to a repository in Github I get the following error:
enter image description here
I tried reinstalling RStudio and changing the project to a different folder because I thought maybe there was an issue with writing rights, so I don't think that is the problem. I find it interesting that the message inside the Error warning is in Spanish. I remember that RStudio was initially like with Colombian formatting or something like that, that I had to change to install and use packages. But I don't really remember that well what that was. However, I don't think it has anything to do with this.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Jupyter Lab, R kernel - Wanted: to prevent Jupyter from opening the R help server

Unfortunately, I made a change to the Jupyter Lab settings recently. Jupyter had never been able to access the remote R help server. Usually this was never an issue because most help files are displayed in Jupyter. The way help is called on a function or method is typing: ?question. The "question" being the name of an R function or method. Ex. ?plot
Infrequently one of the R packages will not list its help in Jupyter and instead try to open the remote R help server. This has never worked in the past. The tab for a remote server never opened. This has never really been an issue until recently. Recently I decided to "fix" this issue and spent a good deal of time looking up the solution. I made this "fix" and Jupyter began working properly to open the remote R help server. But the fix is a problem that is way too obnoxious.
Each time I type the question mark in Jupyter, Jupyter causes the browser to open a new tab for the remote R help server. It is impossible to type fast enough after typing typing the ?. Once the ? is typed, the typing is interupted while the browser opens a new R server help website. As soon as returning to the typing, another browser tab opens and interrupts the typing .
It is impossible to finish typing the name of a function after the ? without having multiple interruptions to the typing while multiple new windows are opened in the browser at the R help server website. By the time I've finished typing: ?ppp, there will the 5 interruptions and new browser tabs opened. If I typed slowly, there may be 10 - 12 interruptions and 10 new tabs opened at the R help server.
How to prevent Jupyter from trying to access the remote R help server every time the ? is typed when looking up a description of a function? How to get back to that happy place I had before I'd made whatever change that caused this nightmare to happen?
Solved my own question.
This issue had nothing to do with R. I assumed I had changed a configuration in R, but that was not the case. This was an issue I had caused when I had changed a setting in Jupyter lab.
I can say with certainty this issue was definitely caused when I changed the "Contextual Help" setting under the Commands tab in Jupyter. This setting is related to the Contextual Help selection found under the Help tab. And this setting was causing multiple R help server tabs to open in the browser after I typed: ?
Upon rediscovering this Jupyter setting today I recalling that I had been down this path before. I selected "Contextual Help". Jupyter auto restarted and the issue went away. I can gladly say that I can perform search again for the description of an R function: Ex ?plot ,and receive the description of this function within Jupyter the same as before. I no longer have the issue of the browser opening or multiple new tabs at the remote R help server after typing ?

GitHub Atom throwing error when tring to save file

I am trying to save a simple HTML file in GitHub's Atom text editor, but I get the following error:
Unable to save file 'C:\Users\Alexander\Desktop\Looking good website\products.html'
EBUSY: resource busy or locked, open 'C:\Users\Alexander\Desktop\Looking good website\products.html'
This seems to be a known issue when I check the atom git repo. See here.
Now somehow even though there are multiple issues opened with the same problem on the atom git repo I don't see a solution.
How do I solve this error?
I am not sure how to replicate this issue but initially the file was saving fine, but now suddenly I have this problem and I don't see any obvious solution.
screenshot :
Can somebody help please?
Re-creation of error ::
Error in Atom :
What i see in process explorer::
For some reason Atom doesn't want to save files, that you have currently open in your Windows Explorer. At least that was the issue on my workspace.
I was able to solve this issue by closing all applications using the file. I was viewing a webpage locally, so I killed the browser and windows explorer then Atom let me save the file.
Hate to necro an old thread but I just ran into this myself and believe I have found the problem; the Preview Pane in Windows Explorer.
Either deselect the file in Explorer after opening or turn off the preview pane altogether.
Get Process Explorer from LINK and use Ctrl+F to find the process keeping the file open (see MS support link)
Then tell me what you see, and I'll expand the answer :)
My anti-virus (Bitdefender) thought atom.exe was an unsafe application so it kicked on Ransomware protection.
Hope this helps somebody
I’ve been having the same issue, and I found what was causing it for me.
I had Windows Defender Ransomware Protection enabled on my computer, and I was trying to save to a protected folder. Even though I had whitelisted the atom app, and didn’t receive the usual warning from Windows, it was preventing me from writing to the location. Disabled Ransomware protection, and suddenly Atom can save there again.
Not sure if you’re in the same boat, but maybe give it a try if you have Ransomware Protection enabled. Or maybe some other anti-virus with the same feature?

RStudio R File Corruption

I had a R script open in RStudio. The file was saved many times over the course of several weeks and worked perfectly fine when RStudio was opened and closed. However, today, I restarted my computer and when I opened RStudio and more specifically the script that I mentioned, all of the R code vanished, leaving a single long row of "....." with red highlighting.
When I tried to open the R file in other text processors such as Sublime Text and Notepad++, only a line of zeroes was visible. None of my other R files were affected. I'm currently running Windows 8.1 and have the latest version of R and RStudio. What can I do to recover the code in the file and prevent something like this from happening again?
It might be an old thread and it might have been covered in 'user4458796' answer in suggestion #1 ("Use the history..."), but:
My friend had the same problem and we managed to recover the code from a 'history_database' files located on Windows at:
I assume there is an equivalent location in Linux in general.
Hopefully I won't get downvoted, just sharing my 2cents.
It's not clear what happened to corrupt your file (and thus how to fix it if possible) and it is kind of ominous that you're just seeing 0's in other text editors, but I'll give you my best suggestion and some tips.
Suggestions for Attempting Recovery
Since your other R files were unaffected, you should have a messy record of your code in the history. Use the history to reconstruct your code.
Access a copy of your file from any version control, cloud, or offline backup you may have used -- git, SVN, iCloud, SugarSync, Dropbox, etc (I realize you probably wouldn't have posted this question if that were an option, but I had to throw it out there).
Use a Hex or sector editor to try to recover the data.
Use a data recover program to find an old version of your file.
Inspect your trash or recycling bin to see if it has an old version. Depending on your OS and the settings of how you (insecurely or securely) delete files, then you may be able to undelete a deleted version, even if it's not immediately available.
Try different methods of recovering text data from corrupted text files like OpenOffice's and Microsoft's suggestions.
Tips for the Future
I know that hindsight is 20/20, but a few quick tips for good measure:
Use version control. Git is supported in RStudio's GUI interface.
Have more than one version of your file. Many professors and professionals recommend writing/storing code in a text editor and using your IDE only for the working copy.
Make backups. Distinct from #2, you should backup your files to a hard drive, flash drive, or cloud service like Dropbox or Spideroak.

VS2010 opens website in notepad? bad hotfix?

I am using VS2010 on Windows XP pro (sp3, x86), and I just installed the hotfix kb2106584. This fix was reported by some people, example here, as having a fix for an issue I had with Asp.Net Development Server not getting opened properly from VS, which I was having previously. My issue was being caused by ESET NOD32 messing with the http traffic from devenv.exe and causing all the ports in my computer to get used up, however.
Anyway, as soon as that was finished, I opened my website back up, and clicked debug. Asp.Net Dev server pops up, which was what the hotfix was supposed to make happen, and then notepad++ opens with the tabs I had last time I used it, and IE never shows up. "Wait, what?" try it again. and again. Always notepad++, never IE, always with no new documents opened, just some completely unrelated stuff.
I've seen one other post on SO about this happening, here, but his issue was corrupted files/filesystem. My project is in source control, so I tried a delete&revert to yesterday's revision. Still opens notepad++, so that's not my issue.
I've also tried rebuilding, which did nothing, and deleting my local Solution files, which also did nothing. I restarted the program and then the computer, both to no avail.
I start to believe that this is the hotfix screwing things up, so I try to do a system restore to a couple days ago. Once again, no dice; it's still pulling up notepad++ instead of IE.
So, the questions become:
Is there a setting or two I can try changing to make it open the proper program again?
Or was this a bad/improper hotfix, and if so, how do I uninstall it? It doesn't show up in the Add/Remove Programs dialog, and I don't see an option to uninstall it in VS, or in the installer.
Thanks in advance.
[edit] Also note: Notepad++ is not actually opening the website file, it's just getting opened with whatever I left in it last time. I dunno if this helps at all, but I felt like details would be appreciated. [/edit]
Uninstalling n++, deleting EVERY registry entry & folder containing 'notepad++' (except one, from whose string I removed ";notepad++.exe"), then reinstalling n++ made VS stop opening notepad++.
Now it opens the default web-browser again.
Note for anyone else out there who ends up with this specific and bizarre problem:
It would be worth a shot to try changing the "Browse With..." setting in VS, by r-clicking on Default.aspx to "Internet Explorer". My list included Notepad++ as an available internet browser.
This might be a better solution than the previous, if it does in fact work.
I didn't know this setting would allow Notepad++ as an option until I had to set it back to IE again after all this, and that may have been the problem all along. Apparently, VS just changes this setting sometimes. How or why N++ got put in as an internet browser is completely beyond me, but I did myself the favor of 'Remove'ing NotePad++ from the list, and you may wish to do the same.
Again, I'll never truly know whether or not I nuked everything when I could have changed a single setting that got mysteriously reset, but may this [lesson?] at least be recorded for posterity.
It took all of that to figure out that it [was?] a bogus registry entry somewhere that [may have been?] modified by the hotfix; a registry entry that neither notepad++ nor visual studio 2010 ultimate would clean up on uninstall or replace on reinstall
Which was it? I have no idea. Like I said, I didn't even use n++ this week until VS started opening it for me, and the only change I made was to install that hotfix.
