Firebase resetting the key - firebase

I am using Firebase as follow:
-Kwc6asRRI1SUqrigYeD <- First input
-> Date: 1:00pm
-> ID: 1
-> Content: Hello!
-> Date: 2:00pm
-> ID: 2
-> Content: How are you?
-Kwc6fXQsN2xRO39LDPD <-Most recent one
-> Date: 3:00pm
-> ID: 3
-> Content: I am good.
These are "pushed" thus an unique key is generated which can be used to display them according to the "most recent to old" (or ID:3 to ID:1).
Now, when I need to update a data, let say ID:1 post's content from "Hello" to "My name is Steve", then it still maintains the unique key even though this is the most recent one.
-Kwc6asRRI1SUqrigYeD <-Most recent one
-> Date: 4:00pm
-> ID: 1
-> Content: My name is Steve
-> Date: 2:00pm
-> ID: 2
-> Content: How are you?
-> Date: 3:00pm
-> ID: 3
-> Content: I am good.
I guess I can delete the post and set a new one, but that seems inefficient especially if I have more data on each child.
Is there a way to re-set the key so that it reflects the time change (like below)?
-> Date: 2:00pm
-> ID: 2
-> Content: How are you?
-> Date: 3:00pm
-> ID: 3
-> Content: I am good.
-Kwc6asRRI1KDodkeixk <-Most recent one
-> Date: 4:00pm
-> ID: 1
-> Content: My name is Steve

There is no way to update the key of an existing node (see 1, 2, 3). If you want a new key, you'll have to generate a new node with the same content.
But in this case it seems much more likely that you want to keep your data structure as is and instead add a lastUpdated timestamp to each post:
-> Date: 1:00pm
-> lastUpdated: 1508215054096
-> ID: 1
-> Content: Hello!
-> Date: 2:00pm
-> lastUpdated: 1507610306270
-> ID: 2
-> Content: How are you?
-> Date: 3:00pm
-> lastUpdated: 1508128668412
-> ID: 3
-> Content: I am good.
With this structure you can use a Firebase query to get the results in the order you want. In JavaScript this would look something like:
var ref = firebase.database().reference("Post");
.then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(post) {
console.log(snapshot.key+": "+snapshot.val().Content);


extend list from default config in Hydra

I have a list that is defined in my defaults
configuration file base_list:
- 1
- 2
I know I can override the list values in the config file:
- base_list
- 3
- 4
which results
- 3
- 4
However, I look for a way to extend the list, and the desired output is:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Any idea how to do this?
This is not supported directly.
However, you can achieve the desired behavior using the built-in OmegaConf resolvers oc.dict.*.
Those resolvers allow you to access the keys or values of a config node as a list:
cfg = OmegaConf.create(
"workers": {
"node3": "",
"node7": "",
"nodes": "${oc.dict.keys: workers}",
"ips": "${oc.dict.values: workers}",
# Keys are copied from the DictConfig:
# -> type: ListConfig, value: ['node3', 'node7']
# Values are dynamically fetched through interpolations:
# -> type: ListConfig, value: ['${workers.node3}', '${workers.node7}']
assert cfg.ips == ["", ""]
With this, you can compose a dictionary and have a node that access the values or keys as if they are a list.

Ejabberd: error in simple module to handle offline messages

I have an Ejabberd 17.01 installation where I need to push a notification in case a recipient is offline. This seems the be a common task and solutions using a customized Ejabberd module can be found everywhere. However, I just don't get it running. First, here's me script:
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
start(Host, _Opts) ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_offline_push loading", []),
ejabberd_hooks:add(offline_message_hook, Host, ?MODULE, push_message, 10),
stop(Host) ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_offline_push stopping", []),
ejabberd_hooks:add(offline_message_hook, Host, ?MODULE, push_message, 10),
push_message(From, To, Packet) ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_offline_push -> push_message", [To]),
Type = fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"type">>, Packet), % Supposedly since 16.04
%Type = xml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"type">>, Packet), % Supposedly since 13.XX
%Type = xml:get_tag_attr_s("type", Packet),
%Type = xml:get_tag_attr_s(list_to_binary("type"), Packet),
?INFO_MSG("mod_offline_push -> push_message", []),
The problem is the line Type = ... line in method push_message; without that line the last info message is logged (so the hook definitely works). When browsing online, I can find all kinds of function calls to extract elements from Packet. As far as I understand it changed over time with new releases. But it's not good, all variants lead in some kind of error. The current way returns:
2017-01-25 20:38:08.701 [error] <0.21678.0>#ejabberd_hooks:run1:332 {function_clause,[{fxml,get_tag_attr_s,[<<"type">>,{message,<<>>,normal,<<>>,{jid,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>},{jid,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>},[],[{text,<<>>,<<"sfsdfsdf">>}],undefined,[],#{}}],[{file,"src/fxml.erl"},{line,169}]},{mod_offline_push,push_message,3,[{file,"mod_offline_push.erl"},{line,33}]},{ejabberd_hooks,safe_apply,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,382}]},{ejabberd_hooks,run1,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_hooks.erl"},{line,329}]},{ejabberd_sm,route,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_sm.erl"},{line,126}]},{ejabberd_local,route,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_local.erl"},{line,110}]},{ejabberd_router,route,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_router.erl"},{line,87}]},{ejabberd_c2s,check_privacy_route,5,[{file,"src/ejabberd_c2s.erl"},{line,1886}]}]}
running hook: {offline_message_hook,[{jid,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>},{jid,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>},{message,<<>>,normal,<<>>,{jid,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>,<<"homer">>,<<"">>,<<"conference">>},{jid,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>,<<"carl">>,<<"">>,<<>>},[],[{text,<<>>,<<"sfsdfsdf">>}],undefined,[],#{}}]}
I'm new Ejabberd and Erlang, so I cannot really interpret the error, but the Line 33 as mentioned in {mod_offline_push,push_message,3,[{file,"mod_offline_push.erl"}, {line,33}]} is definitely the line calling get_tag_attr_s.
UPDATE 2017/01/27: Since this cost me a lot of headache -- and I'm still not perfectly happy -- I post here my current working module in the hopes it might help others. My setup is Ejabberd 17.01 running on Ubuntu 16.04. Most stuff I tried and failed with seem to for older versions of Ejabberd:
%% public methods for this module
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
%% included for writing to ejabberd log file
%% Copied this record definition from jlib.hrl
%% Including "xmpp_codec.hrl" and "jlib.hrl" resulted in errors ("XYZ already defined")
-record(jid, {user = <<"">> :: binary(),
server = <<"">> :: binary(),
resource = <<"">> :: binary(),
luser = <<"">> :: binary(),
lserver = <<"">> :: binary(),
lresource = <<"">> :: binary()}).
start(Host, _Opts) ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_fcm_fork loading", []),
% Providing the most basic API to the clients and servers that are part of the Inets application
% Add hook to handle message to user who are offline
ejabberd_hooks:add(offline_message_hook, Host, ?MODULE, push_notification, 10),
stop(Host) ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_fcm_fork stopping", []),
ejabberd_hooks:add(offline_message_hook, Host, ?MODULE, push_notification, 10),
push_notification(From, To, Packet) ->
% Generate JID of sender and receiver
FromJid = lists:concat([binary_to_list(From#jid.user), "#", binary_to_list(From#jid.server), "/", binary_to_list(From#jid.resource)]),
ToJid = lists:concat([binary_to_list(To#jid.user), "#", binary_to_list(To#jid.server), "/", binary_to_list(To#jid.resource)]),
% Get message body
MessageBody = Packet#message.body,
% Check of MessageBody is not empty
case MessageBody/=[] of
true ->
% Get first element (no idea when this list can have more elements)
[First | _ ] = MessageBody,
% Get message data and convert to string
MessageBodyText = binary_to_list(,
send_post_request(FromJid, ToJid, MessageBodyText);
false ->
?INFO_MSG("mod_fcm_fork -> push_notification: MessageBody is empty",[])
send_post_request(FromJid, ToJid, MessageBodyText) ->
%?INFO_MSG("mod_fcm_fork -> send_post_request -> MessageBodyText = ~p", [Demo]),
Method = post,
PostURL = gen_mod:get_module_opt(global, ?MODULE, post_url,fun(X) -> X end, all),
% Add data as query string. Not nice, query body would be preferable
% Problem: message body itself can be in a JSON string, and I couldn't figure out the correct encoding.
URL = lists:concat([binary_to_list(PostURL), "?", "fromjid=", FromJid,"&tojid=", ToJid,"&body=", edoc_lib:escape_uri(MessageBodyText)]),
Header = [],
ContentType = "application/json",
Body = [],
?INFO_MSG("mod_fcm_fork -> send_post_request -> URL = ~p", [URL]),
%HTTPOptions = [{ssl,[{versions, ['tlsv1.2']}]}],
HTTPOptions = [],
Options = [],
httpc:request(Method, {URL, Header, ContentType, Body}, HTTPOptions, Options),
Actually it fails with second arg Packet you pass to fxml:get_tag_attr_s in push_message function
because it is not xmlel
Looks like it is record "message" defined in tools/xmpp_codec.hrl
with <<>> id and type 'normal'
-record(message, {id :: binary(),
type = normal :: 'chat' | 'error' | 'groupchat' | 'headline' | 'normal',
lang :: binary(),
from :: any(),
to :: any(),
subject = [] :: [#text{}],
body = [] :: [#text{}],
thread :: binary(),
error :: #error{},
sub_els = [] :: [any()]}).
Include this file and use just
Type = Packet#message.type
or, if you expect binary value
Type = erlang:atom_to_binary(Packet#message.type, utf8)
The newest way to do that seems to be with xmpp:get_type/1:
Type = xmpp:get_type(Packet),
It returns an atom, in this case normal.

How to add an item to a collection in RacerJs DerbyJs?

I want to add an item to a collection using RacerJs/DerbyJs, but it just doesn't work. I must be really overlooking something...
What I tried
model.set('news', [
{ text: "something" }
And that does set a news-item. However, when I do this another time, it will just overwrite the existing item, and not add a new one. How to do that?
model.push('news', {text:"someText"}) also fails with "Object is not an array".
Basically, I just want the most basic version of a "post an update and show on 'wall' app", without any rooms nor making use of Arrays. Just one collection, and that's it.
Stacktrace of the .push() variant:
Wed May 22 2013 09:35:24 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time) (23168) d7564d2d-f23
8-4ce0-a0a2-6e376e9b5cb1 ? ver: 0 - push 'news', { text: 'adsf' }
throw new TypeError(arr + ' is not an Array');
TypeError: [object Object] is not an Array
at Object.arrayLookupSet [as _arrayLookupSet] (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Memory.js:185:11)
at Object.applyArrayMethod [as _applyArrayMethod] (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Memory.js:145:18)
at Object.push (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Memory.js:118:15)
at applyTxn (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\transaction.js:114:32)
at Object.exports.applyTxnToDoc (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\transaction.js:126:3)
at Function.QueryInterface.publish (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\pubsub-memory\channel-interface-query.js:25:24)
at PubSub.publish (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\pubSub\PubSub.js:63:10)
at Store.module.exports.proto.publish (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\pubSub\pubSub.Store.js:174:20)
at publish (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:230:15)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:7:26)
at (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:220:11)
at Store._sendToDb.lockingDone (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Store.js:294:12)
at mergeAll.setupRoutes (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\db-memory\index.js:70:13)
at DbMemory.mergeAll.get (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\db-memory\index.js:44:5)
at mergeAll.setupRoutes (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\db-memory\index.js:62:16)
at DbMemory.mergeAll.get (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\db-memory\index.js:44:5)
at mergeAll.setupRoutes (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\adapters\db-memory\index.js:60:14)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Store.js:321:15)
at Store._sendToDb (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\Store.js:324:10)
at writeToDb (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:216:15)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:7:26)
at serialEmitPrep (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:125:9)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:7:26)
at incrVer (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\modes\lww.js:18:12)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:7:26)
at (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\accessControl\accessControl.Store.js:54:51)
at accessController (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:103:17)
at next (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:7:26)
at (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\middleware.js:10:12)
at (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\txns\txns.Store.js:267:26)
at Socket.racer.log.sockets.sockets.on.socket.on (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\lib\log.server.js:150:20)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit [as $emit] (events.js:91:17)
at SocketNamespace.handlePacket (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\namespace.js:335:22)
at Manager.onClientMessage (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\manager.js:488:38)
at WebSocket.Transport.onMessage (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transport.js:387:20)
at Parser. (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:39:10)
at Parser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:88:17)
at opcodeHandlers.1.finish (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:288:16)
at Parser.opcodeHandlers.1.expectData [as expectHandler] (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:299:15)
at Parser.add (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:466:24)
at Parser.expect (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:499:10)
at Parser.opcodeHandlers.1.expectData (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:298:18)
at Parser.add (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:466:24)
at Parser.expect (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:499:10)
at opcodeHandlers.1.expectData (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:296:16)
at opcodeHandlers.1 (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:313:9)
at Parser.processPacket (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:533:8)
at Parser.add (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:466:24)
at Socket.WebSocket.onSocketConnect (C:\xampp\htdocs\Derbyjs\KnowEdge\app1\node_modules\derby\node_modules\racer\node_modules\\lib\transports\websocket\hybi-16.js:141:17)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:88:17)
at TCP.onread (net.js:396:14)
If you are trying to add a document to a collection you can also call model.add
model.add('news', {
text: "Something"
Which will add a new document to the news collection and generate the id for you.
More documentation can be found under
To create an item in the collection you can call model.set with explicitly specified path containing document ID, for example:
model.set('news.' +, {
text: "something"
}) method will generate unique ID on each call to it.

How to influence layout of graph items?

I am trying to visualize a simple Finite State Machine graph using Graphviz. The layout created by Graphviz is not completely to my liking. I was expecting a more compact result with shorter edges.
So far, I have tried using groups and changing the weights of edges, but not much luck. It is not clear to me why Graphviz draws the graph the way it does and how to adjust its algorithm to my liking. Are there any parameters I can set to achieve that? Or should I use another command than dot? I tried neato, but the result looked completely messed up and again, I do not really understand what I am doing...
This is my best result so far:
Trying to visualize a better lay-out than this, I think the graph would look nicer if the red boxes were aligned differently, more compact for example like indicated by the arrows in this picture:
I used dot to create the graph and he source code is as follows:
1 digraph JobStateDiagram
2 {
3 rankdir=LR;
4 size="8,5";
6 node [style="rounded,filled,bold", shape=box, fixedsize=true, width=1.3, fontname="Arial"];
7 Created [fillcolor=black, shape=circle, label="", width=0.25];
8 Destroyed [fillcolor=black, shape=doublecircle, label="", width=0.3];
9 Empty [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
10 Announced [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
11 Assigned [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
12 Working [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
13 Ready [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
14 TimedOut [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
15 Failed [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
17 {
18 rank=source; Created Destroyed;
19 }
21 edge [style=bold, fontname="Arial" weight=2]
22 Empty -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
23 Announced -> Assigned [ label="assign" ];
24 Assigned -> Working [ label="start" ];
25 Working -> Ready [ label="finish" ];
26 Ready -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
28 edge [fontname="Arial" color="#aaaaaa" weight=1]
29 Announced -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
30 Assigned -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
31 Working -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
32 Working -> Failed [ label="error" ];
33 TimedOut -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
34 TimedOut -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
35 Failed -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
36 Failed -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
38 edge [style=bold, fontname="Arial" weight=1]
39 Created -> Empty [ label="initialize" ];
40 Empty -> Destroyed [ label="finalize" ];
41 Announced -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
42 Assigned -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
43 Working -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
44 }
Also, anybody please let me know if I do any strange things in the Graphviz file above -- any feedback is appreciated.
More experimenting and trying some suggestions like ports, given by user marapet, have increased my confusion... For example, in the picture below, why does dot choose to draw these strange detours for Working->Failed and Failed->Announced, as opposed to straighter lines?
To me your output looks alright. TimedOut and Failed are of course all the way to the right because there is an edge going from Working to them. That's what dot does best, and while you can make some tweaks to adjust graphviz layouts, I think it's better to use an other tool if you want to create a particular graph layout and control everything.
That being said, I did give it a quick try with graphviz. I changed some lines to create a straight line with all the green nodes, and to align the red nodes as indicated in your question. I also added edge concentrators - the result doesn't look better to me:
digraph JobStateDiagram
node [style="rounded,filled,bold", shape=box, fixedsize=true, width=1.3, fontname="Arial"];
Created [fillcolor=black, shape=circle, label="", width=0.25];
Destroyed [fillcolor=black, shape=doublecircle, label="", width=0.3];
Empty [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Failed [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
Announced [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Assigned [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Working [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Ready [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
TimedOut [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
rank=source; Created; Destroyed;
edge [style=bold, fontname="Arial", weight=100]
Empty -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
Announced -> Assigned [ label="assign" ];
Assigned -> Working [ label="start" ];
Working -> Ready [ label="finish" ];
Ready -> Empty [ label="revoke", weight=1 ];
edge [color="#aaaaaa", weight=1]
Announced -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
Assigned -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
Working -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
Working -> Failed [ label="error" ];
TimedOut -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
TimedOut -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Failed -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
Failed -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Created -> Empty [ label="initialize" ];
Empty -> Destroyed [ label="finalize" ];
Announced -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Assigned -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Working -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
You may also improve by using ports in order to control where edges start and end.
As to your question about strange things in your dot file: Except line numbers (which finally allowed me to put column mode of my text editor to good use) and aligning, your file looks fine to me. I do structure my dot files similarly (graph properties, node list, groupings, edges) whenever possible. Just be aware that the order of first appearance of nodes may have an impact on the final layout.
Although this is a very old question, I had similar problem and would like to share my result. Besides the "weight", "rank=same" tricks, I just found these methods can be used to adjust the layout result:
add more edges or nodes and set style=invis
When it comes to this particular graph in the question, actually rank=same and weight would do the main job and style=invis can do some fine tuning. So by adding these lines
to the file and adding weight=1 to the 'Ready to Empty' edge, and with some invisible edges to fine tune the spaces I got this:
The complete graph dot source:
digraph JobStateDiagram
node [style="rounded,filled,bold", shape=box, fixedsize=true, width=1.3, fontname="Arial"];
Created [fillcolor=black, shape=circle, label="", width=0.25];
Destroyed [fillcolor=black, shape=doublecircle, label="", width=0.3];
Empty [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Announced [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Assigned [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Working [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
Ready [fillcolor="#a0ffa0"];
TimedOut [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
Failed [fillcolor="#ffa0a0"];
rank=source; Created Destroyed;
rank=same;Announced;Failed; #change here
rank=same;Assigned;TimedOut; #change here
edge [style=bold, fontname="Arial" weight=20] #change here
Empty -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
Announced -> Assigned [ label="assign" ];
Assigned -> Working [ label="start" ];
Working -> Ready [ label="finish" ];
Ready -> Empty [ label="revoke" weight=1 ]; #change here
edge [fontname="Arial" color="#aaaaaa" weight=2] #change here
Announced -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
Assigned -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" weight=1]; #change here
Working -> TimedOut [ label="timeout" ];
Working -> Failed [ label="error" ];
TimedOut -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
TimedOut -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Failed -> Announced [ label="announce" ];
Failed -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
edge [style=bold, fontname="Arial" weight=1]
Created -> Empty [ label="initialize" ];
Empty -> Destroyed [ label="finalize" ];
Announced -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Assigned -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Working -> Empty [ label="revoke" ];
Assigned -> Working [ label="start" style=invis ]; #change here
Assigned -> Working [ label="start" style=invis ]; #change here
Update: instead of putting 'Failed' and 'Announced' at the same rank, putting 'Failed', 'Assigned' and 'TimedOut' the same rank might produce a better result like below, which IMO better illustrates the similarity and difference between Failed and TimedOut. (You have to remove the invis edges though to get the graph below)

PSI - Statusing Web Service - Results not as expected

I'm trying to update Status information on assignments via Statusing Web Service (PSI). Problem is, that the results are not as expected. I'll try to explain what I'm doing in detail:
Two cases:
1) An assignment for the resource exists on specified tasks. I want to report work actuals (update status).
2) There is no assignment for the resource on specified tasks. I want to create the assignment and report work actuals.
I have one task in my project (Auto scheduled, Fixed work). Resource availability of all resources is set to 100%. They all have the same calendar.
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 12,5 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Tue 02.04.13
Resource Names: Resource 1
Work: 100 hrs
First I execute an UpdateStatus with the following ChangeXML
<Changes xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Proj ID="a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9">
<Assn ID="d7273a28-c038-486b-b997-cdb2450ceef5" ResID="8a164257-7960-4b76-9506-ccd0efabdb72">
<Change PID="251658250">900000</Change>
Then I call a SubmitStatusForResource
client.SubmitStatusForResource(new Guid("8a164257-7960-4b76-9506-ccd0efabdb72"), null, "auto submit PSIStatusingGateway");
The following entry pops up in approval center (which is as I expected it):
Status Update; Task 31; Task update; Resource 1; 3/20/2012; 15h; 15%;
Update in Project (still looks fine):
Task Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 12,5 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Tue 02.04.13
Resource Names: Resource 1
Work: 100 hrs
Actual Work: 15 hrs
Remaining Work: 85 hrs
Then second case is executed: First I create a new assignment...
sName: Task 31 - Fixed Work,
projGuid: "a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9",
taskGuid: "024d7b61-858b-40bb-ade3-009d7d821b3f",
assnGuid: "e3451938-36a5-4df3-87b1-0eb4b25a1dab",
sumTaskGuid: Guid.Empty,
dtStart: 14.03.2013 08:00:00,
dtFinish: 02.04.2013 15:36:00,
actWork: 900000,
fMilestone: false,
fAddToTimesheet: false,
fSubmit: false,
sComment: "auto commit...");
Then I call the UpdateStatus again:
<Changes xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Proj ID="a8a601ce-f3ab-4c01-97ce-fecdad2359d9">
<Assn ID="e3451938-36a5-4df3-87b1-0eb4b25a1dab" ResID="c59ad8e2-7533-47bd-baa5-f5b03c3c43d6">
<Change PID="251658250">900000</Change>
And finally the SubmitStatusForResource again
client.SubmitStatusForResource(new Guid("c59ad8e2-7533-47bd-baa5-f5b03c3c43d6"), null, "auto submit PSIStatusingGateway");
This creates the following entry in approval center:
Status Update; Task 31 - Fixed Work; New reassignment request;
Resource 2; 3/20/2012; 15h; 100%; 0h
I accept it and update my project:
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 6,76 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Mon 25.03.13
Resource Names: Resource 1;Resource 2
Work: 69,05 hrs
Actual Work: 30 hrs
Remaining Work: 39,05 hrs
And I really don't get, why the new work would be 69,05 hours. The results I expected would have been:
Name: Task 31 - Fixed Work
Duration: 6,76 days?
Start: Thu 14.03.13
Finish: Mon 25.03.13
Resource Names: Resource 1;Resource 2
Work: 65 hrs
Actual Work: 30 hrs
Remaining Work: 35 hrs
I've spend quite a bunch of time, trying to find out, how to update the values to get the results that I want. I really would appreciate some help. This makes me want to rip my hair out!
Thanks in advance
PS: Forgot to say that I'm working with MS Project Server 2010 and MS Project Professional 2010
