How to register user without admin in ROS? - realm

Now I'm verification ROS2.0 with NodeJS
But I don't know How to register user without admin in ROS2.0 from NodeJS.
How to do it ?

Anyone can register a user, so you can just following the guidelines here:
Realm.Sync.User.register('', 'username', 'p#s$w0rd', (error, user) => { /* ... */ });


Meteor: Restricting an admin route only to admin roles

Im trying to restrict a route to only users whose roles are admin
Router.route('/admin', {
if(Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['admin'])) {
template: 'admin' };
template: 'restricted'
returned with unexpected token
The template Iron Router option is for the simple case when you just need to route to a constant template, that will never change nor need any specific parameter.
If your route is more complex (as in your case when you return a different template based on the current user's role), you have to use the action router option instead.
Note that if you are using Iron Router, the new syntax is Router.route('/path', actionFunction)
Managed to get it working thanks to ghybs's suggestion. Ive updated it to
Router.route('/admin', {
action: function() {
if(Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['admin'])) {
this.render('admin') }
If someone can provide a more tight & secure code please do input :D Thanks

How do I login a user with Meteor

I've added accounts-password and useraccounts:unstyled
I've included the signin template in my footer.html -
{{#if showSignIn}}
{{> atForm state="signIn"}}
I'm hard coding the creation of users as the app starts up -
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'
if (!Acounts.findUserByEmail('')) {
username: 'Aidan',
email: '',
password: 'securePassword'
It's just that I can't work out how to actually log my user in. I've tried simply entering the password and email address into the form. That doesn't work (the form error says 'Login Forbidden').
I've tried adding the following line (to the same file as my account creation code) -
accountsServer.validateLoginAttempt(()=>{return true;});
Unsurprisingly that doesn't do anything.
I've tried add a submit event into my footer.js file -{
'submit form'(event) {
const email = document.getElementById('at-field-email').value;
const password = document.getElementById('at-field-password').value;
Meteor.loginWithPassword(email, password);
I can see that the event is firing, but when I try Meteor.user() in the console I still get null.
There's typo in if (!Acounts.findUserByEmail('')) (it should have been Accounts). The user isn't being created.
To get a super simple functional login with a single hard coded user -
Add the accounts-password package and the ui user accounts package.
> meteor add accounts-password
> meteor add useraccouts:unstyled
The accounts-password package handles the actual logging in. The user accounts:unstyled packages provides a set of templates for accounts management.
Then add the login form to a template.
<template name="templateWithLogin">
{{> atForm state="signIn"}}
Lastly create a user (e.g. in /server/main.js).
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
if (!Accounts.findUserByEmail('')) {
username: 'User',
email: '',
password: 'securePassword'
This should be everything needed to get a functional login form. There's loads of tutorials online for creating additional functionality. The main documentation is here.
you can use {{>loginButtons}} to get the ui and {{#if currentUser }} for the functionality.

Getting Email address from Polymer firebase-auth element with Google Authentication

Using Firebase Auth I want to get the email address from a Google login so I need the scope email. How can I add that to the firebase-auth element? Is it in params? If so, how? An example would be great.
To help one of my devs created a Polymer Element which has the login
It can be done by calling one of <firebase-auth>'s less public APIs.
Inside an element's Polymer definition...
// Currently supported providers are 'google', 'facebook', 'github', 'twitter'
loginUsingProvider: function(name) {
var provider = this.$.auth._providerFromName(name);
// Twitter simple login doesn't have scopes.
if (name != 'twitter') {
.then(function(response) {
// success
}, function(error) {
// failure
.catch(function(exception) {
// Exception
This was done using polymerfire version 0.9.4. Check your versions by using bower install polymerfire).
According to the docs here there is a property that is an Object called user which:
When logged in, this property reflects the firebase user auth object.
This should contain the information you require.

How to delete users from account-ui meteor

I'm making a meteor app and using accounts ui and bootstrap and all that stuff but I'm wondering if there is a way I can be like an admin and delete users because recently people have been making inappropriate usernames and such..
Well you can delete users pretty easy like. having a template protected just to admin accounts and on that template have a list with the users, based on that create an event like this.{
'click #deleteAccount':function(){
and use an allow method like this.
//if is admin return true;
But thats not a good practice, why? check this David Weldon -common-mistakes
if there is a way I can be like an admin?
For accomplish this on a better way use the meteor-roles package,
With this you can can protect templates with
{{if isInRole 'Admin'}}
<!--show admin stuff-->
<!--sorry just admin stuff here -->
and create basic admin accounts.
if(Meteor.users.find().count() === 0){
var users = [
{name:"Admin Example",email:"",roles:['Admin']}
_.each(users, function (user) {
var id;
id = Accounts.createUser({
password: "amore251327",
profile: { name: }
if (user.roles.length > 0) {
Roles.addUsersToRoles(id, user.roles);
Try it

Meteor: How to keep showing profile avatar after logged out?

After reading Discover Meteor, I'm trying to customize microscope to further practice my meteor skills.
I am using accounts-twitter and hope to display the user's twitter profile pic on each of their post submission. I user the following helper to get the post's author id in post_item.js
username: function () {
owner = this.userId;
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
_id: owner
return user;
And then in post_item.html I use the following to display the profile pic:
<img class="pull-right" src="{{username.profile.avatar}}">
If I've logged in my account, I can see my profile pic next to all of my submitted posts. However, when I log out, all the profile pics will be disappeared.
Sorry for the newbie questions. Any pointers are welcome.
Thanks for your help.
Stupid me. I forgot that by default, Meteor only publishes the logged in user. Hopefully the following answer will help other meteor newbies.
Meteor.publish("allUsers", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {
fields: {
profile: 1
Then you will be able to load all the user's profile pics using the following:
<img src="{{username.profile.avatar}}">
