ionic 3 tabs width to avoid entire horizontal space - css

i am using ionic-tabs component and trying to make the tab bar width just enough to show contents rather taking the entire space.
I don't see a sass variable to control it. all the variables are to control text and color related items.
How can i set the max height and widht for the ion-tabs ?
What I am aiming to look them like
instead of


Show image in Square grid (React + Material UI Grid)

I use React + [Material UI Grid][1] to show my images, the images are in different sizes, and I want to:
Keep image ratio
Make image fit the parent container square(in other words, all images in a row with the same height)
The problem is that, The number of columns in Grid is variant, sometimes 3 columns(on mobile) and sometime 6 columns(on PC), React calcuate the width of image Dynamically. I don't know the run-time image width, so i can not set the image height in my css style excatly. any idea? thanks.
You can see the following effect currently, a very tall image makes the grid streched vertically, very ugly.
Use this code. It centres the image inside the Grid and doesn't let it overflow while also not giving the dim in pixels. Although the dimension is fixed to square(a x a) but can be changed.
I had the same issue in the past so I am sharing my own code.
Hope this will be useful as I have used CardMedia with component type img. You can select the relevant CSS if not complete from inspecting.

Container and sidebar at right side

I am trying to achieve something, I want a main container and a sidebar at the rightside. which should deal with mobile layout as well, I was unable to find such thing or make it. The blue print is given in the image below. Thanks
BluePtint of what im trying to make
You can create this layout using div's with different ids or classes- your main body(red) could go in a div with class "#mainbody" and your sidebar(blue) would go in another div with class "#sidebar", then you can specify the dimensions in CSS.
Have you checked out a CSS framework like Bootstrap? Bootstrap makes it super easy to specify column widths with their grid system, so instead of having to state px or % width in CSS, you can add the class "col-md-3" to a column for a width of "3". Their system is based on units of 12, where 12 would be a full bar, 6 would be half etc:

iPhone Autolayout UIText suffocation

I know I can fix this programmatically and I know I could set the text to tighten / scale but I would like to know how to get this text to extend organically to a third line on small screens. How can I accomplish that?
There are a couple of things you need to take care of before your label grows:
Make sure the 'number of lines' field in the attributes inspector is set to zero. Setting it zero allows the label to grow depending upon the content it has.
If the label is in a container view, make sure you haven't specified the height constraint explicitly on the container view. Since the container view should generate its height from its subviews and the subviews will generate their height from the content they have. Its sort of a chain process that goes on if you have a deeper hierarchy.
Make sure there is no sibling view to the container view with an explicit height that might cause your container view to shrink while maintaining its own height. This point may also apply even if your label is not within some container view.
In the image below, the container view(gray one) is bound from three sides allowing it to grow from the bottom.
Below image shows the constraints applied to the content views of the container. The container is driving its height from its content views.
Below I have increased the text of the label from a single line to three lines. At this point the label tries to expand horizontally but since the container view is bind with the super view on both sides the label has only one direction left to increase itself. It increases downwards pushing the textfield and button down and since the button is tied with the bottom of the container view it pulls the container view increasing its height.

Qt: How do i set the height on a Vertical layout?

I'm having trouble using the layout manager system with Qt. This is going to be a Symbian app, so it should resize to different devices.
This is done by using the Layouts.
On the image below I used the Vertical Layout, but I don't understand how I can decide how much each cell should take in width and height.
I want the blue to be a top label background, but I don't want it to be as high as it is now.
Does anyone know how I can do this? (I'm new to Qt :))
You can set the maximum size for a widget by right clicking it and selecting 'Size Constraints'. Under that menu you can find actions that allow you to set the current displayed size as the maximum / minimum size for vertical / horizontal or both directions.
You can also set the numbers by hand by selecting the widget and by setting the number in the 'Property Editor'. They should be under the QWidget properties.
You cannot set the Height of a vertical layout directly, but you can set the height of the widget in which the vertical layout is.
If you want to split your Widgets so that the top widget takes 33.33% of the space, use the Stretch values. Set the top widget to 1 and the bottom widget to 2.

qt unexpandable layout?

Ok, here is my problem:
I have a vertical layout which contains a QPlainTextEdit and a horizontal layout (containing 2 QPushButtons) below the text edit.
The vertical layout is just a part of GUI, and gets resized depending on screen resolution. Btw. it is a mobile app, so I don't have a lot of space on screen.
Push buttons have some text which is dynamically set, I don't know it from the beginning to code it manually.
My problem occurs when the text in push buttons is big, and my whole vertical layout is expanded to fit the buttons.
How can I make the vertical layout unexpandable? note, that this is different from "fixed" because of different screen resoulutions.
I'd just like the clip the buttons if they do not fit, but keep the layout width untouched.
Anyway to do this?
You'll need to set the maximum width for the buttons, not the layout, which is only widening to fit the wider buttons. Check out the docs on QPushButton and look for QWidget inherited functions called setMaximumSize or setMaximumWidth.
You can always GetWidth() on the button when it is an appropriate size, then setMaximumWidth using that value since you wouldn't ordinarily know this. Pick an appropriate default text size/val and use that to create your "dynamic" default since this is going on screens of varying size.
