Different results with and without ga:pagePath dimension - google-analytics

I use the following query parameters in Google Analytics:
When I filter by ga:pagePath==/charity/ the result is 100.
When I filter by ga:pagePath=~/charity/ the result is 139.
When I filter by ga:pagePath=~/charity/;ga:pagePath!=/charity/ The result for some reason is 71. How is it possible?
Moreover, if I add the ga:pagePath dimension when I filter by ga:pagePath=~/charity/ I can see that the results add up to way more than 139. In fact, it shows that users for /charity is 100 and the rest of URLs add up to 137 (counted them manually). Could someone, please, help me to understand what am I missing here?

I wager that at least part of the problem is that you query a user scope metric and filter by a hit based dimension.
A user can see multiple pages that contain "charity" in the url, so the total from all pages is more than total users, e.g, if one user has seen page /charity/a and page charity/b the rows would add to two users, but the absolute total is just the single person.


Why it isn't possible to query demographic criteria with session id and client id?

I am using Query explorer: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/
This is what I tried:
It gives me 0 results but when I remove dimension4 which is sessionclientid the result is over 1000.
The dimension4 doesn't seem to work well with userGender. Why is that?
You are only going to get results where dimension4 was set. If you haven't sent data with all of your hits for dimension4 then your not going to get any results.
In the event that a dimension value is null Google analytics will not return it. Make sure you are setting that with all of the hits you are sending.
Remember that old hits those before you added the dimension custom dimension will not contain the dimension and there for not be returned.
There are also a number of dimensions that simply cant be associated with each other because the data doesn't exist. This happends a lot with custom dimensions.

eventAction and pageView filters in one request

I'm trying to filter website conversions from Google Analytics for a dashboard. However since it is a mixture of third party leads, events, and page path that contribute to the leads, I have to combine different types of filters. However combining folling metrics, the https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/ shows me the value 0 even if that's not correct.
Metrics: ga:totalEvents
ga:pagePath=#DialogNavigatorVertical,ga:eventAction==Texting form submit
I have tried multiple solutions, but can't figure out how to get the correct data. Can I not combine pagePath and evenAction?
Thank you so much for all your kind help,
Events by definition are not page views. This means that an Event dimension (category, action, label) can't have page view metrics such as page views or average time on the page because that information does not relate to the specific event.
But you can definitely combine pagePath and evenAction. You are getting wrong results because of one of the following reasons
In your filter, ga:pagePath=#DialogNavigatorVertical is wrong, it must be either == or !=. it cant be an assignment operator
IF you wish to combine two filter conditions using AND that means both must be true, use ;. Semicolon is used for AND operator in filters
IF you wish to combine two filter conditions using OR that means both must be true, use ,. Comma is used for OR operator in filters
In case you are using core reporting api from a backend script, please URL encode the call before hitting. like == must be %3D%3D, space must be %20 and so on.
Please have a look into settings here : https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/reference#filters

PageName segment in Adobe Analytics

I'm trying to create a segment based on this case:
"I have an event that is triggered in multriple pages and I only want to see the number of times it has been fired on a specific page."
I have created a segment where the condition is:
Page name (URL without domain) -> contains -> 'news/potatoe'
The problem with this is that when I cross this segment against the event, the results are wrong, I get very few hits even though I know, for sure, that the number of hits should be higher.
Adding on, when I breakdown a dimension by "Page name (URL without domain)", I don't get the total ocurrences.
Thank you in advance!
The pageName variable is kind of an outlier when it comes to event attribution. Instead of giving full credit to the page it fired on, it uses linear allocation, which divides credit equally among all pages seen in the visit. More info on linear allocation can be seen here:
In order to get the data you're looking for, you will want to use an eVar and not pageName. Using a processing rule to copy pageName into an eVar would be the easiest way to accomplish that.
In short, you're pulling the report right with the exception that pageName has weird attribution. If you replaced pageName with an eVar containing pageName data, you'd get the report you're looking for.

Filtering data and Display Heading based on filters

being a newbie to SSRS, I am trying to figure out the following:
say for instance I have a dataset which does a :
SELECT [cols...] from [some view]
I want to be able to further filter this based on parameters given from an ASP.NET site (I am using the AJAX control toolkit for the report viewer). There could be x amount of parameters and potentially can be filtered on 1 or more columns.
First question is, how would I filter the dataset and pass along the parameters along with which field the filter should apply to? I may have [col1] and I want to filter it with x values.
Second question Is, I want to be able to group the results per page based upon a column. So for each grouped result set, I want them to be displayed per page (per group per page).
Then on the headers of the page, I want it to display what the page grouping is. How would I do this?
In terms of what have I tried - nothing as I DO NOT KNOW HOW, it is why I am asking the question here to see what the experts (you) can suggest and guide me.
thank you!
To do this you can create Parameters in SSRS, they do not need to be in your query or anything. Then, go to your tablix and click either ROW or column depending on the filter type and set it show/hide visibility. For example I have a report that has personal information, so i have true/false parameter that hides/shows those columns, similar I have one that hides/shows any row with a -1 for the total paid.

filtering datagrids

In a simple scenario there is a webpage with a datagrid containing 2 columns; first name and country. There's a filter set on the grid to filter out all Australians. There's a form on the same page to add new records and a user decides to add someone from Australia. This record does not meet the filter criteria so would not normally display. However, this might be confusing from the users perspective as they might not have confidence that the person has been successfully added or have forgotten that the filter will mean the new entry is not displayed.
What is the best way to handle this from a usability perspective?:
display the new entry but leave the list in a state inconsistent
with the filter criteria?
filter out the new entry but risk confusing the user?
provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully
added but may be filtered out of the list?
Three tools I use, Mingle, Jira, and Quicken, use this implementation very effectively; a slight modification to your number 3:
Provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully added, but won't be shown, and provide a link to the record using its record identifier (record number + title).
