I am Trying to install "quantmod" in R but I can't manage. I tried unistalling and installing R again, and updating to the lastest version. I use windows. I get the following errors:
> library(quantmod)
Loading required package: TTR
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘TTR’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: curl, curl_download, curl_echo, curl_escape, curl_fetch_disk, curl_fetch_memory, curl_fetch_multi, curl_fetch_stream, curl_options, curl_unescape, curl_version, form_data, form_file, handle_cookies, handle_data, handle_reset, handle_setform, handle_setheaders, handle_setopt, has_internet, ie_get_proxy_for_url, ie_proxy_info, multi_add, multi_cancel, multi_list, multi_run, multi_set, new_handle, new_pool, nslookup, parse_date, parse_headers
Error: package ‘TTR’ could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
S3 methods ‘print.curl_handle’, ‘print.curl_multi’, ‘print.form_data’, ‘print.form_file’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
When trying to install TTR:
> library(TTR)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘TTR’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: curl, curl_download, curl_echo, curl_escape, curl_fetch_disk, curl_fetch_memory, curl_fetch_multi, curl_fetch_stream, curl_options, curl_unescape, curl_version, form_data, form_file, handle_cookies, handle_data, handle_reset, handle_setform, handle_setheaders, handle_setopt, has_internet, ie_get_proxy_for_url, ie_proxy_info, multi_add, multi_cancel, multi_list, multi_run, multi_set, new_handle, new_pool, nslookup, parse_date, parse_headers
In addition: Warning message:
S3 methods ‘print.curl_handle’, ‘print.curl_multi’, ‘print.form_data’, ‘print.form_file’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
PF: I get a similar error when trying to execute the "forecast" package
> library(forecast)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘forecast’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: curl, curl_download, curl_echo, curl_escape, curl_fetch_disk, curl_fetch_memory, curl_fetch_multi, curl_fetch_stream, curl_options, curl_unescape, curl_version, form_data, form_file, handle_cookies, handle_data, handle_reset, handle_setform, handle_setheaders, handle_setopt, has_internet, ie_get_proxy_for_url, ie_proxy_info, multi_add, multi_cancel, multi_list, multi_run, multi_set, new_handle, new_pool, nslookup, parse_date, parse_headers
In addition: Warning message:
S3 methods ‘print.curl_handle’, ‘print.curl_multi’, ‘print.form_data’, ‘print.form_file’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
Linux terminal:
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
R console:
Executing the script below is generating an error that did not occur before.
Here's my code:
Pacotes <- c("MethComp","qqplotr","imputeTS","multiway","prettydoc","moments",
if(sum(as.numeric(!Pacotes %in% installed.packages())) != 0){
instalador <- Pacotes[!Pacotes %in% installed.packages()]
for(i in 1:length(instalador)) {
install.packages(instalador, dependencies = TRUE)
sapply(Pacotes, require, character = TRUE)
} else {
sapply(Pacotes, require, character = TRUE)
Failed with error: 'package ‘ggplot2’ could not be loaded'
Failed with error: 'package ‘ggplot2’ could not be loaded'
Failed with error: 'package ‘ggplot2’ could not be loaded'
Failed with error: 'package ‘ggplot2’ could not be loaded'
Failed with error: 'package ‘usethis’ could not be loaded'
Failed with error: 'package ‘ggplot2’ could not be loaded'
Can anybody help me? Why is this error occurring?
The error started to occur after installing the latest version of R and RStudio on my notebook that has the Windows 10 Pro operating system.
I need to use the functions spread and gather in the package of tidyr, and I installed this package. I also installed two other packages. However, when I tried to use library(tidyr), it gave me this long error message, basically saying tidyr was not successfully loaded. By the way, my R is a newer version (4.1). Thanks!
Here's the error message:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyr’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: align, char, colonnade, ctl_new_pillar, ctl_new_pillar_list, dim_desc, expect_known_display, extra_cols, format_glimpse, format_type_sum, get_extent, get_max_extent, glimpse, is_vector_s3, new_ornament, new_pillar, new_pillar_component, new_pillar_shaft, new_pillar_shaft_simple, new_pillar_title, new_pillar_type, num, obj_sum, pillar, pillar_component, pillar_shaft, scale_x_num, scale_y_num, set_char_opts, set_num_opts, size_sum, squeeze, style_bold, style_na, style_neg, style_num, style_subtle, style_subtle_num, tbl_format_body, tbl_format_footer, tbl_format_header, tbl_format_setup, tbl_sum, type_sum
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘tidyr’ was built under R version 4.1.2
2: S3 methods ‘as_tbl.data.frame’, ‘ctl_new_pillar.tbl’, ‘ctl_new_pillar_list.tbl’, ‘extra_cols.pillar_squeezed_colonnade’, ‘format.pillar’, ‘format.pillar_1e’, ‘format.pillar_capital’, ‘format.pillar_char’, ‘format.pillar_char_attr’, ‘format.pillar_colonnade’, ‘format.pillar_continuation_shaft’, ‘format.pillar_num’, ‘format.pillar_num_attr’, ‘format.pillar_ornament’, ‘format.pillar_rif_shaft’, ‘format.pillar_rif_title’, ‘format.pillar_rif_type’, ‘format.pillar_shaft’, ‘format.pillar_shaft_decimal’, ‘format.pillar_shaft_simple’, ‘format.pillar_squeezed_colonnade’, ‘format.pillar_tbl_format_setup’, ‘format.pillar_title’, ‘format.pillar_type’, ‘format.tbl’, ‘format_glimpse.character’, ‘format_glimpse.default’, ‘format_glimpse.factor’, ‘format_glimpse.list’, ‘format_type_sum.AsIs’, ‘format_type_sum.default’, ‘glimpse.data.frame’, ‘glimpse.default’, ‘glimpse.tbl’, ‘obj_print_data.pillar_vctr’, ‘obj_print_footer.pillar_vctr’, ‘obj_print_header.pillar_vctr’, ‘obj_sum.AsIs’, ‘obj_sum.default’, ‘ [... truncated]
I installed ggplot2 with all the dependencies = TRUE
When I try to plot something, I get this error. Please help!
I tried uninstalling and installing R studio again but no success
Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) :
undefined exports: AES, digest, digest2int, getVDigest, sha1, sha1_attr_digest, sha1_digest, hmac, makeRaw
In addition: Warning message:
S3 methods ‘print.AES’, ‘sha1.anova’, ‘sha1.array’, ‘sha1.call’, ‘sha1.character’, ‘sha1.complex’, ‘sha1.data.frame’, ‘sha1.Date’, ‘sha1.default’, ‘sha1.integer’, ‘sha1.factor’, ‘sha1.formula’, ‘sha1.function’, ‘sha1.logical’, ‘sha1.list’, ‘sha1.matrix’, ‘sha1.name’, ‘sha1.NULL’, ‘sha1.numeric’, ‘sha1.pairlist’, ‘sha1.POSIXct’, ‘sha1.POSIXlt’, ‘sha1.raw’, ‘sha1.(’, ‘makeRaw.default’, ‘makeRaw.digest’, ‘makeRaw.character’, ‘makeRaw.raw’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
[![Restart R and installed Digest : Following error occurs][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ARAwB.png
Using R version R.4.0.3. Already installed the VIM package. When I try to load the library function as library(VIM), it fails to load and gives me the following error message:
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘VIM’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
undefined exports: as_factor, fct_anon, fct_c, fct_collapse, fct_count, fct_cross, fct_drop, fct_expand, fct_explicit_na, fct_infreq, fct_inorder, fct_inseq, fct_lump, fct_lump_lowfreq, fct_lump_min, fct_lump_n, fct_lump_prop, fct_match, fct_other, fct_recode, fct_relabel, fct_relevel, fct_reorder, fct_reorder2, fct_rev, fct_shift, fct_shuffle, fct_unify, fct_unique, first2, last2, lvls_expand, lvls_reorder, lvls_revalue, lvls_union
In addition: Warning message:
S3 methods ‘as_factor.character’, ‘as_factor.factor’, ‘as_factor.logical’, ‘as_factor.numeric’ were declared in NAMESPACE but not found
I am very new to R programming and When I have tried to run "require(dplyr)", I get this error. I can't figure out why
Loading required package: dplyr
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘dplyr’ in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib):
shared object ‘tibble.so’ not found
Warning message:
S3 methods ‘$.tbl_df’, ‘[.tbl_df’, ‘[[.tbl_df’, ‘row.names<-.tbl_df’, ‘as.data.frame.tbl_df’, ‘as_data_frame.NULL’, ‘as_data_frame.data.frame’, ‘as_data_frame.default’, ‘as_data_frame.list’, ‘as_data_frame.matrix’, ‘as_data_frame.table’, ‘as_data_frame.tbl_df’, ‘as_tibble.NULL’, ‘as_tibble.data.frame’, ‘as_tibble.default’, ‘as_tibble.list’, ‘as_tibble.matrix’, ‘as_tibble.poly’, ‘as_tibble.table’, ‘as_tibble.tbl_df’, ‘as_tibble.ts’, ‘check_names_before_after.character’, ‘check_names_before_after.default’, ‘check_names_df.character’, ‘check_names_df.default’, ‘check_names_df.logical’, ‘check_names_df.numeric’, ‘format.tbl’, ‘format.tbl_df’, ‘format.trunc_mat’, ‘format_v.character’, ‘format_v.default’, ‘format_v.list’, ‘glimpse.data.frame’, ‘glimpse.default’, ‘glimpse.tbl’, ‘print.tbl’, ‘print.tbl_df’, ‘print.trunc_mat’, ‘quote_n.cha [... truncated]
It is not an elegant solution but have you tried