How to make zsh's REPORTTIME work? (time for long-running commands) - zsh

This is my .zshrc:
When I run sleep 4 it doesn't output anything.
If I change to REPORTTIME=blablabla (or anything non-sensical) it doesn't raise an error and starts behaving as REPORTTIME=0, i.e. returning the time taken for everything.
Interestingly, if I try REPORTTIME=3s I get the following message:
zsh: bad math expression: operator expected at `s'
sleep 4 0.00s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 4.004 total
So I get the error and still the output.
I tried RERPORTTIME="3" and even REPORTTIME=1+2. None of these work.
Also, if I run python -c "import time; time.sleep(4)" I get the same results (so the problem is not with sleep).
Of course, I tried other values too (other than 3).
I'm running MacOS with iterm2 and zsh is my default shell.

You need to set it explicitly to a non-negative integer representing seconds; i.e.
Setting to other non-negative values does not work on my Zsh v5.4.2
either. Running something like a system update (e.g., yaourt) then
acts as if I had put time on the front of it. Pretty slick!
So you need a command that eats some user/system time; sleep does
not. Although total elapsed is long enough, user and system time is
% time sleep 3
sleep 3 0.00s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 3.002 total
Also, no need to export this since it's directly used by Zsh.
You can undo/turn off this behavior with:
Docs on REPORTTIME from man zshparam:
If nonnegative, commands whose combined user and system execution times (measured in seconds) are greater than this value have timing statistics printed for them. Output is suppressed for commands executed within the line editor, including completion; commands explicitly marked with the time keyword still cause the summary to be printed in this case.


emacs ess-indent-or-complete sends newline to R process

Occasionally, for reasons I can not determine, ess-indent-or-complete sends an input to the R console. In other words, I will be typing something, hit tab to autocomplete (or company autocompletes for me), and the R process will update with a newline (.R file on the left "buffer", R process on the right):
x <- mea█ | >
... and then I hit tab to complete "mean":
x <- mean█ | >
| > ## note the new line here
This can be really annoying for at least two reasons:
It fills up the process buffer with blank lines.
If I am using a browser(), it advances lines which is often undesirable.
I have tried to diagnose this myself to no avail. Restarting emacs fixes it every time, however it seems to start happening at random throughout the day. Once it starts it does not stop until emacs restarts.
I am running emacs 27.1, ess-20210818.843 (though this has been a thing for a long time, so I don't believe it is version-specific), and am in ESS[R] mode.
Calling M-: (ess-command "") from my .R file buffer replicates the undesired behavior once it starts happening in a particular session. I have no insight beyond this.
I think you solved it yourself, with your GH issue suggestion:
I've changed things in my own version of ESS, and will commit after a few days of testing it.
Thank you VERY VERY much for persevering and (I think) finding the fault .. a simple typo inside the internal (ess--command-make-restore-function)

why "netstat -a" do not exit immediately but "netstat -n" does?

I have checked about the function of "-n" --
"Displays active TCP connections, however, addresses and port numbers are expressed numerically and no attempt is made to determine names."
But I can't see why "-n" can make netstat exit immediately?
From a quick check, I don't see the same description for the "-n" option as you do, and it doesn't make netstat run continuously.
As you didn't specify the version and exact command you are using, I tried both the version that comes with RH7.6 (net-tools 2.10-alpha) and the latest from source code (net-tools 3.14-alpha). The net-tools source code can be found in github [1].
As I couldn't find the exact option you describe, I tried all flags (without combinations) that don't require an argument. As far as I can tell the only options that cause netstat to not exit immediately are '-g' and '-c'. '-c' makes sense as it is the flag for running netstat continuously. For '-g' it isn't as obvious as the continuous behavior is coming from reading the /proc/net/igmp and /proc/net/igmp6 files line-by-line. The first file is read quickly but the igmp6 file takes much longer (1 line per ~1 sec). The '-g' option isn't really continuous, but just takes a lot of time to finish.
From the code, the only reason for continuous execution is (appears 4 times in the code):
if (i || !flag_cnt)
'i' is a return code from a function and the 'break' command is to break from an infinite for loop, so basically the code will run continuously only if flag_cnt is set (only happens when '-c' is provided) and there were no errors with previous commands.
For the specific issue above there could be a few reasons:
The option involves reading from a file and it takes very long time to finish, but it is not really continuous.
There's a correlation between the given option and flag_cnt, which cause flag_cnt to be set.
There's a call to wait_continous() which doesn't follow the condition above.
As I said, I couldn't reproduce the issue in the original question, nor could I find any flag with the description above. Also, non of the flags besides '-c' caused netstat to run continuously.
If you still want to figure this out I suggest you take a look at your code, or at least specify the net-tools version you use. The kernel version is also important as some code would be compiled-out due to missing kernel support.

how to make a dummy job to run for 30 minutes in controlm

I have the requirement to run dummy jobs for 30 minutes and 60 minutes respectively.
I have tried with --delay 30 in command line jobs, but I did not get the expected delay.
Designating a job as type ‘dummy’ will bypass anything contained within the command line field.
You have two options to create a 30/60minute timer job.
Option a:
Make the job a command line type job and put sleep 1800 or sleep 3600 in the command line field.
Option b:
Make the job a dummy type job and put sleep 1800 or sleep 3600 in either the pre-execution or post-execution fields.
By default the sleep command operates on seconds. For windows you may want to look into using the power shell version which would be powershell.exe -command start-sleep 1800
Use _sleep over sleep instead
Another way to enable a waiting time, either before or after an OS-type Job is by using the pre-execution or post-execution command options, as appropriate.
The use of _sleep is more convenient because it is operating system independent and is provided by the Control-M/Agent, which means that you do not require an extra deployment for that functionality.

How to limit the number of output lines in a given cell of the Ipython notebook?

Sometimes my Ipython notebooks crash because I left a print statement in a big loop or in a recursive function. The kernel shows busy and the stop button is usually unresponsive. Eventually Chrome asks me if I want to kill the page or wait.
Is there a way to limit the number of output lines in a given cell? Or any other way to avoid this problem?
You can suppress output using this command:
‘;’ at the end of a line
Perhaps create a condition in your loop to suppress output past a certain threshold.
For anyone else stumbling across:
If you want to see some of the output rather than suppress the output entirely, there is an extension called limit-output.
You'll have to follow the installation instructions for the extensions at the first link. Then I ran the following code to update the maximum number of characters output by each cell:
from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager().update('notebook', {'limit_output': 10})
Note: you'll need to run the block of code, then restart your notebook server entirely (not just the kernel) for the change to take effect.
Results on jupyter v4.0.6 running a Python 2.7.12 kernel
for i in range(0,100):
print i
limit_output extension: Maximum message size exceeded

Bind query resolution time in munin

Is it possible to graph the query resolution time of bind9 in munin?
I know there is a way to graph it in a unbound server, is it already done in bind? If not how do I start writing a munin plugin for that? I'm getting stats from in the bind9 server.
I don't believe that "query time" is a function of BIND. About the only time that I see that value (with individual lookups) is when using dig. If you're willing to use that, the following might be a good starting point:
case $1 in
cat <<'EOM'
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
exit 0;;
echo -n "time.value "
dig|grep Query|cut -d':' -f2|cut -d\ -f2
Note that there's two spaces after the "-d\" in the second cut statement. If you save the above as "querytime" and run it at the command line, output should look something like:
root#pi1:~# ./querytime
time.value 189
root#pi1:~# ./querytime config
graph_title Red Hat Query Time
graph_vlabel time
time.label msec
I'm not sure of the value in tracking the above though. The response time can be affected: if the query is an initial lookup, if the answer is cached locally, depending on server load, depending on intervening network congestion, etc.
Note: the above may be a bit buggy as I've written it on the fly, but it should give you a good starting point. That it returned the above output is a good sign.
In any case, recommend reading the following before you write your own:
