I've noticed recently that Google Analytics Content Experiments are apparently on the path to deprecation, but it's unclear to me what the schedule is for this or when/if this is actually going to happen. Does a deprecation schedule for this feature already exist, or will one exist in the near future? What exactly is planned to be sunset in terms of features and functionality of Content Experiments?
Deprecation Message
I want to add only firebase crashlytics to my game.
The firebase guide tells you to add the add the package FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage
and then packages for any other firebase features you want.
So if I follow the guide I should add FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage and FirebaseCrashlytics.unitypackage
However, all the packages are about the same size; 90MB, and looking into them, they contain a lot of the same stuff. Eg they all contain the google play services resolver. It looks like each one can function on its own.. and when I import just crashlytics I dont get errors and can build a build that runs.
Crashlytics should be able to run in apps that don't also include Analytics. If you're having trouble making that work, edit your question to show how you included the package, and details about the problem you get.
If Analytic is present in the app, Crashlytics may use that to report certain events. So you'll be missing features such as crash-free statistics, the Latest Release report, and Breadcrumbs.
For more info, see:
the Firebase documentation on adding crashlytics to your app
the Firebase blog post on the Crashlytics relaunch, specifically this section:
Combining analytics data and crashes helps you unlock additional insights into your app’s stability. The Firebase Crashlytics SDK works seamlessly with the Google Analytics SDK to provide features such as crash-free statistics, the Latest Release report, and Breadcrumbs. With Breadcrumbs you can see the steps a user took that led to a crash. This insight helps you reproduce and fix issues quickly. Google Analytics replaces Fabric's legacy analytics engine, Answers, so we encourage you to add Google Analytics to your apps.
I'm trying to delete version from my crashlytics tab as they are not necessary.
I've already seen this post which exactly what I need but for Firebase, this new app isn't on Fabrics as they'll migrate to Firebase in a month or so.
I haven't been able to find the same functionality as in Fabrics. If anyone knows that would be really helpful.
As of today, after reaching to Firebase support, I got this answer:
We have received similar requests to add support for enabling and disabling the monitoring of a specific version of your app. I've raised your request to our engineering team, and this will be evaluated for consideration. However, I cannot guarantee when this feature will be officially rolled out.
For now, you may keep an eye out on our Firebase blog or release notes for any latest news or new features that we may have. We appreciate that you have expressed your feedback as this makes Firebase a better place for everyone.
Looking for insight into how I can programmatically track my code version (aka release version 1.0,1.1,1.2 etc) within google analytics. Currently I manually mark annotations but since annotations can't be added via API perhaps there is another mechanism? Looking for insight into how others have done this. The business case would be allowings other to see how different releases affects traffic/segments.
Reposted From Google Analytics Forum:
Hi All, Just wondering how others have tracked application versions programatically. Currently every time we release code we go into google analytics (manually) and create an annotation with the release number. This allows our GA users to see when we released and cross-reference the release to any potential changes in traffic/conversion/etc. There is currently no way to programmatically create that annotation (https://code.google.com/p/analytics-issues/issues/detail?id=53) however how do others track this. Perhaps there is a recommended way or every time you send a GA event you include the application release number, which we have hidden in the HTML of the site.
You can use a custom dimension and push the release version into it.Later you can use the custom dimension to segment the user based on ur requirements
I am wanting to upgrade a site to universal analytics, which is a simple process. But it will be too time consuming to go though our content management system and pick out every single copy of the old code "_gaq.push..." etc (I will be doing my best here but we have a massive amount of legacy HTML in our content management software).
I am wondering if one of the older code snippets appears for our customers will it cause a javascript error in the browser or will universal analytics just ignore it. And if we get a javascript error on a page we will stop the site working on that page for users, as we use a lot of javascript on the site.
In phase 1 of the switch to universal analytics https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/#phase-1 Google mentions that the older code will be valid for a period. Can we use a bit of both or do we have to stick to one or the other.
Here are a few helpful resources pertaining to the migration process, which will hopefully answer your questions.
Generally speaking, it's better to have just one version of the code running so that your data is consistent. Given this opportunity, you should also consider using GTM which streamlines your analytics management process. It may take a slightly larger effort but it pays off in the end.
Hope this helps.
I was just wondering if someone could shed some light on why I am seeing 403 Forbidden errors for my google maps services.
I had been loading the maps api as such:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places&sensor=false"></script>
And then using both the geocoding and autocomplete libraries to turn user searches into co-ordinates to display on a map on my search results.
This was working perfectly (for months) until yesterday, when I started seeing 403 Errors whenever the Autocomplete service was accessed.
I am 100% confident I wasn't reaching the 25k per day limit on queries, and I made no code changes on my side.
I have now added in an API key to my script load, and the problem dissapeared, but I want to be sure this doesn't happen again. Location based search is a main feature on our site, and if it breaks, we lose customers.
Does anyone have any insight as to why this may have happened?
And under what circumstances can it happen again?
This problem just re-emerged even with an API key set - and I think the issue actually lies with caching the google maps javascript.
I have my web server dynamically decide what javascript to combine, minify and cache locally. This is done using RequestReduce.
When the client-side javascript becomes stale (roughly 3 days in my case) - google returns 403 unauthorized.
The API key was just a red herring. I can remove the key and my code still works - as long as the maps js is "fresh".
In my case, the fix was to add maps.googleapis.com to the RequestReduce ignore list:
For others, just make sure to not cache the maps.googleapis.com javascript for more than a few hours, if at all.
The Google Maps JavaScript API recently advanced a minor version increment to 3.9changelog and the default version advanced from 3.6 to 3.7. I notice that you aren't specifying a version in the URL you use to load the Google Maps JavaScript API library, so you retrieve the default version, 3.7. One important thing about version 3.7 is that it now requires the use of keys for some libraries. Info about which version you should use is available in the Versioning section of the Developer's Guide.
A few others have run into similar problems, but if you are running fine after adding the key, you should be good. If you would like to receive notifications about Google Maps API changes in the future, you may register for notifications.