Create a chart inside a component/view? - react-sketchapp

Im wondering if anyone knows how to create a chart (with fake data to use as a symbol) with this tool.
maybe a starting point would be something like:
class Chart extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
new highcharts.Chart({
renderTo: 'myChartExample',
type: column
render() {
return <View name="myChartExample"></View>;
A developer helped me with the above code as a starting point. Thanks in advance!!

I can't think of an easy, high-level way to do it currently.
We have a ticket open for adding in SVG support — if we do that then an SVG charting library should work.


How to use react-jss within react class Components?

In react-jss documentation, the authors have written:
'HOC based API is deprecated as of v10 and will be removed in v11.'
This means, as far as I understand, that such HOC functionality as injectSheet and withStyles will no longer be available in V11.
The new react-based stylesheet generating functions seem to be all based on react hooks. The function createUseStyles seemed very promising to myself and my team, until upon looking further into the source code we realised that it was only available within functional components, as it makes use of hooks.
The Problem
As a team we still make heavy use of React Class components and have no plans to move completely to hooks, not because hooks aren't useful, but because sometimes functional components aren't the best or most organised solution to writing a component.
Perhaps I'm missing something-- but it seems like there is now no solution left for React Class based components, other than writing our own manual implementation from core jss.
What solutions are there for a developer to make use of react-jss in a way similar to that achieved by createUseStyles, keeping up with the latest version of react-jss, being able to pass dynamic props, and etc. without writing a manual implementation?
While not specific to JSS, keep in mind that you can always use a tiny wrapper to convert any Hook to render prop or a HOC.
Converting Hook to a render prop is described here:
You can use a similar approach to convert any Hook to a HOC.
import { Classes } from 'jss';
import { createUseStyles } from 'react-jss';
First, lets create a more type safe function for creating styles.
export function createStyles(classes: { [name: string]: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> }) {
return createUseStyles(classes as any);
Secondly, we'll create a simple wrapper to allow hooks for our components.
function Styles<T extends string | number | symbol>(props: { styles: () => Classes<T>, children: (classes: Classes<T>) => ReactElement }) {
const classes = props.styles();
return props.children(classes);
const styles = createStyles({
title: {
fontSize: '25px',
textTransform: 'uppercase'
message: {
color: 'red'
export const App = () => (
<Styles styles={styles}>
{classes => (
<h1 className={classes.title}>Title</h1>
<p className={classes.message}>message</p>

Aframe component with dependencies on component with multiple true

I am writing a custom component that I would like to define other component dependencies.
The dependencies are different animations types.
Let's say they have the names "animation__x" and "animation__y"
x and y can be any name, so I am looking for something like animation__*
or /animation__\s*/
The only way I have made this work at the moment is either ensuring my component is placed after the animation components on the HTML or alternatively to force update components using this.el.updateComponents()
Neither of these solutions feels right to me.
AFRAME.registerComponent('cool-component', {
dependencies: ['animation'],
update: functions(data){
//detect available animations and do some stuff with them
let animations = Object.keys(components).filter((key) => {
return /(^animation__\w*)/.test(key);
//animations results in an empty array
html that is not working
<a-scene cool-component animation__x="" animation__y="" animation__z=""></a-scene>
html that is working (but its not good as I cant ensure my component is always last in the list
<a-scene animation__x="" animation__y="" animation__z="" cool-component></a-scene>
js that works, but doesnt feel write as I am using the entities internal functions
AFRAME.registerComponent('cool-component', {
dependencies: ['animation'],
update: functions(data){
this.el.updateComponents(); //<-- I DONT LIKE THIS BUT IT WORKS
//detect available animations and do some stuff with them
//now all animations are available as this.el.components
let animations = Object.keys(components).filter((key) => {
return /(^animation__\w*)/.test(key);
Three options:
Depend on the specific component names: dependencies: ['animation__xxx']
Make cool-component set those animations:
AFRAME.registerComponent('cool-component', {
init: functions(data){
this.el.setAttribute('animation__xxx', {...});
You can also defer cool-component logic until the entity has loaded and all the components have initialized:
init: function () {
this.el.addEvenListener(‘loaded’, this.doStuffAferComponentsLoad.bind(this));
More details in what cool-component is trying to accomplish will help to get a more precise answer.

UI5 StandardListItem DetailAndActive change Icon

I would like to change the standard "pen" icon of the
StandardListItem of type DetailAndActive
. Is there a way to do so?
my XML so far:
As far as I know there are only properties "icon" (which I do not need) and "activeIcon" (which I set but which is also not shown on itemPress/tab). I thought I might change it via css, but it is set in a data-attribute (Icon font, not a uri I could overwrite) and then applied:
.sapUiIcon:before {
content: attr(data-sap-ui-icon-content);
I accepted the below answer as correct because it works. BUT as you can read in my comment, I'd like to make it possible to accept Controls by using the aggregations metadata like described here:
metadata: {
aggregations: {
"Button" : {type : "sap.m.Button", multiple : false, visibility: "public"}
defaultAggregation: "Button"
This works so far that that I am now allowed to add a Button control to the ListItem in my XML view, but it is not rendered :-) Any ideas what I miss here additionally?
The icon is hardcoded deep in the control. I found I can extend the StandardListItem to get the result you want like this.
sap.m.StandardListItem.extend('my.StandardListItem', {
renderer: {},
constructor: function(sId, mProperties) {
sap.m.StandardListItem.prototype.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
var sURI = sap.ui.core.IconPool.getIconURI("action");
this._detailIcon =
new sap.ui.core.Icon({
.setParent(this, null, true)
There is a working example at,output
The bad news is that in the next release (1.28.?) the way that this is done changes significantly so you will need to redo the extended control.
[EDIT:] Sorry I forgot about this one. I just built a quick sample with the OpenUI5 V1.30 beta library. Now the key code looks like this...
sap.m.StandardListItem.extend('my.StandardListItem', {
metadata: {
properties: {
"detailIcon": "string"
renderer: {},
setDetailIcon: function(icon) {
this.DetailIconURI = sap.ui.core.IconPool.getIconURI(icon);
There is a sample at,output

Toggling Shield UI ASP.NET chart dataPointText property at runtime

I am using related Shield UI ASP.NET Charts on a web page. What I need is to be able to provide the user the option to choose whether to show the dataPointText or not. For that purpose I have put a checkbox below the second grid and am trying to use the following code:
detailChartElement.shieldChart($.extend(initialOptions, {
primaryHeader: {
text: headerText
if (document.getElementById("CheckBox1").checked == true){
seriesSettings: {
line: {
dataPointText: {
enabled: true,
borderColor: 'red',
but when I put the code and none of the grids on the page shows. I checked quite carefully the code but don’t see any missed out commas or anything that should prevent it from working.
The mistake you are making is not syntactical but conceptual. Within the code that creates the chart:
detailChartElement.shieldChart($.extend(initialOptions, {
you may place nothing but the properties of the Shield UI ASP.NET chart and their properties. You may not have any logical checks like IF(). However you may have additional variables and their values.
With this in mind you could use the following workaround:
In the function you use to recreate the chart you place the following code:
var showlabels = document.getElementById("CheckBox1").checked;
Than, you put the series settings code in the chart creation routine:
seriesSettings: {
line: {
dataPointText: {
enabled: showlabels,
borderColor: 'red',
The properties and values will be always there, however they will be enabled only when the checkbox is checked.

Ember.js Router: How to animate state transitions

Has somebody found a good way to animate state transitions?
The router immediately removes the view from the DOM. The problem with that is that I can't defer that until the end of the animation. Note: I'm using v1.0.0-pre.4.
Billy's Billing just released an Ember module that supports animated transitions.
I'll expand on Lesyk's answer. If you need to apply it to multiple views in a DRY way, you can create a customization class like this:
App.CrossfadeView = {
didInsertElement: function(){
//called on creation
willDestroyElement: function(){
//called on destruction
And then in your code you apply it on your various view classes. As Ember depends on jQuery you can use pretty much any jQuery animation.
App.IndexView = Ember.View.extend(App.CrossfadeView);
App.PostView = Ember.View.extend(App.CrossfadeView);
I know this is pretty old, but the best solution for this context-specific animation today is probably ember liquid fire.
It allows you to do things like this in a transition file:
export default function(){
Ran into this same requirement on my app. Tried Ember Animated Outlet, but didn't give the granularity I needed (element specific animations).
The solution that worked for me was as follows --
Change linkTo to be an action
{{#linkTo "todos"}}<button>Todos</button>{{/linkTo}}
<a href="#/todos" {{action "goToTodos"}}><button>Todos</button></a>
Create Method for goToTodos in current controller
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
goToTodos: function(){
// Get Current 'this' (for lack of a better solution, as it's late)
var holdThis = this;
// Do Element Specific Animation Here
$('#something').hide(500, function(){
// Transition to New Template
Finally -- To animate in elements on the Todos Template, use didInsertElement on the view
App.TodosView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function(){
// Hide Everything
// Do Element Specific Animations Here
So far, this is the most elegant solution I've found for element specific animations on transition. If there is anything better, would love to hear!
I've found another drop-in solution that implements animations in Views: ember-animate
App.ExampleView = Ember.View.extend({
willAnimateIn : function () {
this.$().css("opacity", 0);
animateIn : function (done) {
this.$().fadeTo(500, 1, done);
animateOut : function (done) {
this.$().fadeTo(500, 0, done);
Demo: author's personal website
App.SomeView = Ember.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function(){
//called on creation
willDestroyElement: function(){
//called on destruction
