No wrap of Bootstrap columns - css

I've downloaded a ready-made HTML5 website template from that is under CC3.0 license. Because the used scripts like Bootstrap etc. are all old version I'm updating these and the source code to function. But I'm on a issue that I can't get resolved. I'm new in Bootstrap and it's my first time I'm working with it. I'm tired of coding my own designs. :)
The original/old template is using Bootstrap v3.3.4 and I using now 4.0.0-beta.
As you could see here in the original the "My Services" section is all in shape. But in my updated version the columns wont wrap. I've already tried a lot of things and Googled a lot but found no solution.
Here are the source codes:
HTML: https://
CSS: https://
(Sorry I had to modify the pastebin links 'cuz I'm not high reputated atm. :))

It seems that the version of Bootstrap you're using, is not dividing the columns width in %, and also they are not floating left.
In your HTML, there's a big problem with the row wrapped around each column.
<div class="row"> <!-- This wraps the column and defeats its purpose -->
<div class="col-xs-4 wthree_about_right_grid_left">
<div class="hvr-rectangle-in">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i>
Start by deleting the row, and then you're going to want to make the colums float left and determine it's width in %.
Like this:
By doing so, you can get it to act like on your template, and ultimately solve your initial problem.
You would benefit far more from using the version of bootstrap that is compatible with your template.


How to build a membership comparison overview?

I have a bit of an unusual question, but I'm stuck and thought someone here may know. I basically want to create a membership overview/comparison as included and was wondering how one would build it most efficiently/best, especialyl the part highlighted in red.
Would you tackle it with CSS and build each single element? Or would you rather do it in photoshop and include such pictures via code e.g. as background image?
Given that it's still code related (i.e. is it possible / efficient to build this with CSS), I hope the question is valid and someone could shed some light onto this! (I dont expect any code solution at all, just would like to understand if CSS/SVG coding is the most efficient way).
Thanks a lot for any help!!
You could create a single SVG element and just reuse it across the three different columns, changing the fill (orange/gray/blue).
The best you can do is to use bootstrap to reach this:
<div class="container">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column one, detail list -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column two, first membership option -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column third, second membership option -->
<div class="col-sm-3">
<!-- Column four, third membership option -->
you'll get a responsive well designed behaviour:
The part that you marked in red are only images.
You can find some for free googling a bit, or you can design yourself using photoshop, illustrator, or even gimp or microsoft paint if you want.
Then, in the example, you must add responsiveness to this images, check the next complete fiddle:
Then, you can add more bootstrap css or your main css to adapt it to whatever you want/need.
Hope it helps

Meteor Bootstrap grid system not working

//edited: simplified version now
I am using meteor and want to use a bootstrap grid system in my templates. Unfortunately it just displays the two columns on top of each other as if no bootstrap class was assigned to them at all. I would expect them to be next to each other on the same line
I haven't installed any bootstrap package. (I had but uninstalled it to be sure it is not that) I have only installed other basic standard packages like the facebook login or autoform
Bootstrap itself is working because autoform is styled with it and the alert classes are working in my template for example
There is no other css styling at all in this template yet
The HTML must be well formed as meteor would not render the template otherwise
I tried:
installing the twbs:bootstrap package
installing the mizzao:bootstrap-3 package instead
using more complex bootstrap with container-fluid
which didn't change anything
Bootstrap is installed in the head tag using the code from this link (MaxCDN):
this is the entire code for the template
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">col1</div><div class="col-md-6">col2</div>
As I am very new to bootstrap I assume its a very stupid beginners' issue but I just cannot find it
Hey guys I figured it out!
It seems to have to do with the relatively small size of my screen plus that my developer console was opened. When I used col-xs-6 it worked.
Thanks Anyway!
The Bootstrap grid system has four classes: xs (phones), sm (tablets), md (desktops), and lg (larger desktops). The classes can be combined to create more dynamic and flexible layouts.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-9 col-md-7></div>
<div class="col-xs-3 col-md-5"></div>

How to achieve 15 columns in Bootstrap?

I have a layout design clearly made for 1200px / 15 cols framework, but my client wants to use Bootstrap. Is it even possible to transform Bootstrap into 15 cols layout? I havent seen such an example online. I'm not a huge fan of Bootstrap for small projects. It is a trend I honestly don't understand. Might be too heavy for a 5 pages website & projects are usually done according to the content, not according to some framework, Twitter-backed or not.
But, this is it.
If it would be possible to code a 15 cols layout, could you give me a hint on how to begin? And how long would it take to perform such an adaptation?
You can customize and download your own Bootstrap components by going to:
and navigating down towards the "grid-columns"
Set your preferred number of columns and scroll to the bottom to click "Compile and Download".
I would generally recommend going with an even number of columns over odd however for easier math.
If you can run a customized version of Bootstrap, xengravity's answer is the way to go.
However, if you're using vanilla bootstrap (perhaps from a CDN or legacy code) you could create the desired effect with a little CSS tweaking and some nested rows/columns.
Start with a 3 column layout of col-xs-4, then fill those with a row and 5 col-xs-* (I chose 3 as it was close) and tweak the width with some CSS. For example:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-4">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-3 fixed">1</div>
<div class="col-xs-3 fixed">2</div>
<div class="col-xs-3 fixed">3</div>
<div class="col-xs-3 fixed">4</div>
<div class="col-xs-3 fixed">5</div>
. . .
and the CSS:
.col-xs-3.fixed {
For an interactive example, see this fiddle.
A cleaner way to go would be to include the CSS/LESS from the col-xs-3 and just make a fixed-col or similar class.
The funkiness with the columns wrapping/spacing as mentioned in the comments is due to the columns' default padding making it too large for the row and wrapping. As seen in this updated fiddle removing the padding for the .fixed columns fixes it. This may not be desirable, and as such tweaks will need to be made for your specific application.

Foundation 5 grid with SASS not working - all columns full width

I am doing 2 responsive rebuilds on a site using Zurb Foundation with CSS and another with SASS . I am having trouble with the columns not displaying side-by-side in the SASS version, they seem to be going full width for every screen size.
For the SASS rebuild, I have copied all my files into the new directory structure that was created by the command line. I assumed it would be a case of porting my old files, plugging everything back together, watch the sass folder in the command line, output app.css and it would work. Everything has carried across fine except for the columns for some reason.
Correct CSS Version:
Broken SASS Version:
The CSS version is exactly how I would like the site to look - does anyone have any suggestions at all?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Its hard to say exactly whats going on without looking at your SASS, but you do not have medium-4 defined in your app.css. You do have small-12 and large-4 classes defined. Once you get the medium-# classes defined your code should work fine.
agconti's answer does fix the issue, but remember "Foundation is mobile-first. Code for small screens first, and larger devices will inherit those styles. Customize for larger screens as necessary". Once you get the medium-# classes defined you should be good to go. There shouldn't be a reason to add large-#, xlarge-#, or xxlarge-# as long as you want them to look like medium-#.
I hope that helps.
Your only specifying the small (iphone) and medium (tablet) views, but your viewing it from a large (desktop) view.
Add large-4 to your columns to make them work in the desktop view like so:
<div class="small-12 medium-4 large-4 columns">
<h2>Creditlook Lite</h2>
<div class="sprite icon1"> </div>
<p>Free entry-level, self-managed service to get you started.</p>
Then your div's will respond like your photo.

Calculate a margin using CSS percentage and unit together

margin-left: 100 + 20%;
I want to do something the same as above. But CSS does not have any format. How can I successfully use these together ?
Without javascript? Only by wrapping that content into another element (usually <div>) and splitting that margin to two elements.
Something like:
<div style="margin-left:20%">
<div style="margin-left:100px">
<!-- content -->
Hi there and welcome to StackOverflow. Unfortunately CSS doesn't have this (good) behaviour, but LESS will. For a JavaScript implementation, look here. If you want a PHP implementation, look here. You may be confused as to why I'm talking about JS and PHP, but what LESS will do is take your .less file and turn it into a vanilla CSS file, either on the client (JS), or on your server (PHP).
