argument is of length zero but is.null is false - r

I'm trying to check a range of numbers against some values in a dataset using for control
for(i in 20:28)
for(j in 1:52)
if (Test$Ferritin[j]<15 & Test$RHCc[j]<i)
Test$Status[j] = "TP"
But I keep getting the error
Error in if (Test$Ferritin[j] < 15 & Test$RHCc[j] < i) { : argument
is of length zero
I did check the condition using is.null, but it returns "False" in the answer.
Can someone explain what I could be doing wrong?

NULL is of length 0, but not all length zero vectors are NULL (you can confirm for yourself via is.null(numeric(0))). Check whether length(argument) == 0 instead.


How do you generate the output of for loop and if statement into a list or vector?

I have tried the following but the output brings an argument stating,
Error in append("0") : argument "values" is miss
for (rowz in final_data$Ingridients) {
if (sum(str_detect(rowz, 'Cobalt'))>0) {
} else {
I intended to loop through the list and generate a boolean of ones and twos depending on
whether or not I had the value.
Please help
Without the data, I can't test it, but this should work:
k <- 1
for (rowz in final_data$Ingridients) {
Cobalt_row[[k]] <- ifelse(str_detect(rowz, 'Cobalt'), 1, 0)
k <- k+1
or even simpler if you need a list:
Cobalt_row <- as.list(as.numeric(str_detect(final_data$Ingredients, "Cobalt")))

Error in if (num < 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

y <- as.integer(readline(prompt ="Enter a number: "))
factorial = 1
if (y< 0){
} else if (y== 0)
} else
for(i in 1:y) {
factorial = factorial * i
wondering why this is giving:
Error in if (y< 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
is it cause the first line has data type NA_integer?
There are three possible ways to pass values to the if statement.
y <- 1
if (y > 0) print("more")
This one works as expected.
y <- 1:3
if (y > 0) print("ignores all but 1st element")
As the warning message will tell you, only the first element was used to evaluate it. You could use any or all to make this right.
y <- NA
if (y > 0) print("your error")
This case actually gives you your error. I would wager a bet that y is somehow NA. You will probably need to provide a reproducible example (with data and the whole shebang) if you'll want more assistance. Note also that it helps visually structure your code to improve readability.

R function length error message

I made a function to to compute the sum of I(Xi
my.ecdf<- function(x,y) {
stop("y has more than one dimension")
p<-if(x[i]<y) 1 else {
But when I run it with input (rnorm(11),6), I get this error:
Warning message:
In if (x[i] < y) 1 else { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Any ideas? I'm new to r so sorry if it's something obvious. (Also I don't want to use the for loop)
There are a number of issues in your code:
1) Whats the point of x[1:length(x)] in the if statement? Right now these are meaningless and can be dropped:
2) If statement accepts a logical argument not a vector of logical, you can consider adding all() any() etc like
if(all(x < y)) 1 else {0}
or use ifelse() statement for the assignment
3) Finally from what I can understand you overcomplicate things and the whole thing can be written as one-liner:
sum(x < y)/length(x)
This is a logical vector of the same length as y
You're using it as a logical test. An object with a length greater than 1 can't be unambiguously interpreted by the if statement. Consider if (TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE) <do something>. When should you do that thing?
If you want to make sure y doesn't have more than one dimension, do
if(length(dim(y)) > 1){

if is.null or another value R

How would I make this comparison in R?
if (is.null(a)| a == 'LAST') {
# do something
If the a is NULL this fails, throwing the error:
Error in if (a == "LAST") { :
argument is of length zero
How could I work around this?

Multiple conditions in if statements in R

I am trying to cut down a list of gene names that I have been given. I'm trying to eliminate any repetitive names that may be present but I keep getting an error when running my code:
for (i in 0:length(geneNamesRevised))
for (i in 1:length(geneNames))
for (j in 1:length(geneNamesRevised))
if (geneNames[i]==geneNamesRevised[j])
else if ((j==length(geneNamesRevised)-1) &&
The error message is a repetitive string of :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be usedthe condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be usedthe condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
and this error message is for the last "else if" statement that has the '&&'.
Thank you!
Why not just
geneNamesRevised <- unique( geneNames )
... which returns a shortened list. There is also a duplicated function that can be used to remove duplicates when negated.
There are a few problems in your code.
1) The else is incorrectly specified - or not :) thanks #Mohsen_Fatemi
2) & is usually what you need rather than &&
3) counter++ isn't R
Copy the code below and see if it runs
for (i in 1:length(geneNames)){
for (j in 1:length(geneNamesRevised)){
if (geneNames[i]==geneNamesRevised[j])
} else {
if ((j==length(geneNamesRevised)-1) & (geneNames[i]!=geneNamesRevised[j]))
counter <- counter + 1
4) also you were missing braces for your fors
use & instead of && ,
else if ((j==length(geneNamesRevised)-1) & (geneNames[i]!=geneNamesRevised[j]))
