heroku cli commands not responding on windows 10 - heroku-cli

I installed heroku cli on windows 10 via exe installer.
When i try to run heroku --version command or heroku login
command, the command window does not respond. It does not give any error.
Then i uninstalled it and installed it using npm install -g heroku-cli
but getting same result.
Node version - 8.7.0

In Windows cmd prompt, do:
Go to your C:\Users\YOURNAME
Look for a file named:
This file stores login credentials. Delete it.
Then check for an update:
heroku update
Then try to log in:
heroku login
I saw some people create an environment variable called HOME and add the path to YOURNAME so the environment knows to look for the _netrc file there.
Other trouble-shooting ideas if the above doesn't work for you can be found at Heroku CLI troubleshooting

In windows , run %LOCALAPPDATA%\heroku, completely delete this folder. and check again on cmd by typing heroku --version. Hope this helps.

I ended up uninstalling heroku from the Windows Installer and instead used the standalone tarball.
You can get the tarballs from here.
After you downloaded and extracted it, you can go to your terminal and cd into the directory where you extracted the file and do the following command:
./bin/heroku --version
Whenever you need the heroku CLI, you can cd into the directory where heroku is, then ./bin/heroku is the executable for heroku.


heroku cli reports The system cannot find the path specified on Win 10

I'm having a problem with the Heroku CLI.
I was following the Heroku tutorial for Node.js.
I installed the Heroku CLI and checked that node --version, npm --version and git --version were at the latest version available.
I then run the command "heroku login" from git bash, but after inserting the email it complained about permissions so I re run git bash in administrator mode and everything seemed fine, I got to the part where you do "heroku create" it started downloading something but then I had a warning about not using git bash for "create" but to opt for powershell or cmd.
So I switched to cmd.exe with admin privileges but now the "heroku" command does nothing:
"$ heroku
The system cannot find the path specified."
The error seems related to my os, I checked my Windows Environment Variables and the path to heroku's exe is correctly set up (in fact it worked a bit earlier) to "C:\Program Files\Heroku\bin".
So I don't know how to use heroku at this point or what can I do to fix this error.

Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password

I am trying to install openstack using devstack on ubuntu 16.04.
I followed the following link.
When I run
sudo openstack service list
, it prompt the following error.
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
Make sure you are logged into horizon and download the rc file (right corner). After that do source admin-openrc.sh
Note that you have to download the rc file of the project you are working on
This should do. keystonerc_admin file is generated at the end of openstack packstack installation
source keystonerc_admin
always run admin-openrc file before running any openstack command
$source admin-openrc
then run whatever openstack command you want to run
$openstack --debug server list
Take rocky version of OpenStack Keystone as an example. https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/rocky/install/keystone-openrc-rdo.html#using-the-scripts
You can create an admin-openrc.sh (If you are installing OpenStack Keystone for the first time.) and put environment params. And source this file before you run any "openstack" command. This resolves the issue.
I put the admin-openrc.sh in directory /usr/share/keystone/admin-openrc.sh for a recommend.

Drupal - drush installation on mamp server

I have a drupal project, and I am trying to install drush for mamp server. I have run:
composer global require drush/drush:dev-master
In the directory of my project, but when I am trying to run:
drush status
I get:
command not found: drush
Follow information listed in : https://www.drupal.org/node/1674222
At the very least, you definitely did not carry these two steps out correctly, which symlink the "drush" binary.
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /Users/myusername/drush/drush
Replace /Users/myusername/ with the name of the directory where you unpacked Drush.
You may need to quit and restart Terminal after completing these instructions before running any drush commands.
http://youtu.be/TCg02d4am_Q for more details
If you're still having problems, I suggest following the instructions here: https://www.drupal.org/node/1674222 and reporting back, editting your answer to reflect the new error you get, so we can actually help you figure out what step of the install you're not running successfully.

How do I setup Drupal Console on Windows 7?

How do I install/setup Drupal Console on Windows 7? In the video by the author, the environment used is Linux.
I tried to install it on Windows 7, but I wasn't able to use it to generate a module code.
You can download the drupal console either using Git Bash
$curl https://drupalconsole.com/installer -L -o drupal
Or using windows command prompt
c:\>php -r "readfile('https://drupalconsole.com/installer');" > drupal
After downloading this file, place it beside php.exe file within your php folder (not project folder), restart your terminal/cmd-prompt and type
to get started.
Besides downloading Drupal Console .phar file, you can also install Drupal Console using composer on windows.
First Download and install composer in your system.
Then on your windows command prompt or git terminal
$composer global require drupal/console:#stable
Create a file called drupal.bat
#php "%~dp0drupal.phar" %*
Here's the full list of steps I took:
php -r "readfile('https://drupalconsole.com/installer');" > drupal.phar
added installation location to the global PATH
created a drupal.bat file in the same directory as drupal.phar. drupal.bat contains: #php "%~dp0drupal.phar" %*
Now you can call >drupal from any location. I would upvote #Nate's answer, but this is a new account.
Open Git bash (or any terminal with curl capability)
Run curl https://drupalconsole.com/installer -L -o drupal.phar
Create file drupal.bat with content #php "%~dp0drupal.phar" %*
Copy both files (drupal.phar and drupal.bat) into C:\WINDOWS
Open new Command prompt window then try typing drupal list.
This steps assume:
Your PHP is on Path environment variables and you can run php --version.
You have Git for Windows installed.
you can install drupal console using composer
open the command line on windows then go to :
cd /path/to/drupal8.dev
now you can install drupal console :
composer require drupal/console:~1.0 --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
after that you installed drupal console you can use it from drupal root directory where composer.json exist as follow:
vendor/bin/drupal <the_command>
you should replace <the_command> with one of the drupal console commands. you can see complete list of the commands here: drupal console commands
Find a php.exe
Add this path to the environnement variable path
from terminal run
php -r "readfile('https://drupalconsole.com/installer');" > drupal.phar
i then use php-storm IDE :
file/settings/command line
add tool based on symfony console
fill php path and drupal.phar path
console is now set
tools/run command
drupal list
if you have php and composer all setup
make sure you're in your drupal root folder..open powershell (anyother cli) and do '
composer require drupal/console
'after this add.
'C:\<path to your drupalwebsite root folder>\vendor\bin'
to your paths Environment variables
and you have composer installed: Remember to install and add composer to path variables for every local drupal installation.

How to install postgresql on heroku?

I want to install wordpress on heroku and follow this tutorial(https://github.com/mhoofman/wordpress-heroku) I downloaded the toolbelt of heroku and got the git repo on my disk I also created a heroku account but when I want to add postgresql to it i get:
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
! autoupdate in progress
! No app specified.
! Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app
<app name>
Why I do everything as stated in the tutorial;?
I appreciate your answer
Ok got it!!! I thought to complicated!!! I had to create an app first;P
