Running couple of tests in robot framework infinitely - robotframework

How can I run a couple of tests in robot framework infinitely or atleast a large number of times finitely.
Test case 1
Test case 2
Test case 3
I want Tests to run in the order 1,2,3,1,2,3... finitely (for a large number) or infinitely.
I know how to do it for a single test. But I want it to come back and do test 1 after test 3. And i want this batch to run in a loop.

It is not possible to create a infinite loop within RF which will run the current file over and over again indefinitely. Instead, you could create a script which points to the RF file, handles the infinity(ness) for you, and then when needed to, kill the process and join all the output.xml's together, creating the mother of all mothers RF reports. Here is a quick example within Python:
import subprocess
import os
import glob
while True:"robot EnterFileNameHere.robot") # Add any robot options you may want
except KeyboardInterrupt:
total = []
for GrabbedFiles in glob.glob("*.xml"):
total += GrabbedFiles
Converted = " ".join(str(x) for x in total)"rebot {0}".format(Converted)) # Add any rebot options you may want
Change the directories to match where your files are, and this should infinitely fire off your robot file of choice, constantly creating report files / output files. Once you kill it (with CTRL+C) it will accept that as a KeyboardInterrupt which will then, merge all of the output files for you, and then close the terminal.
The only other way to do this within RF itself is by this answer here but this would only generate a report for you once the loop is completed. I do not know how it would handle report generation if you suddenly killed RF. I presume it wouldn't create any reports at all. So personally, I think this is your best bet.
Any questions let me know.


Is there any other way to solve this question with the first answer?

how to execute some test cases multiple times in robotframework
My reputations haven't reached to 50. I could not add the comments. So I'll ask here.
The first answer said that it can do Robot -t "My test" . . . "My file name" with the case that you want to run the file multiple times. And '.' represent the times.
I tried it and it did work.
But because some of my cases need to be run by 100 or even 200 times.
Maybe the ways of '.' are not that efficiently.
Is there a way that could use number or more efficiently to represent the times I want to run the files?
Also I want to know what does '.' mean in cmd or robot framework? Where is this method from? Is there a rule of '.'?
You can use your operating system scripting tool to create a loop. In a Windows cmd/bat file or in Posix systems a Shell script, using for.

Julia Distributed, redundant iterations appearing

I ran
mpiexec -n $nprocs julia --project myfile.jl
on a cluster, where myfile.jl has the following form
using Distributed; using Dates; using JLD2; using LaTeXStrings
#everywhere begin
using SharedArrays; using QuantumOptics; using LinearAlgebra; using Plots; using Statistics; using DifferentialEquations; using StaticArrays
#Defining some other functions and SharedArrays to be used later e.g.
#sync #distributed for pp in 1:Np^2
for jj in 1:Nj
#do some stuff with local variables
for tt in 1:Nt
#do some stuff with local variables
MySharedArray[pp]=... #using linear indexing
println("$pp finished")
timestr=Dates.format(, "yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS")
#save filename*".jld2"
#later on, some other small stuff like making and saving a figure. (This does give an error "no method matching heatmap_edges(::Surface{Array{Float64,2}}, ::Symbol)" but I think that this is a technical thing about Plots so not very related to the bigger issue here)
However, when looking at the output, there are a few issues that make me conclude that something is wrong
The "$pp finished" output is repeated many times for each value of pp. It seems that this amount is actually equal to 32=$nprocs
Despite the code not being finished, "MyName" files are generated. It should be one, but I get a dozen of them with different timestr component
EDIT: two more things that I can add
the output of the different "MyName" files is not identical, but this is expected since random numbers are used in the inner loops. There are 28 of them, a number that I don't easily recognize except that its again close to the 32 $nprocs
earlier, I wrote that the walltime was exceeded, but this turns out not to be true. The .o file ends with "BAD TERMINATION OF ONE OF YOUR APPLICATION PROCESSES ... EXIT CODE :9", pretty shortly after the last output file.
$nprocs is obtained in the pbs script through
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=32
nprocs= `cat $PBS_NODEFILE|wc -l`
As pointed out by adamslc on the Julia discourse, the proper way to use Julia on a cluster is to either
Start a session with one core from the job script, add more with addprocs() in the Julia script itself
Use more specialized Julia packages

Datastage Sequence job- how to process each file at a time if those files are in 7 different folders

DataStage - There are 7 folders in a path and in each folder there are 2 files . for eg : the 2 files are in the folllowing format- filename = test_s1_YYYYMMDD.txt, test_s1_YYYYMMDD.done. The path for these files are user/test/test_s1/
user/test/test_s7/------here s1,s2...s7 represents the different folders
In these folders the 2 above mentioned files are present , so how can i process each file in a sequence job?
First you need a job to process a file and the filename needs to be a parameter of that job.
For the Sequence level you need two levels - the inner one for the two files within each folder and a outer one for the different directories.
For the inner one you can choose to build a loop with to iterations or simply add the processing job twice to the sequence (which will reduce complexity in case it will always be two files).
The outer Sequence is a loop where you could parameterize the path in a way that the loop counter could be used to generate your 1-7 flexible path addon.
Check out more details on loops here
You can use the loop counter (stage_label.$Counter) to parameterize your job.
Depending on what you want to do with the files, it is an important decision how to process your files. Starting a job (or more) in a sequence for each file can lead to heavy overhead for just starting the jobs. Try loading all files at once in a parallel job using the sequenial file stage.
In the Sequential File Stage, set the appropriate Format. You can also set everything to none to just put each row in one column and process that in a later job. This will make the reading very flexible and forgiving. If your files are all the same structure, define your columns as needed.
To select the files, use File Patterns. In the Options of the Sequential File Stage, choose to have a File Name Column so you can process the filenames in a later job. You might also want to add a Row Number Column.
This method works pretty fast.

How to force robot framework to pick robot files in sequential order?

I have robot files in a folder (tests) as shown below:
Now if I execute '/root/users1/power$ pybot root/user1/tests' command, robot files are running in following order:
I want to force robot_framework to pick robot files in sequential order, like 1,2,3,4,5....
Do we have any option for this?
If you have the option of renaming your files, you just need to make sure that the prefix is sortable. For numbers, that means they should all have the same number of digits.
I recommend renaming your test cases to have three or four digits for the prefix:
With that, they will sort in the order that you expect.
Following #Emna answer, RF docs ( ) provides some solution.
So what could you do:
rename all the files to have consecutive and computer numbering (001-test.robot instead of 1-test.robot). This may break any internal references to other files (resources), hard to add test in-between,error prone when execution order needs to be changed
you can tag it as Emna
idea from RF docs - write a script to create argument file which will keep ordering in proper way and use it as argument to robot execution. For 1000+ files it should not take longer than few seconds.
try to design tests to not be dependent from execution order, use suite setup instead.
good luck ;)
Tag the tests as foo and bar so you can run each test separately:
pybot -i foo tests
pybot -i bar tests
and decide the order you want
pybot -i bar tests || pybot -i foo tests

How to insert text into middle of text file in QT?

I'm writing a program that performs several tests on a hardware unit, and logs both the results of each test and the steps taken to perform the test. The trick is that I want the program to log these results to a text file as they become available, so that if the program crashes the results that had been obtained are not lost, and the log can help debug the crash.
For example, assume a program consisting of two tests. If the program has finished the first test and is working on the second, the log file would look like:
Test 1 Result A: Passed
Test 1 Result B: 1.5 Volts
Setting up instruments.
Beginning test 1.
[Steps in test 1]
Finished test 1.
Beginning test 2.
[whatever test 2 steps have been completed]
Once the second test has finished, the log file would look like this:
Test 1 Result A: Passed
Test 1 Result B: 1.5 Volts
Test 2 Result A: Passed
Test 2 Result B: 2.0 Volts
Setting up instruments.
Beginning test 1.
[Steps in test 1]
Finished test 1.
Beginning test 2.
[Steps in test 2]
Finished test 2.
All tests complete.
How would I go about doing this? I've been looking at the help files for QFile and QTextStream, but I'm not seeing a way to insert text in the middle of existing text. I don't want to create separate files and merge them at the end because I'd end up with separate files in the event of a crash. I also don't want to write the file from scratch every time a change is made because it seems like there should be a faster, more elegant way of doing this.
QFile.readAll will read the entire file into a QByteArray.
On the QByteArray you can then use insert to insert text in the middle,
and then write it back to file again.
Or you could use the classic c style that can modify files in the middle with the help of filepointers.
As #Roku pointed out, there is no built in way to insert data in a file with a rewrite. However if you know the size of the region, i.e., if the text you want to write has a fixed length, then you can write an empty space in the file and replace it later. Check
this discussion in overwriting part of a file.
I ended up going with the "write the file from scratch" method that I mentioned being hesitant about in my question. The benefit of this technique is that it results in a single file, even in the event of a crash since the log and the results are never placed in different files to begin with. Additionally, rewriting the file only happens when adding new results (an infrequent occurrence), whereas updating the log means simply appending text to the file as usual. I'm still a bit surprised that there isn't a way to have the OS insert text into a file for you.
Oh, and for those of you who absolutely must have this functionality as efficiently as possible, the following might be of use:
You just cannot add more stuff in the middle of a file. I would go with two separate files, another for the results and another for the logs.
