Removing Comment Section and Date in Wordpress Projects and Posts - wordpress

I was just wondering if there is a simple way to hide the comment box and date in WP posts and projects. I've followed everything and have unchecked the options under the screen options tab for both projects and posts and they are still showing. Anything other than good old CSS to hide this stuff?

You can erase the HTML source code directly in yours templates files.

Open up your theme files, and look for your single.php file.
Look for a post meta section, and simply comment out/delete the part that generates the date, more than likely
<?php the_date(); ?>
Towards the bottom of the single.php file, there will most likely be some code that adds the comments form, again simply delete or comment it out, maybe: <?php comment_form(); ?>


Adding A Button Between post-content and Related Posts Thumbnail Plugin on WordPress

I am trying to add a button to my WordPress template. Basically, I have the post and then there is the Related Posts Thumbnails widget that appears. I want the button to go between the text of the post and the related posts thumbnail widget. The code in my 'Single Post' that contains all of this is as follows:
<div class="post-content">
<?php the_content(__('<em><strong>More:</strong> Read the rest of this entry...</em>', 'life-is-simple')); ?>
I know the Related Posts Thumbnails plugin falls within this code because it's at that place when I 'Inspect Element' on Google Chrome. I can't find how to edit the order of things within that div though. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Clarification: I am using the Life Is Simple WordPress theme although it has been custom editing quite a bit (mostly on the CSS side of things though).
That plugin is probably appending the output to the_content with a filter .
That means , that the output is being added to the_content automatically. it is a common behaviour.
You need to look at the plugin´s admin interface to see if you can have an alternative way (I believe there is ) which is using a template tag. in that case, you should put the template tag after the div where the the_content() is .
After a small dig, - in fact there is - you need to put
<?php get_related_posts_thumbnails(); ?>
Then the plugin should know by itself not to append to the_content.
For parameter passing, or if something is not working, go read their APi or help files.
You'll probably need to edit single.php or archive.php in your theme. If nothing is occuring there that looks familiar, it's probably using a loop. In which case you might find what you are looking for either in loop.php, loop-single.php, or loop-archive.php depending on what type of page you are on and how the theme was constructed. Add your button near where you find Read the rest of this entry...
With more information (such as what theme you are using), one might be able to help more as well.

Permalink-safe way to link pages inside footer.php

I am currently building a new theme for my site and am kind of stuck not knowing the proper way to link pages together. What is the proper way to direct visitor to another page if I were to write the link straight into footer.php?
Let's consider the following inside footer.php:
A Link
That would work well up until I were to change my permalink structure to something else.
What is the proper way to do it(without using WP built in menus or anything similar)?
You can use get_permalink assuming your pages are in Wordpress.
See this link:
The above answer is 100% correct, but to save people some time when they stumble upon this question, I took the liberty of writing it out.
<?php echo get_the_title(12); ?>
This covers everything from hover text to dynamic page title, so if you decide to change "Contact" to "Contact Us," you won't have to remember to update the footer.php file.

widgets_on_pages not working

Hello i'm using widgets_on_pages to place widgets on pages, i installed it and added a widget to the panel in my admin section, then i added [widgets_on_pages id=2] ("its the 2nd sidebar and it said i should add this") into my html on the place where the widget should appear but it only shows the code i added in pure text, nothing else happens, anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
If I understand correctly then the following applies... if not, apologies.
You should not need to do it this way. It seems that Vincent, you are trying to add the shortcode into a theme php file... this is incorrect and the shortcode is for adding into the page/post content by the post/page editor.
To add a Widgets on Pages sidebar to a template then v 0.0.7 (I believe) has built in template tags (see link text). This should allow you to add the following I think
<?php widgets_on_template("2"); ?>
Try this
<?php echo do_shortcode('[widgets_on_pages id=2]'] ?>

How do I get rid of the "Your comment is awaiting moderation." message in Wordpress?

I coudn't find the php that generates that or do I have to deactivate it from the Site admin?
You'll need to use your own callback for wp_list_comments() - check out Twenty Ten's comment callback twentyten_comment() as an example.
You'll see a line something along the lines of;
<?php if ( $comment->comment_approved == '0' ) : ?>
<em><?php _e( 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.', 'twentyten' ); ?></em>
<br />
<?php endif; ?>
You could pretty much copy and paste twentyten_comment() into your own theme, removing the block of code above, and then using wp_list_comments('callback=my_comment_callback') in comments.php.
Easiest way without cracking the code or bothering with a child theme is to hide it using css. In the theme I'm looking at now, that text is in a span tag assigned to the class "comment-await"
<span class="comment-await">Your comment is awaiting moderation.</span>
Most themes now offer a custom css option in the Customize section, so:
You can play with changing the text by using css before or after selectors. Of course, you only want to do this for little changes, It it gets extensive the right way is to create a child theme and override the theme by editing comments.php (or other relevant file)
Download and Install Notepad++.
Open Notepad++
Hit "Ctrl-F" to get a Find dialog.
Change to the Find in Files tab ("Ctrl-Shift-F" might shortcut you here).
Change the filter to *.php
Change the location to your wordpress folder
Ensure you have Search in Subdirectories enabled.
Search for "Your comment is awaiting"

How do I get the WordPress sidebar to show up on a post's detail page?

My example is here
I am customizing the default template, but something isn't placed right. Can't figure it out.
By the way, I am asking this here and not at WordPress because frankly, their forums are horrible as far as response times go. Stackoverflow has always done me good :)
Without seeing the php code it'll be hard to know why. Do you have a seprate template for single post ie singlepost.php? If so, make sure you're include sidebar.php into that.
Looks like single.php in the default theme doesn't pull in the sidebar by default. You'll need to add <?php get_sidebar(); ?> right before <?php get_footer(); ?> in single.php or just delete the single.php and wordpress will use index.php instead which has the sidebar.
