Where does parameter value that not show in firefox dev edition go? - firefox-developer-tools

where does firefox developer edition hide the XHR request param... ?
Here the image when i open the console tools and make some XHR request but none of parameter is show. Im using POST method when XHR it...
I am using firefox-dev edition version : 57.0b11 (64-bit)
thanks u for any guide.

Fortunately those litte guys comeback again to their home as this is getting solved in the newer version of firefox dev edition (58.0b4 (64-bit)
Thanks you


Driver is older than my version of chrome

In a previous question I was instructed to download pythom, pycharm and the latest chrome driver. My version of chrome is 105.0.5192.102. But, when I look at the drivers page I can only find up to 105.0.5192.52.
Sorry for the question, I"m very new to all of this and have no idea what I am doing. THanks for any help!

I am using version 6.24.3 of jxbrowser, but unable to access some websites?

I am using version 6.24.3 of jxbrowser, and there is a problem when accessing https://mail.163.com. I can confirm that there is no problem with the website. I have checked the official jxbrowser documentation, but there is no gain. I hope to get an answer here
The following is the error message given by version 6.24.3 of jxbrowser;
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at https://mail.163.com/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
I want to confirm what causes this, and if there is a solution on this version?
Exception screenshot
I suppose it's because of the old Chromium 69 used by JxBrowser 6.24.3. It's possible that the website doesn't work in such an old Chromium version. I can recommend that you try JxBrowser 7.11 based on Chromium 79 and see if it helps.

YouTube Player API Failing to Auto-Start (using Canonical Example)

Browser: Google Chrome is up to date
Version 68.0.3440.42 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
OS: MacOS 10.13.5
Running the official example from https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference observing a unusual bug.
note: Observed problem is a separate project, but replicated it with this canonical example.
Loading code from a local webserver running on port 8082:
npx http-server
note: Added console logs to the onPlayerStateChange function to assist in troubleshooting.
If run with dev tools NOT OPEN observe the bug. If run with dev tools OPEN do not observe the bug. Also, the bug does not appear to happen in latest version of Firefox.
Console Output with dev tools NOT open (until after) - BUG
Console Output with dev tools open - NO BUG
Ok... Believe the odd behavior with it working with Chrome Dev Tools open fooled me. Just happened to find a reference to a new Chrome Browser flag (and feature) that disables autoplay videos. The answer is to set the following flag on your browser:
Apparently, if you set the player with playerVars to be muted and it will also work too (verified myself).

Google Apis explorer is not working in local development server

Google Apis explorer is not working in local development server and it is showing no error just a redirect.
INFO 2016-02-01 06:19:42,645 module.py:787] default: "GET
/_ah/api/explorer HTTP/1.1" 302 - INFO 2016-02-01 06:19:45,206
module.py:787] default: "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 7933 INFO 2016-02-01 06:19:52,044 module.py:787]
default: "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 7933
Im able to view discovery doc for my app also without error. I can make calls from javascript client to my apis but cannot see them on apis explorer. I was able to see them last day and in the morning gone.
The problem persists in all apps running in the development server.
Specs :-
1.9.31 - sdk version
python - language
mac-os x
I'm new to google cloud endpoints and I can't understand how to trace the issue. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks
Update : Workaround
The issue is unfortunately related to the latest release of Chrome. You probably need to launch a new testing Chrome profile with arguments --user-data-dir=test --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 as suggested by google https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Component%20Status%20Stars%20Summary%20Language%20Priority%20Owner%20Log&groupby=&sort=&id=12713
To create a new chrome profile on mac-osx follow this link :
Something changed, and now you must start Chrome in a specific way to use api explorer on localhost development server
here is a link to info from google.
But for me it still didn't fix using api explorer with localhost dev server.
I find that a possible workaround is to launch Chrome with the flag "--allow-running-insecure-content"
On MacOs in terminal run this:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/Mac/Google\ Chrome
--user-data-dir=test --allow-running-insecure-content
It worked for me
I'm also facing the same issue. After fiddling on the local machine, we've deployed the app and the API explorer is accessible via the remote host.
In order to access the API Explorer remotely, open the following link in your browser
This is a work around till there is a solution available
I think this will do the trick as google has also changed the documentation and red banner message:
The issue is unfortunately related to the latest release of Chrome. You probably need to launch a new testing Chrome profile with arguments --user-data-dir=test --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 as suggested by google https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Component%20Status%20Stars%20Summary%20Language%20Priority%20Owner%20Log&groupby=&sort=&id=12713
To create a new chrome profile on mac-osx follow this link : https://www.chromium.org/user-experience/user-data-directory

SCORM (flash Player Content) not working on Windows Server 2012 R2 which has IE11 integrated installed on it

I have website which contains SCORM package, installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 which has IE11 installed on it. Flash Player is also embedded with IE.
IE Version: 11.0.9600.17278.
Updated Version: 11.0.12 (KB2977629)
When I launch SCORM (flash Player Content) from my application, it is not working. It just displays a blank page however the Title of IE is set to the text from the SCORM content.
However if I access the same URL from any other machine which has previous version of Windows OS (i.e. previous to Windows 8 OS), it is working as expected on IE9, IE10 and IE11.
While trying to find out the cause, I came across some forum which says we have to install the “Desktop Experience” on the server to enable the inbuilt flash player. After doing that also, My SCORM contents are not getting displayed.
To find out more details, I have uploaded the SCORM Package on SCORM Cloud to check if it is working there. Here again the same problem, it doesn’t work and displays error message saying that “Member is not found” and when I tried to find out the location of the error then it is coming at windows.document.myflash.SetVariable(…) method on the Windows Server 2012 R2 with IE11.
When I performed “Addwatch”, it is saying that windows.document.myflash doesn’t have SetVariable(…) method.
However if access the same cloud URL from other machine (Having OS previous to Windows 8 OS), it is working as expected.
Any help would be appreciated.
Windows Server has probably a restricted Internet Explorer installed (this is an addon for IE that restricts the kind of content that can be run from a web page).
If this is disabling flash content, you will have to uninstall the addon.
You could check if any other flash based page is working, e.g. Youtube to confirm that Flash is disabled.
I found the cause and the solution for the same.
Actually it was throwing an javascript error which was expecting "StudentName" and "StudentID" property which I haven't set. However even though I was not setting these parameter, it was working on other versions of IE.
After setting these parameters, it is working now.
Thanks for all suggestions.
