Here are my resolvers:
resolvers in ThisBuild ++= Seq(
"Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" at "https://.../repository/maven-snapshots/",
"Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" at "https://.../repository/maven-releases/")
Here is how dependency is specified:
libraryDependencies += a %% b % "1.+"
Nexus contains 1.0.0 in maven-releases
Here is the log I get:
[FAILED ] a#b_2.11;1.0.0-SNAPSHOT!b_2.11.jar: (0ms)
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] /Users/me/.ivy2/local/a/b_2.11/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/jars/b_2.11.jar
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== local-preloaded-ivy: tried
[warn] /Users/me/.sbt/preloaded/a/b_2.11/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/jars/b_2.11.jar
[warn] ==== local-preloaded: tried
[warn] file:////Users/pavelvoronin/.sbt/preloaded/.../b_2.11/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/b_2.11-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[warn] ==== Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager: tried
[warn] https://.../repository/maven-snapshots/.../b_2.11/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/b_2.11-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[warn] ==== Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager: tried
[warn] https://.../repository/maven-releases/.../b_2.11/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/b_2.11-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Why does it look for SNAPSHOT? And does not notice 1.0.0?
Some lines from Ivy docs:
end the revision with a + selects the latest sub-revision of the
dependency module. For instance, if the dependency module exists in
revision 1.0.3, 1.0.7 and 1.1.2, "1.0.+" will select 1.0.7.
After I cleaned Ivy cache it started just telling me that 1.+ is not found. And here are some logs from Nexus:
2017-10-18 11:51:07,030+0000 DEBUG [qtp219355933-2530] user - Request: Request{action=‘HEAD’, path=‘/.../b_2.11/maven-metadata.xml’, parameters={}, payload=HttpRequestPayloadAdapter{contentType=‘null’, size=-1}, multipart=false}
2017-10-18 11:51:07,031+0000 DEBUG [qtp219355933-2530] user$MatcherImpl - Matching: HEAD /.../b_2.11/maven-metadata.xml
2017-10-18 11:51:07,034+0000 DEBUG [qtp219355933-2530] user - Response: Response{status=Status{successful=false, code=404, message=‘.../b_2.11/maven-metadata.xml’}, payload=null}
The problem is that standard sbt pack does not create maven-metadata.xml file.
With Aether-deploy plugin everything works fine.
I have an SBT project with following resolvers definition:
resolvers += Resolver.mavenLocal
resolvers += Resolver.url("my-release", url(""))
resolvers += Resolver.url("my-snapshot", url(""))
(I changed my company's repo URLs).
SBT 0.13.9 was able to resolve my company's artifacts from the specified repositories (including maven local), but when I try to upgrade to 1.1.2, it seems to only resolve the artifacts that are already downloaded to local ivy cache. New artifacts are not found. Here's a part of the output from running sbt update command:
[warn] module not found: com.mycompany.artifact#my-artifact;1.2.3
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== local-preloaded-ivy: tried
[warn] ==== local-preloaded: tried
[warn] ==== Maven2 Local: tried
[warn] ==== my-release: tried
[warn] ==== my-snapshot: tried
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: com.mycompany.artifact#my-artifact;1.2.3: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
So it seems to check my repos, but still fails to find the artifact.
What I can do as a workaround is to rollback to SBT 0.13, build a project at least once (0.13 will add the missing artifact to ivy cache), and then change the version back to 1.1.2.
UPDATE: It looks that for maven repositories you need to use at instead of Resolver.url:
resolvers += "my-release" at ""
resolvers += "my-snapshot" at ""
This way it works properly.
It looks that for maven repositories you need to use at instead of Resolver.url:
resolvers += "my-release" at ""
resolvers += "my-snapshot" at ""
This way it works properly.
I am trying to publish an sbt plugin to a local file repo. In the plugin's build.sbt I have:
publishTo := Some(Resolver.file("localtrix", file("/Users/jast/repo/localtrix")))
I run the publish task and it gets published fine to
In another project, I want to resolve this plugin. in project/plugins.sbt I have:
resolvers += Resolver.file("localtrix", file("/Users/jast/repo/localtrix"))
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "1.2.3")
I try to run sbt in the this project and I get:
[info] Updating ProjectRef(uri("file:/Users/jast/playspace/untitled38/project/"), "untitled38-build")...
[warn] module not found:;1.2.3
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sbt-plugin-releases: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] /Users/jast/.ivy2/local/
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== local-preloaded-ivy: tried
[warn] /Users/jast/.sbt/preloaded/
[warn] ==== local-preloaded: tried
[warn] file:////Users/jast/.sbt/preloaded/org/me/sbt-plugin_2.12_1.0/1.2.3/sbt-plugin-1.2.3.pom
[warn] ==== localtrix: tried
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::;1.2.3: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
So how can I publish to a local repo it in a way that also gets resolved correctly?
Note: publishLocal and resolving from .ivy2/local works, but I want to be able to publish to a repo that I can copy to another machine without messing with that directory.
sbt plugins by default are published ivy-style, so you when you refer to your local repository, use Resolver.ivyStylePatterns. To publish:
publishTo := Some(Resolver.file("localtrix", file("/Users/jast/repo/localtrix"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns))
And to resolve:
resolvers += Resolver.file("localtrix", file("/Users/jast/repo/localtrix"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "1.2.3")
Alternatively you can set publishMavenStyle := true for the plugin, but I see that you already figured that out.
You missed scala version in name. And you have also strange suffix in plugin name _1.0 in your published artifact, so just fixing scala version could be not enough.
This should work.
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin_2.12_1.0" % "1.2.3")
If you find out where came this suffix _1.0 from, fix on scala version should help:
addSbtPlugin("" %% "sbt-plugin" % "1.2.3")
Update after comment
Ok, thanks, I did not know that for plugins it works differently.
But try to define resolver differently for resolvers (works for me):
resolvers += "localtrix" at "file:///Users/jast/repo/localtrix"
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "1.2.3")
When setting up a sbt project with a local artifactory / maven proxy I see the following message:
In order to specify that all resolvers added in the sbt project should
be ignored in favor of those configured in the repositories
configuration, add the following configuration option to the sbt
launcher script:
Add the following to your build.sbt file:
resolvers +=
"Artifactory" at "http://url/artifactory/virtualRepository/"
But what I would like to achieve is a behaviour similar to maven i.e. not manually overriding resolvers in the SBT file, but rather via the configuration.
Is this possible as well? If yes how?
Desired behaviour
the project should compile fine without local artifactory proxy
when available / configured in repositories the local one should be used as the source / cache for quicker access
currently, I only get unresolved dependencies for sbt plugins:
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: org.scalariform#sbt-scalariform;1.6.0: not found
[warn] :: org.scoverage#sbt-scoverage;1.5.0: not found
[warn] :: org.scalastyle#scalastyle-sbt-plugin;0.8.0: not found
[warn] :: net.virtual-void#sbt-dependency-graph;0.8.2: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
With warnings of
[warn] module not found: org.scalariform#sbt-scalariform;1.6.0
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sbt-plugin-releases: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] d:\users\heilerg\.ivy2\local\org.scalariform\sbt-scalariform\scala_2.10\sbt_0.13\1.6.0\ivys\ivy.xml
[warn] ==== my-ivy-proxy-releases: tried
[warn] http://url/artifactory/virtualRepositoryScala/org.scalariform/sbt-scalariform/scala_2.10/sbt_0.13/1.6.0/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== my-maven-proxy-releases: tried
[warn] http://url/artifactory/virtualRepositoryScala/org/scalariform/sbt-scalariform_2.10_0.13/1.6.0/sbt-scalariform-1.6.0.pom
[warn] ==== Artima Maven Repository: tried
[info] Resolving org.scoverage#sbt-scoverage;1.5.0 ...
and SBT logs will show
[ERROR] (o.a.r.RemoteRepoBase:766) - IO error while trying to download resource 'repo1:org/scalariform/sbt-scalariform_2.10_0.13/1.6.0/sbt-scalariform-1.6.0.pom': org.artifactory.api.repo.exception.maven.BadPomException: The target deployment path 'org/scalariform/sbt-scalariform_2.10_0.13/1.6.0/sbt-scalariform-1.6.0.pom' does not match the POM's expected path prefix 'org/scalariform/sbt-scalariform/1.6.0'. Please verify your POM content for correctness and make sure the source path is a valid Maven repository root path.
Somewhere people mention to use the following option in Artifactory to "suppress POM consistency checks", but in the current version of artifactory I can not finde such an option.
I can see only these options
As answered in the comment, a common workaround is "Suppress POM Consistency Checks" - Advanced Settings.
If that is not desirable, another method might be to re-publish the plugin with a valid POM. I've written POM consistency for sbt plugins to show that can be done.
// set some unique postfix
ThisBuild / version := "0.15.0-Pets1"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
name := "sbt-assembly",
publishMavenStyle := true,
// add this
// Add the following
lazy val pomConsistency2021Draft = settingKey[Boolean]("experimental")
* this is an unofficial experiment to re-publish plugins with better Maven compatibility
def pomConsistency2021DraftSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
pomConsistency2021Draft := Set("true", "1")(sys.env.get("POM_CONSISTENCY").getOrElse("false")),
moduleName := {
if (pomConsistency2021Draft.value)
(pluginCrossBuild / sbtBinaryVersion).value)
else moduleName.value
projectID := {
if (pomConsistency2021Draft.value) sbtPluginExtra2021Draft(projectID.value)
else projectID.value
def sbtPluginModuleName2021Draft(n: String, sbtV: String): String =
s"""${n}_sbt${if (sbtV == "1.0") "1" else if (sbtV == "2.0") "2" else sbtV}"""
def sbtPluginExtra2021Draft(m: ModuleID): ModuleID =
I am creating a Scala project with sbt 0.11.2 and sbt-idea and I am getting UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES on the gen-idea task.
I've just installed sbt (downloaded jar and made script as instructed in the wiki), followed the sbt-idea setup here, made an empty directory for my project, and run sbt and then run the gen-idea task.
It can't find the dependency because it only uses the built-in repos. How do I tell sbt to check another repo?
When I place the build.sbt file in the plugins dir and run sbt it starts resolving things, one of which is Resolving com.github.mpeltonen#sbt-idea;0.11.0 ...
Later in the process it downloads it successfully:
[info] downloading ...
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] com.github.mpeltonen#sbt-idea;0.11.0!sbt-idea.jar (592ms)
When I run the gen-idea task, things look good at first...
> gen-idea
[info] Trying to create an Idea module default-b91f2c
It moves on to creating .idea directories and such, which seem to be created just fine. It then starts resolving things again (scala tools, sbt, commens-*, etc)
Eventually it tries to resolve sbt-idea:
[warn] module not found: com.github.mpeltonen#sbt-idea;0.11.0
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] /home/scaladev/.ivy2/local/com.github.mpeltonen/sbt-idea/scala_2.9.1/sbt_0.11.2/0.11.0/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository: tried
[warn] ==== Scala-Tools Maven2 Snapshots Repository: tried
[info] Resolving commons-io#commons-io;2.0.1 ...
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: com.github.mpeltonen#sbt-idea;0.11.0: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] Note: Some unresolved dependencies have extra attributes. Check that these dependencies exist with the requested attributes.
[warn] com.github.mpeltonen:sbt-idea:0.11.0 (sbtVersion=0.11.2, scalaVersion=2.9.1)
I understand that it wouldn't find it at those locations, but I don't understand why it didn't try the github repo, as it did when configuring the plugin. I was expecting to see a line looking something like this:
[warn] ==== sbt-idea-repo: tried
gen-idea plugin for sbt 0.11.2 has not yet been published but 0.11.1-SNAPSHOT version should work as expected :
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "0.11.1-SNAPSHOT")
This is documented in the sbt-idea README file here. Specifically:
Add the following lines to ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt or PROJECT_DIR/project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "0.11.0")
NOTE: If you experience problems with sbt 0.11 installation, see this.
I have defined several additional resolvers, which are displayed by resolvers:
[clearspan]> show resolvers
[info] List(bt: http://maven.[redacted].com/artifactory/repo/, Local Maven Repository: file:///home/dan/.m2/repository, Oracle:, localMaven: file:///home/dan/.m2/repository)
However, when I run update, it only tries Maven Central. Any idea why?
> update
[info] Updating {file:/home/dan/l/clearspan/}cs-trading-processor...
[warn] [NOT FOUND ] javax.resource#connector;1.0!connector.jar (44ms)
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: ^ see resolution messages for details ^ ::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: javax.resource#connector;1.0!connector.jar
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: problems summary ::
[warn] :::: WARNINGS
[warn] [NOT FOUND ] javax.resource#connector;1.0!connector.jar (44ms)
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: ^ see resolution messages for details ^ ::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: javax.resource#connector;1.0!connector.jar
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[error] {file:/home/dan/l/[redacted]/}[redacted]/*:update: sbt.ResolveException: download failed: javax.resource#connector;1.0!connector.jar
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed Sep 7, 2011 4:51:11 PM
According to the documentation Library dependencies section Resolvers:
Not all packages live on the same server; sbt uses the standard Maven2
repository by default. If your dependency isn’t on one of the default
repositories, you’ll have to add a resolver to help Ivy find it.
You can do it using resolvers setting:
resolvers += name at location
You did it and it didn't work.
In Overriding default resolvers you can read:
resolvers does not contain the default resolvers; only additional ones
added by your build definition.
sbt combines resolvers with some default repositories to form
Therefore, to change or remove the default resolvers, you would need
to override externalResolvers instead of resolvers.
In your answer you said using externalResolvers helped, but I doubt that (sorry).
I think the issue was where you defined the new resolvers. It appears that the resolvers come from the top-level project while you may have been using multi-project build and the resolvers setting didn't get picked up.
I think a solution is to define the resolvers setting for the build in general using in ThisBuild or in [projectName] for a given project with projectName replaced with the proper project name the value of the setting should be set to.
I should have been setting externalResolvers instead.