Find website UA-ID - google-analytics

I'm trying to operate a Google analytics account which has now been locked out of due to the previous operator leaving the company. So I am unable to log in. I know the email, but not the password. I've searched ways to find the UA-ID , and apparently I'm supposed to look inside the <head> of my site's homepage. However I can't find anything there that looks like it is the UA-ID. Reason I need the UA-ID is so I can verify my site to google, so I can login to it. Can somebody give me some direction?

Install the Google Tag Assistant or the Google Analytics Debugger extension in Chrome, both will give you detailed information on your GA implementation (for the debugger you have to open the browser console).
Or simply go to the browser console, look at the network tab and search for a request to (or if you have enabled demographic features in GA), and search the parameters for the tracking id (starts with "UA-").


Getting Strange Google Analytics URL Data

I recently opened up my google analytics and looked at the behavior panel all pages in depth for the first time and I noticed some strange pages such as:
I removed the client value and some other fields and replaced with REMOVED for anonymity purposes but I was wondering if anyone can tell me if it's malware.
I have a site that uses wordpress in the cloud and I have scanned with wordfence saying that my site is clean.
Was wondering if I should look deeper, or if this behavioral page is normal.
Amobee and Flashtalking are both advertising platforms, so it looks somebody has configured advertising tags incorrectly. Probably those clicks should be routed through the respective platforms (e.g. to record data for bid management or something like that) and instead they go directly to your page with redirect Urls appended. If you do paid advertising then you should check with the people who configured this for you.

how to verify that google analytics is working correctly on a subdomain (no access to root domain)

I am trying to add google analytics to a project that is located under a subdomain. The subdomain has been was pointed to my my project by the domain owner, so I do not have access to the domain itself.
When I add the tracking code the status (shown under Property > Tracking Info)
Status: Tracking Not Installed
Last checked: 04-Jan-2014 00:00:05 PST
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your
website's home page. For Analytics to function, you or your web
administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
Is there any way to verify the tracking code is installed on the subdomain without having to access the domain root?
Although the tracking status is uninstalled, I am getting activity in Standard Reports > Realtime.
Does this mean that it is working despite the status report?
Am I likely to get correct tracking information with this setup?
You do not need access to the root domain and if the realtime statistics track traffic then most likely your GA setup works correctly. Most likey you did not implement the code at the place in the source code where Google expects it (which usually works but is still flagged as an error in verification).
If you use Google Chrome as browser you can additionally use two nice extensions to verify that your setup is correct:
Google Tag Assistant - verifys various Google Tags without mch detail
Google Analytics Debugger - provides some detail which data is sent to google, which plugins (e.g. ecommerce) are loaded by the analytics code etc.

In-Page Analytics not working

When trying to look at In-Page Analytic in firefox I get this message:
"Problem loading In-Page Analytics
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google. If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly."
When trying to view In-Page Analytic in Chrome I get:
"Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]"
I don't understand why this is not working because when I look at other reports in Google Analytic like page views everything seems to be working fine...
Any help would be much appreciated.
Recent web browser updates block http scripts from loading in a https session by default. In the URL bar click the shield icon and Load unsafe script to show in page analytics.
I had the same problem in Chrome and this worked for me like a charm:
After you try loading the report, look at the Chrome browser’s Address
bar. At the right side of the bar, a shield icon is displayed. Click
on the shield icon. Then you’re notified that the site contains an
unsafe script, and you’re given the option to run the script. Once
you grant permission to run the script, the report appears as it’s
supposed to
Clear your browsing data and try again. (Ctrl - Shift - Delete)
You should also verify your View settings are correct - please have a look at this GA troubleshooting document:
I had the same issue as user1697748 & Alex Lockwood. I change the property settings to
Start In-Page Analytics in "Full View Mode" instead of embedded mode.
This you can find in Admin --> Property Settings.
Now I the In page analytics opens in new window but get this error.
Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]
I am getting the other data from analytic but having issues with in page analytics.
So I did following to fix it.
Make sure the url is same in all your properties. I had at one place and at all other places it was Google also recommends to keep it same
Delete all cookies. Close windows and re open it.
Worked for me.
It has been more than 2 years since In-Page Analytics report started to have problems with loading the data in Google Analytics interface. There are a few things you can try:
You can disable the security in your browser (not recommended).
You can download a plugin for Chrome to view some of the Google Analytics data directly in your browser (you wouldn't be able to apply any segments or filter the data by using the plugin).
You can recreate the report using Google Analytics data (the best solution) in Excel or Tableau. It isn't very hard to do, and once you are done, the problem is gone forever.
Here is a detailed step-by-step description of how to recreate In-Page Analytics report.
Google anaytics inpage analytics feature has been disabled and will be removed soon. To overcome the loading errors a new page analytics chrome extension has been developed which is more easier to use and analyze page.
Follow the step by step guide to using inpage analytics chrome extension.
seems to be a widespread problem with this whole inpage analytics thing.
I had/ have several problems my self and there is not only one step towards the solution because there is more than just one problem. So I will write here some of the steps and solutions I made so far which worked:
1. Problem: Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] = Solution = If updated to universal analytics you get a code snippet, which is not complete: you get this from analytics
ga('create', 'UA-1200274-1', '');
ga('send', 'pageview');
but you have to put in an extra line between those two lines
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');, plus you have to go under admin ->Property settings-> and switch on Use enhanced link attribution, DONT use full side mode!
Now when you try inpage analytics again it depends on the browser you are using: In IE, it appears an allert, you have to click on "view whole content" (sorry I have it in german, it might be in english saying something else, like loading page, or show whole page or so..), In google Chrome you have to look in the url bar, there is kind of a shield and you have to click on it and say load unsecure script.
Well that is the way how to solve the two error messages with Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] and "Problem loading In-Page Analytics We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics..."
Now at least you can anaylse the main page (eg, but in my case when i click further, then it doesnt stop loading for ever or it just appears that error again Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006],
I was really analyzing and testing and breaking my head, until I found out, that when I copy the Url, at the end of the url, my webpages adress repeats again. like this so i just deleted the last part from the www... out of the Url and pressed enter and then all the datas appeared... Its a little annoying because you have to delete the www out of ech url you are anaylzing manually, but at least you can use the inpage analytics. Sorry for my very bad English skills, but I hope at least some one understood it:)
Please dont stop posting more solutions and ideas:)
regards MA

Question about setting up Google Analytics with Google Apps Marketplace

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question but if theres anyone who would know this is SO. If not, where is the best place to ask this question?
At the bottom of vendor profile when you log in at, there is a text box for you to insert your GA code.
Question: what does this do? What kind of stats am I expected to see in Google Analytics? I don't have the luxury of trial and error at the moment.
That field gives you analytics on visits to your Apps Marketplace's product page. Basically, for security reasons, Google doesn't let you add JavaScript to the page, but they provide the ability to specifically insert Google Analytics tracking.
There's a similar field on (Google Code -- for hosting code source), the Chrome Web Store (for web apps), and non-Google sites too... this is standard practice when a website wants to let a third party embed their Google Analytics but doesn't want to give them the ability to add arbitrary JavaScript to the page.

Exclude Xenu's Link Sleuth from Google Analytics

I've just added the Google Analytics tracking to my website (cca 350 static HTML pages).
I realized that I run Xenu's Link Sleuth to check my links pretty often, nearly after each change in my HTML files. I guess such checking will be counted as regular accesses to my website by Google Analytics. I would like to exclude the Xenu checking from the Google Analytics reports. Is this possible?
So far, I have excluded my own access by filtering out my IP address. Can I do something similar for the Xenu? I am running the Xenu application always from my own PC, does it mean that by excluding my own IP, I have also excluded the Xenu checking, which is possibly using also my IP address?
As I am writing this, I am realizing that I am using also online HTML validator at and another version here Can I somehow exclude also these checks?
Does Link Sleuth run JavaScript? If not, it won't do anything to Google Analytics.
From what I can see on the FAQ, Link Sleuth will only run JavaScript if you tell it to, and then only links that match your regular expression. Just don't get it to call the GA tracker.
