Redux Dev Tool in Chrome throwing odd error - redux

When debugging my Redux store (running React) I keep getting this message
apologies:"Serializing our large state kept crashing redux devtools. I hope to bring it back someday, but for now you can see the state by using TS.redux.getState() in the console"
Has any one else seen this ?
And at the risk of being stupid I then run TS.redux.getState() in the console and get
VM1468:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: TS is not defined
at :1:1
Any ideas why this is happening, besides what is said in the message.
As far as I'm aware I'm running to latest Chrome Add on v2.15.1

I believe you're looking at the Slack app store and not your own Redux store.
If you are using Redux Dev Tools you can select which instance you are pointing to with the top right dropdown:


Strange console errors persisting after "git reset --hard"

I'm working in React on VSCode and installed Moment.js via npm. For reasons I'm sure are unrelated all of a sudden I started receiving console errors to the tune of this: console errors. After trying to solve the errors by working through some potentially troubling GSAP syntax, they all still remained. I used git reset --hard to get me back to a point at which I knew the app was fully functional but the errors have persisted. I don't know what could have happened! Here's the CodeSandbox, let me know if you spot anything funky!

Connection to daemon was invalidated

My app is using Firebase Analytics and I believe starting in iOS 13.2 started getting the errors described here: Why I get the console warning: [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1 when I load a WKWebView in iOS13.2?
I guess it wasn't a big deal
Since I planned for my app to go live in January, I began bigger tests in physical devices. I noticed after a while the app started to behave erratically, specially after receiving a [general] Connection to daemon was invalidated error. This doesn't occur in the simulator
Searching the internet I found a post that describes the same problem:
In my case, only Firebase seems to be calling WKWebView, but every time I open the UIMenuController I get the error described in the console and the app appears to be missing inputs. This is specially troublesome with UIScrollViews, which my app uses a lot. The pinch gesture seems to work at will. On an iPhone 6s, the issue isn't as noticeable, on an iPad, it's like a 50% chance the pinch gesture will work properly
Outside of removing Firebase, is there a way to mitigate this issue?
1 June 2020: The console message still persists, however, I have seemed to resolve the UIScrollView issue by deactivating delaysContentTouches, now the pinch gesture seems to work most of the time
23 October 2020 If anyone notices their app starting to behave erratically with no apparent reason I HIGHLY suggest to test it on an iOS 13 physical device if possible. Seems that Apple removed the warning from iOS 14, but testing it on iOS 13 you can pin point the exact reason after the warning appears in the console
Upon further testing, I've reduced the view down to a dead-simple UI view with a single SwiftUI TextField and the 'Connection to daemon was invalidated' still appears after I type the first character into the field. Soon thereafter the app crashes with a sigAbort. (So I don't think the reason is the UITextView wrapper I was using in the previous post). Once the invalidated message appears the app is doomed to crash, not right away but soon thereafter.
I have no idea what causes the 'invalidate' message and a Google search seems to imply that no-one else does either. Some folks appear to have made (experimental?) changes to their UI that stops the message but it appears to be impossible to determine a definite cause. (and like before it only occurs on a real phone)
Same issue without using Firebase at all. What I did: Delete build folder and compile again. Issue does not appears again.
On Xcode:
Clean the Build Folder
This will delete all of the products and intermediate files in the build folder. To clean the build folder you can use the shortcut Command+Option+Shift+K or Menu Bar → Product → Hold Option Key → Clean build Folder.
On Flutter:
Just delete build folder.

Why am I no longer able to deploy functions (Error 503)?

No longer able to deploy cloud function via "firebase deploy" command - receiving error: "HTTP Error: 503, The service is currently unavailable"
I previously had a single function deployed and working until a slight modification was causing an authentication error, so I temporarily deleted it until I had time to fix the error.
So a couple days pass, I modify the original code (just added a bit of code relating to service account credentials, didn't even modify the actual function) and tried to re-deploy it (using 'firebase deploy') however it's throwing the following error: "HTTP Error: 503, The service is currently unavailable".
I thought maybe the service is currently down, but Firebase Status Dashboard shows all services are green and noone else seems to be complaining about this error at the moment. I've tried reinstalling/updating firebase-tools and even reverting the functions index.js code back to what it had been when I last successfully deployed, but same error every time. I don't think it has anything to do with the code on my end, but perhaps some weird bug relating to my account/api/authentication.
I've submitted a tech support question on firebase and am awaiting response, but thought I'd try my luck here as well.
Any suggestions?
After some back and forth with firebase technical support, turns out it is some strange bug on their server end (in relation to this particular project) as I'm able to deploy the same functions no problem to other projects. It may have been "triggered" initially by hitting a function invocation quota when I was having issues with one of the functions in the past (an issue which somehow caused the function to be repeatedly called until I realized and deleted it 2 days after). However the project should no longer be limited and I still am unable to deploy any functions on that particular project.
The issue has been handed onto their engineers and hopefully will have it resolved on their end soon.

Failures in "Pre-Launch report" in Google Play Developer Console in Google VR startup

I've been working on a game using Google VR in Unity3d and I recently updated my version of unity3d and the (built in) Google VR SDK to the latest version. After doing so the pre-launch report (automated testing on firebase) is showing crashes, during the unity splash screen, on 5 out of 6 devices.
This is the issue that is reported:
Issue: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{}
Not very helpful, it looks like a generic unit test result if the app closes unexpectedly . I've looked through the logs and cant find anything unusual from my app or unity, but I did find something. It looks to me like this may be being caused by the test script itself:
10-27 01:54:54.494: I/ViewInteraction(19677): Performing 'single click' action on view (with class name: is "android.widget.ImageButton" and with id: ...............
This to me, looks like the test runner is exploring the app UI and the first thing it does is click the "back" button. Which I would expect to close the app. I also tried using Firebase directly, which seemed to confirm it:
Firebase Activity Map
Does that seem likely that this is just a bug/red herring caused by changes to unity/GVR Or even firebase? Has anyone else experienced this?
I just don't want to release it if it really is crashing on so many devices!
Many Thanks
I asked Google Play Support about this and they got back to me.
They have confirmed that the issue is caused by a new crawler used by the Pre-Launch report. Details can be found here under the section "Pre-launch report versions"
They've escalated the issue and have also provided a workaround:
Sign in to your Play Console.
Select an app.
Select Release management > Pre-launch report > Settings.
In the “Pre-launch report version” section, move the Opt-out switch
to the right until it turns blue.
I haven't verified this yet but will mark as answer once I have.
I have tested this and all the tests pass again so this looks like a good solution for now.
We got this when uploading our APK as well. It started October 27th and crashed the following 4 days until we changed our setup. I couldn't see anything in our code base that should trigger this problem, so I wonder if it's related to changes on Google's side.
However, we did just did two changes and now everything's working again.
We added the following line to proguard-project.txt:
-keep class android.arch.** { *; }
I assume this was what fixed it.
At the same time we changed the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 27 (and correspondingly all belonging support libs). For all I know they could have fixed it here too..
To more directly answer your question: Yes, it does seem likely that this is just a bug/red herring, not on Unity's side, but in Firebase Test Lab or in Google's support lib. I tested the APK that failed the pre-launch tests and it worked just fine on my device.

MaximoAnwhere-7.6 Android Apps Development

We are developing MaximoAnwhere-7.6 android application using maximoAnwhere server source code but while trying to login to android environment can't able to login and there is no error. So i remove the server code android environment and i tried to recreate it and its login successfully. Now i want to know the below the issues,
how to re-generate apps features plugin eg: map,barcode scanner ...etc
while accesing workorder detail view from workorder list view, there is no response and keep on loading only. While checking the logs for android LOGCAT i am getting following error,
Uncaught TypeError: win.doc.getCSSCanvasContext is not a function
note : i am getting the above error some of few screens.
The error "Uncaught TypeError: win.doc.getCSSCanvasContext is not a function" has been addressed in a fix from IBM. You can find another article on stackoverflow related to the same thing. They can provide a fix to work around this. That will alleviate the never-ending loading screen.
