Finding a relation which is transitive and its reverse is not - math

I have the following task:
Find a non-empty relation R, which is transitive and R^-1 is not transitive
R^-1 meaning reverse relation.
For example for R={1->2,2->3} R^-1={2->1, 3->2}
I tried to get to it myself but I can't. I've even written a loop, that creates random relations and checks if they fulfill these criteria. So far I found nothing.

No such relation exists. Suppose R is a transitive relation and take any elements like b->a and c->b of R^-1. Then a->b and b->c are elements of R, and since R is transitive a->c is in R. So c->a is in R^-1, which is exactly what we needed for R^-1 to be transitive.
If you wanna be silly, you could view R as a category, where the morphisms are the given by the relations, and we have that all the necessary morphism compositions exist because of the transitivity of the relation. In this context, what we've proven above is that if you take all the morphisms in R and turn them around, the thing we get is also a category, which is commonly called R^op, the opposite category to R.


Julia module for subgraphing a graph (nodes / vertices and edges) without changing or relabeling node indices?

Terminology note: "vertices"="nodes", "vertex/node labels" = "indices"
LightGraphs in Julia changes node indices when producing induced subgraphs.
For instance, if a graph has nodes [1, 2, 3, 4], its LightGraphs.induced_subgraph induced by nodes [3,4] will be a new graph with nodes [3,4] getting relabeled as [1,2].
In state-of-the-art graph algorithms, recursive subgraphing is used, with sets of nodes being modified and passed up and down the recursion layers. For these algorithms to properly keep track of node identities (labels), subgraphing must not change the indices.
Subgraphing in networkx in Python, for instance, preserves node labels.
One can use MetaGraphs by adding a node attribute :id, which is preserved by subgraphing, but then you have to write a lot of extra code to convert between node indices and node :id's.
Is there not a Julia package that "just works" when it comes to subgraphing and preserving node identities?
I'd first like to take the opportunity to clarify some terminology here: LightGraphs itself doesn't dictate a graph type. It's a collection of algorithms and an interface specification. The limitations you're seeing are for SimpleGraphs, which is a graph type that ships with the LightGraphs package and is the default type for Graph and DiGraph.
The reason this is significant is that it is (or at least should be) very easy to create a graph type that does exactly what you want and that can take advantage of the existing LightGraphs infrastructure. All you (theoretically) need to do is to implement the interface functions described in src/interface.jl. If you implement them correctly, all the LightGraphs algorithms should Just Work (tm) (though they might not be performant; that's up to the data structures you've chosen and interface decisions you've made).
So - my advice is to write the graph structure you want, and implement the dozen or so interface functions, and see what works and what doesn't. If there's an existing algorithm that breaks with your interface implementation, file a bug report and we'll see where the problem is.

How to compose two partial orders in Sage?

Suppose I have two finite posets (e.g. constructed with sage.combinat.posets.posets.FinitePoset).
I want to calculate the binary relation which is the composition of the order relations of these posets.
How to do this in Sage?
(I am a Sage novice.)
Not yet, apparently. See Trac 24542 for a general future implementation of binary relations (which is what you'd likely need, since this sort of composition of posets probably usually threatens not to be a poset?).

Traverse Graph With Directed Cycles using Relationship Properties as Filters

I have a Neo4j graph with directed cycles. I have had no issue finding all descendants of A assuming I don't care about loops using this Cypher query:
match (n:TEST{name:"A"})-[r:MOVEMENT*]->(m:TEST)
return n,m,last(r).movement_time
The relationships between my nodes have a timestamp property on them, movement_time. I've simulated that in my test data below using numbers that I've imported as floats. I would like to traverse the graph using the timestamp as a constraint. Only follow relationships that have a greater movement_time than the movement_time of the relationship that brought us to this node.
Here is the CSV sample data:
Here is what the graph looks like:
I would like to calculate the descendants of every node in the graph and include the timestamp from the last relationship using Cypher; so I'd like my output data to look something like this:
Node:[{Descendant,Movement Time},...]
This non-Neo4J implementation looks similar to what I'm trying to do: Cycle enumeration of a directed graph with multi edges
This one is not 100% what you want, but very close:
WITH n, m, r, [x IN range(0,length(r)-2) |
(r[x+1]).movement_time - (r[x]).movement_time] AS deltas
WHERE ALL (x IN deltas WHERE x>0)
RETURN n, collect(m), collect(last(r).movement_time)
We basically find all the paths between any of your nodes (beware cartesian products get very expensive on non-trivial datasets). In the WITH we're building a collection delta's that holds the difference between two subsequent movement_time properties.
The WHERE applies an ALL predicate to filter out those having any non-positive value - aka we guarantee increasing values of movement_time along the path.
The RETURN then just assembles the results - but not as a map, instead one collection for the reachable nodes and the last value of movement_time.
The current issue is that we have duplicates since e.g. there are multiple paths from B to A.
As a general notice: this problem is much more elegantly and more performant solvable by using Java traversal API ( Here you would have a PathExpander that skips paths with decreasing movement_time early instead of collection all and filter out (as Cypher does).

Union-Find algorithm and determining whether an edge belongs to a cycle in a graph

I'm reading a book about algorithms ("Data Structures and Algorithms in C++") and have come across the following exercise:
Ex. 20. Modify cycleDetectionDFS() so that it could determine whether a particular edge is part of a cycle in an undirected graph.
In the chapter about graphs, the book reads:
Let us recall from a preceding section that depth-first search
guaranteed generating a spanning tree in which no elements of edges
used by depthFirstSearch() led to a cycle with other element of edges.
This was due to the fact that if vertices v and u belonged to edges,
then the edge(vu) was disregarded by depthFirstSearch(). A problem
arises when depthFirstSearch() is modified so that it can detect
whether a specific edge(vu) is part of a cycle (see Exercise 20).
Should such a modified depth-first search be applied to each edge
separately, then the total run would be O(E(E+V)), which could turn
into O(V^4) for dense graphs. Hence, a better method needs to be
The task is to determine if two vertices are in the same set. Two
operations are needed to implement this task: finding the set to which
a vertex v belongs and uniting two sets into one if vertex v belongs
to one of them and w to another. This is known as the union-find
Later on, author describes how to merge two sets into one in case an edge passed to the function union(edge e) connects vertices in distinct sets.
However, still I don't know how to quickly check whether an edge is part of a cycle. Could someone give me a rough explanation of such algorithm which is related to the aforementioned union-find problem?
a rough explanation could be checking if a link is a backlink, whenever you have a backlink you have a loop, and whenever you have a loop you have a backlink (that is true for directed and undirected graphs).
A backlink is an edge that points from a descendant to a parent, you should know that when traversing a graph with a DFS algorithm you build a forest, and a parent is a node that is marked finished later in the traversal.
I gave you some pointers to where to look, let me know if that helps you clarify your problems.

What is a "graph carving"?

I've faved a question here, and the most promising answer to-date implies "graph carvings". Problem is, I have no clue what it is (neither does the OP, apparently), and it sounds very promising and interesting for several uses. My Googlefu failed me on this topic, as I found no useful/free resource talking about them.
Can someone please tell me what is a 'graph carving', how I can make one for a graph, and how I can determine what makes a certain carving better suited for a task than another?
Please don't go too mathematical on me (or be ready to answer more questions): I understand what's a graph, what's a node and what's a vertex, I manage with big O notation, but I have no real maths background.
I think the answer given in the linked question is a little loose with terminology. I think it is describing a tree carving of a graph G. This is still not particularly google-friendly, I admit, but perhaps it will get you going on your way. The main application of this structure appears to be in one particular DFS algorithm, described in these two papers.
A possibly more clear description of the same algorithm may appear in this book.
I'm not sure stepping through this algorithm would be particularly helpful. It is a reasonably complex algorithm and the explanation would probably just parrot those given in the papers I linked. I can't claim to understand it very well myself. Perhaps the most fruitful approach would be to look at the common elements of those three links, and post specific questions about parts you don't understand.
what is a 'graph carving'
There are two types of graph carving: Tree-Carving and Carving.
A tree-carving of a graph is a partition of the vertex set V into subsets V1,V2,...,Vk with the following properties. Each subset constitutes a node of a tree T. For every vertex v in Vj, all the neighbors of v in G belong either to Vj itself, or to Vi where Vi is adjacent to Vj in the tree T.
A carving of a graph is a partitioning of the vertex set V into a collection of subsets V1,V2,...Vk with the following properties. Each subset constitutes a node of a rooted tree T. Each non-leaf node Vj of T has a special vertex denoted by g(Vj) that belongs to p(Vj). For every vertex v in Vi, all the neighbors of v that are in ancestor sets of Vi belong to either
Vi or
Vj, where Vj is the parent of Vi in the tree T, or
Vl, where Vl is the grandparent in the tree T. In this case, however the neighbor of v can only be g(p(Vi))
Those defination referred from chapter 6 of book "Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard problems" and paper1. (paper1 is picked from Gain's answer, thanks Gain.)
According to my understanding. Tree-Carving or Carving are a kind of representation (or a simplification) of an original graph G. So that the resulting new graph still preserve 'connection properties' of G, but with much smaller size(less vertex, less nodes). These two methods both somehow try to delete 'local' 'similar' information but to keep 'structure' 'vital' information. By merging some 'closed' vertices into one vertex and deleting some edges.
And It seems that Tree Carving is a little bit simpler and easier to understand Since in **Carving**, edges are allowed to go to a single vertex in the grapdhparenet node as well. It would preserve more information.
how I can make one for a graph
I only know how to get a tree-carving.
You can refer the algorithm from paper1.
It's a Depth-First-Search based algorithm.
Do DFS, before return from an iteration, check whether this edges is 'bridge' edge or not. If yes, you need remove this 'bridge' and adding some 'back edge'.
You would get a DFS-partition which yields a tree-carving of G.
how I can determine what makes a certain carving better suited for a task than another?
Sorry I don't know. I am also a new guy in graph theory.
If you have more question:
What's g function of g(Vj)?
a special node called gray node. go to paper1
What's p function of p(Vj)?
I am not sure. maybe p represent 'parent'. go to paper1
What's the back edge of node t?
some edge(u,v) s.t. u is a decent of t and v is a precedent of t. goto to paper1
What's bridge?
bridge wiki
