I am trying to create an app where you choose certain inputs in the sidebar, and when you click on a button it will show the results in a separate tab. I created a tiny example that you can use below.
In this example, you choose 4 letters in the sidebar and if you click on the button, it dynamically creates a separate tab with text output. However, when you change the letters and click on the button again, all previous tabs will update with the new results. I'd like to isolate the result in each tab but I don't know how to do that. I tried to do this by using different output names (see variable summaryname in the server) but it doesn't work.
This example only uses text output, but my real app also uses tables and plots.
I'd appreciate any help!
ui <- fluidPage(
sidebarPanel(width = 4,
selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
actionButton(inputId = "goButton", label = "Go!")
mainPanel(width = 8,
tabPanel("Result", fluid = TRUE,
uiOutput(outputId = "tabs"),
conditionalPanel(condition="input.level == 1",
HTML("<font size = 3><strong>Select your inputs and click 'Go!'.</strong></font>")
conditionalPanel(condition="input.level != 1",
uiOutput(outputId = "summary")
server <- function(input, output, session){
output$tabs <- renderUI({
Tabs <- as.list(rep(0, input$goButton+1))
for (i in 0:length(Tabs)){
Tabs[i] = lapply(paste("Results", i, sep = " "), tabPanel, value = i)
do.call(tabsetPanel, c(Tabs, id = "level"))
output$summary <- renderUI({
summary <- eventReactive(input$goButton, {paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
"You chose the following letters:", input$choice_1, input$choice_2, input$choice_3, input$choice_4, "." ,"<br>",
"Thank you for helping me!")
summaryname <- paste("Summary", input$goButton+1, sep = "")
output[[summaryname]] <- renderText({summary()})
I'm experiencing problems now when I try to get a navbarPage layout around the code. Somehow, the results of the dynamic tabs get displayed wrong (and again not isolated properly). I only changed the ui, but I included the server just in case.
ui <- navbarPage("Shiny",
# Important! : JavaScript functionality to add the Tabs
/* In coherence with the original Shiny way, tab names are created with random numbers.
To avoid duplicate IDs, we collect all generated IDs. */
var hrefCollection = [];
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('addTabToTabset', function(message){
var hrefCodes = [];
/* Getting the right tabsetPanel */
var tabsetTarget = document.getElementById(message.tabsetName);
/* Iterating through all Panel elements */
for(var i = 0; i < message.titles.length; i++){
/* Creating 6-digit tab ID and check, whether it was already assigned. */
do {
hrefCodes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);
while(hrefCollection.indexOf(hrefCodes[i]) != -1);
hrefCollection = hrefCollection.concat(hrefCodes[i]);
/* Creating node in the navigation bar */
var navNode = document.createElement('li');
var linkNode = document.createElement('a');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tab');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-value', message.titles[i]);
linkNode.setAttribute('href', '#tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
/* Move the tabs content to where they are normally stored. Using timeout, because
it can take some 20-50 millis until the elements are created. */
var creationPool = document.getElementById('creationPool').childNodes;
var tabContainerTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('tab-content')[0];
/* Again iterate through all Panels. */
for(var i = 0; i < creationPool.length; i++){
var tabContent = creationPool[i];
tabContent.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
}, 100);
# End Important
sidebarPanel(width = 4,
selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
actionButton("goCreate", "Go create a new Tab!")
tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabset",
tabPanel("InitialPanel1", "Some text here to show this is InitialPanel1",
# Important! : 'Freshly baked' tabs first enter here.
uiOutput("creationPool", style = "display: none;")
# End Important
server <- function(input, output, session){
# Important! : creationPool should be hidden to avoid elements flashing before they are moved.
# But hidden elements are ignored by shiny, unless this option below is set.
output$creationPool <- renderUI({})
outputOptions(output, "creationPool", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# End Important
# Important! : This is the make-easy wrapper for adding new tabPanels.
addTabToTabset <- function(Panels, tabsetName){
titles <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){return(Panel$attribs$title)})
Panels <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){Panel$attribs$title <- NULL; return(Panel)})
output$creationPool <- renderUI({Panels})
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "addTabToTabset", message = list(titles = titles, tabsetName = tabsetName))
# End Important
# From here: Just for demonstration
output$creationInfo <- renderText({
paste0("The next tab will be named: Results ", input$goCreate + 1)
observeEvent(input$goCreate, {
nr <- input$goCreate
newTabPanels <- list(
tabPanel(paste0("NewTab ", nr),
htmlOutput(paste0("Html_text", nr)),
actionButton(paste0("Button", nr), "Some new button!"),
textOutput(paste0("Text", nr))
output[[paste0("Html_text", nr)]] <- renderText({
paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
"You chose the following letters:", isolate(input$choice_1), isolate(input$choice_2), isolate(input$choice_3), isolate(input$choice_4), "." ,"<br>",
"Thank you for helping me!")
addTabToTabset(newTabPanels, "mainTabset")
Modifying the code given in the link with the code you provided I was able to produce the desired result.
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
# Important! : JavaScript functionality to add the Tabs
/* In coherence with the original Shiny way, tab names are created with random numbers.
To avoid duplicate IDs, we collect all generated IDs. */
var hrefCollection = [];
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('addTabToTabset', function(message){
var hrefCodes = [];
/* Getting the right tabsetPanel */
var tabsetTarget = document.getElementById(message.tabsetName);
/* Iterating through all Panel elements */
for(var i = 0; i < message.titles.length; i++){
/* Creating 6-digit tab ID and check, whether it was already assigned. */
do {
hrefCodes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);
while(hrefCollection.indexOf(hrefCodes[i]) != -1);
hrefCollection = hrefCollection.concat(hrefCodes[i]);
/* Creating node in the navigation bar */
var navNode = document.createElement('li');
var linkNode = document.createElement('a');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tab');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-value', message.titles[i]);
linkNode.setAttribute('href', '#tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
/* Move the tabs content to where they are normally stored. Using timeout, because
it can take some 20-50 millis until the elements are created. */
var creationPool = document.getElementById('creationPool').childNodes;
var tabContainerTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('tab-content')[0];
/* Again iterate through all Panels. */
for(var i = 0; i < creationPool.length; i++){
var tabContent = creationPool[i];
tabContent.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
}, 100);
# End Important
sidebarPanel(width = 4,
selectInput(inputId = "choice_1", label = "First choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "H", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_2", label = "Second choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "E", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_3", label = "Third choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "L", multiple = FALSE),
selectInput(inputId = "choice_4", label = "Fourth choice:",
choices = LETTERS, selected = "P", multiple = FALSE),
actionButton(inputId = "goCreate", label = "Go!")
mainPanel(width = 8,
tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabset",
tabPanel("InitialPanel1", "Some Text here to show this is InitialPanel1")
# Important! : 'Freshly baked' tabs first enter here.
uiOutput("creationPool", style = "display: none;")
# End Important
server <- function(input, output, session){
# Important! : creationPool should be hidden to avoid elements flashing before they are moved.
# But hidden elements are ignored by shiny, unless this option below is set.
output$creationPool <- renderUI({})
outputOptions(output, "creationPool", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# End Important
# Important! : This is the make-easy wrapper for adding new tabPanels.
addTabToTabset <- function(Panels, tabsetName){
titles <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){return(Panel$attribs$title)})
Panels <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){Panel$attribs$title <- NULL; return(Panel)})
output$creationPool <- renderUI({Panels})
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "addTabToTabset", message = list(titles = titles, tabsetName = tabsetName))
# End Important
# From here: Just for demonstration
output$creationInfo <- renderText({
paste0("The next tab will be named NewTab", input$goCreate + 1)
observeEvent(input$goCreate, {
nr <- input$goCreate
newTabPanels <- list(
tabPanel(paste0("Result", nr),
# actionButton(paste0("Button", nr), "Some new button!"),
htmlOutput(paste0("Text", nr))
output[[paste0("Text", nr)]] <- renderText({
paste("<strong>", "Summary:", "</strong>", "<br>",
"You chose the following letters:", isolate(input$choice_1), isolate(input$choice_2), isolate(input$choice_3), isolate(input$choice_4), "." ,"<br>",
"Thank you for helping me!")
addTabToTabset(newTabPanels, "mainTabset")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Hope this helps!
New to shiny and struggling with this for more than two days now.
I have created an application where the user loads .csv data file and chooses one or more variables whose names appear in the application as check boxes. When a checkbox is checked, a new checkbox appears under with the same name and when it is clicked too, a textAreaInput appears next to it where the user can add variable names that constitute the target variable as a scale. Here is an oversimplified version of the application:
ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose File", multiple = TRUE, accept = ".csv"),
uiOutput(outputId = "varCheckBoxesIndivScores"),
column(width = 3,
uiOutput(outputId = "selectedScoresCheckBoxes")),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectedScoresCheckBoxes",
column(width = 6,
uiOutput(outputId = "variablesConstitutingScale"))
server = function(input, output, session) {
df <- reactive({
if(is.null(input$file)) {
} else {
tbl <- fread(input$file$datapath, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
output$varCheckBoxesIndivScores <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df())) {
return(tags$div(align = "left",
class = "multicol",
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "varCheckBoxesIndivScores",
label = "Select variables",
choices = colnames(df()))))
output$selectedScoresCheckBoxes <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df())) {
return(tags$div(align = "left",
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "selectedScoresCheckBoxes",
label = "",
choices = input$varCheckBoxesIndivScores)))
output$variablesConstitutingScale <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df()) & length(input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes > 0)) {
var.list.input.fields <- lapply(input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes, function(i) {
textAreaInput(inputId = "i", label = paste("Variables constituting scale", i), width = "700px", height = "100px", value = NULL)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
The data to load is generated like this (just an excerpt, the real one has more columns and cases):
x <- data.table(ID = c(2201:2220), VAR1 = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 10, sd = 2),
VAR2 = rnorm(n = 20, mean = 100, sd = 20), VAR3 = 1:20, VAR4 = 21:40,
VAR5 = 41:60, VAR6 = 61:80, VAR7 = 81:100)
write.csv(x = x, file = "/tmp/test_data.csv", row.names = FALSE)
It works fine, no errors. Here is how it looks, after I enter the variable names in each of the generated textAreaInput fields:
However, I would like to take the user input from each dynamically generated textAreaInput and store it in a list like:
list(VAR1 = "VAR3 VAR4 VAR5", VAR2 = "VAR6 VAR7")
list(VAR1 = "VAR3", "VAR4", "VAR5", VAR2 = "VAR6", "VAR7")
inside the server part of the application for future use.
I tried to follow the solution in this thread, but I did not succeed to come to any solution and feel quite confused. Can someone help?
First, you want to make sure to assign each of your dynimcally added elements to have a unique name. You have just hard coded the letter "i" in the sample. You want something like
textAreaInput(inputId = paste0("varconst_",i), label = paste("Variables constituting scale", i),
width = "700px", height = "100px", value = NULL)
Then you can observe those text boxes with something like this
observeEvent(lapply(paste0("varconst_", input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes), function(x) input[[x]]), {
obj <- Map(function(x) input[[paste0("varconst_",x)]], input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes)
Here I just used dput to dump the list to the console so you can see it as it gets updated but you can do whatever you want with that.
I have modified the code of the application as per MrFlick's answer. To leave a paper trail of the complete solution, I am posting it below. The few additional modifications I have made include the printout of the list with the variables for each of the generated textAreaInput fields, so that the list can be viewed in the application itself. I have also added some further modifications of the obj, after it is generated, to obtain the list as desired.
If there are more dynamically generated output sections where check boxes and related text areas, the varconst_ index has to be made unique across the different chunks of code (e.g. varconst1_, varconst2_, varconst3_, etc.).
Here is the code:
ui <- fluidPage(
fileInput(inputId = "file", label = "Choose File", multiple = TRUE, accept = ".csv"),
uiOutput(outputId = "varCheckBoxesIndivScores"),
column(width = 3,
uiOutput(outputId = "selectedScoresCheckBoxes")),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectedScoresCheckBoxes",
column(width = 6,
uiOutput(outputId = "variablesConstitutingScale")))),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.selectedScoresCheckBoxes",
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "scalesVarList")))
server = function(input, output, session) {
df <- reactive({
if(is.null(input$file)) {
} else {
tbl <- fread(input$file$datapath, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
output$varCheckBoxesIndivScores <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df())) {
return(tags$div(align = "left",
class = "multicol",
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "varCheckBoxesIndivScores",
label = "Select variables",
choices = colnames(df()))))
output$selectedScoresCheckBoxes <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df())) {
return(tags$div(align = "left",
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "selectedScoresCheckBoxes",
label = "",
choices = input$varCheckBoxesIndivScores)))
output$variablesConstitutingScale <- renderUI({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df()) & length(input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes > 0)) {
var.list.input.fields <- lapply(input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes, function(i) {
textAreaInput(inputId = paste0("varconst_",i), label = paste("Variables constituting scale", i),
width = "700px", height = "100px", value = NULL)
observeEvent(lapply(paste0("varconst_", input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes), function(x) input[[x]]), {
obj <- Map(function(x) input[[paste0("varconst_",x)]], input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes)
obj <- sapply(obj, function(i) {
if(length(i) > 0) {
strsplit(x = i, split = " ")
output$scalesVarList <- renderPrint({
if(is.null(df())) {
} else if(!is.null(df()) && length(input$selectedScoresCheckBoxes) > 0 && length(obj) > 0) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I succeed to make dynamic tabPanels thanks to K. Rohde solution (Dynamically creating tabs with plots in shiny without re-creating existing tabs).
But, when i tried to import this in a shinydashboard layout, I observed a strange behavior of the dynamically created tabPanel : when I select one, the page goes empty excepts for the content I specified inside the new panel.
I don't understand why... It seems that new tabs don't inherit the belonging to others layout elements (it should be true without using shinydashboard to... perhaps?), and hide them (!?). When I click on another tabItem, and come back, everything look like before I clicked on the "dynamic tab".
It's not easy to explain, so here's a repoducible example which is just a transposition of K. Rhode example in a shinydashboard layout :
ui <- dashboardPage(skin = "green",
dashboardHeader(title = 'Dynamic Tabs'),
sidebarMenu(id = "sidebarmenu",
menuItem("Page1", tabName = "Page1", icon = icon("map"), selected = TRUE),
# just to show that coming back to page 1 from page 2 recall the good layout :
menuItem("Page2", tabName = "Page2", icon = icon("dashboard"), selected = FALSE)
/* In coherence with the original Shiny way, tab names are created with random numbers.
To avoid duplicate IDs, we collect all generated IDs. */
var hrefCollection = [];
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('addTabToTabset', function(message){
var hrefCodes = [];
/* Getting the right tabsetPanel */
var tabsetTarget = document.getElementById(message.tabsetName);
/* Iterating through all Panel elements */
for(var i = 0; i < message.titles.length; i++){
/* Creating 6-digit tab ID and check, whether it was already assigned. */
do {
hrefCodes[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000);
while(hrefCollection.indexOf(hrefCodes[i]) != -1);
hrefCollection = hrefCollection.concat(hrefCodes[i]);
/* Creating node in the navigation bar */
var navNode = document.createElement('li');
var linkNode = document.createElement('a');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-toggle', 'tab');
linkNode.setAttribute('data-value', message.titles[i]);
linkNode.setAttribute('href', '#tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
/* Move the tabs content to where they are normally stored. Using timeout, because
it can take some 20-50 millis until the elements are created. */
var creationPool = document.getElementById('creationPool').childNodes;
var tabContainerTarget = document.getElementsByClassName('tab-content')[0];
/* Again iterate through all Panels. */
for(var i = 0; i < creationPool.length; i++){
var tabContent = creationPool[i];
tabContent.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + hrefCodes[i]);
}, 100);
tabItem(tabName = "Page1",
tabsetPanel(id = "mainTabset",
tabPanel("InitialPanel1", "Some Text here to show this is InitialPanel1",
actionButton("goCreate", "Go create a new Tab!"),
tabPanel("InitialPanel2", "Some Text here to show this is InitialPanel2 and not some other Panel")
# Important! : 'Freshly baked' tabs first enter here.
uiOutput("creationPool", style = "display: none;")
# End Important
tabItem(tabName = "Page2", "Go back to page 1...")
server <- function(input, output, session){
# Important! : creationPool should be hidden to avoid elements flashing before they are moved.
# But hidden elements are ignored by shiny, unless this option below is set.
output$creationPool <- renderUI({})
outputOptions(output, "creationPool", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# End Important
# Important! : This is the make-easy wrapper for adding new tabPanels.
addTabToTabset <- function(Panels, tabsetName){
titles <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){return(Panel$attribs$title)})
Panels <- lapply(Panels, function(Panel){Panel$attribs$title <- NULL; return(Panel)})
output$creationPool <- renderUI({Panels})
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "addTabToTabset", message = list(titles = titles, tabsetName = tabsetName))
# End Important
# From here: Just for demonstration
output$creationInfo <- renderText({
paste0("The next tab will be named NewTab", input$goCreate + 1)
observeEvent(input$goCreate, {
nr <- input$goCreate
newTabPanels <- list(
tabPanel(paste0("NewTab", nr),
actionButton(paste0("Button", nr), "Some new button!"),
textOutput(paste0("Text", nr))
tabPanel(paste0("AlsoNewTab", nr), sliderInput(paste0("Slider", nr), label = NULL, min = 0, max = 1, value = 1))
output[[paste0("Text", nr)]] <- renderText({
if(input[[paste0("Button", nr)]] == 0){
"Try pushing this button!"
} else {
paste("Button number", nr , "works!")
addTabToTabset(newTabPanels, "mainTabset")
shinyApp(ui, server)
My shiny application has multiple tabs. In one of the tabs I have plot output which I want to use to create reports in another tab. I have included a checkbox in the first tab for the user to select the output for reporting. In the second tab I am trying to update a check box group input based on the selection of the first tab. However I am getting only the first option selected.
The reproducible code is as follows: This is based on ifelse condition:
ui <- dashboardPage(
title = "MODULE",titleWidth = 225
width = 225,
sidebarMenu(id = "tabs",
menuItem("TOPLINES", tabName = "tplines", icon = shiny::icon("dashboard")),
menuItem("MY MONTHLY REPORTS", tabName = "myweeklyrep", icon = shiny::icon("compass"))
tabName = "tplines",
checkboxInput(inputId = "inventorytop8metrocheck", "Add to reports", value = FALSE),
width = 6, status = "info", title = "Inventory information",
div(plotlyOutput("inventorytop8metro"), width = "100%", height = "400px", style = "font-size:80%;")
checkboxInput(inputId = "top15categoriestplinescheck", "Add to reports", value = FALSE),
width = 6, status = "info", title = "Top 15 categories",
div(plotlyOutput("top15categoriestplines"), style = "font-size:90%")
tabName = "myweeklyrep",
h4("AVAILABLE ANALYSIS", align = 'center'),br(),
column(width = 12,
list(tags$div(align = 'left',
class = 'multicol',
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = 'analysisSelector',
label = "Select the analysis:",
choices = "",
selected = "",
inline = FALSE)))
server <- function(session,input,output){
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "analysisSelector", label = "", choices =
ifelse(!is.null(input$top15categoriestplinescheck) || length(input$top15categoriestplinescheck) != 0, "Inventory top 8 metros",
ifelse(!is.null(input$inventorytop8metrocheck) || length(input$inventorytop8metrocheck) != 0, "Top 15 categories - Topline", "No selection")),
selected = "",inline = FALSE)
I tried with if, else if also but they aren't working. Any thoughts?
The if, else if conditions:
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "analysisSelector", label = "", choices =
if(!is.null(input$top15categoriestplinescheck) || length(input$top15categoriestplinescheck) != 0){
"Inventory top 8 metros"
} else if (!is.null(input$inventorytop8metrocheck) || length(input$inventorytop8metrocheck) != 0){
"Top 15 categories - Topline"
} else {
selected = "",inline = FALSE)
I tried the following option: which renders the checkboxes irrespective of whether they are selected or not.
getlist <- reactive({
if(!is.null(input$top15categoriestplinescheck) & !is.null(input$inventorytop8metrocheck)){
c("Top 15 categories - Topline","Inventory of top 8 metros - Topline")
} else if (!is.null(input$top15categoriestplinescheck)){
} else if (!is.null(input$inventorytop8metrocheck)){
} else {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, inputId = "analysisSelector", label = "Select the analysis:", choices =
selected = "",inline = FALSE)
This is actually easier to handle with observeEvent as explained in the documentation of this function (see ?observeEvent). From what I understand, it actually wraps observe but in a more intuitive way.
You have to pass it two arguments: an event (in this case, the click on one of your checkboxGroupInputs) and the action to perform when this event occurs.
The server function thus becomes:
server <- function(session,input,output){
updateAnalysisSelector <- function(session) {
choices <- ifelse(input$top15categoriestplinescheck, "Inventory top 8 metros",
ifelse(input$inventorytop8metrocheck, "Top 15 categories - Topline", "No selection"))
inputId = "analysisSelector",
label = "Select the analysis:",
choices = choices,
selected = "",
inline = FALSE)
observeEvent(input$top15categoriestplinescheck, updateAnalysisSelector(session))
observeEvent(input$inventorytop8metrocheck, updateAnalysisSelector(session))
I'm sure this could be simplified if your UI did not have two separate checkbox groups but this works for your current implementation.
I want to place a help text for check-box label as a tooltip.
In the following example I use the shinyBS package - but I only get it to work for the title of the checkbox input group.
Any ideas how it could work after the "Lernerfolg" or "Enthusiasmus" labels?
server <- function(input, output) {
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
output$rendered <- renderUI({
checkboxGroupInput("qualdim", tags$span("Auswahl der Qualitätsdimension",
tipify(bsButton("pB2", "?", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
"Here, I can place some help")),
c("Lernerfolg" = "Lernerfolg" ,
"Enthusiasmus" = "Enthusiasmus"
selected = c("Lernerfolg"))
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Sadly, this is one of these moments, where shiny hides most of the construction, which makes it hard to get what you want into the right places.
But like most of the time, some JavaScript will do the trick. I wrote you a function that inserts the bsButton in the right place and calls a shinyBS function to insert the tooltip. (I mainly reconstructed what tipify and bdButton would have done.) With the function you can modifify your tooltip easily without further knowledge about JavaScript.
If you'd like to know more of the details, just ask in comments.
Note: When you refer to the checkbox, use the value of it (the value that is sent to input$qualdim)
server <- function(input, output) {
makeCheckboxTooltip <- function(checkboxValue, buttonLabel, Tooltip){
script <- tags$script(HTML(paste0("
$(document).ready(function() {
var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i = 0; i < inputElements.length; i++){
var input = inputElements[i];
if(input.getAttribute('value') == '", checkboxValue, "'){
var buttonID = 'button_' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.setAttribute('id', buttonID);
button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
button.setAttribute('class', 'btn action-button btn-inverse btn-xs');
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('", buttonLabel, "'));
shinyBS.addTooltip(buttonID, \"tooltip\", {\"placement\": \"bottom\", \"trigger\": \"hover\", \"title\": \"", Tooltip, "\"})
htmltools::attachDependencies(script, shinyBS:::shinyBSDep)
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
output$rendered <- renderUI({
checkboxGroupInput("qualdim", tags$span("Auswahl der Qualitätsdimension",
tipify(bsButton("pB2", "?", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"), "Here, I can place some help")),
choices = c("Lernerfolg" = "Lernerfolg", "Enthusiasmus" = "Enthusiasmus"),
selected = c("Lernerfolg")),
makeCheckboxTooltip(checkboxValue = "Lernerfolg", buttonLabel = "?", Tooltip = "Look! I can produce a tooltip!")
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Added the ShinyBS Dependencies such that the JavaScript API for shinyBS is loaded into the WebSite. Before, this was (more or less accidentally) happening because of the other call to bsButton.
Edit Nr.2: Much more In-Shiny
So this JavaScript thing is quite nice, but is kinda prone to errors and demands the developer to have some additional language skills.
Here, I present another answer, inspired by #CharlFrancoisMarais , that works only from within R and makes things more integrated than before.
Main things are: An extension function to the checkboxGrouInput that allows for adding any element to each of the Checkbox elements. There, one can freely place the bsButton and tooltips, like you would in normal markup, with all function arguments supported.
Second, an extension to the bsButton to place it right. This is more of a custom thing only for #CharlFrancoisMarais request.
I'd suggest you read the Shiny-element manipulation carefully, because this offers so much customization on R level. I'm kinda exited.
Full Code below:
extendedCheckboxGroup <- function(..., extensions = list()) {
cbg <- checkboxGroupInput(...)
nExtensions <- length(extensions)
nChoices <- length(cbg$children[[2]]$children[[1]])
if (nExtensions > 0 && nChoices > 0) {
lapply(1:min(nExtensions, nChoices), function(i) {
# For each Extension, add the element as a child (to one of the checkboxes)
cbg$children[[2]]$children[[1]][[i]]$children[[2]] <<- extensions[[i]]
bsButtonRight <- function(...) {
btn <- bsButton(...)
# Directly inject the style into the shiny element.
btn$attribs$style <- "float: right;"
server <- function(input, output) {
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
output$rendered <- renderUI({
extendedCheckboxGroup("qualdim", label = "Checkbox", choiceNames = c("cb1", "cb2"), choiceValues = c("check1", "check2"), selected = c("check2"),
extensions = list(
tipify(bsButtonRight("pB1", "?", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
"Here, I can place some help"),
tipify(bsButtonRight("pB2", "?", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
"Here, I can place some other help")
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$head(HTML("<script type='text/javascript' src='sbs/shinyBS.js'></script>")),
# useShinyBS
sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Here is slight change - to add tooltips only to the checkboxes.
server <- function(input, output) {
makeCheckboxTooltip <- function(checkboxValue, buttonLabel, buttonId, Tooltip){
$(document).ready(function() {
var inputElements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i = 0; i < inputElements.length; i++) {
var input = inputElements[i];
if(input.getAttribute('value') == '", checkboxValue, "' && input.getAttribute('value') != 'null') {
var button = document.createElement('button');
button.setAttribute('id', '", buttonId, "');
button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
button.setAttribute('class', 'btn action-button btn-inverse btn-xs');
button.style.float = 'right';
button.appendChild(document.createTextNode('", buttonLabel, "'));
shinyBS.addTooltip('", buttonId, "', \"tooltip\", {\"placement\": \"right\", \"trigger\": \"click\", \"title\": \"", Tooltip, "\"})
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
hist(rnorm(input$obs), col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
output$rendered <- renderUI({
label = "Checkbox",
choiceNames = c("cb1", "cb2"),
choiceValues = c("check1", "check2"),
selected = c("check2"))
output$tooltips <- renderUI({
makeCheckboxTooltip(checkboxValue = "check1", buttonLabel = "?", buttonId = "btn1", Tooltip = "tt1!"),
makeCheckboxTooltip(checkboxValue = "check2", buttonLabel = "?", buttonId = "btn2", Tooltip = "tt2!")
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$head(HTML("<script type='text/javascript' src='sbs/shinyBS.js'></script>")),
# useShinyBS
sliderInput("obs", "Number of observations:", min = 10, max = 500, value = 100),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This question might seem to be a duplicate, but let me explain why it's not.
I want to create a shiny navbarPage that has fixed elements and a reactive number of tabPanels, that reacts to other input elements. There are many questions about how to create reactive tabsetPanels/navbarPages but they mostly aim for what it has to look like. The most common answer (and the answer i don't seek) is to render the whole navbarPage with updated set of tabPanels. I am aware of that concept and I used it in the code below.
Here is what I want my app to look like:
ui = shinyUI(
server = function(input, output, session){
MemoryValue1 <- 1
MemoryValue2 <- 1
observeEvent(input$button, {
output[[paste0("plot_", input$number)]] <- renderPlot({
observeEvent(input$insidepanels, {
MemoryValue1 <<- input$insidepanels
observeEvent(input$number, {
MemoryValue2 <<- input$number
output$navPage <- renderUI({
OutsidePanel1 <- tabPanel("Outside1",
numericInput("insidepanels", label = "Number of panels inside NavMenu", value = isolate(MemoryValue1), step = 1, min = 1),
numericInput("number", label = "Panel to add Output-Element to", value = 1, step = isolate(MemoryValue2), min = 1),
actionButton("button", label = "Add Output-Element")
OutsidePanel2 <- tabPanel("Ouside2", "Outside 2")
InsidePanels <- lapply(1:MemoryValue1, function(x){tabPanel(paste0("Inside", x), plotOutput(paste0("plot_", x)))})
do.call(navbarPage, list("Nav", OutsidePanel1, OutsidePanel2, do.call(navbarMenu, c("Menu", InsidePanels))))
As you might have seen, it takes a lot of effort to store your input values if they are inside other panels and will be re-rendered = reset all the time. I find this solution to be illegible and slow, because of unnecessary rendering. It also interrupts the user who is clicking through values of input$insidepanels.
What I want the app to be like is that the Outside Panels are fixed and dont re-render. The main problem is that inside shiny, navbarPage on rendering distributes HTML elements to two different locations. Inside the navigation panel and to the body as tab content. That means a-posteori added elements will not be properly embedded.
So far, I have tried to create the navbarPage with custom tags and have dynamic output alter only parts of it. That works pretty well with the navigation panel, but not with tab contents. The reason is that all tabs (their div containers) are listed one after another and as soon as I want to inject multiple at once, I am offthrown by htmlOutput, since it (seemingly) has to have a container and cannot just deliver plain HTML. Thus, all custom tabs are not recongnized properly.
Here my code so far:
ui = shinyUI(
tags$nav(class = "navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top", role = "navigation",
tags$div(class = "container",
tags$div(class = "navbar-header",
tags$span(class = "navbar-brand", "Nav")
tags$ul(class = "nav navbar-nav",
tags$a(href = "#tab1", "data-toggle" = "tab", "data-value" = "Outside1", "Outside1")
tags$a(href = "#tab2", "data-toggle" = "tab", "data-value" = "Outside2", "Outside2")
tags$li(class = "dropdown",
tags$a(href = "#", class = "dropdown-toggle", "data-toggle" = "dropdown", "Menu1"),
htmlOutput("dropdownmenu", container = tags$ul, class = "dropdown-menu")
tags$div(class = "container-fluid",
tags$div(class = "tab-content", id = "tabContent",
tags$div(class = "tab-pane active", "data-value" = "Outside1", id = "tab1",
numericInput("insidepanels", label = "Number of panels inside NavMenu", value = 1, step = 1, min = 1),
numericInput("number", label = "Panel to add Output-Element to", value = 1, step = 1, min = 1),
actionButton("button", label = "Add Output-Element")
tags$div(class = "tab-pane", "data-value" = "Outside2", id = "tab2", "Content 2"),
server = function(input, output, session){
observeEvent(input$button, {
output[[paste0("plot_", input$number)]] <- renderPlot({
output$dropdownmenu <- renderUI({
lapply(1:input$insidepanels, function(x){tags$li(tags$a(href = paste0("#tab-menu-", x), "data-toggle" = "tab", "data-value" = paste0("Inside", x), paste("Inside", x)))})
output$tabcontents <- renderUI({
lapply(1:input$insidepanels, function(x){div(class = "tab-pane", "data-value" = paste("Inside", x), id = paste0("tab-menu-", x), plotOutput(paste0("plot_", x)))})
Note: I also tried to create HTML with JavaScript-Chunks that is triggered from inside server. This works for simple tab content, but I want my tabPanels to still have shiny output elements. I don't see how I can fit that in with JavaScript. That is why I included the plotOutput content in my code.
Thanks to anybody who can help solve this issue!
Finally came up with an own answer. I hope this can be a useful reference to others who try to understand shiny reactiveness. The answer is JavaScript for custom elements (rebuilding standard shiny elements) and using Shiny.unbindAll() / Shiny.bindAll() to achieve the reactivity.
ui = shinyUI(
var dropdownContainer = document.getElementById("dropdown-menu");
var liNode = document.createElement("li");
liNode.setAttribute("id", "dropdown-element-" + nr);
var aNode = document.createElement("a");
aNode.setAttribute("href", "#tab-menu-" + nr);
aNode.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tab");
aNode.setAttribute("data-value", "Inside" + nr);
var textNode = document.createTextNode("Inside " + nr);
var tabContainer = document.getElementById("tabContent");
var tabNode = document.createElement("div");
tabNode.setAttribute("id", "tab-menu-" + nr);
tabNode.setAttribute("class", "tab-pane");
tabNode.setAttribute("data-value", "Inside" + nr);
var plotNode = document.createElement("div");
plotNode.setAttribute("id", "plot-" + nr);
plotNode.setAttribute("class", "shiny-plot-output");
plotNode.setAttribute("style", "width: 100% ; height: 400px");
tabNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Content Inside " + nr));
var dropmenuElement = document.getElementById("dropdown-element-" + nr);
var tabElement = document.getElementById("tab-menu-" + nr);
tags$nav(class = "navbar navbar-default navbar-static-top", role = "navigation",
tags$div(class = "container",
tags$div(class = "navbar-header",
tags$span(class = "navbar-brand", "Nav")
tags$ul(class = "nav navbar-nav",
tags$a(href = "#tab1", "data-toggle" = "tab", "data-value" = "Outside1", "Outside1")
tags$a(href = "#tab2", "data-toggle" = "tab", "data-value" = "Outside2", "Outside2")
tags$li(class = "dropdown",
tags$a(href = "#", class = "dropdown-toggle", "data-toggle" = "dropdown", "Menu1"),
tags$ul(id = "dropdown-menu", class = "dropdown-menu")
tags$div(class = "container-fluid",
tags$div(class = "tab-content", id = "tabContent",
tags$div(class = "tab-pane active", "data-value" = "Outside1", id = "tab1",
numericInput("insidepanels", label = "Number of panels inside NavMenu", value = 0, step = 1),
numericInput("number", label = "Panel to add Output-Element to", value = 0, step = 1),
actionButton("button", label = "Add Output-Element")
tags$div(class = "tab-pane", "data-value" = "Outside2", id = "tab2", "Content 2")
server = function(input, output, session){
allOpenTabs <- NULL
observeEvent(input$insidepanels, {
localList <- 0:input$insidepanels
lapply(setdiff(localList, allOpenTabs), function(x){
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "createTab", message = x)
lapply(setdiff(allOpenTabs, localList), function(x){
session$sendCustomMessage(type = "deleteTab", message = x)
allOpenTabs <<- localList
observeEvent(input$button, {
output[[paste0("plot-", input$number)]] <- renderPlot({
), launch.browser = TRUE
It is basically adding the HTML Elements "by hand" and linking them to shiny listeners.