Clear workspace with user-defined void function in R - r

I would like to have a simple function to clear my workspace in R, but I seem to be having issues. I have my code below.
clear() = function() rm(list=ls())
When I define this function and call it by simply using clear(), the code executes but my workspace is not cleared. I tried various formats of defining the function to see if anything funky was going on, but it all gives the same result. Simply using the rm(list=ls()) function works, but not when I embed it in my function. Can anyone point me in the right direction? And what am I not understanding about user-defined R functions?

The problem is that when you call ls() inside a function it returns the objects in the environment of that function by default. Same with rm().
Try this:
clear <- function() {
rm(list=ls(.GlobalEnv), envir=.GlobalEnv)


How to check if a function has been called from the console?

I am trying to track the number of times certain functions are called from the console.
My plan is to add a simple function such as "trackFunction" in each function that can check whether they have been called from the console or as underlying functions.
Even though the problem sounds straight-forward I can't find a good solution to this problem as my knowledge in function programming is limited. I've been looking at the call stack and rlang::trace_back but without a good solution to this.
Any help is appreciated.
A simple approach would be to see on which level the current frame lies. That is, if a function is called directly in the interpreter, then sys.nframe() returns 1, otherwise 2 or higher.
Rscript detect if R script is being called/sourced from another script
myfunc <- function(...) {
if (sys.nframe() == 1) {
message("called from the console")
} else {
message("called from elsewhere")
# called from the console
g <- function() myfunc()
# called from elsewhere
Unfortunately, this may not always be intuitive:
ign <- lapply(1, myfunc)
# called from elsewhere
for (ign in 1) myfunc()
# called from the console
While for many things the lapply-family and for loops are similar, they behave separately here. If this is a problem, perhaps the only way to mitigate this is the analyze/parse the call stack and perhaps "ignore" certain functions. If this is what you need, then perhaps this is more appropriate:
R How to check that a custom function is called within a specific function from a certain package

Function hiding in R

Consider the following file.r:
foo = function(){}
bar = function(){}
useful = function() {foo(); bar()}
foo and bar are meant only for internal use by useful - they are not reusable at all, because they require very specific data layout, have embedded constants, do something obscure that no one is going to need etc.
I don't want to define them inside useful{}, because then it will become too long (>10 LOC).
A client could do the following to import only useful in their namespace, and still I am not sure if that will work with foo and bar outside visibility:
# Source a single function from a source file.
# Example use
# max.a.posteriori <- source1( "file.r","useful" )
source1 <- function( path, fun )
source( path, local=TRUE )
get( fun )
How can I properly do this on the file.r side i.e. export only specific functions?
Furthermore, there is the problem of ordering of functions, which I feel is related to the above. Let us have
douglas = function() { adams() }
adams = function() { douglas() }
How do I handle circular dependencies?
You can achieve this by setting the binding environment of your useful function, as in the code listed below. This is similar to what packages do and if your project gets bigger, I would really recommend creating a package using the great devtools package.
If the functions foo and bar are not used by other functions I would just define them inside useful. Since the functions are quite independent pieces of code it does not make the code more complicated to understand, even if the line count of useful increases. (Except of course if you are forced by some guideline to keep the line count short.)
For more on environments see:
# define new environment
myenv <- new.env()
# define functions in this environment
myenv$foo <- function(){}
myenv$bar <- function(){}
# define useful in global environment
useful <- function(){
# useful does not find the called functions so far
# neither can they be found in the globalenv
# but of course in myenv
# set the binding environment of useful to myenv
environment(useful) <- myenv
# everything works now
My recommendation is to use packages. They were created for such situations. But still you cannot hide the functions itself in pure R.
In order to encapsulate foo and bar you need to implement a class. The easiest way, in my opinion, to do that in R is through R6classes: There you have the example on how to hide the length function.

When does a package need to use ::: for its own objects

Consider this R package with two functions, one exported and the other internal
#' #export
hello <- function() {
hello_internal <- function(x){
print("hello world")
# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
When this is checked (devtools::check()) it returns the NOTE
There are ::: calls to the package's namespace in its code. A package
almost never needs to use ::: for its own objects:
Given the NOTE says almost never, under what circumstances will a package need to use ::: for its own objects?
I have a very similar related question where I do require the ::: for an internal function, but I don't know why it's required. Hopefully having an answer to this one will solve that one. I have a suspicion that unlocking the environment is doing something I'm not expecting, and thus having to use ::: on an internal function.
If they are considered duplicates of each other I'll delete the other one.
You should never need this in ordinary circumstances. You may need it if you are calling the parent function in an unusual way (for example, you've manually changed its environment, or you're calling it from another process where the package isn't attached).
Here is a pseudo-code example, where I think using ::: is the only viable solution:
# R-package with an internal function FInternal() that is called in a foreach loop
FInternal <- function(i) {...}
#' Exported function containing a foreach loop
#' #export
ParallelLoop <- function(is, <other-variables>) {
foreach(i = is) %dopar% {
# This fails, because it cannot not locate FInternal, unless it is exported.
# This works but causes a note:
I think the problem here is that the body of the foreach loop is not defined as a function of the package. Hence, when executed on a worker process, it is not treated as a code belonging to the package and does not have access to the internal objects of the package. I would be glad if someone could suggest an elegant solution for this specific case.

R function Call from Another Function

I need to modify the function gamGPDfit() in the package QRM to solve a problem. The function gamGPDfit() in turn calls other functions fit.GPD(​) and gamGPDfitUp() to compute the estimates of the parameters.
The structure of the function is shown below:
gamGPDfit<-function (..., init = fit.GPD(...) , ...)
return (list(...))
<environment: namespace:QRM>
Now, when I call fit.GPD(​), I get the function on the command window to make the necessary modifications. However, the other function gamGPDfitUp​() returns
> gamGPDfitUp
Error: object 'gamGPDfitUp' not found
The question is, how do I get such an in-built function within another function? Does it have to do with the environment QRM? If so how do I obtain the function to modify it?.
I have attached the function and the call of the gamGPDfitUp() is indicated in colour red.
There's a couple of things that may come in handy.
One is help(":::") - Accessing exported and internal variables in a namespace. You can access GamGPDfitUp probably by prefixing it with QRM:::.
Another function is fixInNamespace, which allows you to modify functions inside packages. The help page for this one lists a few more interesting tools. Play around with this and it should solve most of your problems.

How to display to console a custom function summary/introduction?

This is probably a trivial matter but I just hope to see if there's is a better way to do this.
I wrote a custom function and would like it to display a summary or introduction text to console when I enter it without any parameters, i.e. name-of-custom-function(). Apart from showing me the arguments list (something a simple str() can do), I intended it as a reminder for myself in future.
To resolve this currently, I set the first argument to default NULL and run an 'if' statement to check for NULL. My question is: Does R have a built-in function/method to set certain user-specified text as the default introduction when writing custom functions, or do I have to handle it myself (e.g. using my 'is.null test') within the function itself?
A sample code is shown below:
myprint <- function(x=NULL, y, ...)
writeLines( "\nNOTE: This function prints to console what the user keys in.\nmyprint() Function ver 0.1")
} ### End of myprint() function ###
I couldn't find similar questions/resources online. I found &, but the issues are not the same.
Would appreciate any help given. Thanks in advance!
