How to modify a kernel based on what top-level recipe is being built using openembedded and bitbake? - bitbake

I have two recipes that build an embedded linux image, call them and I have a kernel patch that needs to be applied to one recipe but not the other. Following these docs I created my own layer and added a bbappend <your-layer>/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto_3.4.bbappend and inside I put SRC_URI|+="kernel.patch". How can I do something like the following:
if (A):
I tried the following:
Inside, I have export IMAGE_NAME="A"
Then inside linux_yocto_3.4.bbappend I have
SRC_URI_append = " ${#bb.utils.contains('IMAGE_NAME', 'A', 'file://kernel.patch', '', d)} "
But this doesn't work. Thank you for your help!

You can't.
A recipe can't influence how anything else is built; an image is just a recipe, thus is can't modify how the kernel is being built nor patched.


Yocto: Is there a way to remove items of SRC_URI in local.conf?

We are using custom kernel, so I override variables defined in
KERNEL_SRC_pn-linux-imx = "our_url"
SRCBRANCH_pn-linux-imx = "our_branch"
SRCREV_pn-linux-imx = "${AUTOREV}"
It works. But many patch files added in and out custom kernel have patched.
So I want to just remove patch files in local.conf, and not touch any .bb files defined in official meta-fsl-* layers.
SRC_URI_remove_pn-linux-imx = " file://*.patch"
But this doesn't work. So is there a way to do this in local.conf?
BTW I know the .bbappend should works, but again, I don't want change any meta-fsl-* layers.
You can't use a wildcard because _remove is literal string removal. Spell out the files you want to remove, and you'll be fine.
However if you're using a custom kernel then just write a new recipe for it, no point taking linux-imx and editing it from local.conf.

CMake COMPILE_DEFINITIONS triggering incorrect number of arguments

I'm having problem understanding how to correctly set the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target properti in CMake.
my target is add_library(modelutilities STATIC ${modelutilities_SRCS})
I if use
set(modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE ${modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE} ${Qt5Widgets_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS})
set_target_properties(modelutilities PROPERTIES
VERSION "0.0.1"
EXPORT_NAME "ModelUtilities"
ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${modelutilities_PlatformDir}/lib"
LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${modelutilities_PlatformDir}/lib"
RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${modelutilities_PlatformDir}/bin"
everything works fine, but if I add another line between them with set(modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE ${modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE} MODELUTILITIES_LIB) it stops working complaining that set_target_properties was called with the wrong number of arguments.
Anyone can spot what I'm doing wrong?
I already tried using doublequotes: set(modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE ${modelutilities_COMPILE_DEFINE} "MODELUTILITIES_LIB"). It did not change anything
With newer version of CMake, what is being preached is the idea of targets. So, for example, instead of include_directories() it's now preferred to use target_include_directories().
That being the case I think you'd be better served using the preferred target_compile_definitions() to set compile definitions for your utilities library.
One advantage you get is that your can scope your compile definitions using the PUBLIC or PRIVATE keywords.

How do I determine whether a julia script is included as module or run as script?

I would like to know how in the Julia language, I can determine if a file.jl is run as script, such as in the call:
bash$ julia file.jl
It must only in this case start a function main, for example. Thus I could use include('file.jl'), without actually executing the function.
To be specific, I am looking for something similar answered already in a python question:
def main():
# does something
if __name__ == '__main__':
To be more specific, the method Base.isinteractive (see here) is not solving the problem, when using include('file.jl') from within a non-interactive (e.g. script) environment.
The global constant PROGRAM_FILE contains the script name passed to Julia from the command line (it does not change when include is called).
On the other hand #__FILE__ macro gives you a name of the file where it is present.
For instance if you have a files:
You have the following behavior:
$ julia a.jl
$ julia b.jl
In summary:
PROGRAM_FILE tells you what is the file name that Julia was started with;
#__FILE__ tells you in what file actually the macro was called.
tl;dr version:
if !isdefined(:__init__) || Base.function_module(__init__) != MyModule
There seems to be some confusion. Python and Julia work very differently in terms of their "modules" (even though the two use the same term, in principle they are different).
In python, a source file is either a module or a script, depending on how you chose to "load" / "run" it: the boilerplate exists to detect the environment in which the source code was run, by querying the __name__ of the embedding module at the time of execution. E.g. if you have a file called, it you import it normally, then within the module definition the variable __name__ automatically gets set to the value mymodule; but if you ran it as a standalone script (effectively "dumping" the code into the "main" module), the __name__ variable is that of the global scope, namely __main__. This difference gives you the ability to detect how a python file was ran, so you could act slightly differently in each case, and this is exactly what the boilerplate does.
In julia, however, a module is defined explicitly as code. Running a file that contains a module declaration will load that module regardless of whether you did using or include; however in the former case, the module will not be reloaded if it's already on the workspace, whereas in the latter case it's as if you "redefined" it.
Modules can have initialisation code via the special __init__() function, whose job is to only run the first time a module is loaded (e.g. when imported via a using statement). So one thing you could do is have a standalone script, which you could either include directly to run as a standalone script, or include it within the scope of a module definition, and have it detect the presence of module-specific variables such that it behaves differently in each case. But it would still have to be a standalone file, separate from the main module definition.
If you want the module to do stuff, that the standalone script shouldn't, this is easy: you just have something like this:
module MyModule
__init__() = # do module specific initialisation stuff here
If you want the reverse situation, you need a way to detect whether you're running inside the module or not. You could do this, e.g. by detecting the presence of a suitable __init__() function, belonging to that particular module. For example:
### in file "MyModule.jl"
module MyModule
export fun1, fun2;
__init__() = print("Initialising module ...");
### in file "MyModuleImplementation.jl"
fun1(a,b) = a + b;
fun2(a,b) = a * b;
main() = print("Demo of fun1 and fun2. \n" *
" fun1(1,2) = $(fun1(1,2)) \n" *
" fun2(1,2) = $(fun2(1,2)) \n");
if !isdefined(:__init__) || Base.function_module(__init__) != MyModule
If MyModule is loaded as a module, the main function in MyModuleImplementation.jl will not run.
If you run MyModuleImplementation.jl as a standalone script, the main function will run.
So this is a way to achieve something close to the effect you want; but it's very different to saying running a module-defining file as either a module or a standalone script; I don't think you can simply "strip" the module instruction from the code and run the module's "contents" in such a manner in julia.
The answer is available at the official Julia docs FAQ. I am copy/pasting it here because this question comes up as the first hit on some search engines. It would be nice if people found the answer on the first-hit site.
How do I check if the current file is being run as the main script?
When a file is run as the main script using julia file.jl one might want to activate extra functionality like command line argument handling. A way to determine that a file is run in this fashion is to check if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == #__FILE__ is true.

Debugging bitbake pkg_postinst_${PN}: Append to config-file installed by other recipe

I'm writing am openembedded/bitbake recipe for openembedded-classic. My recipe RDEPENDS on keyutils, and everything seems to work, except one thing:
I want to append a single line to the /etc/request-key.conf file installed by the keyutils package. So I added the following to my recipe:
pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
echo 'create ... more stuff ..' >> ${sysconfdir}/request-key.conf
However, the intended added line is missing in my resulting image.
My recipe inherits update-rc.d if that makes any difference.
My main question is: How do i debug this? Currently I am constructing an entire rootfs image, and then poke-around in that to see, if the changes show up. Surely there is a better way?
Changed recipe to:
pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
echo 'create ... more stuff ...' >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/request-key.conf
But still no luck.
As far as I know, postinst runs at rootfs creation, and only at first boot if rootfs fails.
So there is a easy way to execute something only first boot. Just check for $D, like this:
pkg_postinst_stuff() {
#!/bin/sh -e
if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
# do something at first boot here
exit 1
postinst scripts are ran at roots time, so ${sysconfdir} is /etc on your host. Use $D${sysconfdir} to write to the file inside the rootfs being generated.
OE-Classic is pretty ancient so you really should update to oe-core.
That said, Do postinst's run at first boot? I'm not sure. Also look in the recipes work directory in the temp directory and read the log and run files to see if there are any clues there.
One more thing. If foo RDEPENDS on bar that just means "when foo is installed, bar is also installed". I'm not sure it makes assertions about what is installed during the install phase, when your postinst is running.
If using $D doesn't fix the problem try editing your postinst to copy the existing file you're trying to edit somewhere else, so you can verify that it exists in the first place. Its possible that you're appending to a file that doesn't exist yet, and the the package that installs the file replaces it.

Does sbt have something like gradle's processResources task with ReplaceTokens support?

We are moving into Scala/SBT from a Java/Gradle stack. Our gradle builds were leveraging a task called processResources and some Ant filter thing named ReplaceTokens to dynamically replace tokens in a checked-in .properties file without actually changing the .properties file (just changing the output). The gradle task looks like:
processResources {
def whoami = System.getProperty( '' );
def hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()
def buildTimestamp = new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z')
filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
"buildsig.version" : project.version,
"buildsig.classifier" : project.classifier,
"buildsig.timestamp" : buildTimestamp,
"buildsig.user" : whoami,
"buildsig.system" : hostname,
"buildsig.tag" : buildTag
This task locates all the template files in the src/main/resources directory, performs the requisite substitutions and outputs the results at build/resources/main. In other words it transforms src/main/resources/ from...
buildsig.tag=#buildsig.tag# build/resources/main/
buildsig.timestamp=2013-05-06 09:46:52 PDT
Which, ultimately, finds its way into the WAR file at WEB-INF/classes/ This works like a champ to record build specific information in a Properties file which gets loaded from the classpath at runtime.
What do I do in SBT to get something like this done? I'm new to Scala / SBT so please forgive me if this seems a stupid question. At the end of the day what I need is a means of pulling some information from the environment on which I build and placing that information into a properties file that is classpath loadable at runtime. Any insights you can give to help me get this done are greatly appreciated.
The sbt-buildinfo is a good option. The README shows an example of how to define custom mappings and mappings that should run on each compile. In addition to the straightforward addition of normal settings like version shown there, you want a section like this:
buildInfoKeys ++= Seq[BuildInfoKey](
"hostname" ->,
"whoami" -> System.getProperty(""),
BuildInfoKey.action("buildTimestamp") {
java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance.format(new java.util.Date())
Would the following be what you're looking for:
sbt-editsource: An SBT plugin for editing files
sbt-editsource is a text substitution plugin for SBT 0.11.x and
greater. In a way, it’s a poor man’s sed(1), for SBT. It provides the
ability to apply line-by-line substitutions to a source text file,
producing an edited output file. It supports two kinds of edits:
Variable substitution, where ${var} is replaced by a value. sed-like
regular expression substitution.
This is from Community Plugins.
