Kernel SVM, select important features in R - r

I have a matrix with 1000*700 dimension with binary column as classification. I have used Ksvm in kernlab to fit a polynomial model on my data. ROC and precession-Recall curve showed the polynomial model works better than others. I am interested to extract the most important features that determine the model sensitivity and specificity. General speaking, what are the most important features in model?
So I am using the following command to extract the features but I am not sure if I am right.
svp <- ksvm(as.matrix(xtrain),as.factor(ytrain),type="C-svc",kernel="poly")
weight <- colSums(coef(svp)[[1]] * xtrain[SVindex(svp),])
w <- sort( weight, decreasing=T)
w <- data.frame(w)
So the top max weight are the most important features.
Please let me know if I am right or wrong?


Estimation of a state-space model with lags in the measurement equation in R

I'm trying to estimate an SS model from this paper that has the following form:
Setting the order of the first lag polynomial to zero and the second one to one, we can reformulate it using terms from the MARSS package guide when applicable (x is the state, y is the observed variable, d is exogenous):
MARSS package allows for estimation of a simpler model that dooesn't include lagged variables in the measurement equation. Is there a way to estimate this one using MARSS or any other package without rewriting the estimation routine for this special case? Maybe there is a way to reformulate it so it could be "fed" to MARSS or some other package?
Take a look at how say the BSM Structural time series model or ARMA model is formulated as a MARSS model, aka a multivariate state-space model. That'll give you an idea of how to reform your model in multivariate state-space form.
Basically, your x will look like
See how the x_2 is just a dummy that is forced to be x(t-1)?
Now the y equation
The d and a are your D and A. I wrote in small case to spec that they are scalars. But they can be matrices in general (if y is multivariate say). Your inputs are the d_t and y_{t-1}. You prepare that 2x1xT matrix as an input.
Be careful with your initial condition specification. Probably best/easiest to set it at t=1 and estimate or use diffuse prior.
You can fit this model with MARSS. You can fit with any Kalman filter function that will allow you to pass in inputs in the y equation (some do, some don't). KFAS::KFS() allows that using the SScustom() function.
In MARSS the model list will look like so
Z=matrix(c("z", "c"),1,2),
D=matrix(c("d", "a"),1,2),
dat <- y[2:TT] # since you need y_{t-1} in the d (inputs)
fit <- MARSS(dat, model=mod.list)
It'll probably complain that it wants initial conditions for x0. Anything will work. The EM algorithm isn't sensitive to that like a BFGS or Newton algorithm. But method="BFGS" is actually often better for this type of structural ts model and in that case pick a reasonable initial condition for x (reasonable = close to your data in this case I think).

How to deal with spatially autocorrelated residuals in GLMM

I am conducting an analysis of where on the landscape a predator encounters potential prey. My response data is binary with an Encounter location = 1 and a Random location = 0 and my independent variables are continuous but have been rescaled.
I originally used a GLM structure
glm_global <- glm(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
but realized that this failed to account for potential spatial-autocorrelation in the data (a spline correlogram showed high residual correlation up to ~1000m).
Correlog_glm_global <- spline.correlog (x = Data_scaled[, "Y"],
y = Data_scaled[, "X"],
z = residuals(glm_global,
type = "pearson"), xmax = 1000)
I attempted to account for this by implementing a GLMM (in lme4) with the predator group as the random effect.
glmm_global <- glmer(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
When comparing AIC of the global GLMM (1144.7) to the global GLM (1149.2) I get a Delta AIC value >2 which suggests that the GLMM fits the data better. However I am still getting essentially the same correlation in the residuals, as shown on the spline correlogram for the GLMM model).
Correlog_glmm_global <- spline.correlog (x = Data_scaled[, "Y"],
y = Data_scaled[, "X"],
z = residuals(glmm_global,
type = "pearson"), xmax = 10000)
I also tried explicitly including the Lat*Long of all the locations as an independent variable but results are the same.
After reading up on options, I tried running Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) in “geepack” thinking this would allow me more flexibility with regards to explicitly defining the correlation structure (as in GLS models for normally distributed response data) instead of being limited to compound symmetry (which is what we get with GLMM). However I realized that my data still demanded the use of compound symmetry (or “exchangeable” in geepack) since I didn’t have temporal sequence in the data. When I ran the global model
gee_global <- geeglm(Encounter ~ Dist_water_cs+coverMN_cs+I(coverMN_cs^2)+
id=Pride, corstr="exchangeable", data=Data_scaled, family=binomial)
(using scaled or unscaled data made no difference so this is with scaled data for consistency)
suddenly none of my covariates were significant. However, being a novice with GEE modelling I don’t know a) if this is a valid approach for this data or b) whether this has even accounted for the residual autocorrelation that has been evident throughout.
I would be most appreciative for some constructive feedback as to 1) which direction to go once I realized that the GLMM model (with predator group as a random effect) still showed spatially autocorrelated Pearson residuals (up to ~1000m), 2) if indeed GEE models make sense at this point and 3) if I have missed something in my GEE modelling. Many thanks.
Taking the spatial autocorrelation into account in your model can be done is many ways. I will restrain my response to R main packages that deal with random effects.
First, you could go with the package nlme, and specify a correlation structure in your residuals (many are available : corGaus, corLin, CorSpher ...). You should try many of them and keep the best model. In this case the spatial autocorrelation in considered as continous and could be approximated by a global function.
Second, you could go with the package mgcv, and add a bivariate spline (spatial coordinates) to your model. This way, you could capture a spatial pattern and even map it. In a strict sens, this method doesn't take into account the spatial autocorrelation, but it may solve the problem. If the space is discret in your case, you could go with a random markov field smooth. This website is very helpfull to find some examples :
Third, you could go with the package brms. This allows you to specify very complex models with other correlation structure in your residuals (CAR and SAR). The package use a bayesian approach.
I hope this help. Good luck

High (or very high) order polynomial regression in R (or alternatives?)

I would like to fit a (very) high order regression to a set of data in R, however the poly() function has a limit of order 25.
For this application I need an order on the range of 100 to 120.
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,50))
# Error in poly(q, 50) : 'degree' must be less than number of unique points
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,30))
# Error in poly(q, 30) : 'degree' must be less than number of unique points
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ poly(q,25))
# OK
Polynomials and orthogonal polynomials
poly(x) has no hard-coded limit for degree. However, there are two numerical constraints in practice.
Basis functions are constructed on unique location of x values. A polynomial of degree k has k + 1 basis and coefficients. poly generates basis without the intercept term, so degree = k implies k basis and k coefficients. If there are n unique x values, it must be satisfied that k <= n, otherwise there is simply insufficient information to construct a polynomial. Inside poly(), the following line checks this condition:
if (degree >= length(unique(x)))
stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points")
Correlation between x ^ k and x ^ (k+1) is getting closer and closer to 1 as k increases. Such approaching speed is of course dependent on x values. poly first generates ordinary polynomial basis, then performs QR factorization to find orthogonal span. If numerical rank-deficiency occurs between x ^ k and x ^ (k+1), poly will also stop and complain:
if (QR$rank < degree)
stop("'degree' must be less than number of unique points")
But the error message is not informative in this case. Furthermore, this does not have to be an error; it can be a warning then poly can reset degree to rank to proceed. Maybe R core can improve on this bit??
Your trial-and-error shows that you can't construct a polynomial of more than 25 degree. You can first check length(unique(q)). If you have a degree smaller than this but still triggering error, you know for sure it is due to numerical rank-deficiency.
But what I want to say is that a polynomial of more than 3-5 degree is never useful! The critical reason is the Runge's phenomenon. In terms of statistical terminology: a high-order polynomial always badly overfits data!. Don't naively think that because orthogonal polynomials are numerically more stable than raw polynomials, Runge's effect can be eliminated. No, a polynomial of degree k forms a vector space, so whatever basis you use for representation, they have the same span!
Splines: piecewise cubic polynomials and its use in regression
Polynomial regression is indeed helpful, but we often want piecewise polynomials. The most popular choice is cubic spline. Like that there are different representation for polynomials, there are plenty of representation for splines:
truncated power basis
natural cubic spline basis
B-spline basis
B-spline basis is the most numerically stable, as it has compact support. As a result, the covariance matrix X'X is banded, thus solving normal equations (X'X) b = (X'y) are very stable.
In R, we can use bs function from splines package (one of R base packages) to get B-spline basis. For bs(x), The only numerical constraint on degree of freedom df is that we can't have more basis than length(unique(x)).
I am not sure of what your data look like, but perhaps you can try
model <- lm(noisy.y ~ bs(q, df = 10))
Penalized smoothing / regression splines
Regression spline is still likely to overfit your data, if you keep increasing the degree of freedom. The best model seems to be about choosing the best degree of freedom.
A great approach is using penalized smoothing spline or penalized regression spline, so that model estimation and selection of degree of freedom (i.e., "smoothness") are integrated.
The smooth.spline function in stats package can do both. Unlike what its name seems to suggest, for most of time it is just fitting a penalized regression spline rather than smoothing spline. Read ?smooth.spline for more. For your data, you may try
fit <- smooth.spline(q, noisy.y)
(Note, smooth.spline has no formula interface.)
Additive penalized splines and Generalized Additive Models (GAM)
Once we have more than one covariates, we need additive models to overcome the "curse of dimensionality" while being sensible. Depending on representation of smooth functions, GAM can come in various forms. The most popular, in my opinion, is the mgcv package, recommended by R.
You can still fit a univariate penalized regression spline with mgcv:
fit <- gam(noisy.y ~ s(q, bs = "cr", k = 10))

How does one extract hat values and Cook's Distance from an `nlsLM` model object in R?

I'm using the nlsLM function to fit a nonlinear regression. How does one extract the hat values and Cook's Distance from an nlsLM model object?
With objects created using the nls or nlreg functions, I know how to extract the hat values and the Cook's Distance of the observations, but I can't figure out how to get them using nslLM.
Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks!
So, it's not Cook's Distance or based on hat values, but you can use the function nlsJack in the nlstools package to jackknife your nls model, which means it removes every point, one by one, and bootstraps the resulting model to see, roughly speaking, how much the model coefficients change with or without a given observation in there.
Reproducible example:
xs = rep(1:10, times = 10)
ys = 3 + 2*exp(-0.5*xs)
for (i in 1:100) {
xs[i] = rnorm(1, xs[i], 2)
df1 = data.frame(xs, ys)
nls1 = nls(ys ~ a + b*exp(d*xs), data=df1, start=c(a=3, b=2, d=-0.5))
The plot shows the percentage change in each model coefficient as each individual observation is removed, and it marks influential points above a certain threshold as "influential" in the resulting plot. The documentation for nlsJack describes how this threshold is determined:
An observation is empirically defined as influential for one parameter if the difference between the estimate of this parameter with and without the observation exceeds twice the standard error of the estimate divided by sqrt(n). This empirical method assumes a small curvature of the nonlinear model.
My impression so far is that this a fairly liberal criterion--it tends to mark a lot of points as influential.
nlstools is a pretty useful package overall for diagnosing nls model fits though.

estimating density in a multidimensional space with R

I have two types of individuals, say M and F, each described with six variables (forming a 6D space S). I would like to identify the regions in S where the densities of M and F differ maximally. I first tried a logistic binomial model linking F/ M to the six variables but the result of this GLM model is very hard to interpret (in part due to the numerous significant interaction terms). Thus I am thinking to an “spatial” analysis where I would separately estimate the density of M and F individuals everywhere in S, then calculating the difference in densities. Eventually I would manually look for the largest difference in densities, and extract the values at the 6 variables.
I found the function sm.density in the package sm that can estimate densities in a 3d space, but I find nothing for a space with n>3. Would you know something that would manage to do this in R? Alternatively, would have a more elegant method to answer my first question (2nd sentence)?
In advance,
Thanks a lot for your help
The function kde of the package ks performs kernel density estimation for multinomial data with dimensions ranging from 1 to 6.
pdfCluster and np packages propose functions to perform kernel density estimation in higher dimension.
If you prefer parametric techniques, you look at R packages doing gaussian mixture estimation like mclust or mixtools.
The ability to do this with GLM models may be constrained both by interpretablity issues that you already encountered as well as by numerical stability issues. Furthermore, you don't describe the GLM models, so it's not possible to see whether you include consideration of non-linearity. If you have lots of data, you might consider using 2D crossed spline terms. (These are not really density estimates.) If I were doing initial exploration with facilities in the rms/Hmisc packages in five dimensions it might look like:
dd <- datadist(dat)
big.mod <- lrm( MF ~ ( rcs(var1, 3) + # `lrm` is logistic regression in rms
rcs(var2, 3) +
rcs(var3, 3) +
rcs(var4, 3) +
rcs(var5, 3) )^2,# all 2way interactions
max.iter=50) # these fits may take longer times
bplot( Predict(bid.mod, var1,var2, n=10) )
That should show the simultaneous functional form of var1's and var2's contribution to the "5 dimensional" model estimates at 10 points each and at the median value of the three other variables.
