View events and their parameters in Google Analytics - google-analytics

Is it possible to view / query the raw events from my Google Analytics (gtag.js) database?
I make sure to send additional parameters with my events and have no idea where I can access those parameters.
Am I missing something? Cause can't see anything documented...

In the Google Analytics event anatomy only allow:
Event Category
Event Action
Event Label
Event Value (Optional)
If you need to add more "fields" you can use Custom Dimensiones, the first step was create in the Google Analytics property. Admin -> Property -> Custom Definitions -> Custom Dimensions.
Later when you want to see this values you can go to the events (Behavior -> Events -> Top Events) and add and the secondary dimension taht you want to see in the event.
Secondary dimension in events view

Seems that you need to set up your own custom report...
To get the parameters / reports for free, you need to use their recommended events.,custom%20reports%20for%20meaningful%20analysis
This answer is a work in progress
This is how you create a custom report
Maybe dumping the data into Big Query is the answer though... GA is never going to work the way engineers expect it to.. it's more high level.


How to track goals submit form from which reference code with support from GTM and GA

pls help my case. I need to track goals submit form from which reference code with support from GTM and GA
my current solution:
I create universal analytics tag with track type page view and custom dimension(ex firstColumn) get value from query key.
I create custom html tag then push event and data layer with value I get from form.
I create universal analytics tag with track type event and custom dimension(I call secondColumn) get value from data layer value above.
when I create custom report with first dimension is firstColum, and second dimension is secondColumn and metric is event hit but no result. do I done anything wrong?
if you have any other solution to archive my expect. pls give a guide. Thanks!
If the custom dimensions are at the hit level and you are sending one with the first hit and one with second hit, you get no result because there are no event hits with both dimensions.

Google tag manager custom event tracking

I am a developer in a java ide for students. I am using codemirror editor.
I want to track on edits (specifically a pause or timeout after last edit).
I had previously used Google analytics, and for events, we will do ga.send(). Now I'm using Google tag manager, for clicks and other events it seems we can configure using tag manager ui itself.
With tag manager, I'm not able to find how implement tracking for this.
Codemirror generates an on change event. On each edit, clear any previous timer and setup a timeout trigger to run after 200ms. (The compilation will be dive at this point, and I want to make sure to track the number of times this event happened)
If I understand you correctly:
Use you change event to have a custom event pushed to the dataLayer:
Then create a trigger of the type "custom event", set event name to "compile" and use that to fire a Google Analytics event tracking tag (if you use the GA tag template you can select the hit type via a dropdown).
The "push" method of the dataLayer ist not the native array method but a special implementation by the GTM code; GTM uses this to monitor changes to the dataLayer, and the "event" keyword tells GTM to update its internal datastructure so new values become available to tags and triggers.
With the same push you can also pass data to be used as eventCategory etc:
You then create new variables of the "dataLayer" type and enter the name of the key you want to access. You can then use the variable in your Ga tag, either by selecting it from the autosuggest list (if you click the icon right to the eventCategory etc. fields) or by typing out the variable name with curly brackets, i.e {{myVariableName}}.
Also keep in mind that the "event" keyword in the dataLayer does not relate to Google Analytics events, except in the sense that it can be used to trigger event tracking (as well as any other tag). "Event" is just a keyword in GTM to indicate that data is updated and tags can now access the new data.

Analytics User-ID view not tracking events

I've created a new view in Google Analytics with everything set up the same as a currently functioning one, only with the addition of User ID tracking turned ON. It's using the same property so the UA code has not changed.
I've copied over everything that I can think of from the current view to the new view. At first glance everything was working fine, page views were coming through via Real-Time correctly and matched up with the values seen in the current view.
For some reason though, the new view is not listing ANY actual events in Real-Time, however the events graph is being populated.
The current view IS tracking all the events correctly.
We use Tag Manager to handle all our events among other things, and using the debug mode, all events were also being triggered correctly. Finally, I've also used the GA Debugger chrome extension, which again is not showing any issues. The new User ID property is being passed through to analytics as I'd expect.
I've tried searching for any issues related to User ID views and tracking events, but came up blank, presumably because there is no inherent issue with this set up.
Any suggestions?
I found out that the reason that the events were not tracking is because the user id was not being sent along with every event.
I believed that once it was set on page load every analytics interaction after that would use that user id. This was not the case. In Tag manager I added a 'Field to set' property for all relevant tags like so;

Google Analytics (or Tags): With an event, how to trigger an action in another system?

I am looking for something that would enable me to trigger an action in another system (a CRM).
For this, ideally, I would like Google Analytics (or Google Tag Manager) to notify the other system the event of shopping cart abandonment.
Assuming I am using customer tracking id, I would like to know a few parameter values.
How can this be implemented? Is this feature provided by GA or GTM?
Technically you could do that with GA, if your CRM have support for incoming email as notification option.
Basically you could give an event value of -1 for your abandonment event and set up a Custom alert firing on negative value of your event (for example - set alert for Action "Abandon" and condition - value less than 1). Anyhow, this is just example setup, there are many option.
Set email notification for your alert (don't forget to set it for daily) and you are done.

Using Google Analytics, if I explicitly log an event using _trackPageview, does that count as a 'real' page view?

For example, if I have a news page that's already being tracked via GA and I add a javascript event to capture clicks on a specific link to the news page (e.g. navigation) am I then 'double counting'?
If a fake pageview is not beneficial in this situation, and from your description that you're looking to track an engagement click on your page, use Event Tracking instead of Pageviews.
Tracking a click/event is easy (especially if you're already using Javascript). The best part is that this event is not considered a page view, keeping those stats safe.
The implementation is simple and allows for quite a bit of customization:
_trackEvent(category, action, opt_label, opt_value)
Below is an example of a link that's been encoded with an event tag:
Here's the Google Analytics resource page on Event Tagging:
Well it's not a real page view, but Google Analytics thinks that it is--i.e., it shows up in your pageview counts.
Fortunately, it's easy to filter those so they don't contaminate your pageview data.
So for instance,
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'unique_virtual_pagename']);
So in your GA Browser, you'll see the number of clicks actually shown as the number of pageviews of *unique_virtual_pagename*, which is not good.
There are a two ways to fix this (that i am aware of): (i) set a temporary filter at the bottom of the pageview table; or (ii) set a persistent (c*ustom*) filter in your Admin Panel (which i think is best) to remove pageviews having only the name *unique_virtual_pagename*, or whatever name you've chosen. This will of course take up to 24 hours to set, so the best plan is to set the filter first, then add the javascript to your page. so the filter is active when you begin collecting clicks.
But that just solves the problem of disaggregating these virtual pageviews from your real pageviews, you still need a way to count/record them.
I prefer to create a separate profile in these cases. So first, i filter the virtual pageviews from my actual pageviews using a custom filter, then i create a new profile which has another filter excluding everything but these virtual pageviews. I usually give that profile a name based on the event.
What you're doing is registering what's called a 'virtual page view'. To GA it's seen as a real page view and shows up in your content report's and page view counts etc. This is often useful if you want to show a page view for media that GA can't track. It's also commonly used to count an event, such as a button click, as a goal conversion.
If you just want to record the event and not count a page view you should look at using GA event tracking instead.
