Embedding the NEW google calendar - iframe

Is there a way to embed the new Google Calendar view? (https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/7541906?hl=en)
I tried to use the link appearing in the calendar's settings - but the iframe loads the old view not the new one.


Free, editable calendar for Wordpress site that using Elementor?

I am updating a website that was built (not by me) in Wordpress using Elementor. I'm trying to add a calendar that can list basic events and provide links to them. I found the plugin called "Wordpress Calendar" and have been able to add one of those to the draft of the site, but whenever I right-click on the calendar and choose "edit calendar," a bar pops up on the left hand side of the screen telling me about "user restrictions." So I can't actually add any events to the calendar. I think I have full access to edit the site. Is there a way to bypass Elementor and create the calendar in Wordpress code?
Is there a free way to add an editable calendar? I see this but I'm not sure how to integrate it into the Elementor site: https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/
Sorry, I'm new to WP.
You can use this solution:
1- Install that plugin you have found https://wordpress.org/plugins/the-events-calendar/
2- Visit this page https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/k/embedding-calendar-views-with-the-tribe_events-shortcode/ and get the shortcode you need. The shortcode will display the calendar you want on any page you place the shortcode in.
3- Insert the shortcode within Elementor builder: just add a new "Shortcode" element and insert the shortcode you need into it.
Note: the calendar can only be edited by you in the backend.

How to track clicks on each blog posts in blogger using google analytics

I configured GA to my blog. I want to track the clicks on each blogpost. i dont know where i have to insert event tracking code in my blog for tracking clicks on each blogposts.
Just add a new HTML widget and paste your code in it. The widgets appear on home page as well as all the posts. It's important that GA code should be there on all pages.

using google analytic with blogger dynamic views?

How can be possible to use Google analytic with blogger dynamic views? I cannot add the tracking code to dynamic viewed blogger blog of mine
Thanks in advance :)
Just got to SETTINGS - OTHER and scroll to the bottom and paste your web ID from Google Analytics. It's so simple, no matter what template.
Analytics Web Property ID = ...

How to use custom button for Google Friend Connect API login button?

I am using Google Friend Connect API to login to my site. And using the default function google.friendconnect.renderSignInButton(params) to render the sign in button. Can I use my own custom button to log into my site or can I customize the button to sync in with the website design. Because the customization option provided in http://code.google.com/apis/friendconnect/docs/gfc_buttons.html are not helpful as I need a completely different looking button than these.
I have a post on my blog which will help you create or have the GFC widget back on your blog or website. the post is on How to add Google friend connect on blogger , in this tutorial are the two ways on which you can add the GFC widget.

Is it possible to have a Google Analytics tracking event on Tumblr's Follow button?

Is there a way to hack a Tumblr theme to put a Google Analytics _trackEventI() function on the Tumblr Follow button? This would allow users to analyze where people are coming from when they click follow, what pages they clicked follow on, demographics of people who followed, etc.
If you control the code that displays it, or if the code is iframed onto your site but the iframe content is hosted on your domain then yes, it is possible. But if it is iframed onto your page and the iframed content is not on your domain then no, you cannot add tracking to it.
