Visual Studio 2017 SPA Aurelia template: Where is aurelia.json? - single-page-application

I used the Visual Studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core 2.0) SPA Aurelia template to create a new solution, but I am missing the aurelia.json file. Why doesn't it get created? It is also not clear where the "resources" folder has to be created.

The aurelia.json file does not get created because it is needed by the Aurelia CLI build tool only. Since the VS template uses Webpack as a build tool, aurelia.json is unnecessary - you configure your build process by tweaking the Webpack configuration files.
About the resources folder, I guess that you refer to the one that is created by the Aurelia CLI au new command, that is, the one in which you generally store your reusable components and similar things. If that is the case, technically, it shouldn't matter where it is as long as you properly configure your imports, such as .feature('resources'), in your main.ts (or boot.ts as it is called when created by the VS template) - though for the sake of making it easy to oversee your project structure, I suggest you sticking to the structure that is created by the au new CLI command, and create your resources folder directly inside the ClientApp folder.


What is obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/Razor folder?

I have a .net core 2.1 project, all run ok...
After add a NuGet dependency, and ricomplied
on obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.1 folder is create a new folder named "Razor" with inside a View strucure with files like this... Default.g.cshtml.cs
Some of this many errors occour.
Is it possible to do not create this folder?
Razor used to be a separate project but was merged to .NET core. You can see the source code for it here.
Because Razor is a dependency as part of your .NET core project it will be included in your compiled code's output.

What default dll's are imported into an webforms project

I've inherited a legacy code base that doesn't currently compile and has no project or solution file (there are multiple repositories including winforms and
I'm not certain what .net version the original code was written in, nor what the project template was, although I know some are web forms.
I'm re-creating new solution and project files to import the code into, but need to find some of the default dll's included in old Visual Studio project templates (e.g. webforms).
Any ideas where I might find this information?
Anyone know an MSDN link with this on it?
P.S. I don't have access to the production code, although it is running in production.

VS 201x - How do downloaded Bower .js files get deployed?

I've now been trying to automate and sort out a VS2013, not vNext, ASP.NET MVC project that started life as a front-end project on a Mac by a digital agency!
Aside: I've not yet used VS 2015, or ASP.NET vNext.
It uses npm, grunt and bower but not in the new VS 2015 template project way. We have to manually install the CLI tools and invoke it all manually, and it fails behind our proxy.
No one really understands this stuff or has the appetite to really tackle the problem. We copy files from a share to fudge it into working. It's a mess.
My Question
One of the things that's completely baffling me is how the dynamically-downloaded JavaScript files, via Bower, can be deployed via MSDeploy.
When a deployment package ZIP is created, it only includes content files declared the .csproj file.
In VS2015 there some kind of mechanism that auto-adds the downloaded Bower packages to the project?
Or some other trick?
Is there something that'll do this for VS 2013?
Not exclusive to Visual Studio 2015, but part of the ASP.NET 5 tooling. You can add an array of "prepublish" commands to your project.json that basically become part of the build/publish pipeline. Therefore, ensuring that Gulp, Bower or NPM commands can be run before the MSDeploy publish happens and are ready to be picked up by MSDeploy for publishing.

TypeScript With WebSite in VS2012

I have installed TypeScript plugin for VS2012 and could able to add a TypeScript file(.ts) to Asp.Net Web Application project and after making some modification to csproj it is generating .js(Javascript) file on build and is running perfectly.Now what i need is, to add A TypeScript file to Asp.Net Website Project,since the template is not available i added a .js file and renamed to .ts file and wrote TypeScript code there,but on build it is not generating corresponding .js file.So now the question is ,how to use TypeScript with Asp.Net Website in VS2012
You're going to need to install the Visual Studio 2012 plugin, as detailed here. It appears different versions of VS require their own plugins.

deploy flex application on tomcat server (not localhost) with blazeDS starting in eclipse

I have a locally developed flex application which i would now deploy on a live server. Those are the constraints:
Using blazeDS with java code
Code depends on other project in eclipse
the other project has several dependencies on 3rd party libs.
Using some external flash .swc libs
some web.xml settings are custom
In another post the structure for the exported folder is explained:
What needs to be in a .war file to deploy a Flex application?
In the default usage of Flash Builder i can create a release build and store it somewhere. This will create the release version of all the flex content.
I now want to export the .war file within the export function of eclipse and here comes the problem:
How can i exclude the files not needed in the war file. There is a debug build of the flex app and some other files i do not need.
How can i automatically insert the dependend libs of the imported eclipse project to the web-inf lib folder. When i try to export the release the function sais that the imported eclispe project cannot be created by the release process but it is within the lib folder of web-inf on .war export except the dependencies.
Can somebody point me to the documententation of flashbuilder regarding exportinmg and deployment.
Maybe i need an ANT process to optimize that. What do you think?
Thank you
For everything you just said, there are 2 ways of doing it:
1) Create it manually by copy pasting what you need in your war file into a folder, removing what isn't needed then create said war file using command line.
2) Create an automation script that does it all for you. This could be ANT or Maven (I personally prefer Maven for it's dependency management).
The latter is the enterprise way of doing it because it's easy to run ("mvn clean install war") and you can attach the script to an automation engine (like hudson, bamboo, teamcity, etc) which can then compile/test/deploy everything something is committed to your source control.
