Braintree Gateway - Google Cloud Platform - wordpress

How do I configure my Braintree Production account to Go Live on my website that I created on Google Cloud Platform? I currently have a Braintree Sandbox account configured through Woocommerce and it seems to work fine, however, I'm not sure how or where to configure server-side code to connect API calls to the Braintree gateway.

I tried a few things and here's what worked.
I'm using a WooCommerce plugin that connects to Braintree. I first disconnected from my Braintree Sandbox account in WooCommerce. I then reconnected to Braintree and selected the option to manually enter credentials, which I completed using my live credentials.


Is it possible to use Stripe Connect with Meteor.js?

Has anybody successfully integrated Stripe Connect and Meteor.js ? I have used Stripe Checkout to collect payments from a buyer, through a Meteor package, but I am now investigating building a marketplace where buyers and sellers transact with each other directly.
I haven't found any Stripe connect packages for Meteor. I would also be willing to pay anybody who could successfully set up Stripe Connect and Meteor.js.

Firebase Authentication stopped showing identifier

I have a firebase project which uses Google And Github auth providers. For some reason, it has suddenly stopped showing emails of fresh users. It is the same in the app logic as well. (I am using a NextJS app)
I no longer have access to user's emails, which I used to send notifications. HELP!

Can I use Stripe test mode without verification?

I am developing a mini mvc project for my subject in University. My project is an ecommerce project and I want to connect it with Stripe gateway. But I can't verify my Stripe account. So what I want to know is: Can I use Stripe test mode without verify my account?
Yep, you can use Stripe's test mode without verifying your account. Test mode will work immediately upon creation of a new Stripe account.

Woocommerce Rest API hosted on Google Cloud Server

I've added the key and secret but it's impossible to view the API endpoint for WooCommerce site that hosted on Google Cloud Server.
I have also tried sending a basic request through Postman as suggested in the guide here:
It looks like there might be some additional protection enabled on Google Cloud Sevices. The server still doesn't allow me to get through with the key and secret even I removed all plugins and also reinstall WordPress site.
Testing URL:
Consumer key: ck_cc1ba53ba6b763871679ed2433f5c806c5f9cf4f
Consumer secret: cs_8649198de74ed143a55aff65eead0fc4806220b7
Can anyone help me, please?

How to Stripe Process payment using the WooCommerce REST API?

How can we Process the payment of Stripe Payment Gateway?
I am using the WooCommerce REST API for Developing mobile Apps Here My Question is how to pay using the REST API?
Can I use the Stripe Payment gateway in Mobile Application Developing?
For Payment using WooCommerce Rest API via stripe payment gateway, it is very easy to make the custom endpoint and call the public functions as website works.
Below are the steps to Do payment of stripe in woocommerce REST API.
1) You need to Integrate the Stripe SDK for your mobile application.
For the iOS SDK Integration follow Documentation
For the Android SDK Integration follow Documentation
2) After the SDK integration in the mobile apps you have to get the publishable key from the server( from your woocommerce admin panel checkout settings and choose stripe ).
If you don't have the stripe account details for the transaction don't worry you can create the stripe account over Here
you can get the available payment method and account details of the stripe as well using this code... Click Here
3) Now you have a publishable key for the generate the payment token from the SDK So, now we create the API for the Payment.
Create the custom endpoint same as the get payment method API.
Using this master code you can generate the payment method API in WooCommerce.
Have a fun and Do Payment via WooCommerce REST API for Stripe
