Unable to grep the result count - unix

I'm trying to find the specific type of files and grep the string "COMPLETED KO" and if the count is greater than 0 then it'll send the lines containg the string through mail.
Below is the script:
cd /home/scripts/log
FILES=`find . -type f -name "TOKEN*" -mtime 1`
cd $DIR
err_KO=`grep "ERROR" $FILES |wc -l`
err_ko=`grep "ERROR" $FILES` > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $err_KO -gt 0 ]
echo "error in the files due to KO $err_ko" |mailx -s "KO errors" -r "abcd#xyz.com" $ML
exit 0
But on running the script, I'm not getting the required result.
grep: ./LOG_EQUENS/TOKEN_EQUENS_STOPDEUT_0005000000087916_20171010160102.log: No such file or directory
grep: ./LOG_EQUENS/TOKEN_EQUENS_LOGVODAF_00050000000879D0_20171011061846.log: No such file or directory
grep: ./LOG_SETEFI/TOKEN_SETEFI_SETOVFPM_0005000000087938_20171011011816.log: No such file or directory
grep: ./LOG_SETEFI/TOKEN_SETEFI_SETALMON_00050000000879A6_20171011035809.log: No such file or directory
grep: ./LOG_SETEFI/TOKEN_SETEFI_SETATROA_00050000000879B4_20171011043340.log: No such file or directory
grep: ./LOG_SETEFI/TOKEN_SETEFI_SETSOROA_00050000000879B6_20171011043345.log: No such file or directory
Any help is most welcome


How to tell script to look only into a specific folder

I'm trying to make a recycle bin for UNIX, so I have two scripts. 1 to delete the file and move it to the bin, the other script to restore the file back to its original location.
my restore script only works if the person gives the path to the deleted file.
ex: sh restore ~/trashbin/filename
How do I hardcode into my script so that I don't need to give the path to the deleted file it should already know to look in the trashbin for the file. My restore script works only when someone calls in the path to the file.
rlink=$(readlink -e "$1")
rname=$(basename "$rlink")
function restoreFile() {
rlink=$(readlink -e "$1")
rname=$(basename "$rlink")
rorgpath=$(grep "$rname" ~/.restore.info | cut -d":" -f2)
rdirect=$(dirname "$rorgpath")
#echo $orgpath
if [ ! -d "$rdirect" ]
mkdir -p $rdirect
#echo $var
mv $rlink $rorgpath
mv $rlink $rorgpath
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Error no filename provided."
exit 1
elif [ ! -f "$1" ]
echo "Error file does not exist."
exit 1
elif [ -f "$rorgpath" ]
echo "File already exists in original path."
read -p "Would you like to overwrite it? (y/n)" ovr
if [[ $ovr = y || $ovr = Y || $ovr = yes ]]
echo "Restoring File and overwriting."
restoreFile $1
grep -v "$rname" ~/.restore.info > ~/.restorebackup.info
mv ~/.restorebackup.info ~/.restore.info
echo "Restoring file into original path."
restoreFile $1
grep -v "$rname" ~/.restore.info > ~/.restorebackup.info
mv ~/.restorebackup.info ~/.restore.info
When you "remove" the file from the file-system to your trash-bin, move it so that its path is remembered. Example: removing file /home/user/file.txt should mean moving this file to ~/.trash/home/user/file.txt. That way, you'll be able to restore files to the original location, and you'll have auto-complete work, since you can do: sh restore ~/.trash/<TAB><TAB>

Creating a .sh file through Batch script and executing .sh file through batch

Below is the part of a batch script that i have created:
REM ********* CONN SCRIPT CREATION ***************
echo #!/bin/sh >%conn_script%
echo >>%conn_script%
echo if [ %today% -eq 23 ] >>%conn_script%
echo then >>%conn_script%
echo **find . -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +0 -exec rm -rf {} \;>>%conn_script%
echo else >>%conn_script%**
echo echo Files are not from previous month >>%conn_script%
echo fi >>%conn_script%
type %conn_script%
::echo bye >>%conn_script%
echo The sftp_script is:
echo "command: call %executor%\RUN\plink -ssh %host% -batch -l %user% -pw ********** -m %conn_script%"
call %executor%\RUN\plink -ssh %host% -batch -l %user% -pw %password% -m %conn_script% >%logfile%
I have created a batch script that is creating a .sh file. That sh file is deleting files from a unix server. When batch script is executing sh file it is getting error "find: bad option -maxdepth
find: [-H | -L] path-list predicate-list" from the code which is in BOLD format.
Even i also want to append the log of deleted files in a .txt file which is in my local machine.
I have tried a lot but not able to append the log in .txt file.
Please provide yours valuable feedback for this issue.
Have you tried /usr/xpg4/bin/find (Available in Solaris).
/usr/xpg4/bin/find . -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +0 | xargs rm -f

searching for part of a filename (UNIX)

On unix I have files which have been renamed as their original name follwed by _inode number (ie the file dog would be renamed dog_inodeno). I am now trying to remove the inode no so i can search for the original file name elsewhere. Does anyone know how I can do this and teh coding neccesary.
This should do the job:
find . -type f -name "*_[0-9]*" -exec \
sh -c 'for i do
b=$(basename "$i")
r=$(basename "$i" "_$(ls -i "$i"|awk "{print \$1}")")
if [ "$b" != "$r" ]; then
echo mv "$i" "$(dirname $i)/$r"
done' sh {} +
Replace echo mv by mv for the script to actually rename the files.
The solution here will do rename your files only if the inode number of a file is part of the file's name in the mentioned format, which is what the OP wants.
Solution is successfuly tested at my end.
find ./ -name "*_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]" -exec sh 'rename-files.sh' {} \;
Store the below script for the find command to be successful.
#Script Name: rename-files.sh
#Store the result of find
#Get the existing file name
fname_alone=`expr ${find_result} : '.*/\(.*\)' '|' ${find_result}`
fname_with_relative_path=`expr ${find_result} : '.\(.*\)' '|' ${find_result}`
fname_with_full_path=`echo "$(pwd)${fname_with_relative_path}"`
#Get the inode number of file name
file_inode_no=`find ./ -name ${fname_alone} -printf '%i'`
#Read the end of name
end_of_name=`echo $fname_alone | awk -F "_" '{print $NF}' `
#Check if end of name contains its file's inode number
if [ $end_of_name -eq $file_inode_no ]
#Remove the inode number at the end of file name
new_name=`expr $find_result : '.\(.*\)_.*' '|' $find_result`
#Append the path of the file
renamed_to=`echo "$(pwd)${new_name}"`
#Rename your dog_inodeno to dog
mv $fname_with_full_path $renamed_to
Hope this helps.

Remove duplicate jars in a directory

I have a script to remove lower version jars files in a directory.
#Script to remove lower version jar files.
for PREFIX in `ls *.jar|sed 's/-[0-9\.\0-9\.a-zA-Z]*\.jar//g'|uniq -d`; do
for FILE in `ls -r ${PREFIX}*|sed '1d'`; do
echo " $FILE"
rm $FILE
It has a bug.
I have below list of Duplicate jar files in a directory.
The bug is with xyz pattern jar files.
Script is removing xyz-1.1.1.jar file instead of xyz-1.1.jar
Script is removing xyz-tom-20120423.jar and xyz-tom-20120410.jar files.
if [ $# == 0 ]; then
elif [ $# == 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 [dir]";
exit 1;
for lib in `find $dir -name '*.jar'`; do
for class in `unzip -l $lib | egrep -o '[^ ]*.class$'`; do
class=`echo $class | sed s/\\\\.class// | sed s/[-.\\/$]/_/g`
existing=$( eval "echo \$CLS_${class}" )
if [ -n "$existing" ]; then echo "$lib $existing"; fi
eval CLS_${class}="\"${lib} ${existing}\""
done | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
I find this code here

Command to get list of files with ".log" extension and "JB_" in name and "ERROR:" in the body of log file(not name of log file) in UNIX

I tried this below command
ls -1 /fbrms01/dev/Logs/JB_*.log | find . -type f | xargs grep -l "ERROR:" > /fbrms01/dev/Logs/text_JB.txt
for these below files
I'm getting all the files with .log and ERROR: in the output file but I want only files which starts with JB_ and ending with .log.
Any help??
find /fbrms01/dev/Logs -type f -name 'JB_*.log' -exec grep -l "ERROR:" {} \; > /fbrms01/dev/Logs/text_JB.txt
