Racket: Compare elements in list recursively - recursion

This function is supposed to take a list (full of strings or ints, which is why it starts with that 'if' statement) and check to see if it is in ascending order.
I haven't been able to figure out how to keep it from crashing, as on the last recursive call, the 'cadr' has nothing to pull from, as the 'car' is the final element.
(define (my-sorted? lst)
(if (number? (car lst))
(if (< (car lst) (cadr lst))
(my-sorted? (rest lst))
I know that the sorted function exists, but I need to implement this function recursively.
Thanks for any help.

The two most basic lists that you should try are:
(my-sorted? '()) ; ==> #t (empty list is always sorted)
(my-sorted? '(1)) ; ==> #t (one element list is always sorted)
Your current code just does car and cadr on its argument so it will fail at different levels with these two tests.
The there is how to compare a number and something which is not a number. < expects both arguments to be numbers, but your list can be both strings and numbers. What is smaller of "x" and 7? You cannot do (< 7 "x").
Instead of nesting if you might consider cond which is lisps way of doing if-elseif-else. Basically you can do your code with cond like this:
((not (number? (car lst))) #f)
((< (car lst) (cadr lst)) (my-sorted? (rest lst))
(else #f))
Since the list should either be all elements as string or all as number you simply can just determine the comparison function by looking at the first element and do your recursion with a named let and reuse the one based on the first element.
(define (my-sorted lst)
;; determine what comparison function to use, bind it to greater?
(define greater?
(if (and (pair? lst) (number? (car lst)))
;; main recursive loop uses that one function
;; this can be done with define + call as well
(let loop ((lst lst))
(cond ((or (null? lst) (null? (cdr lst))) ...)
((greater? (car lst) (cadr lst)) ...)
(else (loop ...)))))


Check for ascending order of a list in Racket

I'm new to racket and trying to write a function that checks if a list is in strictly ascending order.
'( 1 2 3) would return true
'(1 1 2) would return false (repeats)
'(3 2 4) would return false
My code so far is:
Image of code
(define (ascending? 'list)
(if (or (empty? list) (= (length 'list) 1)) true
(if (> first (first (rest list))) false
(ascending? (rest list)))))
I'm trying to call ascending? recursively where my base case is that the list is empty or has only 1 element (then trivially ascending).
I keep getting an error message when I use check-expect that says "application: not a procedure."
I guess you want to implement a procedure from scratch, and Alexander's answer is spot-on. But in true functional programming style, you should try to reuse existing procedures to write the solution. This is what I mean:
(define (ascending? lst)
(apply < lst))
It's shorter, simpler and easier to understand. And it works as expected!
(ascending? '(1 2 3))
=> #t
(ascending? '(1 1 2))
=> #f
Some things to consider when writing functions:
Avoid using built in functions as variable names. For example, list is a built in procedure that returns a newly allocated list, so don't use it as an argument to your function, or as a variable. A common convention/alternative is to use lst as a variable name for lists, so you could have (define (ascending? lst) ...).
Don't quote your variable names. For example, you would have (define lst '(1 2 3 ...)) and not (define 'lst '(1 2 3 ...)).
If you have multiple conditions to test (ie. more than 2), it may be cleaner to use cond rather than nesting multiple if statements.
To fix your implementation of ascending? (after replacing 'list), note on line 3 where you have (> first (first (rest list))). Here you are comparing first with (first (rest list)), but what you really want is to compare (first lst) with (first (rest lst)), so it should be (>= (first lst) (first (rest lst))).
Here is a sample implementation:
(define (ascending? lst)
[(null? lst) #t]
[(null? (cdr lst)) #t]
[(>= (car lst) (cadr lst)) #f]
(ascending? (cdr lst))]))
or if you want to use first/rest and true/false you can do:
(define (ascending? lst)
[(empty? lst) true]
[(empty? (rest lst)) true]
[(>= (first lst) (first (rest lst))) false]
(ascending? (rest lst))]))
For example,
> (ascending? '(1 2 3))
> (ascending? '(1 1 2))
> (ascending? '(3 2 4))
If you write down the properties of an ascending list in bullet form;
An ascending list is either
the empty list, or
a one-element list, or
a list where
the first element is smaller than the second element, and
the tail of the list is ascending
you can wind up with a pretty straight translation:
(define (ascending? ls)
(or (null? ls)
(null? (rest ls))
(and (< (first ls) (first (rest ls)))
(ascending? (rest ls)))))
This Scheme solution uses an explicitly recursive named let and memoization:
(define (ascending? xs)
(if (null? xs) #t ; Edge case: empty list
(let asc? ((x (car xs)) ; Named `let`
(xs' (cdr xs)) )
(if (null? xs') #t
(let ((x' (car xs'))) ; Memoization of `(car xs)`
(if (< x x')
(asc? x' (cdr xs')) ; Tail recursion
#f)))))) ; Short-circuit termination
(list 1 1 2) )) ; `#f`

Scheme/Racket: most idiomatic way to append single element to end of list

I want to append the element b to the list a (let's say (a1, a2, ... an)), e.g. appending the number 3 to (1 2) gives (1 2 3)
So far I've been doing
(append a (list b)), which is kind of long and inelegant, so I wonder if there's a "better" way...
Are you building a list piecemeal, an item at a time? If so, the idiomatic way to do this is to build the list backward, using cons, and then reversing the final result:
(define (map-using-cons-and-reverse f lst)
(let loop ((result '())
(rest lst))
(if (null? rest)
(reverse result)
(loop (cons (f (car rest)) (cdr rest))))))
Alternatively, if your list-building is amenable to a "right-fold" recursive approach, that is also idiomatic:
(define (map-using-recursion f lst)
(let recur ((rest lst))
(if (null? rest)
(cons (f (car rest)) (recur (cdr rest))))))
The above code snippets are just for illustrating the solution approach to take in the general case; for things that are directly implementable using fold, like map, using fold is more idiomatic:
(define (map-using-cons-and-reverse f lst)
(reverse (foldl (lambda (item result)
(cons (f item) result))
'() lst)))
(define (map-using-recursion f lst)
(foldr (lambda (item result)
(cons (f item) result))
'() lst))
How frequent do you have to append to the end?
If you want to do it a lot (more than cons'ing to the front), then you are doing it wrong. The right way is to flip things around: think that cons put things to the back, first retrieves the last element, rest retrieves everything but last, etc. Then, you can use list normally.
However, if you want to put things to the end of the list as frequent as to cons things to the front, then this is the best that you can do with one list. You could write a function to wrap what you consider "inelegant". Traditionally it's called snoc (backward cons)
(define (snoc lst e) (append lst (list e)))
Or if you prefer to implement the whole thing by yourself:
(define (snoc lst e)
[(empty? lst) (list e)]
[(cons? lst) (cons (first lst) (snoc (rest lst) e))]))
Note that both approaches have the same time complexity: O(n) where n is length of the list.
But if you want it to be efficient, you can use a data structure called double-ended queue, which is very efficient (constant time per operation). See http://www.westpoint.edu/eecs/SiteAssets/SitePages/Faculty%20Publication%20Documents/Okasaki/jfp95queue.pdf for more details.

Scheme car and cdr recursion

Can someone explain to me how the recursion works in the following function? Specifically, I am interested in what happens when the function reaches its base case. Also, why is a named let used in this code? (I am not familiar with named lets)
(define (unzip list-of-pairs)
(if (null? list-of-pairs)
(cons '() '())
(let ((unzipped (unzip (cdr list-of-pairs))))
(cons (cons (car (car list-of-pairs)) (car unzipped))
(cons (cdr (car list-of-pairs)) (cdr unzipped))))))
The procedure shown doesn't have anything special about it, you're just iterating over a list of this form:
'((1 . 2) (3 . 4) (5 . 6))
The only "weird" part is that the output is building two lists instead of the usual single list. As you know, when we're building a single list as output the base case is this:
(if (null? lst) '() ...)
But here, given that we're simultaneously building two lists, the base case looks like this:
(if (null? lst) (cons '() '()) ...)
The code in the question is not using a named let, it's just a plain old garden-variety let, there's nothing special about it. It's useful because we want to call the recursion only once, given that we need to obtain two values from the recursive call.
If we don't mind being inefficient, the procedure can be written without using let, at the cost of calling the recursion two times at each step:
(define (unzip list-of-pairs)
(if (null? list-of-pairs)
(cons '() '())
(cons (cons (car (car list-of-pairs))
(car (unzip (cdr list-of-pairs))))
(cons (cdr (car list-of-pairs))
(cdr (unzip (cdr list-of-pairs)))))))
Of course, the advantage of using let is that it avoids the double recursive call.

Scheme sum of list

First off, this is homework, but I am simply looking for a hint or pseudocode on how to do this.
I need to sum all the items in the list, using recursion. However, it needs to return the empty set if it encounters something in the list that is not a number. Here is my attempt:
(DEFINE sum-list
(LAMBDA (lst)
(IF (OR (NULL? lst) (NOT (NUMBER? (CAR lst))))
(CAR lst)
(sum-list (CDR lst))
This fails because it can't add the empty set to something else. Normally I would just return 0 if its not a number and keep processing the list.
I suggest you use and return an accumulator for storing the sum; if you find a non-number while traversing the list you can return the empty list immediately, otherwise the recursion continues until the list is exhausted.
Something along these lines (fill in the blanks!):
(define sum-list
(lambda (lst acc)
(cond ((null? lst) ???)
((not (number? (car lst))) ???)
(else (sum-list (cdr lst) ???)))))
(sum-list '(1 2 3 4 5) 0)
> 15
(sum-list '(1 2 x 4 5) 0)
> ()
I'd go for this:
(define (mysum lst)
(let loop ((lst lst) (accum 0))
((empty? lst) accum)
((not (number? (car lst))) '())
(else (loop (cdr lst) (+ accum (car lst)))))))
Your issue is that you need to use cond, not if - there are three possible branches that you need to consider. The first is if you run into a non-number, the second is when you run into the end of the list, and the third is when you need to recurse to the next element of the list. The first issue is that you are combining the non-number case and the empty-list case, which need to return different values. The recursive case is mostly correct, but you will have to check the return value, since the recursive call can return an empty list.
Because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do this in one function, let's be painfully explicit:
#lang racket
; This checks the entire list for numericness
(define is-numeric-list?
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) true)
((not (number? (car lst))) false)
(else (is-numeric-list? (cdr lst))))))
; This naively sums the list, and will fail if there are problems
(define sum-list-naive
(lambda (lst)
((null? lst) 0)
(else (+ (car lst) (sum-list-naive (cdr lst)))))))
; This is a smarter sum-list that first checks numericness, and then
; calls the naive version. Note that this is inefficient, because the
; entire list is traversed twice: once for the check, and a second time
; for the sum. Oscar's accumulator version is better!
(define sum-list
(lambda (lst)
((is-numeric-list? lst) (sum-list-naive lst))
(else '()))))
(is-numeric-list? '(1 2 3 4 5))
(is-numeric-list? '(1 2 x 4 5))
(sum-list '(1 2 3 4 5))
(sum-list '(1 2 x 4 5))
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Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.
I suspect your homework is expecting something more academic though.
Try making a "is-any-nonnumeric" function (using recursion); then you just (or (is-any-numeric list) (sum list)) tomfoolery.

Scheme Recursively going through a List

Just trying to get back into the swing of scheme again, because everyone loves recursion.. (mhhmnmm.)
anyways trying to return #t or #f to determine whether all elements in a list are unique.
Comparing 1st element and 2nd element no problem. It's recursively continuing..
(define (unique ls)
(if (null? ls) #t
(equal? (car ls)(car(cdr ls)))))
I'll write a different, simpler function that demonstrates looping. Hopefully between that and what you have, you'll get there. :-)
(define (member x lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((equal? x (car lst)) lst)
(else (member x (cdr lst)))))
Another example:
(define (assoc x alist)
(cond ((null? alist) #f)
((equal? x (caar alist)) (car alist))
(else (assoc x (cdr alist)))))
Well your (equal?) invocation is incomplete. If the head and head-of-the-tail are equal, then the value of "unique" is false. If they're not equal, then you'd return the value of unique as applied to the tail (cdr) of the list.
(It's implicit in your proto-implementation that you're checking a pre-sorted list. If not, then that's another step to take.)
(use srfi-1)
(define (unique? ls) (eq? (length ls) (length (delete-duplicates ls))))
