In my computer, I want to backup the project, so I copy:
cp off_web off_web_bak_20171008
But it give the below error:
cp:omitting directory 'off_web'
You try the below command:
cp -r off_web off_web_bak_20171008
This error when you execute cp command means under the off_web directory, there are still have directory under the off_web, use -r will recursive copy the project.
I'm discovering symfony and on a way to develop a web app. I just installed it (a couple of days now) but yet I can't have access to it through my terminal. It shows command not found is the principal message I get when I try. checked php and composer, they are all ok. But still don't have access to symfony.
Tried using this code
"hardpro$ mv /usr/hardpro/bin/composer.phar /usr/hardpro/bin/composer" to change the directory but yet, nothing.
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ documents/symfony
-bash: documents/symfony: No such file or directory
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ documents/symfony new
-bash: documents/symfony: No such file or directory
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ cd esoServices
-bash: cd: esoServices: No such file or directory
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ cd symfony
-bash: cd: symfony: No such file or directory
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ symfony new --full my_project
-bash: symfony: command not found
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ mv /usr/local/bin/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
mv: rename /usr/local/bin/composer.phar to /usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or directory
ESOservices:~ hardpro$ mv /usr/hardpro/bin/composer.phar /usr/hardpro/bin/composer
mv: rename /usr/hardpro/bin/composer.phar to /usr/hardpro/bin/composer: No such file or directory
You might need to define the PATH. Run this command before you want to run the symfony command.
export PATH="$HOME/.symfony/bin:$PATH"
Then you should be able to run a command like symfony server:start, but you would need to run the export every time you reopen your terminal.
To solve it permanently, you would need to add this command to your bash profile.
It seems like you have an error with your installation, you should install it again.
To install symfony :
To install composer :
To use it globally :
You have to run the command mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer in the same folder where you run the install composer commands.
I am new to docker, and I am trying to set a container to aspnet development. I just run yo aspnet on a folder and run:
docker run -i -t -p 80:5000 -v "$(pwd):/app" -w "/app" microsoft/dotnet /bin/bash
After that, I run the following commands to prepare to environment:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
dotnet run --server.urls http://*:5000
When I do some change to anything in the directory, even to a cshtml file, the changes do not reflect. If I try to stop the server and rerun it, I receive the error:
/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet compile-csc #/app/obj/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/dotnet-compile.rsp returned Exit Code 1
/app/error CS2012: Cannot open '/app/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/app.dll' for writing -- 'Could not find a part of the path
Compilation failed.
I could notice that I cannot delete the app.dll file from the bin folder. When I try to delete it, it gives me the following error:
rm -R bin
rm: cannot remove 'bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/app.dll': No such file or directory
But, if I enter the folder, the file is there with 0kb size.
Do you know what am I missing to allow me to rebuild the app without need to restart the container?
I was trying to move a RubyOnRails.txt file into a /RUBY directory, so for some reason I typed:
mv RubyOnRails.txt /Ruby"
And I got this error: mv: cannot move ‘Untitled Document’ to ‘/Ruby’: Permission denied
Obviously, I typed: sudo mv RubyOnRails.txt /Ruby
And then, I understood my error, the folder wasn't /Ruby, was /RUBY.
Now the file is gone, and I can't find it anywhere.
There is some way to find it or recover it?
The file isn't gone, it's just renamed to Ruby and it's in root directory of your system /
You can still move it where you want like that sudo mv /Ruby your_destination
How could we unzip file and give (rwx) permissions to files and directories inside .zip file in Solaris?
unzip -d
It should be done in one command.
Not first unzip and then chmod -R +rwx
I have the following custom script step during my build:
mkdir -p "${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Frameworks"
cp "${SRCROOT}/testing.1.dylib" "${CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH}/Frameworks"
The script runs successfully, but when I check the bundle the Frameworks directory does not exist.
Should not not work as I expect? (Frameworks folder created with the testing.1.dylib in it).
Edit: Added screenshot of the runscript.
How about trying the following:
mkdir -p "${dst}"
cp "..." "$dst"
(I found your example and adapted it as above to copy a dylib into the 'Frameworks' folder of my framework).