Passing URI query param nginx reverse proxy - nginx

I have a post server listening on port 8081 and sample path.
I want to be able to redirect the entire URI query param the the node service.
How should i do it.
for example i want the following post request url to passed to
It looks very simple and straight forward example but just can't get it working, any ide?
location ^~ /foo/bar {
rewrite_log on;
rewrite ^/foo/bar(.*) /$1 break;

By default proxy_pass will not change the request URI (including the query string). The example in your question illustrates two ways in which the URI can be changed prior to being sent upstream - by appending an optional URI to the proxy_pass statement (see this document) or with a rewrite...break statement (see this document).
If you remove both, the URI will be sent upstream unmolested and with the query string intact:
location ^~ /foo/bar {


Add a custom header while redirecting in NGINX

I am trying to redirect all API calls to an authorization service endpoint using nginx. I will need to pass a custom header in which i intend to pass the original uri or $request_uri.
Trying the below:
location /api/other {`
add_header X-Original_URI $request_uri
return 308
unfortunately the header is not getting added, need some help to see if this is correct way to do.
I tried auth_request module, proxy_pass. auth_request I cannot use, as it cannot send $request_body. Followed this, but not able store or capture the $request_body.
proxy_pass I am not able to use as it ends up like this:
where createuser is from
You can prevent appending the /createuser suffix to the proxied request. As the proxy_pass documentation states:
In some cases, the part of a request URI to be replaced cannot be determined:
When the URI is changed inside a proxied location using the rewrite directive, and this same configuration will be used to process a request (break):
location /name/ {
rewrite /name/([^/]+) /users?name=$1 break;
In this case, the URI specified in the directive is ignored and the full changed request URI is passed to the server.
Try the following location block:
location /api/other {
rewrite ^ /myauthservice/api/authorize break;
proxy_set_header X-Original_URI $request_uri;

Nginx server returns 308 status code when trying to proxy pass to external hosted service

I am trying to proxy pass one of my nginx server endpoint to an external service that intern redirects calls to another service with in it.
my config looks like below
location = /proxy/live {
proxy_pass <externalservice ip:port>/live;
proxy_pass_request_body on;
with in the external service /live endpoint redirects to another service that is unknown to my nginx server.
with the above configuration I am getting 308 error code (redirection issue). while trying to access /proxy/live endpoint. How can i resolve this issue and get the proxy_pass call through external service up till the end service.
If the URL argument of the proxy_pass directive ends with a trailing slash - then the location path is not appended to this URL. However, if the URL does not end with a trailing slash - then the location path is appended to this URL when passing to the upstream.
This is not very clear from the nginX documentation where they simply refer to the proxy_pass as being either specified with an URI or without an URI:
If the proxy_pass directive is specified with a URI, then when a request is passed to the server, the part of a normalized request URI matching the location is replaced by a URI specified in the directive:
location /name/ {
If proxy_pass is specified without a URI, the request URI is passed to the server in the same form as sent by a client when the original request is processed, or the full normalized request URI is passed when processing the changed URI:
location /some/path/ {

How does nginx proxy pass works for nested paths?

I'm try to send the following over to a different node with the nested path
location /api/client {
How can I forward the request
notice the users/1 needed to be forwarded also.
As per the docs:
If the proxy_pass directive is specified with a URI, then when a
request is passed to the server, the part of a normalized request URI
matching the location is replaced by a URI specified in the directive
So your location block needs to look like this:
location /api/client/ {

Nginx - encoding (normalizing) part of URI

I have nginx location directive which purpose is to "remove" localization prefix from the URI for the proxy_pass directive.
For example, to make URI use proxy_pass
location ~ '^/(?<locale>[\w]{2})(/(?<rest>.*))?$' {
proxy_pass http://example/$rest;
This way the rest variable will be decoded when passed to proxy_pass directeve. It seems to be an expected behavior.
The problem is when my URI contains encoded space %20 passed from client
nginx decodes URI to lala
I can see it in my error.log.
The question is - is it possible do use encoded rest variable somehow as it is passed from client?
If I am doing something completely wrong, please, suggest the right way.
Thank you.
Yes, this behaviour is expected although docs also say:
If proxy_pass is specified without a URI, the request URI is passed to the server in the same form as sent by a client when the original request is processed, or the full normalized request URI is passed when processing the changed URI:
location /some/path/ {
Nginx engineers say the same:
However if you append $request_uri to proxy_pass (and strip locale beforehand it may work as said by Nginx engineer):
set $modified_uri $request_uri;
if ($modified_uri ~ "^/([\w]{2})(/.*)") {
set $modified_uri $1;
proxy_pass http://example$modified_uri;
I have had some success using the following with Confluence and other Atlassian applications behind nginx where special characters such as ( ) < > [ ] were causing issues.
location /path {
# [... other proxy options ...]
# set proxy path with regex
if ($request_uri ~* "/path(/.*)") {
proxy_pass http://server:port/path$1;
# fallback (probably not needed)
proxy_pass http://server:port/path;
The set directive can do the trick. It keeps the encoding intact or rather encodes decoded string.
location ~ '^/(?<locale>[\w]{2})(/(?<rest>.*))?$' {
set $encoded_rest $rest
proxy_pass http://example/$encoded_rest;

Avoid nginx decoding query parameters on proxy_pass (equivalent to AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode)

I use nginx as a load balencer in front of several tomcats. In my incoming requests, I have encoded query parameters. But when the request arrives to tomcat, parameters are decoded :
incoming request to nginx:
curl -i "http://server/1.1/json/T;cID=1234;pID=1200;"
incoming request to tomcat:
curl -i "http://server/1.1/json/T;cID=1234;pID=1200;rF=http:/"
I don't want my request parameters to be transformed, because in that case my tomcat throws a 405 error.
My nginx configuration is the following :
upstream tracking {
server {
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/tracking-access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/tracking-error.log;
location / {
proxy_pass http://tracking/webapp;
In my current apache load balancer configuration, I have the AllowEncodedSlashes directive that preserves my encoded parameters:
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
I need to move from apache to nginx.
My question is quite the opposite from this question : Avoid nginx escaping query parameters on proxy_pass
I finally found the solution: I need to pass $request_uri parameter :
location / {
proxy_pass http://tracking/webapp$request_uri;
That way, characters that were encoded in the original request will not be decoded, i.e. will be passed as-is to the proxied server.
Jean's answer is good, but it does not work with sublocations. In that case, the more generic answer is:
location /path/ {
if ($request_uri ~* "/path/(.*)") {
proxy_pass http://tracking/webapp/$1;
Note that URL decoding, commonly known as $uri "normalisation" within the documentation of nginx, happens before the backend IFF:
either any URI is specified within proxy_pass itself, even if just the trailing slash all by itself,
or, URI is changed during the processing, e.g., through rewrite.
Both conditions are explicitly documented at (emphasis mine):
If the proxy_pass directive is specified with a URI, then when a request is passed to the server, the part of a normalized request URI matching the location is replaced by a URI specified in the directive
If proxy_pass is specified without a URI, the request URI is passed to the server in the same form as sent by a client when the original request is processed, or the full normalized request URI is passed when processing the changed URI
The solution depends on whether or not you need to change the URL between the front-end and the backend.
If no URI change is required:
# map `/foo` to `/foo`:
location /foo {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; # no URI -- not even just a slash
Otherwise, if you do need to swap or map /api of the front-end with /app on the backend, then you can get the original URI from the $request_uri variable, and the use the rewrite directives over the $uri variable similar to a DFA (BTW, if you want more rewrite DFA action, take a look at Note that the return 400 part is needed in case someone tries to get around your second rewrite rule, as it wouldn't match something like //api/.
# map `/api` to `/app`:
location /foo {
rewrite ^ $request_uri; # get original URI
rewrite ^/api(/.*) /app$1 break; # drop /api, put /app
return 400; # if the second rewrite won't match
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080$uri;
If you simply want to add a prefix for the backend, then you can just use the $request_uri variable right away:
# add `/webapp` to the backend:
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/webapp$request_uri;
You might also want to take a look at a related answer, which shows some test-runs of the code similar to the above.
There is one documented option for Nginx proxy_pass directive
If it is necessary to transmit URI in the unprocessed form then directive proxy_pass should be used without URI part:
location /some/path/ {
so in your case it could be like this. Do not worry about request URI it will be passed over to upstream servers
location / {
proxy_pass http://tracking;
Hope it helps.
In some cases, the problem is not on the nginx side - you must set the uri encoding on Tomcat connector to UTF-8.
