How to load and unload app maker calculated model data source, normal query filters are not working for calculated data source. We have requirement to load data source with filters after the initial data load.
It heavily depends on your server side implementation. Basically, you are receiving query as a parameter. From the query you can get values for your filters, parameters, paging, sorting, etc. and handle them with scripting. You can find such examples in App Maker Templates, for instance in Project Tracker.
I need to write a client–server solution. The server will perform scheduled operations and also serve up data from a SQL DB to the client.
The client is yet to be fully defined but it will make requsts to the server and display data for the user and pass data back for persistence.
The whole solution is dealing with entities (Users, Products, etc. with their associated attributes).
In my head, both the server and the client need to be aware of these entities in order for them to be efficiently manipulated in code rather than having to unpack JSON and duplicate code.
My question is, should I make a class library containing models (classes or structs) representing these entities that is referenced by both the client- and server-side projects?
Otherwise, is there some standard way of building such a solution?
Thus far I have a client, a server (based on ASP.NET 2) and a Class Library containing entity Models along with some data access logic. Both the client and server projects reference the Class Library. One day in and I’m already starting to doubt my approach as being too clumsy.
I will be working with VS2019 using C#.
This isn't really a question well suited to StackOverflow which aims to solve specific code/tech problems.
It is possible to use the same model (Entity) in both client and server, but I highly recommend separating the client model (view model) from the domain model. (Entity) The reasons for this are:
Clients rarely need, or should expose every domain field & relationship. Sending models from server to client involve serialization. This can result in either performance issues or errors as the serializer "touches" properties and wants to lazy-load them, or you add the cost of eager-loading everything; Or it results in incomplete models where unloaded relationships are left null. (Not because there aren't any, they just weren't loaded) Client models should be trimmed down to just the data the client needs to see, formatted in a way it can use. Ultimately this is shipping more data than needed to the client and back. Keep the payloads over the wire as small as possible.
Security can be an issue when passing entities from Client to Server. Your UI may only allow users to change a few values in a very particular way, but the temptation can be to take that entity, attach it to a DB Context and update it. (1 line updates) However, this entity sent from the client can very easily be tampered with by the browser which can result in changes being made that you don't expect/allow. (I.e. change a FK relationship)
At best this can allow stale data overwrites where changes made after that record was sent to the client are overwritten silently when the client gets around to submitting their change. Don't trust data coming from a client, especially under the premise of "saving time". Update requests should validate the data coming in and re-load the Entity to check things like the row version before updating allowed values.
Enabling view models can be done using a technique supported in EF called Projection. This can either be hand-written using .Select or leveraging tools like Automapper and its ProjectTo method to easily transform entities and Linq expressions into simple, dumb serializable view models. When a view model comes back to the server, you simply load an entity and associations from the DB by ID, and update values after validation steps and SaveChanges to persist.
I've created a report mixing multiple schema/cube.
One schema contains near realtime data that should be reloaded frequently while others changes on daily basis.
If i set a refresh period in the general layout settings ALL the schema are going to be reloaded; this forces to redraw MDX filters and graphs not interested on the "RealTime schema" that has changed.
I'm trying to force a reload of the MDX query of specific graphs using javascript. Firing an event on the "Do Refresh Query" but i never see any GVI request for reloading data.
How to programmatically tell the report to reload ONLY a single schema or just not cache existing data and request always new on the server?
The reporting does not force the server to reload a schema.
The "Refresh Period" (in the report) is defining a polling interval; i.e., every "Refresh Period" the report is asking the server about new data. In case new data is available then the report is updating each widget sending new requests.
In case of several schemas are using in the report, the polling request is based on the "default" schema.
As of icCube 6.8x, in case new data is available all widgets are refreshed. Preventing a widget to be refreshed is not supported (contact icCube support).
Hope that helps.
This question is with reference to the excellent series: Using Android Architecture Components with Firebase Realtime Database.
If I have two instances of the same view model or if two view models call for same data from firebase, how can I cache them such that I don't end up adding multiple listeners for the same data?
P.S. - #Doug: Part 2 to Part 3 link is broken for the series.
There is no performance hit for adding multiple listeners/observers on the same data. The Firebase SDK will optimize such that only one copy of the data is transferred across the wire no matter how many listeners are waiting for it. Once retrieved, the data is then simply sent to each listener/observer. Likewise, if you have persistence enabled, there is only one local cache on disk that all listeners will use.
You shouldn't have try to optimize your code in any way other than to minimize the amount of data a listener obtains. Any overlap in data is managed automatically.
I have a Xamarin Forms application I would like to develop. It will have a SQLite database and I wish to make this available on iOS and Android. The database will be populated with data from a SQL Server database on the cloud with initial seed data. I'm thinking this will be about 500 rows of data with each row about 1Kb.
What I don't understand is when and how to populate this. Should I try to put the data into a CSV file and have this populate the database when the application is installed, or when it first starts? What's the normal way to populate seed data other than lines inside of the code with a huge number of insert statements.
Any help or advice on how this is normally done (I'm thinking most people do it the same way) would be much appreciated.
Lets break the problem down.
Is the initial data that you wish to use in your app going to change over time?
If you include any pre-populated data (a SQLite, Realm, or CSV-based file, ...) and the data that you are including goes stale and you have to update it on a routine basis, you will need to publish an application update (.apk/.ipa) so your new user installs receive the updated data (more on this below).
Note: This assumes that your current users get the updated data via actually running your app and it is handling the local data updates on routine basis (background service, push notifications, data polling, etc..)
Is this a Line of Business (LoB) application published via Ad-Hoc, private Store, and/or iOS Enterprise publishing?
If you control the user base, than having to force an update install so your users get your new/updated pre-populated data might be an acceptable approach, but not a great user experience if they forced to update the application all the time... but it works...
Is this application going to be distributed via the public Apple and Google App Stores?
This is where you need to be very careful on what pre-populated data you include within your application.
If the data goes stale and you need to push an updated app version to the Stores for your new install installs, beware that it could be days (or weeks or even month+) to get that new app into the store.
The Play Store usually is less then 24 hours on publishing app updates, and while the Apple Store can be the same, do not bet on it.
We routinely see 48-72 hour delays and randomly get rejected and thus it can take a week or more to get an update app into the Apple Store. We have had rejections delaying an app update for over a month and have gone into the appeal process and even removed already existing features to get re-published
Note: Every app update to the Apple store resets your user reviews... :-(
Bottom line: You want to want to publish to the Stores when you are bug fixing and/or adding features, not to update some "static" data that is stored within your app bundle...
What does this data cost your end-user and you?
Negative costs to you as an app developer are bad reviews and uninstalls. Look at how this "data" effects the end-users access to your application and how they react. Longer download time, usually acceptable. Longer initial app startup times, less acceptable... etc....
What markets will your app be used in? Network speeds and the cost of data transfer in many markets across the world are slow and costly...
What really is the true size of the data?
I "pre-populate" a Realm data instance with thousand of rows with 5MB of JSON data in under a second. SQLite takes longer, but it is still not bad. The data itself is stored in a zip and accessed as a static file (https-based get) and at a 80% compression factor, the 1MB of compressed data is pulled from a server (AWS S3) in under one second using LTE cellular data speeds and uncompressing it as stream while deserializing the JSON on-fly to update the Realm instance adds another second...
So, the user impact is very small and I "hide" this initial pre-populate update via a first-time welcome screen and some text that the user hopefully reads before getting to the first "real" app screen...
Note: This does assume that the user will have network data access the first time they open the app... In many markets around the world, this is not true, so factor this into your app design.
I also architect the app so its data can be update on background threads during its launch (the initial one or not) and thus the user does not stand there watching a spinning busy indictor, they can at least interact with the data that they do have.
So should you include any pre-populated data in your app bundle?
Sure, when that data is absolutely required to get the user up and running as fast as possible to enhance the user experience. Games are a great example of this in bundling 100s of megabytes or even gigabytes via .obb... with the various levels, media files, etc... into the app so the user does not experience a 10+ min. wait time upon opening the app the first time.
Now this does mean that their initial download time for the install was longer as that data was bundled within the app, the overall user experience was better as users accept the download/install times and view that as a carrier/phone/service plan issue vs. the time to open your app the first time to actually get to a functional screen.
So what do?
Personally I look at this issue on a case by case basis. I look at the data and if it is not going to change and only get added to and possibly pruned over time, include it as a pre-populated SQLite or Realm store or... Why cause the user to wait for the web requests, database updates and the additional network data usage and associated costs. If the data is going to go stale, do not bundle it in your app.
As for the mechanics of installing pre-populated data:
See my answer on this SO Question about "Bundle prebuilt Realm files"
You don't have to create your sqlite database every time the app is updated.
Actually SQLiteOpenHelper provides the following two methods:
OnCreate() : you should implement this method and create your sqlite database with populated data from the server. It is called when you the app is started for the first time.
OnUpgrade(): you should implement this method if you want to modify the database (add a new table or column in a table) or populate additional data.
The database is preserved between app updates and you don't need to create it each time.
Check the following examples which explain how to use sqlite database with Xamarin:
Using Sqlite in a Xamarin.Android Application Developed using Visual Studio
An Introduction to Xamarin.Forms and SQLite
I am planning to create sqlite table on my android app. The data comes from the the server via webservice.
I would like to know what is the best way to do this.
Should I transfer the data from the webservice in a sqlite db file and merge it or should i get all the data as a soap request and parse it in to table or should I use rest call.
The general size of the data is 2MB with 100 columns.
Please advise the best case where I can quickly get this data, with less load on the device.
My Workflow is:
Download a set of 20000 Addresses and save them to device sqlite database. This operation is only once, when you run the app for the first time or when you want to refresh the whole app data.
Update this record when ever there is a change in the server.
Now I can get this data either in JSON, XML or as pure SqLite File from the server . I want to know what is the fastest way to store this data in to Android Database.
I tried all the above methods and I found getting the database file from server and copying that data to the database is faster than getting the data in XML or JSON and parsing it. Please advise if I am right or wrong.
If you are planning to use sync adapters then you will need to implement a content provider (or atleast a stub) and an authenticator. Here is a good example that you can follow.
Also, you have not explained more about what is the use-case of such a web-service to decide what web-service architecture to suggest. But REST is a good style to write your services and using JSON over XML is advisable due to data format efficiency (or better yet give protocol-buffer a shot)
And yes, sync adapters are better to use as they already provide a great set of features that you will want to implement otherwise when written as a background service (e.g., periodic sync, auto sync, exponential backoff etc.)
To have less load on the device you can implement a sync-adapter backed by a content provider. You serialize/deserialize data when you upload/download data from server. When you need to persist data from the server you can use the bulkInsert() method in content-provider and persist all your data in a transaction