tvOS 11 display issue - autolayout

I am facing display problem with my app after updating my Apple Tv to tvOS 11.
There is margin on 4 sides of screen.
Can Any body help me through this? Thanks in advance.

It could be because of the Safe Area in a UIView.
You can check it in Interface Builder -> Size Inspector whether the leading, trailing, top and bottom space is connected to the SuperView or to the Safe Area.
Safe Area was introduced in tvOS 11


Why is the Xamarin linear progress bar cut in half when I set a corner radius on Android?

I am using the Syncfusion Xamarin ProgressBar with a corner radius (version
TrackHeight="16" />
On Android the corner radius applies to the middle of the bar in addition to the sides. It appears to cut the progress bar in two.
This problem does not exist on iOS.
I attempted to solve the issue by setting the SegmentCount to "1". But that did not solve the issue.
SegmentCount="1" />
What do I need to update in my XAML to avoid the middle corner radius?
After review this using Syncfusion's example app, I discovered that there is a difference between running the app in Debug mode and Run mode. Here is an example of both modes:
The top image is in debug mode and you can see the little gap on it. The bottom one is in Run mode and it is a perfect progress bar.
Definitely is something that needs to be reported to Syncfusion as a bug.

How to set LaunchScreen image width constraint to superview in xamarin iOS project storyboard file?

I am implementing a splash screen for my app. I just came to know about storyboard constraints to support multiple devices. Basically, I feel it very difficult to understand it as a beginner in this, also I see there is no apt documentation in xamarin also. I want to know the steps to set an imageview width to its super view (View controller).
I see what I should do from here, Visual studio Xamarin iOS launchscreen storyboard layout. But, how do I add those constraints, totally no idea..?! Particularly imageview width and height to superview, trailing and leading
Now, I can only know how to set the constraints in designer by dragging, I'v only learnt to center the image to super view in X and Y (Horizontally and vertically). There is no button to add constraints. How to add leading and trailing constraints? I'm using Visual Studio 2017 for Windows
I got it working.
Step 1: Open storyboard file with lowest screen resolution device set (iPhone 4s) and drag & drop an imageview to fill the view controller.
Step 2: Set the uiimageview source from resources/image assets.
Step 3: Click on the image -> Properties Tab -> Layouts section. You will see like this
Step 4 : Properties -> Layout -> Under View group, there is title called Arrange, there is a autosizing box and example box.
Step 5 : You should click all the I-bars and lines in the center to make it red like below to fill the width (you can see that reflecting in the example box as you click)
Now, SAVE and then switch to other devices, you should have that UIImageview filling the device's height and width.
This will be very useful for important UI auto designs like splash screen.

Add iPhone XR support to existing iOS app in Xcode 10

I have an iOS application that is working fine in an iPhone X or XR the only problem is that i see the black areas on top and bottom so the app is not taking the hole of the screen.
Im using Auto Layout option in the Storyboard.
I also was reading that you can fix this by adding a Launch Image specific size to the assets but I just opened my assets and I don't see a new space for iPhone X or XR images.
Im I doing something wrong?
If you are using a LaunchScreen.storyboard with a ImageView you need to uncheck "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" or set Up and Bottom constraints to superview instead of Safe Area.

Is there any Tinder-like application available for Xamarin Forms that runs on IOS/Android/Windows Phone?

I am new to Xamarin and i want to know how the below said feature can be done in Xamarin.Forms ( Target devices android, windows phone and iphone)
POC Feature:
App should be able to display a stack of 10 card in the center of the screen. At a time only one card will be shown and other cards are hidden behind the top card. We need to show that the other cards are hidden in the back.
Every card contains one image to the right corner, one text description beside the image and one text description to the bottom of the card.
User should be able to drag the top card to the left corner to skip and drag to the right corner to accept/approve the card.
while dragging the card, card background will change the color and it will tilt to left and right (say -25 deg left and then immediately +25 deg right)when user catches and drags it a bit either to left or right.
Please find the links below:
I have seen the same Tinder code for ios in Xamarin.ios native, but i want to know how to do it with Xamarin.Forms which will run in all the three platforms without issues.
Xamarin.ios example:
Venkat M
If u want your answer in binary(yes/no) for all the points ,
3.Yes with a condition,There is no straight forward way to achieve it , you will have to deep dive in custom renderer for each platform to achieve it.(limited support for gestures in forms without custom renderer)
4. Yes ,Again may require writing custom platform oriented code .

stagewebview on ios - how can I prevent vertical movement of the SWV object?

Im using flex (air 3.9) and have a question about using fullscreen stagewebview on ios platform (noticed it under ios6 and also under the current ios7).
when I have a full screen stagewebview and have web content loaded, I notice that Im able to tap and 'pull' or 'drag' the stagewebview up / down in sort of a 'pull down to refresh' sense where its somewhat elastic in nature and when released it snaps back into the original / correct position.
it actually still occurs when the stagewebview is NOT full screen I just noticed so no matter the size, stagewebview on ios seems to allow the user to 'move' it vertically up or down.
Is there a way to specify that the stagewebview should stay in a fixed position and NOT move vertically?
On Android platform it does not do this at all.
You can use this:
$('body').bind('touchmove', function(e){e.preventDefault()});
Works perfect for me
