How to figure out the index of a ToggleGroup's selected toggle? - javafx

I'm trying to select an item from a list that's sorted the same way as a ToggleGroup I have besides it. However, I found that toggleGroup.getToggles().indexOf(toggleGroup.getSelectedToggle()) always returns -1 (visible in the IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown as I pass it). Is there another way of figuring out the index, or am I at a loss with my approach and need to figure out something completely different?
UPDATE: Apparently, for the first time an item is selected (I have this code attached to changes of selectedToggleProperty()), it works fine (I just get no notice of it because the elements I make visible have no proper layout). However, when an item is selected while another item already is selected, getselectedToggle() becomes null, causing aforementioned behavior.

All of the JavaFX toggle controls have a property called UserData. You should use that to create the links between the toggles and data list. Relying on the index of the toggles in the toggle group is probably a bad idea.


Ag-grid dynamically span entire row

I have a grid that presents database entities one per row with some crud options (the crud options are icons in their own cells). When the delete button is clicked, the design calls for the entire row to be turned into a confirmation message with buttons to continue or cancel.
Apparently you can give a function for colSpan on each colDef. I tried giving the first colDef a span equal to the number of displayed columns in the case that the row data has a property isDeleting === true, while clicking the delete icon would set the row data's isDeleting property to true.
I was unable to get this to work, and even if I were to get it to work, I'd need to be able to dynamically change the cell so that it contains the confirmation message.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
After a very long day of searching, I found this article on "full-width" rows. You can provide your gridOptions with an isFullWidthCell function, plus fullWidthCellRenderer and fullWidthCellRendererParams properties, and the full width of the row will be populated using the renderer according to the params (as is the case with a cellRenderer in a ColDef)
So, my delete button component can set a piece of data that the isFullWidthCell function can check for, and if it finds it, it will use the cellRenderer provided.
AgGrid seems to have thought of everything.

What is the proper way to create subtable in a QTableWidget?

I have already implemented a subtable functionality in a QTableWidget. That is, if you click a row that contain a Left Arrow icon, a new row will be added and in there another instance of QTableWidget will be attached using setCellWidget.
All is working fine.. until I need to sort the table in an interval bases: this row that contain subtable, should be kinda sticky to its parent row. But, the sort method made them separate. I browse again the documentation, and I found this : QAbstractItemView#setIndexWidget. I am not sure how to implement this, but it seems like it will make the subtable attached to this row, without the need to add a new row.
Have you face this kind of issue before? Would love to know how you solve it
I think the proper way is indeed to use QAbstractItemView.setIndexWidget: it'll keep the data / model untouched so the rows can be properly sorted. We just have to properly display a new widget that don't override the current data appearance

Delaying the opening of a NSPopUpButton

I've encountered the same problem as this one:
This one.
It has never been answered so far. In two words:
When you place a NSPopUpButtonCell in a NSTableView, the popUp opens before the selection in the tableView has changed.
If the menu of the popUp relies on the selection of a row of the tableView, it will be updated too late.
Solution 1: differ the opening of the popUp with a block which calls [super] a few nanoseconds later. But I don't know which method I must override.
Solution 2: use other bindings that I'm currently using (the popUp contains the NSSet of the entity selected in the table, I'm using a different controller, not the table's one, and I bind its content set to myTable.selection.theSet.
Is there something else I could do? Thanks !
Yes, if you use a view-based tableView, you can bind the popUp through the cellView it’s inside (like the other table objects you bind in this mode), and so it’s completely unambiguous and doesn’t depend on the selection.
In view-based mode, each cell in each row have is assigned an ‘objectValue’ from your original data, so you can bind directly to it, like ‘objectValue.popUpContents’.

ASP:ListBox | Multi Select | Keep selected values when selecting a new one

1) Have a listbox with 3 values out of 5 selected
2) When I click to select another value without holding CTRL button, it will unselect over values
How to make it keep other selected values if new value is selected?
This is going to sound like a snide answer, but I don't mean it that way. I just like to look for the simple solutions rather than the complicated onces.
The easiest way to get a control to have the behavior you want is to use a control that has the behavior that you want, rather than modifying the behavior of an existing control.
That said, if you want a list of items where a user can select a bunch of items off the list, and don't want to have to rely on them holding control, you're using the wrong tool for the job.
Use a CheckBoxList instead of a ListBox. If you want it to be scrollable, then set it in a div of a specific height, and set the style of the div to "overflow: scroll".
If you still want to use a ListBox you should use javascript and for each click event fired, you should check if the clicked element is selected/unselected and act accordingly. It's a little bit tricky but at least it is a solution for your problem.

How can I tell a QTableWidget to end editing a cell?

I'm showing a popup menu to select some values in a QTableWidget. The lowest item is a "Modify list" entry, when I select it a new window should automatically appear and the QComboBox should vanish and the cell return to a Qt::DisplayRole state.
Now Qt has all those nice API-calls like QTableWidget.edit() and QTableWidget.editItem(), what I'm really looking for is a QTableWidget.endEditing(), preferably without specifying the index of the cell, though I could get that using this call:
… but I don't know if I can guarantee that the current cell is the cell being edited at all times.
Is there an API to close those kind of editors?
QTableWidget inherits 19 public slots from QWidget. One of those is setDisabled(), which should disable input events for that widget and all of its children.
I would try:
table.setDisabled( true );
table.setDisabled( false );
Although you said it does not work for you, there is an alternative method:
If you don't like that (the table loses focus, I believe), you can try using EditTriggers. For example:
table.setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers );
table.setCurrentItem(None) is what worked for me. (Don’t forget to block signals if you use some cellChanged/itemChanged slot function.)
This is with PyQt. For C++ I think replace None with NULL.
You may be able to use QTableWidget.closePersistentEditor() to close the editor. However, QAbstractItemView.closeEditor() may be closer to what you want, especially since you seem to be comfortable with the QModelIndex-based API and are already using a custom editor widget.
In my case, none of the options worked properly. So, I figured: I need to send the key press event to the line edit itself. The following works with QTreeView but probably does work with any other view or widget that opens a line edit to edit cells.
QWidget* editingWidget = treeView->findChild<QLineEdit*>();
QKeyEvent keyPressEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Return, Qt::NoModifier);
QApplication::sendEvent(editingWidget, &keyPressEvent);
QApplication::processEvents(); // see note below
In my case, I wanted to start editing another field directly when having finished editing one item. That is why I put processEvents there, in most cases you can probably remove that line.
PS: yeah, it's C++, but should be easily adaptable to Python. I found this thread when I searched for the C++ solution, so maybe it helps anyone else, too.
I can't speak for list widgets. But, I got here trying to do something similar.
I was double-clicking a cell, and based on the column, bringing up a sub-form with a list, then when that was closed move to the next appropriate column based on the value selected.
My problem was I could get the value in the cell and "select" the next appropriate cell, but the original cell stayed selected in edit mode!
It finally dawned on me that my double-click was selecting the cell, ie. editing.
A single-click selects the cell but doesn't open an edit mode.
Side note: Never could get that sub-form to act truly modal, so I created a loop in the calling form: while the sub form was visible, with the only code being app.processEvents()
