IFERROR returning a null value PHPExcel - phpexcel

I'm trying to insert a formula IFERROR using PHPExcel. However, when I try to do that I'm getting a null value like there are no values at all.
My two values that I'm getting are 0 when I generate it will give me a #DIV/0 error. I want to change that error to a complete 0.00 only, can you help me with this?
Here's my code:

I've found a workaround regarding my problem.
I've used this formula that I found in a forum from Mark Baker.
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->SetCellValue('I'.$rowCount, '=IF(F'.$rowCount.'=0, 0, G'.$rowCount.'/F'.$rowCount.')');


Why does read.csv2 work just fine, yet read.csv2.sql shows an error/warning?

I am trying to read a csv file in R using read.csv2.sql, since I would like to use a SELECT query from SQL to help me filter my data, but before I can even get to my SELECT query, I discovered that simply reading my csv file using read.csv2.sql already generates a warning message.
This is my code:
investment2 <- read.csv2.sql("investmentdata.csv")
This is the warning message:
Warning message:
In result_fetch(res#ptr, n = n) :
Column 'Capital.Investment': mixed type, first seen values of type real, coercing other values of type string
However, when I use the normal read.csv2 function, there is no error. In particular, the following code works fine with no warning messages:
investment <- read.csv2("investmentdata.csv")
Next, I tried to resolve this issue by casting the Capital.Investment column to be real as follows:
investment3 <- read.csv2.sql("investmentdata.csv", "SELECT *, CAST(Capital.Investment AS real) FROM file")
However, R now generates the following error:
Error: no such column: Capital.Investment
Thus, I have two questions. Firstly, why does using read.csv2.sql generate that warning message when read.csv2 works just fine? Secondly, why does R (or SQL) not recognise my Capital.Investment column when I try to cast it as real?
Perhaps it is also worth noting that I cannot simply ignore this warning that the read.csv2.sql function is showing, because I discovered that as a consequence of this warning, it has automatically casted some of the NA rows in my Capital.Investment column to 0, which I cannot allow - the NA rows must stay as NA. I do not seem to be having this problem with the other columns of my csv file though.
As I am quite new to R, any help and explanations will be greatly appreciated :)
The coded version of what my truncated csv file looks like is as follows. In particular, the name of the column-in-question is indeed Capital.Investment.
id;targetC;year;comp_id;homeC;Industry.Activity;Capital.Investment;Estimated;Jobs.Created;Estimated.1;Project.Type;geographic distance;SIC;listed;sales;assets;cap_structure;rnd;profit;rndintensity;polcon;homeC_gdp;targetC_gdp;homeC_gdppc;targetC_gdppc
1302;AUS;2008;FR338966385;FRA;Design, Development & Testing;33.1;Yes;36;Yes;New;15.26414042;3669;Unlisted;4333088.972;4037211.732;0;NA;-1339221.733;NA;0.489032525;2.92347E+12;1.05456E+12;45413.06571;49628.11513
1311;AUS;2008;US*190521496652;USA;Research & Development;8.4;Yes;30;No;New;15.24712914;NA;Unlisted;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
1313;AUS;2008;GB05817296;GBR;Business Services;9.7;Yes;10;Yes;New;15.31094496;7389;Unlisted;NA;87.64187374;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;2.87546E+12;1.05456E+12;46523.26545;49628.11513
1318;AUS;2008;US129687150L;USA;Business Services;1.3;Yes;225;Yes;New;15.24712914;7373;Unlisted;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
9925;AUS;2008;GB00034121;GBR;Business Services;34.8;Yes;37;Yes;New;15.31094496;4412;Unlisted;NA;2079288.611;0.355157008;NA;94320.15469;NA;0.489032525;2.87546E+12;1.05456E+12;46523.26545;49628.11513
9932;AUS;2008;CA30060NC;CAN;Sales, Marketing & Support;3.2;Yes;11;Yes;New;14.88812529;1094;Listed;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.54913E+12;1.05456E+12;46596.33599;49628.11513
9938;AUS;2008;US770059951;USA;Technical Support Centre;9.1;Yes;104;Yes;Co-Locati;15.24712914;3661;Listed;34922000;53340000;0.120134983;4598000;7333000;0.086201723;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
9955;AUS;2008;DE5030147191;DEU;Logistics, Distribution & Transportation;21.2;Yes;134;Yes;New;14.6718338;4311;Listed;93495971.01;346629334.8;0.036629492;0;2044745.934;0;0.489032525;3.75237E+12;1.05456E+12;45699.19832;49628.11513
9958;AUS;2008;US126012192L;USA;Business Services;9.7;Yes;10;Yes;New;15.24712914;8111;Unlisted;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
9977;AUS;2008;JP000000728JPN;JPN;ICT & Internet Infrastructure;128.6;Yes;77;Yes;New;7.0333688;3571;Listed;53255396.85;38181450.16;0.190244908;2584585.523;480589.4308;0.067692176;0.489032525;5.03791E+12;1.05456E+12;39339.29757;49628.11513
9984;AUS;2008;US841547578;USA;Sales, Marketing & Support;13.6;Yes;23;Yes;New;15.24712914;2095;Listed;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
9993;AUS;2008;US258715604L;USA;Customer Contact Centre;1.8;No;40;No;New;15.24712914;NA;Unlisted;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;NA;0.489032525;1.47E+13;1.05456E+12;48401.42734;49628.11513
This issue was resolved in chat, to be one of two issues:
see my original answer below, this was causing an Error; when that is fixed, we see that ...
there is a warning, informing about the fact that a column (happens to be the same column) looks numeric but has a non-numeric cell somewhere within the guts of the file.
The first is resolved below, the second is just a warning.
However, because the OP is asking to convert to numeric via SQL, the NA is converted to 0, which is not good. My recommendation is to either cast([Capital.Investment] as char) as [Capital.Investment] and use R's as.numeric to convert to numeric (preserving the NA-nature), or to just read.csv2(.) the file outright and use sqldf(.) to use its SQL querying on table-like data.
Up front: add brackets or quotes around your column name.
Rationale: Capital.Investment is seen as a dot-delimited table-column or schema-table or something similarly not what you intend. I believe in general in SQL that field names with embedded dots need this escaping. If your data has an embedded space, realize that R does not like spaces in its field names, so it is by-default using make.names when reading it in (which replaces spaces with dots).
Save the following as "quux.csv". (I've named it csv, but since I'm changing it to be ;-delimited, it behaves the same.)
(Or you can use Capital Investment, it's the same thing.)
sqldf::read.csv2.sql("quux.csv", sql='select quux, cast(Capital.Investment as real) from file')
# Error: no such column: Capital.Investment
sqldf::read.csv2.sql("quux.csv", sql='select quux, cast([Capital.Investment] as real) as CI from file')
# quux CI
# 1 1 100
# 2 2 200
sqldf::read.csv2.sql("quux.csv", sql='select quux, cast("Capital.Investment" as real) as CI from file')
# quux CI
# 1 1 100
# 2 2 200

Error: Result 1 must be a single string, not a character vector of length 0 when using "make_choose_all_table" from tidyREDCap

I am receiving an error when using make_choose_all_table() from the tidyREDCap package and I'm hoping someone can help me understand what it means. When I export my data from REDCap using REDCapR and then run the code make_choose_all_table() the error below it pops up. The "boo_do_co_no" is my checkbox variable that I am trying to make a table with.
What does the error mean and how do I fix it?
data <- redcap_read()
make_choose_all_table(data, "boo_do_co_no")
Error: Result 1 must be a single string, not a character vector of length 0
It needs to come out like the picture below
I am guessing that you are missing an argument within data <- redcap_read() When I run that line, data contains the function code for redcap_read(), not any data output that might come from the function when all the arguments are specified.
See ?redcap_read()

How to correctly convert NULL variables to 0 in an R table

I have a table that for some variables has missing data (recorded as NULL) - I'd like to convert some of these missing cells to hold a 0 but for some reason I can't seem to get the syntax correct. My initial approach was to do this:
b<- eval(parse(text=paste(table_full$','column_name1',sep='')))
and then save the data to a file, however - this still results in missing data in the output files and warning messages like:
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, which(is.na(b)), value = 0) :
invalid factor level, NA generated
Alternatively, I've tried things of the form:
but this didn't resolve the situation.
I'm relatively new to R and can't understand exactly what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks in advance!
Since R tends not to store its values as "NULL", I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you imported it as text, more specifically as factors. Try reimporting w stringsAsFactors = FALSE and then use your code:
b[b=='NULL'] <- 0
A more elegant way would be to use the na.strings=c("NULL") when you read the data in.
is.na() returns TRUE or FALSE. Try b[which(is.na(b) == T)]<-0 instead

Using Eval to check for a particular Date Value

I am trying to set a label in a gridview not to show a particular date if it is returned (it is because it is a default date and is not needed).
The code I have used is
<%# 'Convert.ToString(Eval("DateTaken")).Equals("01/01/1899") ? "" : Eval("DateTaken")'%>
Unfortunately, when I try and compile it the code won't run. I have tried to find an answer by research, but have not been able to do so.
It uses part of Chris's answer, but Equals does not work. Changing this to Contains does when parsing the value as year
<%# 'Convert.ToString(Eval("DateTaken")).Equals("01/01/1899") ? "" : Eval("DateTaken")'%>
This is not valid syntax as far as I am aware. You have single quotes ' wrapping your statement which is likely confusing the parser a lot. I'm not sure what you intend them to be doing but I'd suggest trying without:
<%# Convert.ToString(Eval("DateTaken")).Equals("01/01/1899") ? "" : Eval("DateTaken")%>
I can't test this but it looks like it should work.
Also for the comparison (I assumed you'd tested that elsewhere first) I suspect you may have problems with the fact that Convert.ToString likely includes a time element. Instead I would suggest specifying what string format you want to be outputted. Or even better assuming that it is a DateTime you are getting back compare it as a DateTime. Either of the following should work as a reliable comparison
(((DateTime)Eval("DateTaken")).Date==new DateTime(2014,03,05))

Extracting value from HTML table and applying assertion

I am trying to extract a value which is in integer form i.e 60.
I have a code that is going through each row and each column and then using getText() method retrieve the value from column.
When applying testNG assertEqual,the value is not matched as the value found is "[60 ]" instead of "[60]".
Output of trace:
The Text is 60
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: expected [60] but found [60 ]
at org.testng.Assert.fail(Assert.java:94)
at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:494)
at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:123)
at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:165)
at rough.Test.main(Test.java:83)
Can someone help me finding how I can fix the assertion?
do you in fact have a trailing space in the table?
this is an issue that is good to find in testing
perhaps you should trim the result of getText()
Maybe because your code looks something like this<td>60 </td>
You are getting that extra space. You can try something like this.
String s = node.getText().trim();
assertEqual(s, "60");
