How to add the cluster ID to each component (igraph) - r

I know how to use igraph package in R to obtain connected components in two columns in data set.
data set
df = fread(
"rn A B
1: 11 6
2: 12 6
3: 11 7
4: 13 2
5: 12 7
6: 12 8
7: 17 2
8: 13 1")[, rn := NULL][]
g = graph_from_data_frame(df)
cluster = clusters(g)
list = groups(cluster)
What I want to do next is to assign the cluster ID to each connected component.
1: 11 6 1
2: 12 6 1
3: 11 7 1
4: 13 2 2
5: 12 7 1
6: 12 8 1
7: 17 2 2
8: 13 1 2
I hope this makes sense. Thank you

You can extract the membership by doing either:
df$ID <- cluster$membership[as.character(df$A)]
df$ID <- cluster$membership[as.character(df$B)]
Both should give:
# A B ID
#1: 11 6 1
#2: 12 6 1
#3: 11 7 1
#4: 13 2 2
#5: 12 7 1
#6: 12 8 1
#7: 17 2 2
#8: 13 1 2


How to replace single occurances with the previous status

I have a data table like below :
I have to clean this data table where there are single occurrences like a 3 in between the 1s and a 1 in between the 2s. It doesn't have to be a 3 but any number which occurs only once should be replaced by the previous number.
This is the expected data table.
Any help is appreciated.
Here's one way :
#Count number of rows for each group
table[, N := .N, rleid(y)]
#Change `y` value which have only one row
table[, y := replace(y, N ==1, NA)]
#Replace NA with last non-NA value
table[, y := zoo::na.locf(y)][, N := NULL]
# x y z
# 1: 1 1 3
# 2: 2 1 6
# 3: 3 1 9
# 4: 4 1 12
# 5: 5 1 15
# 6: 6 1 18
# 7: 7 2 21
# 8: 8 2 24
# 9: 9 2 27
#10: 10 2 30
#11: 11 3 33
#12: 12 3 36
#13: 13 3 39
#14: 14 3 42
#15: 15 3 45
Here is a base R option
inds <- which(diff(c(head(table$y,1),table$y))*diff(c(table$y,tail(table$y,1)))<0)
table$y <- replace(table$y,inds,table$y[inds-1])
such that
> table
x y z
1: 1 1 3
2: 2 1 6
3: 3 1 9
4: 4 1 12
5: 5 1 15
6: 6 1 18
7: 7 2 21
8: 8 2 24
9: 9 2 27
10: 10 2 30
11: 11 3 33
12: 12 3 36
13: 13 3 39
14: 14 3 42
15: 15 3 45

data.table manipulation and merging

I have data
dat1 <- data.table(id=1:8,
dat2 <- data.table(group=c(1,2,3),
and I would like to subtract dat2$value from each of the dat1$value, based on group.
Is this possible using data.table or does it require additional packages?
With data.table, you could do:
dat1[dat2, on = "group"][, new.value := value - i.value, by = "group"][]
Which returns:
id group value i.value new.value
1: 1 1 5 3 2
2: 2 1 6 3 3
3: 3 2 10 6 4
4: 4 2 11 6 5
5: 5 2 12 6 6
6: 6 3 20 13 7
7: 7 3 21 13 8
8: 8 3 22 13 9
Alternatively, you can do this in one step as akrun mentions:
dat1[dat2, newvalue := value - i.value, on = .(group)]
id group value newvalue
1: 1 1 5 2
2: 2 1 6 3
3: 3 2 10 4
4: 4 2 11 5
5: 5 2 12 6
6: 6 3 20 7
7: 7 3 21 8
8: 8 3 22 9

How do I select rows in a data frame before and after a condition is met?

I'm searching the web for a few a days now and I can't find a solution to my (probably easy to solve) problem.
I have huge data frames with 4 variables and over a million observations each. Now I want to select 100 rows before, all rows while and 1000 rows after a specific condition is met and fill the rest with NA's. I tried it with a for loop and if/ifelse but it doesn't work so far. I think it shouldn't be a big thing, but in the moment I just don't get the hang of it.
I create the data using:
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:15, a = sample(1:15), b = c(1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1), c = sample(1:15))
My Data looks like this:
ID t a b c
1 1 4 1 7
2 2 7 1 10
3 3 10 1 6
4 4 2 1 4
5 5 13 1 9
6 6 15 4 3
7 7 8 4 15
8 8 3 4 1
9 9 9 4 2
10 10 14 1 8
11 11 5 1 11
12 12 11 1 13
13 13 12 1 5
14 14 6 1 14
15 15 1 1 12
What I want is to pick the value of a (in this example) 2 rows before, all rows while and 3 rows after the value of b is >1 and fill the rest with NA's. [Because this is just an example I guess you can imagine that after these 15 rows there are more rows with the value for b changing from 1 to 4 several times (I did not post it, so I won't spam the question with unnecessary data).]
So I want to get something like:
ID t a b c d
1 1 4 1 7 NA
2 2 7 1 10 NA
3 3 10 1 6 NA
4 4 2 1 4 2
5 5 13 1 9 13
6 6 15 4 3 15
7 7 8 4 15 8
8 8 3 4 1 3
9 9 9 4 2 9
10 10 14 1 8 14
11 11 5 1 11 5
12 12 11 1 13 11
13 13 12 1 5 NA
14 14 6 1 14 NA
15 15 1 1 12 NA
I'm thankful for any help.
Thank you.
Best regards,
here is the same attempt as missuse, but with data.table:
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:11, a = sample(1:11), b = c(1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1), c = sample(1:11))
DT <- setDT(foo)
DT[ unique(c(DT[,.I[b>1] ],DT[,.I[b>1]+3 ],DT[,.I[b>1]-2 ])), d := a]
t a b c d
1: 1 10 1 2 NA
2: 2 6 1 10 6
3: 3 5 1 7 5
4: 4 11 4 4 11
5: 5 4 4 9 4
6: 6 8 4 5 8
7: 7 2 4 8 2
8: 8 3 1 3 3
9: 9 7 1 6 7
10: 10 9 1 1 9
11: 11 1 1 11 NA
unique(c(DT[,.I[b>1] ],DT[,.I[b>1]+3 ],DT[,.I[b>1]-2 ]))
gives you your desired indixes : the unique indices of the line for your condition, the same indices+3 and -2.
Here is an attempt.
Get indexes that satisfy the condition b > 1
z <- which(foo$b > 1)
get indexes for (z - 2) : (z + 3)
ind <- unique(unlist(lapply(z, function(x){
g <- pmax(x - 2, 1) #if x - 2 is negative
g : (x + 3)
create d column filled with NA
foo$d <- NA
replace elements with appropriate indexes with foo$a
foo$d[ind] <- foo$a[ind]
# example dataset
foo<-data.frame(t = 1:15,
a = sample(1:15),
b = c(1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1),
c = sample(1:15))
# function to get indices of interest
# for a given index x go 2 positions back and 3 forward
# keep only positive indices
GetIDsBeforeAfter = function(x) {
v = (x-2) : (x+3)
v[v > 0]
foo %>% # from your dataset
filter(b > 1) %>% # keep rows where b > 1
pull(t) %>% # get the positions
map(GetIDsBeforeAfter) %>% # for each position apply the function
unlist() %>% # unlist all sets indices
unique() -> ids_to_remain # keep unique ones and save them in a vector
foo$d = foo$c # copy column c as d
foo$d[-ids_to_remain] = NA # put NA to all positions not in our vector
# t a b c d
# 1 1 5 1 8 NA
# 2 2 6 1 14 NA
# 3 3 4 1 10 NA
# 4 4 1 1 7 7
# 5 5 10 1 5 5
# 6 6 8 4 9 9
# 7 7 9 4 15 15
# 8 8 3 4 6 6
# 9 9 7 4 2 2
# 10 10 12 1 3 3
# 11 11 11 1 1 1
# 12 12 15 1 4 4
# 13 13 14 1 11 NA
# 14 14 13 1 13 NA
# 15 15 2 1 12 NA

Give unique identifier to consecutive groupings

I'm trying to identify groups based on sequential numbers. For example, I have a dataframe that looks like this (simplified):
And I would like to add a column that identifies when there are groupings of consecutive numbers, for example, 1 to 7 are first consecutive , then they get 1 , the second consecutive set will get 2 etc .
UID Group
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
11 2
12 2
13 2
15 3
17 4
20 5
21 5
22 5
none of the existed code helped me to solved this issue
Here is one base R method that uses diff, a logical check, and cumsum:
cumsum(c(1, diff(df$UID) > 1))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5
Adding this onto the data.frame, we get:
df$id <- cumsum(c(1, diff(df$UID) > 1))
UID id
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
4 4 1
5 5 1
6 6 1
7 7 1
8 11 2
9 12 2
10 13 2
11 15 3
12 17 4
13 20 5
14 21 5
15 22 5
Or you can also use dplyr as follows :
df %>% mutate(ID=cumsum(c(1, diff(df$UID) > 1)))
#1 1 1
#2 2 1
#3 3 1
#4 4 1
#5 5 1
#6 6 1
#7 7 1
#8 11 2
#9 12 2
#10 13 2
#11 15 3
#12 17 4
#13 20 5
#14 21 5
#15 22 5
We can also get the difference between the current row and the previous row using the shift function from data.table, get the cumulative sum of the logical vector and assign it to create the 'Group' column. This will be faster.
setDT(df1)[, Group := cumsum(UID- shift(UID, fill = UID[1])>1)+1]
# UID Group
# 1: 1 1
# 2: 2 1
# 3: 3 1
# 4: 4 1
# 5: 5 1
# 6: 6 1
# 7: 7 1
# 8: 11 2
# 9: 12 2
#10: 13 2
#11: 15 3
#12: 17 4
#13: 20 5
#14: 21 5
#15: 22 5

Repeating sets of rows according to the number of rows by column in R with data.table

Currently in R, I am trying to do the following for data.table table:
Suppose my data looks like:
Class Person ID Index
A 1 3
A 2 3
A 5 3
B 7 2
B 12 2
C 18 1
D 25 2
D 44 2
Here, the class refers to the class a person belongs to. The Person ID variable represents a unique identifier of a person. Finally, the Index tells us how many people are in each class.
From this, I would like to create a new data table as so:
Class Person ID Index
A 1 3
A 2 3
A 5 3
A 1 3
A 2 3
A 5 3
A 1 3
A 2 3
A 5 3
B 7 2
B 12 2
B 7 2
B 12 2
C 18 1
D 25 2
D 44 2
D 25 2
D 44 2
where we repeated each set of persons by class based on the index variable. Hence, we would repeat the class A by 3 times because the index says 3.
So far, my code looks like:
setDT(data)[, list(Class = rep(Person ID, seq_len(.N)), Person ID = sequence(seq_len(.N)), by = Index]
However, I am not getting the correct result and I feel like there is a simpler way to do this. Would anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
If that particular order is important to you, then perhaps something like this should work:
setDT(data)[, list(PersonID, sequence(rep(.N, Index))), by = list(Class, Index)]
# Class Index PersonID V2
# 1: A 3 1 1
# 2: A 3 2 2
# 3: A 3 5 3
# 4: A 3 1 1
# 5: A 3 2 2
# 6: A 3 5 3
# 7: A 3 1 1
# 8: A 3 2 2
# 9: A 3 5 3
# 10: B 2 7 1
# 11: B 2 12 2
# 12: B 2 7 1
# 13: B 2 12 2
# 14: C 1 18 1
# 15: D 2 25 1
# 16: D 2 44 2
# 17: D 2 25 1
# 18: D 2 44 2
If the order is not important, perhaps:
setDT(data)[rep(1:nrow(data), Index)]
Here is a way using dplyr in case you wanted to try
data %>%
group_by(Class) %>%
which gives the output
# Class Person.ID Index
#1 A 1 3
#2 A 2 3
#3 A 5 3
#4 A 1 3
#5 A 2 3
#6 A 5 3
#7 A 1 3
#8 A 2 3
#9 A 5 3
#10 B 7 2
#11 B 12 2
#12 B 7 2
#13 B 12 2
#14 C 18 1
#15 D 25 2
#16 D 44 2
#17 D 25 2
#18 D 44 2
