Will a request.Session close automatically when my script exits - python-requests

I have this code in my script
sess = requests.Session()
a = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=20)
sess.mount('https://', a)
If I don't explicitly close the session does it close automatically when my script exits.
The reason I am asking is because if this script is called several thousand times (Each time the previous run is closed/aborted before the next call) will I run into resource problem.

The Session object allows you to reuse the connection across multiple requests. If your Python script ends then the Session is lost, so the connection should be closed. If you want a new connection for each request you can configure keep-alive:
sess = requests.Session()
sess.config['keep_alive'] = False


Access locally served files within an R session

In order to test the web capabilities of an R package I am writing, I'm attempting to serve a file locally use the httpuv package so that I can run tests using an offline copy of the page.
However, curl doesn't seem to want to play nice with httpuv - specifically, when trying to read the hosted file using curl (for example, with curl::curl() or curl::curl_fetch_memory()), the request hangs, and eventually times out if not manually interrupted.
Minimal example
# Serve a small page
server <- httpuv::startServer("", port = 9359, app = list(
call = function(req) {
status = 200L,
headers = list("Content-Type" = "text/html"),
body = "Some content..."
# Attempt to retrieve content (this hangs)
page <- curl::curl_fetch_memory(url = "")
Current progress
Once the server has been started, running curl -v at the terminal returns content as expected. Additionally, if I open a new instance of RStudio and try to curl::curl_fetch_memory() in that new R session (while the old one is still open), it works perfectly.
Encouraged by that, I've been playing around with callr for a while, thinking maybe it's possible to launch the server in some background process, and then continue as usual. Unfortunately I haven't had any success so far with this approach.
Any insight or suggestions very much appreciated!
Isn't it a great feeling when you can come back and answer a question you asked!
From the httpuv::startServer() documentation:
startServer binds the specified port and listens for connections on an thread running in the background. This background thread handles the I/O, and when it receives a HTTP request, it will schedule a call to the user-defined R functions in app to handle the request. This scheduling is done with later(). When the R call stack is empty – in other words, when an interactive R session is sitting idle at the command prompt – R will automatically run the scheduled calls. However, if the call stack is not empty – if R is evaluating other R code – then the callbacks will not execute until either the call stack is empty, or the run_now() function is called. This function tells R to execute any callbacks that have been scheduled by later(). The service() function is essentially a wrapper for run_now().
In other words, if we want to respond to requests as soon as they are received, we have to explicitly do so using httpuv::service(). Something like the following does the trick!
s <- callr::r_session$new()
s$call(function() {
httpuv::startServer("", port = 9359, app = list(
call = function(req) {
status = 200L,
headers = list("Content-Type" = "text/html"),
body = "Some content...")
while (TRUE) httpuv::service()
# Give the server a chance to start
page <- curl_fetch_memory(url = "")

svSocket evalServer skip waiting process

Problem Version 1, Can we make pr_fun process it's retun without waiting for ch_fun() to finish
ch_fun <- function() {Sys.sleep(10)}
pr_fun <- function() {ch_fun(); return("Done")}
Proble Actual Version
R session 1 as svSocket Server
startSocketServer(port = 9875,local=FALSE)
R session 2 as svSocket client
con <- socketConnection(port = 9875,host="")
R session 3 as svSocket client
con <- socketConnection(port = 9875,host="")
If we run the code lines for session 2 and while server is processing Sys.sleep call we quickly put the code lines for session 3 in session 3 and abort the call it still gets processed. We can check that on server side by checking if object "a" was created.
My point is we didn't have to wait for job to finish in session 3 still it was processed so somehow jobs were piled up on session side and we don't have to wait for jobs to finish just send them to server and abort the waiting process and move ahead. We can manually abort using Ctrl+C or Esc but how can I do that in a function. I want pr_fun to call ch_fun in server session and proceed to its return immediately.

F# Http.AsyncRequestStream just 'hangs' on long queries

I am working with:
let callTheAPI = async {
printfn "\t\t\tMAKING REQUEST at %s..." (System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"))
let! response = Http.AsyncRequestStream(url,query,headers,httpMethod,requestBody)
printfn "\t\t\t\tREQUEST MADE."
let cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
let timeout = 1000*60*4//4 minutes (4 mins no grace)
use respStrm = response.ResponseStream
writeLinesTo output (responseLines respStrm)
To call a web API (REST) and the let! response = Http.AsyncRequestStream(url,query,headers,httpMethod,requestBody) just hangs on certain queries. Ones that take a long time (>4 minutes) particularly. This is why I have made it Async and put a 4 minute timeout. (I collect the calls that timeout and make them with smaller time range parameters).
I started Http.RequestStream from FSharp.Data first, but I couldn't add a timeout to this so the script would just 'hang'.
I have looked at the API's IIS server and the application pool Worker Process active requests in IIS manager and I can see the requests come in and go again. They then 'vanish' and the F# script hangs. I can't find an error message anywhere on the script side or server side.
I included the Flush() and removed the timeout and it still hung. (Removing the Async in the process)
Successful calls are made. Failed calls can be followed by successful calls. However, it seems to get to a point where all the calls time out and the do so without even reaching the server any more. (Worker Process Active Requests doesn't show the query)
I made the Fsx script output the queries and ran them through IRM with now issues (I have timeout and it never locks up). I have a suspicion that there is an issue with FSharp.Data.Http.
Async.RunSynchronously blocks. Read the remarks section in the docs: RunSynchronously. Instead, use Async.AwaitTask.

Asynchronous calls in OpenCPU

I would like to run OpenCPU job asynchronously and collect its results from a different session. In Rserve + RSclient I can do the following:
RS.eval(connection, expression, wait = FALSE)
# do something while the job is running
and then when I'm ready to receive results call either:
to try to collect results and wait until they are ready if job is still running or:
RS.collect(connection, timeout = 0)
if I want to check the job state and let it run if it is still not finished.
Is it possible with OpenCPU to receive the tmp/*/... path with the result id before the job has finished?
It seems acording to this post that OpenCPU does not support asynchronous jobs. Every request between the browser and the OpenCPU server must be alive in order to execute a script or function and receive a response succesfully.
If you find any workaround I would be pleased to know it.
In my case, I need to run a long process (may takes a few hours) and I can't keep alive the client request until the process finishes.

ActiveMQ 5.2.0 + REST + HTTP POST = java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

First off, I am a newbie when it comes to JMS & ActiveMQ.
I have been looking into a messaging solution to serve as middleware for a message producer that will insert XML messages into a queue via HTTP POST. The producer is an existing system written in C++ that cannot be modified (so Java and the C++ API are out).
Using the "demo" examples and some trial and error, I have cobbled together a working example of what I want to do (on a windows box).
The web.xml I configured in a test directory under "webapps" specifies that the HTTP POST messages received from the producer are to be handled by the MessageServlet.
I added a line for the text app in "activemq.xml" ('ow' is the test app dir):
I created a test script to "insert" messages into the queue which works well.
The problem I am running into is that it as I continue to insert messages via REST/HTTP POST, the memory consumption and thread count used by ActiveMQ continues to rise (It happens when I have timely consumers as well as slow or non-existent consumers).
When memory consumption gets around 250MB's and the thread count exceeds 5000 (as shown in windows task manager), ActiveMQ crashes and I see this in the log:
Exception in thread "ActiveMQ Transport Initiator: vm://localhost#3564" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
It is as if Jetty is spawning a new thread to handle each HTTP POST and the thread never dies.
I did look at this page:
and tried but that didn't fix the problem (although I didn't fully understand the implications of the change either).
Does anyone have any ideas?
Bruce Loth
PS - I included the "test message producer" python script below for what it is worth. I created batches of 100 messages and continued to run the script manually from the command line while watching the memory consumption and thread count of ActiveMQ in task manager.
def foo():
import httplib, urllib
body = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n \
<ROOT>\n \
[snip: xml deleted to save space]
headers = {"content-type": "text/xml",
"content-length": str(len(body))}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("POST", "/ow/message/RDRCP_Inbox?type=queue", body, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status, response.reason
data = response.read()
## end method definition
## Begin test code
count = 0;
while(count < 100):
# Test with batches of 100 msgs
count += 1
The error is not directly caused by ActiveMQ but by the Java Runtime. Take a look here:
how you can up your memory for the Java HEAP. There is also interessting stuff about WHY this happens and what you might do to prevent it. ActiveMQ is pretty good but needs some customizing here and there in the config files.
You may want to add the following to the URL's query string:
Otherwise, by definition (read "by default"), the messages would be kept in AMQ's memory.
