Mvc and Core , How it works SelectListItem -

I have user edit problem in my Edit actions.. when it comes to departmentDropdownlist
When I click a user to edit let say he/she belongs to administration, I want then show
administration in dropdownlist and offcourse below that all departments in the same dropdownlist.
But right now when I click Edit It shows me all departments in Id order.. like I want to add a new user.
I have role dropdown list. tha's woking fine. If the user is Employee .. it shows me first Employee then the rest of Role list.. If the user is Admin , then it shows me Admin
then below that the rest of role list. But when it comes to department it shows me the first departmentname which DeptId = 1 and so on. I tried in both Asp.Net Mvc and Core. Here is my EditUser and EditUserViewModel
public async Task<IActionResult> EditUser(string id)
EditUserViewModel model = new EditUserViewModel();
model.ApplicationRoles = roleManager.Roles.Select(r => new SelectListItem
Text = r.Name,
Value = r.Id
model.DepartmentNames = context.Departments.Select(s => new SelectListItem
Text = s.DeptName,
Value = s.DeptId.ToString()
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
ApplicationUser user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(id);
if (user != null)
model.Name = user.Name;
model.Email = user.Email;
model.ApplicationRoleId = roleManager.Roles.Single(r => r.Name == userManager.GetRolesAsync(user).Result.Single()).Id;
model.DeptId = context.Departments.Single(r => r.DeptName == context.Sites.....??????); //How to do here
// ViewBag.DeptId = new SelectList(context.Departments, "DeptId", "DeptName", model.DeptId); // Even like this , shows the first id departmentname
return PartialView("_EditUser", model);
My EditUserViewModel
public class EditUserViewModel
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> ApplicationRoles { get; set; }
public string ApplicationRoleId { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> DepartmentNames { get; set; }
public int DeptId { get; set; } // I have DeptId too in my AspNetUser table

Since the User table has DepartmentId, I don't know why you don't assign model.DeptId to it.
So instead of
model.DeptId = context.Departments.Single(r => r.DeptName == context.Sites.....??????);
You can just assign the DepartmentId from the user table, i.e.,
model.DeptId = user.DepartmentId;
On Razor when you build the dropdown using TagHelper, it should select the correct dropdown option value based on the id.
<select class="form-control" asp-for="DeptId" asp-items="DepartmentNames"></select>


ASP.Net Core MVC - List<SelectListItem> multiselect not showing select = true items

I'm making a strongly typed update/create view for "Medical Supplies" in which users can select multiple options ("Kits") from a dropdown list that received a List<SelectListItem>. The list is a <select multiple="multiple">. It was originally working perfectly, but I must have accidentally changed something.
Now the dropdown does not display SelectListItems passed to it as selected = true as selected (as verified by VS debugger), so I can select new items but not deselect previously selected ones. I need this to compare the list of IDs from the new selection to the old one in order to determine what must be removed from the Db.
This is my view model:
public class MedicalSupplyViewModel
public MedicalSupplyViewModel()
Supply = new MedicalSupply();
KitList = new List<SelectListItem>();
KitIds = new List<int>();
public MedicalSupply Supply { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> KitList { get; set; }
public string StringKits { get; set; }
public List<int> KitIds { get; set; }
public void KitStringSet()
IEnumerable<string> KitNames = Supply.KitSupplies.Select(ks => ks.Kit.Name);
StringKits = Supply.KitSupplies.Count() == 0 ? "N/A" : string.Join(", " , KitNames);
This is the relevant cshtml in my view:
<select multiple="multiple" class="form-control" id="kit_select" asp-for="KitIds" asp-items="Model.KitList"></select>
This is the part of the controller method for this page that creates the SelectListItems:
DetailsModel.KitList = _db.Kits.ToList().ConvertAll(k =>
return new SelectListItem()
Value = k.Id.ToString(),
Text = k.Name,
Selected = SelectedKits.Contains(k)
Even setting the item to selected = true will not display them as such. I've set breakpoint everywhere, including in the view, and I cannot find a discrepancy between the selected property and what it should be anywhere except for the rendered html. I've also used different browsers and spent hours searching the internet and this website.
What could be the cause of this issue?
You should set the selected items' value to the KitIds. Below is my test example:
public class MedicalSupplyViewModel
public MedicalSupplyViewModel()
KitList = new List<SelectListItem>();
KitIds = new List<int>();
public List<SelectListItem> KitList { get; set; }
public string StringKits { get; set; }
public List<int> KitIds { get; set; }
public class Kit
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IActionResult Index()
List<Kit> kits = new List<Kit>
new Kit{ Id = 1, Name = "AA"},
new Kit{ Id = 2, Name = "BB"},
new Kit{ Id = 3, Name = "CC"},
List<Kit> SelectedKits = new List<Kit>
new Kit{ Id = 1, Name = "AA"},
new Kit{ Id = 2, Name = "BB"}
var DetailsModel = new MedicalSupplyViewModel();
DetailsModel.KitIds = SelectedKits.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
DetailsModel.KitList = kits.ToList().ConvertAll(k =>
return new SelectListItem()
Value = k.Id.ToString(),
Text = k.Name
return View(DetailsModel);
<select multiple="multiple" class="form-control" id="kit_select" asp-for="KitIds" asp-items="Model.KitList"></select>

ASP.NET MVC ListBox does not show the selected list items

I am in a big trouble. I read 4 stackoverflow question and one blogpost. I have tried 5 different approach to view the selected items in a multiple selectlist.
I have no success.
The multiple selectlist is generated, but it does not select the items. I have no more idea.
public class EditableModel
public IList<Company> SelectedCompanies { get; set; }
public IList<SelectListItem> SelectListCompanies { get; set; }
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var service = _serviceDAL.GetEditableModel(id);
if (service!= null)
service.SelectListCompanies = GetSelectListCompanies(service.SelectedCompanies);
return View(service);
private IList<SelectListItem> GetSelectListCompanies(IList<Company> selectedCompanies)
List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (Companycompany in _companyService.GetCompanies())
items.Add(new SelectListItem
Value = company.CompanyId.ToString(),
Text = company.Name,
Selected = selectedCompanies.Any(x => x.CompanyId == company.CompanyId)
return items;
#Html.ListBox("SelectedCompanies", Model.SelectListCompanies, Model.SelectedCompanies.Select(x => x.CompanyId.ToString()) )
And nothing. The items in the select list is not selected...
I have tried this Multiselect, the same result, or this one as the current solution.
You cannot bind a <select multiple> to a collection of complex objects. It binds to, and posts back an array of simple values (the values of the selected options).
Your SelectedCompanies property needs to be IEnumerable<int> (assuming the CompanyId of Company is also int). Note also the Selected property of SelectListItem is ignored when binding to a property.
Your also using the same collection for the selected Companies and the list of all Companies which makes no sense. Your SelectListCompanies should be generated from your table of Company.
public class MyViewModel
public IEnumerable<int> SelectedCompanies { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> SelectListCompanies { get; set; }
Base on your current code for EditableModel, your code should be
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
var service = _serviceDAL.GetEditableModel(id);
MyViewModel model = new MyViewModel
SelectedCompanies = service.SelectedCompanies.Select(x => x.CompanyId),
SelectListCompanies = GetSelectListCompanies()
return View(model);
private IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetSelectListCompanies()
var all companies = ... // call method to get all Companies
return companies.Select(x => new SelectListItem
Value = x.CompanyId.ToString(),
Text = x.Name
However, it look like you should be modifying your EditableModel and the GetEditableModel() code to return the correct data in the first place.

Query a Model regarding its ICollection<> mvc

Using EntityFramework6 Code-First mvc 5 I have the following model:
public class Course
public Course()
EnrolledStudentsEmails = new HashSet<ApplicationUser>();
public string Id { get; set; }
public string UserName{ get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<ApplicationUser> EnrolledStudentsEmails { get; set; }
I'm trying to query the following to IPagedList(Courses)
var model =
(from c in db.Courses
where searchTerm == null ||
c.Id.StartsWith(searchTerm) ||
select new
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
Description = c.Description,
UserName = c.UserName
}).AsEnumerable().Select(c => new Course
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
Description = c.Description,
UserName = c.UserName
}).ToPagedList(page, 10);
What should be the type of the ICollection EnrolledStudents if I want to use the AspNetUsers table generated when using user authentication?
The upper LINQ gets me All the courses in the database.
how can I get the courses that is enrolled in?
Is it possible using my model? should I change my model?
Knowing that I can access the Email using:
If your existing code works, your models are correct and you just want to filter by a known email, just use your collection:
var emailFilter = "";
var model =
(from c in db.Courses
where (searchTerm == null ||
c.Id.StartsWith(searchTerm) ||
c.Name.StartsWith(searchTerm)) &&
c.EnrolledStudentsEmails.Any(e => e.Email == emailFilter)
select new
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
Description = c.Description,
UserName = c.UserName
}).AsEnumerable().Select(c => new Course
Id = c.Id,
Name = c.Name,
Description = c.Description,
UserName = c.UserName
}).ToPagedList(page, 10);

Entity Framework - list AspNetUsers with roles on admin page

I am working on an admin page where someone can go in and make some changes in the database. I want them to be able to view all non-admin users and edit them as well. After digging around online, I have figured out how to list out the users by email address and I have a Roles column. But the value showing up under Roles is not quite correct. It is the UserID in the AspNetUserRoles table.
Here is my AdminController code that is grabbing the users and roles:
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
model.AppUsers = db.Users
.Select(u =>
new ManagerUserViewModel
UserID = u.Id,
UserName = u.UserName,
Email = u.Email,
Roles = u.Roles.ToList()
return View(model);
And here is my ManagerUserViewModel:
public class ManagerUserViewModel
public String UserID { get; set; }
public String Email { get; set; }
public String UserName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<IdentityUserRole> Roles { get; set; }
Let me know if any other code is needed.
Here is what I am getting output on the page now:
Can you access the UserManager instance? If so it has a GetRoles function which takes a userId and returns a List of roles.
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
model.AppUsers = db.Users
.Select(u =>
new ManagerUserViewModel
UserID = u.Id,
UserName = u.UserName,
Email = u.Email
foreach(var user in model.AppUser){
user.Roles = userManager.GetRoles(user.UserId);
You'll need to update your viewmodel
public IEnumerable<String> Roles { get; set; }
If you don't have the UserManager you should be able to get it from the OwinContext
var userManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();

Entity Framework : adding record with related data

I have a very simple Situation with 2 tables
public class Movie
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public byte[] Hash { get; set; }
public int GenreID{ get; set; }
public virtual Genre genre{ get; set; }
public class Genre
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Now, in an import sequence I want to create new movies and link the Genre with the existing entries in the Genre table or create new Genre entries if they don't exist.
Movie m = new Movie();
m.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
IndexerContext db = new IndexerContext();
var genre = db.Genre.Where(g => g.Name== genreValue).FirstOrDefault();
if(genre!= null)
m.GenreID= genre.GenreID;
genre= new Genre();
genre.Name = genreValue;
var genreCreated= db.Genre.Where(g => g.Name== genreValue).FirstOrDefault();
m.GenreID= genreCreated.GenreID;
Now the problem is, it doesn't work. The last line fails because genreCreated is null.
Plus I think I must doing it wrong - it can't be that difficult in Entity Framework.
can anyone help me?
This does not send insert statement to database - this instructs entity framework that new record should be inserted when saving changes. Genre will be saved (and created id available) after you call db.SaveChanges(); As for now, you do not have save call, so genreCreated is null.
In your situation - fix is simple, you do not need to select genreCreated from db. Just setting m.Genre to new value should do the job
Movie m = new Movie();
m.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
IndexerContext db = new IndexerContext();
var genre = db.Genre.Where(g => g.Name== genreValue).FirstOrDefault();
if(genre! = null)
m.GenreID = genre.GenreID;
genre = new Genre();
genre.Name = genreValue;
m.Genre = genre;
db.SaveChanges(); //m.GenreID will automatically be set to newly inserted genre
After the add statement you need to save it:
genre= new Genre();
genre.Name = genreValue;
