I am want to replicate an excel dashboard in shiny - I need to create nested data tables such that it displays aggregated data at country levels and when you click on a country it opens nested districts and data corresponding to them. See screenshots.
Country, District, and Mechanism are 3 different columns in the dataset
When you click on the '+' sign table opens up to show data at the district level and then at the mechanism level
I have a dashboard created that contains a table showing the count() of records which is grouped by based on date. I have added another table that should display all records belonging to that particular date. Both the tables are of the same data set. But as soon as i click on the grouped by date column, the detail table display "no result found"
I created filter buttons to use as a filter for 6 category's (measures) in Tableau Public (latest version) to filter 2 different graphs called - "Military Enrollment by Branch & War Films" as well as "Military Enrollment & Year-Over-Year Change". What I need is to be able to click on each category name (Army, Marines, War Films, etc) and for both charts to only give me data for the category selected on my dashboard. However, what is happening is that when I click on one of the buttons it displays the values for a bunch of categories instead of one and is also showing the data for specific years instead of the values for all of the years for whichever category I clicked on. Some of the years it is showing is 1980 or 1981-1983 whereas it should be displaying all the values across all years on the x-axis (from 1980-2021). It is also not showing any values for "War Films". The buttons are not working correctly and I can't find out why it is doing this.
Another issue is I can't get the "Reset Button" to work to clear all filters.
For reference I am using the worksheet called "Filter Images" for my buttons.
Attached is the workbook link: https://public.tableau.com/views/LastOne_16419877017470/Dashboard?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
This is the chart without any button filters applied:
enter image description here
Example of what it shows when I click on "Marines", it's showing me data for multiple measures when I only selected one and it's showing me data for the year 1983 instead of data for Marines from 1980-2021.
enter image description here
That was VERY strange (until I looked at your data)
You only have Category values for 1983 but you also have all the Categories as separate measures as well.
You need to work on the data & I hate to have to say it now, but I think you should pivot your data and have 3 columns - Category, Year, Headcount (or whatever) but this will mean rebuilding a LOT of your dashboard again.
I have a data in a column where People have mentioned the country name where they have traveled
Data will be like this
click here to see how data will be
I want the count for each country in one Table(see below). How can I do that?
click here to how i want
I am building a page that contains a Table widget which is linked to my data source. I have 3 drop downs on that page, which are associated with values in the data source columns.
When a selection from a drop down is made, it will query the data source and return the rows of data to the Table widget. Once those rows are returned and displayed in the Table widget, if they select from another drop down, it will query those rows in the table, not the data source.
For example, drop down "A" lists Agencies, drop down "B" lists all the Project Statuses, and drop down "C" lists all Project Managers. When the user opens the page in AppMaker, he/she are presented with an empty Table widget and the 3 drop downs. If the user selects from drop down "A" the value of HR, the data source is queried and all the rows that have HR as their agency is returned. Now, the Table widget lists those returned rows. If the user now selects from drop down "B" the value of Open, it will query the displayed rows (not query the data source), and display only those rows with Agency = HR and Status = Open. And if the user selects from drop down "C" the value of John Doe, as before, it will query the displayed rows (not query the data source), and display only those rows with Agency = HR, Status = Open, and Manager = John Doe.
I am guessing I may have to set up Calculated Models, but would love to see a sample app that already does this.
A data provider is giving us dynamic report data in a SQL Server database table X. There is also a metadata table Y which holds the report count and the columns (as a semicolon separated string). In the report data table X, there is a text field which holds all the data, separated by semicolon. The provider is doing this to be dynamic, and I can't influence that choice.
I need to:
Load the metadata from Y
Load the data from X for a selected report from Y
Display the data in a table on a webpage
How would you go about reading this in the model/controller and displaying it in a webgrid/table? For models with fixed columns, this is simple, but what about when the columns are dynamic?
Current solution (feels dirty) is to parse the data into a DataTable and manually output rows and table cells in the view from this object. No use of WebGrid, MvcContrib Grid etc.
I chose to parse the table data into a specific dimensional model in my MVC application:
Base objects
Column Definition
Data Row
Report has a list of column definitions and a row count integer. It also has a list of rows. Each row has a list of column values (cells), which is always treated as string in this code, and only displayed using the display data type from the column definition.
My data types defined are for example: text, date, number, link (many types of links to our CRM system, accountlink, userlink, orderlink). I add new data types only if I need to display them differently than the existing ones. I can imagine some day I need a chart data type (where the cell data is a list of plot points for example).
This makes the report definition very flexible, but I am probably sacrificing some performance and it is purely custom. I would still like input on this approach, but no responses in the last 6-7 months probably means this is a weird enough scenario that you, the reader, should avoid.