login error when I get to "wp-admin" - wordpress

I registered my new domain "aaa.com"
I made a subfolder "bbb" , installed wordpress in there.
I installed few plugins on "aaa.com/bbb"
Advanced custom fields
statcounter plugin
WP custom widget area
wp cerber
custom sidebars
I set up subdomain as "bbb"
I set wp-home url and wp-site url by "bbb.aaa.com" in options page.
subdomain seemed to work well.
when I go "aaa.com/bbb", wp shows 404 page
url "bbb.aaa.com" works fine. when I clicks some permalink or page link, the urls look like "bbb.aaa.com/postOrPageUrls"
HOWEVER, there was a problem when I typed bbb.aaa.com/wp-admin
WP redirected me to the login page - it was what I expected
But, I couldn't entered admin page even though I typed ID,passwords.
wp doesn't showed login errer message, It just refreshed everytime I press submit button.
I typed url as "aaa.com/bbb/wp-admin/" and I could enter the admin page with that url.
I figured out that thre's difference between two login pages.
"bbb.aaa.com/wp-admin" redirects to "bbb.aaa.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fbbb.aaa.com%2Fbbb%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1"
wait, "bbb.aaa.com/bbb/wp-admin/" ?
"aaa.com/bbb/wp-admin" redirects to "bbb.aaa.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Faaa.com%2Fbbb%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1"
so that mean, the login page redirected from "bbb.aaa.com/wp-admin" points wrong address: bbb.aaa.com already points the subfolder bbb, but that login page finds the subfolder bbb again.
It was long story. now I'm trying to fix the problem. login page - redirected by wp-admin - redirecting to wrong url. Can I get some hints?


Wordpress admin page cant be found/accessed

FYI: I am able to access the c-panel
Admin page displays the following:
Front end seems to be displaying properly:
this is because your admin dashboard ulr is redirected (maybe by a plugin, server setting, .htaccess...).
You can access wp dashboard login by this url - Basically, just add "/wp-login.php" follow you site URL.

wp-admin vs wp-login in wordpress

Any ideas on the difference between https://mysite/wp-admin vs https://mysite/wp-login?
Actually both URLs will let you login into your site's dashboard.
However, they are different:
While wp-login (which should be wp-login.php) is a php file in the root folder which returns the form to login into your WordPress, wp-admin is one of the three default folders (wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes) which contains internal files such as libraries and scripts.
So, if you haven't logged in yet, by going to wp-admin you will be redirected to yoursite.domain/wp-login.php?redirect_to=... If you are already logged in, by going to wp-login it will show you once again the form to access, and wp-admin will take you directly to your dashboard.
wp-admin redirects to wp-login.php. I.e. there is only one admin log in page.
Both of these URLs will redirect to the WordPress login page. If your 'wp-login' url is not working properly you can use another one 'wp-admin'.

wordpress admin (wp-admin) can not access

I have upload my wordpress website on live server and front end is loading perfectly fine.
While i login to my admin by http://www.my-site.com/wp-admin it not loading login page and display error like, redirected you too many times.
I can load login page by below URL,
and can load login form, but after proving credential it can not redirecting me to dashboard and again display same error like,redirected you too many times.
I have done all available solution like,
1) check site url in wp_option table : its proper
2) delete .htaccess file from root and upload fresh
3) disable plugins and check and enable agian but not working.
Can anyone help me what is wrong in my case and how to enable wp-admin and can access admin?

wordpress login.php redirects to weird places after site was hacked

I am trying to de-hack my wordpress blog, and get it working again. I managed to get the homepage (without a theme). When I try to login into the site (to get my admin access), I see that it redirects to a new url that has nothing to do with my site.
so for example I manage to get to the login page directly:
but when I put my username and password and press the login button I am redirected to:
which doesn't exist (obviously)
I am working on wordpress 4.0.10, and try to understand what has happened and how to fix it. eventually, I might reinstall and hope that the database will be fine - but still. try to find what's going on.

Cannot login to wordpress admin once i change the admin url

I have just installed a wordpress website, and i was working with some security measures but now my wordpress admin is not loading. It gets redirected to page not found.
Steps which i have done
I have installed wordpress in the following url icg.projects.com
Then i have moved the wp files to a sub-folder named "core-files" (as per this url http://www.ampercent.com/move-core-wordpress-files-custom-directory/6211/).
Till now frontend and wp admin works fine
Now i just tried to change the admin url to icgadmin (ie. from icg.projects.com/core-files/wp-admin/ to icg.projects.com/core-files/icgadmin/). The problem is after giving the username and password in wp-login page my url becomes http://icg.projects.com/core-files/icgadmin/. But the content of the page is "Page not Found". But the actually i should get the wordpress admin.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance
