ggmap - merging two satellite ggmaps into 1 ggmap - r

I am trying to map data onto higher resolution Google satellite imagery. I could use a lower resolution image (e.g. zoom 13 and limit the scales - as suggested here - ggmap extended zoom or boundaries) however, the resultant image is not clear enough for my purpose. So basically I would like to be able to combine 2 14 zoom into 1 ggmap:
g1 <- get_googlemap(center = c(-83.986927, 33.955656), maptype="satellite", zoom=14)
g2 <- get_googlemap(center = c(-83.938079, 33.955656), maptype="satellite", zoom=14)
gmap1 <- ggmap(g1)
gmap2 <- ggmap(g2)
grid.arrange(gmap1, gmap2, ncol =2)
but have 1 ggmap object that combined gmap1 and gmap2.

You can (and probably should) convert to raster objects. You should really use them independently from then on, like tiles, since their pixels don't seem to be on the same grid basis so mosaicing them might not be perfect. You can bodge this by adjusting the tolerance.
The objects from get_googlemap are matrices with colour values in hex ("#FF000" etc) and some attributes defining the extent. The following code converts that object to a three-band RGB raster, with the right extent and CRS:
ggmap2raster <- function(g){
rgb = col2rgb(g)
bands = apply(rgb, 1, function(band){
raster(t(matrix(band,ncol=ncol(g), nrow=nrow(g))))
s = stack(bands)
bb = attr(g, "bb")
extent(s) = extent(bb$ll.lon,bb$ur.lon, bb$, bb$
crs(s) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
To merge a bunch of them, this code uses mosaic, but because the layers don't seem to line up quite right (possibly because the data are really in web mercator rather than WGS84) you need to up the tolerance and hope:
mergegg <- function(glist){
m = function(...){
mosaic(...,tolerance=0.5, fun=min)
lapply(glist, function(g){
> r = mergegg(list(g1, g2))
> plotRGB(r)
I suspect the tolerance problem may disappear if I convert the corner coords back to Web Mercator. But that's too much bother for a Friday morning. ggmap and its handling of coordinate systems is not something I want to get into right now. You could try binding the two g1 and g2 matrix objects together but you probably would have to do the reverse transform first and to be honest given the restrictions on using Google satellite images (you have read the license conditions?) I suspect its a bad thing.
To visualise raster objects, use the tmap package instead of ggmap.


projectRaster results in different output when projecting with its own crs

For a function I want to reproject a raster input - itself the output after using crop and mask - using a user set CRS. I thought that projecting with the existing crs would do nothing and simply return the input raster. To my surprise this was not the case. Below a reproducible example
Create dummy raster:
# Download country polygin, in this case Malawi
mwi <- raster::getData("GADM", country = "MWI", level = 0)
# Create dummy raster
grid <- raster::raster() # 1 degree raster
grid <- raster::disaggregate(grid, fact = 12) # 5 arcmin
grid <- raster::crop(grid, mwi)
values(grid) <- rep(1, ncell(grid)) # Set a value
# The input raster with dimensions 94,39,3666
grid <- raster::mask(grid, mwi)
# Reproject the raster using its own crs. I use ngb as it is a categorical variable.
# This raster has dimensions 102, 47, 4794 so it seems a lot of white space (NA) is added.
own_crs <- crs(grid)
grid_reproj <- raster::projectRaster(grid, crs = own_crs, method = "ngb")
# To remove the white space I use trim
# This results in a waster with dimensions 93, 39, 3627
grid_trim <- raster::trim(grid_reproj)
# I also decided to compare the maps visually with mapview
# There seems to be a trim function in mapview which I set to FALSE
# Also use the browser for easy viewing
options(viewer = NULL)
mapviewOptions(trim = FALSE)
mapview(grid, col.regions = "green", legend = F) +
mapview(grid_reproj, col.regions = "red", legend = F) +
mapview(grid_trim, col.regions = "blue", legend = F)
Comparing the maps I observe two things:
(1) grid and grid_trim are nearly identical apart from a single grid cell
on top. Perhaps this is due to rounding,
(2) grid_reproj has a much larger dimensions and different extent. It also
seems as if the map is slightly shifted in comparison to the other maps. This
is corrected by trim, so I assume that these are in fact NA cells and the difference might be
related how mapview displays the maps.
Hence, my main question is, what is happening when rasterProject projects with
the same extent? And why does the result differ, even after trim?
To project raster data the right way you must supply another Raster* object, and not a only crs.
If you supply a crs, a new extent is computed, a bit larger than what is expected to be needed to avoid loosing data. Of course in this odd case where the crs is actually the same it would make sense to return the input unchanged.

How to calculate area of multipart polygon in R

I'm having trouble calculating in R the area of an imported shapefile that has a multipart polygon (one feature containing two separate polygons). I noticed that ArcMap gave me a different value for the area of a shapefile than raster::area. To figure out which program was giving me the correct area, I broke the shapefile into single parts and recalculated the area of the two separate polygons:
> single_part <- shapefile("../Desktop/test/test_sp.shp")
> area(single_part)
[1] 575924.0 433409.8
> sum(area(single_part))
[1] 1009334
> multi_part <- shapefile("../Desktop/test/test_mp.shp")
> area(multi_part)
[1] 1018390
I realize now that I know about this problem, I should always break up polygon feature classes into single parts, but does anyone know how raster::area calculates the area of multipart polygons? I also tried using rgeos::gArea but got the same result. Is there a way to calculate the area of multipart polygons in R?
I'd love to know, because they're pretty common and I'm trying to switch from doing all my analyses in ArcMap to R.
In case it's helpful, here's an image of the shapefile:
multipart poly shapefile
EDIT ADDED 9/21/2018 -------------------------------------------------------
Here's a link to the shapefile test_mp.shp
From what I can tell, it seems like the problem stems from how R (vs. ArcMap) interprets the holes. See the difference between the ArcMap display and the R display. For some reason R is filling in those holes as part of the shapefile, which must be the reason that I'm getting different calculations for the area. Is there something wrong with the shapefile, or how I'm importing it?
Clearly your object named 'multi_part' has only one (multi?) polygon, as area returns a single value. I illustrate here how to investigate what you are after:
d <- getData('GADM', country='Isle of Man', level=0)
[1] 579672897
Split into 4 polygons (islands)
dd <- disaggregate(d)
a <- area(dd)
[1] 19424.12 2705442.41 25629.79 576922400.90
[1] 579672897
The same area, and there is no reason why they would be different. Except perhaps if there is confusion with polygon holes. It is difficult to comment without your data.
You can write these objects to disk (see below) and see what ArcGIS gives you as area (but note that this example uses lon/lat coordinates, I am not sure if ArcGIS can compute areas on those).
shapefile(d, "man.shp")
Here is a case with and without a hole:
p1 <- rbind(c(-180,-20), c(-140,55), c(10, 0), c(-140,-60), c(-180,-20))
p2 <- rbind(c(-150,-20), c(-100,-10), c(-110,20), c(-150,-20))
# two (overlapping) polygons (no hole)
pol1 <- spPolygons(p1, p2, crs="+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84")
# single polygon with hole
pol2 <- spPolygons(list(p1, p2), crs="+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84")
a <- area(pol1) / 10e+9
b <- area(pol2) / 10e+9
#[1] 10925 800
#[1] 11725
#[1] 10125
b matches a[1] - a[2], as expected
#[1] 10125
I get exactly the same results with ArcGIS, using "calculate geometry" for a field in the attribute tables.

Create Grid in R for kriging in gstat

lat long
7.16 124.21
8.6 123.35
8.43 124.28
8.15 125.08
Consider these coordinates, these coordinates correspond to weather stations that measure rainfall data.
The intro to the gstat package in R uses the meuse dataset. At some point in this tutorial:, the guys makes use of a "meuse.grid" in this line of code:
I do not have such a file and I do not know how to create it, can I create one using these coordinates? Or at least point me to material that discusses how to create a custom grid for a custom area (i.e not using administrative boundaries from GADM).
Probably wording this wrong, don't even know if this question makes sense to R savvy people. Still, would love to hear some direction, or at least tips. Thanks a lot!
Total noob at R and statistics.
EDIT: See the sample grid that the tutorial I posted looks like, that's the thing I want to make.
EDIT 2: Would this method be viable?
I am going to share my approach to create a grid for kriging. There are probably more efficient or elegant ways to achieve the same task, but I hope this will be a start to facilitate some discussions.
The original poster was thinking about 1 km for every 10 pixels, but that is probably too much. I am going to create a grid with cell size equals to 1 km * 1 km. In addition, the original poster did not specify an origin of the grid, so I will spend some time determining a good starting point. I also assume that the Spherical Mercator projection coordinate system is the appropriate choice for the projection. This is a common projection for Google Map or Open Street Maps.
1. Load Packages
I am going to use the following packages. sp, rgdal, and raster are packages provide many useful functions for spatial analysis. leaflet and mapview are packages for quick exploratory visualization of spatial data.
# Load packages
2. Exploratory Visualization of the station locations
I created an interactive map to inspect the location of the four stations. Because the original poster provided the latitude and longitude of these four stations, I can create a SpatialPointsDataFrame with Latitude/Longitude projection. Notice the EPSG code for Latitude/Longitude projection is 4326. To learn more about EPSG code, please see this tutorial (
# Create a data frame showing the **Latitude/Longitude**
station <- data.frame(lat = c(7.16, 8.6, 8.43, 8.15),
long = c(124.21, 123.35, 124.28, 125.08),
station = 1:4)
# Convert to SpatialPointsDataFrame
coordinates(station) <- ~long + lat
# Set the projection. They were latitude and longitude, so use WGS84 long-lat projection
proj4string(station) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
# View the station location using the mapview function
The mapview function will create an interactive map. We can use this map to determine what could be a suitable for the origin of the grid.
3. Determine the origin
After inspecting the map, I decided that the origin could be around longitude 123 and latitude 7. This origin will be on the lower left of the grid. Now I need to find the coordinate representing the same point under Spherical Mercator projection.
# Set the origin
ori <- SpatialPoints(cbind(123, 7), proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
# Convert the projection of ori
# Use EPSG: 3857 (Spherical Mercator)
ori_t <- spTransform(ori, CRSobj = CRS("+init=epsg:3857"))
I first created a SpatialPoints object based on the latitude and longitude of the origin. After that I used the spTransform to perform project transformation. The object ori_t now is the origin with Spherical Mercator projection. Notice that the EPSG code for Spherical Mercator is 3857.
To see the value of coordinates, we can use the coordinates function as follows.
coords.x1 coords.x2
[1,] 13692297 781182.2
4. Determine the extent of the grid
Now I need to decide the extent of the grid that can cover all the four points and the desired area for kriging, which depends on the cell size and the number of cells. The following code sets up the extent based on the information. I have decided that the cell size is 1 km * 1 km, but I need to experiment on what would be a good cell number for both x- and y-direction.
# The origin has been rounded to the nearest 100
x_ori <- round(coordinates(ori_t)[1, 1]/100) * 100
y_ori <- round(coordinates(ori_t)[1, 2]/100) * 100
# Define how many cells for x and y axis
x_cell <- 250
y_cell <- 200
# Define the resolution to be 1000 meters
cell_size <- 1000
# Create the extent
ext <- extent(x_ori, x_ori + (x_cell * cell_size), y_ori, y_ori + (y_cell * cell_size))
Based on the extent I created, I can create a raster layer with number all equal to 0. Then I can use the mapview function again to see if the raster and the four stations matches well.
# Initialize a raster layer
ras <- raster(ext)
# Set the resolution to be
res(ras) <- c(cell_size, cell_size)
ras[] <- 0
# Project the raster
projection(ras) <- CRS("+init=epsg:3857")
# Create interactive map
mapview(station) + mapview(ras)
I repeated this process several times. Finally I decided that the number of cells is 250 and 200 for x- and y-direction, respectively.
5. Create spatial grid
Now I have created a raster layer with proper extent. I can first save this raster as a GeoTiff for future use.
# Save the raster layer
writeRaster(ras, filename = "ras.tif", format="GTiff")
Finally, to use the kriging functions from the package gstat, I need to convert the raster to SpatialPixels.
# Convert to spatial pixel
st_grid <- rasterToPoints(ras, spatial = TRUE)
gridded(st_grid) <- TRUE
st_grid <- as(st_grid, "SpatialPixels")
The st_grid is a SpatialPixels that can be used in kriging.
This is an iterative process to determine a suitable grid. Throughout the process, users can change the projection, origin, cell size, or cell number depends on the needs of their analysis.
#yzw and #Edzer bring up good points for creating a regular rectangular grid, but sometimes, there is the need to create an irregular grid over a defined polygon, usually for kriging.
This is a sparsely documented topic. One good answer can be found here. I expand on it with code below:
Consider the the built in meuse dataset. meuse.grid is an irregularly shaped grid. How do we make an grid like meuse.grid for our unique study area?
ggplot(data = meuse.grid) + geom_point(aes(x, y))
Imagine an irregularly shaped SpatialPolygon or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, called spdf. You first build a regular rectangular grid over it, then subset the points in that regular grid by the irregularly-shaped polygon.
# First, make a rectangular grid over your `SpatialPolygonsDataFrame`
grd <- makegrid(spdf, n = 100)
colnames(grd) <- c("x", "y")
# Next, convert the grid to `SpatialPoints` and subset these points by the polygon.
grd_pts <- SpatialPoints(
coords = grd,
proj4string = CRS(proj4string(spdf))
# subset all points in `grd_pts` that fall within `spdf`
grd_pts_in <- grd_pts[spdf, ]
# Then, visualize your clipped grid which can be used for kriging
ggplot( +
geom_point(aes(x, y))
If you have your study area as a polygon, imported as a SpatialPolygons, you could either use package raster to rasterize it, or use sp::spsample to sample it using sampling type regular.
If you don't have such a polygon, you can create points regularly spread over a rectangular long/lat area using expand.grid, using seq to generate a sequence of long and lat values.

Incorrect NA return when converting Lat/Long Coordinates to location in R

I am trying to use a modified version of the R code found in the following link:
Latitude Longitude Coordinates to State Code in R
To test the code, I created the following formal arguments:
mapping = "state"
pointsDF = data.frame(x = c(-88.04607, -83.03579), y = c(42.06907, 42.32983))
latlong2state(pointsDF, mapping)
The code returned the following:
[1] "Illinois" NA
The first coordinate set returns a correct answer, i.e. "Illinois". However, when I input the 2nd coordinate set (i.e. -83.03579, 42.32983) into an online converter, I get the following:
Downtown, Detroit, MI, USA
Running the code again but changing the second coordinate from 42.32983 to 43.33 puts the point in the state of Michigan.
When using the "world" map as my formal argument for the "mapping" variable, the code returns "USA". I have been struggling for days to figure this out and have had no luck. I have played around with SpatialPointDataFrames, various projections, and looked into the state polygon objects themselves. I am using R version 3.3.1 on a Windows 7 system. I think the data point in question may be falling on a border line. In which case, I think an "NA" would be expected. The code I used is below.
Code Used:
latlong2state = function(pointsDF, mapping) { = map(database = mapping, fill = TRUE, col = "transparent", plot = FALSE)
IDs = sapply(strsplit($names, ":"), function(x) x[1])
maps_sp = map2SpatialPolygons(map =, ID = IDs,
proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
pointsSP = SpatialPoints(pointsDF,
proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
indices = over(x = pointsSP, y = maps_sp)
mapNames = sapply(maps_sp#polygons, function(x) {x#ID})
I am only two months in to learning R and love the language thus far. This has been the first time I could not find an answer. I would really appreciate an help provided on the matter!!!
Firstly, the issue is not due to the point lying on a border. In fact, over() would not return NA for a point on a border, but rather "if a point falls in multiple polygons, the last polygon is recorded."
NA denotes a point that does not fall in a polygon. We can zoom in on your map to see this is the case
plot(, xlim = c(-83.2, -82.8), ylim=c(42.2,42.6), type="l")
polygon(, col="grey60")
points(pointsDF[2,], col="red")
The point falls outside the contiguous USA in Canada, according to the polygons provided by maps::map(). Why would this be the case when other maps, as you say, locate this point on the USA side of the border? I do not think this is a projection issue, because we are using the same WGS84 geographic coordinates for the polygons and the points. It seems, therefore, that the polygons themselves that are provided by maps::map() may be wrong.
We can check this by comparing to polygons from another source. I downloaded the US census departments highest resolution state boundaries from Then,
shp.path <- "C:/Users/xxx/Downloads/cb_2015_us_state_500k/cb_2015_us_state_500k.shp"
states <- readOGR(path.expand(shp.path), "cb_2015_us_state_500k")
plot(states, xlim = c(-83.2, -82.8), ylim=c(42.2,42.6))
points(pointsDF[2,], col="red")
gets us this map in which we see that the point is inside the US boundary:
The solution I recommend therefore, is to use these better resolution, more reliable boundary polygons, particularly if you are interested to accurately resolve points close to borders.

How to plot contours on a map with ggplot2 when data is on an irregular grid?

Sorry for the wall of text, but I explain the question, include the data, and provide some code :)
I have some climate data that I want to plot using R. I am working with data that is on an irregular, 277x349 grid, where (x=longitude, y=latitude, z=observation). Say z is a measure of pressure (500 hPa height (m)). I tried to plot contours (or isobars) on top of a map using the package ggplot2, but I am having some trouble due to the structure of the data.
The data comes from a regular, evenly spaced out 277x349 grid on a Lambert conformal projection, and for each grid point we have the actual longitude, latitude, and pressure measurement. It is a regular grid on the projection, but if I plot the data as points on a map using the actual longitude and latitude where the observations were recorded, I get the following:
I can make it look a little nicer by translating the rightmost piece to the left (maybe this can be done with some function, but I did this manually) or by ignoring the rightmost piece. Here is the plot with the right piece translated to the left:
(An aside) Just for fun, I tried my best to re-apply the original projection. I have some of the parameters for applying the projection from the data source, but I do not know what these parameters mean. Also, I do not know how R handles projections (I did read the help files...), so this plot was produced through some trial and error:
I tried to add the contour lines using the geom_contour function in ggplot2, but it froze my R. After trying it on a very small subset of the data, I found that out after some googling that ggplot was complaining because the data was on an irregular grid. I also found out that that is the reason geom_tile was not working. I am guessing that I have to make my grid of points evenly spaced out - probably by projecting it back into the original projection (?), or by evenly spacing out my data by either sampling a regular grid (?) or by extrapolating between points (?).
My questions are:
How can I draw contours on top of the map (preferably using ggplot2) for my data?
Bonus questions:
How do I transform my data back to a regular grid on the Lambert conformal projection? The parameters of the projection according to the data file include (mpLambertParallel1F=50, mpLambertParallel2F=50, mpLambertMeridianF=253, corners, La1=1, Lo1=214.5, Lov=253). I have no idea what these are.
How do I center my maps so that one side is not clipped (like in the first map)?
How do I make the projected plot of the map look nice (without the unnecessary parts of the map hanging around)? I tried adjusting the xlim and ylim, but it seems to apply the axes limits before projecting.
I uploaded the data as rds files on Google drive. You can read in the files using the readRDS function in R.
lat2d: The actual latitude for the observations on the 2d grid
lon2d: The actual longitude for the observations on the 2d grid
z500: The observed height (m) where pressure is 500 millibars
dat: The data arranged in a nice data frame (for ggplot2)
I am told that the data is from the North American Regional Reanalysis data base.
lat2d <- readRDS('lat2d.rds')
lon2d <- readRDS('lon2d.rds')
z500 <- readRDS('z500.rds')
dat <- readRDS('dat.rds')
# Get the map outlines
outlines <-"world", plot = FALSE,
xlim = c(min(lon2d), max(lon2d)),
ylim = c(min(lat2d), max(lat2d)))[c("x","y")])
worldmap <-geom_path(aes(x, y), inherit.aes = FALSE,
data = outlines, alpha = 0.8, show_guide = FALSE)
# The layer for the observed variable
z500map <- geom_point(aes(x=lon, y=lat, colour=z500), data=dat)
# Plot the first map
ggplot() + z500map + worldmap
# Fix the wrapping issue
dat2 <- dat
dat2$lon <- ifelse(dat2$lon>0, dat2$lon-max(dat2$lon)+min(dat2$lon), dat2$lon)
# Remake the outlines
outlines2 <-"world", plot = FALSE,
xlim = c(max(min(dat2$lon)), max(dat2$lon)),
ylim = c(min(dat2$lat), max(dat2$lat)))[c("x","y")])
worldmap2 <- geom_path(aes(x, y), inherit.aes = FALSE,
data = outlines2, alpha = 0.8, show_guide = FALSE)
# Remake the variable layer
ggp <- ggplot(aes(x=lon, y=lat), data=dat2)
z500map2 <- geom_point(aes(colour=z500), shape=15)
# Try a projection
projection <- coord_map(projection="lambert", lat0=30, lat1=60,
# Plot
# Without projection
ggp + z500map2 + worldmap2
# With projection
ggp + z500map + worldmap + projection
Thanks to Spacedman's suggestions, I think I have made some progress. Using the raster package, I can directly read from an netcdf file and plot the contours:
# Note: ncdf4 may be a pain to install on windows.
# Try installing package 'ncdf' if this doesn't work
# band=13 corresponds to the layer of interest, the 500 millibar height (m)
r <- raster(filename, band=13)
contour(r, add=TRUE)
Now all I need to do is get the map outlines to show under the contours! It sounds easy, but I'm guessing that the parameters for the projection need to be inputted correctly to do things properly.
The file in netcdf format, for those that are interested.
After much sleuthing, I made some more progress. I think I have the proper PROJ4 parameters now. I also found the proper values for the bounding box (I think). At the very least, I am able to roughly plot the same area as I did in ggplot.
# From running proj +proj=lcc +lat_1=50.0 +lat_2=50.0 +units=km +lon_0=-107
# in the command line and inputting the lat/lon corners of the grid
x2 <- c(-5628.21, -5648.71, 5680.72, 5660.14)
y2 <- c( 1481.40, 10430.58,10430.62, 1481.52)
# Read in the data as a raster
p4 <- "+proj=lcc +lat_1=50.0 +lat_2=50.0 +units=km +lon_0=-107 +lat_0=1.0"
r <- raster(nc.file.list[1], band=13, crs=CRS(p4))
# For some reason the coordinate system is not set properly
projection(r) <- CRS(p4)
extent(r) <- c(range(x2), range(y2))
# The contour map on the original Lambert grid
# Project to the lon/lat
p <- projectRaster(r, crs=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
contour(p, add=TRUE)
Thanks to Spacedman for his help. I will probably start a new question about overlaying shapefiles if I can't figure things out!
Ditch the maps and ggplot packages for now.
Use package:raster and package:sp. Work in the projected coordinate system where everything is nicely on a grid. Use the standard contouring functions.
For map background, get a shapefile and read into a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
The names of the parameters for the projection don't match up with any standard names, and I can only find them in NCL code such as this
whereas the standard projection library, PROJ.4, wants these
So I think:
p4 = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=50 +lat_2=50 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=253 +x_0=0 +y_0=0"
is a good stab at a PROJ4 string for your data.
Now if I use that string to reproject your coordinates back (using rgdal:spTransform) I get a pretty regular grid, but not quite regular enough to transform to a SpatialPixelsDataFrame. Without knowing the original regular grid or the exact parameters that NCL uses we're a bit stuck for absolute precision here. But we can blunder on a bit with a good guess - basically just take the transformed bounding box and assume a regular grid in that:
lonx=seq(bb[1,1], bb[1,2],len=277)
laty=seq(bb[2,1], bb[2,2],len=349)
Now if you get a shapefile of your area you can transform it to this CRS to do a country overlay... But I would definitely try and get the original coordinates first.
