Can we access firebase during performance testing of mobile apps using Apache jMeter? - firebase

I was planning to perform a load testing on an ios application which uses firebase for data storage.I have successfully recorded the test plan using Apache jMeter. But when I run the test plan in jMeter, it fails to access the firebase. Is there any way to access firebase during the process of load testing?
I have one field in firebase "last_logged_in_time". When I login with the ios app in iphone, the time gets automatically updated in the firebase . But when i run the test script using jMeter it is not updating.

It is just that you are most probably failing to really login.
Check the response you get after login using Viw Results Tree element.
Usually this is due to a missing :
- cookie manager
- header to correlate
- parameter in request to correlate

If you don't see the value updated when you run a JMeter test then the test doesn't do what it is supposed to be doing.
In the majority of cases you won't be able to replay a recorded JMeter test as you might need to pass a dynamic parameter(s) which are used for user identification, tracking, security purposes, etc.
The easiest way to detect whether your application is expecting some form of dynamic parameter is recording your test once again and comparing 2 recorded .jmx scripts. If you see any differences - you will need to correlate them. Correlation in JMeter is the process assuming:
Extracting dynamic parameter(s) from the previous response(s) using JMeter Post-Processors and storing them into JMeter Variables
Replacing recorded "hard-coded" values with the JMeter Variables from step 1 in the next request(s)
There is also an alternative way of recording a JMeter test, in this case you won't have to worry about proxies, SSL certificates and handling dynamic parameters - all will be done automatically, check out How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% guide for more details.


How automate API testing for rest API built using Django Rest framework

I want to automate testing of Rest API built using DRF. This automation should run the test cases every 2 minutes and this has to run continuously not in local machine(API is deployed in AWS). If there is any test cases failure then it has to record that failure in log report. This can be any service type. I am using Postman now to run test cases since it is free plan I am using, so have limited API calls and monitors in postman don't have minute wise running.
please help!!
How can I do this?
After some research and help of my mentors I found a way to automate API testing.
Coding part:
I have a python script which uses requests package to call the API and then I am using some conditions to ensure the response is behaving according to the requirements.
few example test cases are response status code, response time and schema test.
Automation: I am using AWS lambda function and AWS cloud event bridge to automate and schedule the execution of this script on required time intervals.
Incase of any exceptions, errors we can send alerts to slack channel or Microsoft teams

Why Jmeter can't record sites using the firebase as data connection

I tried to record a site using JMeter which uses Firebase for data storage but it fails to access the firebase and I can not log into the site while recording. Is there any way to access firebase during the recording of load testing in JMeter? I entered the JMeter certificate also but still, the problem is there. And also tried using the chrome extension still it also didn't give the expected output Error Description Image
Most probably it's due to incorrect JMeter configuration for recording, you need to import JMeter's certificate into your browser. The file is called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, JMeter generates it under its "bin" folder when you start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
See HTTPS recording and certificates documentation chapter for more details.
Going forward consider looking at View Results Tree listener output and jmeter.log file, they should provide sufficient amount of information in order to get to the bottom of the issue. If you cannot interpret what you see there yourself - add at least essential parts of response/log to your question.
Also be aware of alternative "non-invasive" way of recording a JMeter test - JMeter Chrome Extension, in that case you won't have to worry about proxies and certificates and should be able to normally record whatever HTTP(S) traffic your browser generates

How to close ASPSessionId in a Visual Studio Web/Performance Test

I have finally given up on this and I'm looking for some help on this. Here is what I have found so far.
First of all, web performance tests and/or load tests in visual studio do NOT use the browser (during playback it's not used, but it is used during the recording of the test) which is when/where the ASPSessionId is stored in a cookie or form post parameter.
I have web performance tests that have extraction rules to get the ASPSessionID from the server which I try to set in a later request as header/form post parameter, however this doesn't seem to help and it appears that I am just using the same one over and over causing the server to respond differently (presents different pages)
On the system I am testing a user will go to the site and fill out an application. If the user is in the same session the user can fill out multiple subsequent applications and have the ability to re-use some data. If that is true, the user is presented a page to select the re-usable data. If the session is new the user does not get to do this.
If I play the web test over and over manually, it works as expected (new session ID, no re-use data page presented). However, if I play that same test over and over in a load test, the first time it will pass and each time after it fails, because the session is kept open and then the server provides different pages than the ones that exist in my web performance test. The failures on the subsequent applications includes fails like (expected response URL, extraction rules...etc)
So I was using an extraction rule to get the ASPSessionID from the server and store it in a cookie and/or web form post parameters and then set it, but it is not working.
What can I do in the web performance test to successfully close the ASPSessionID so that the test runs like it is running for the first time in the load test?
In the LoadTest Test Mix, set the "Percentage of New Users" to 100. That completely solved it for me.

How to verify Jmeter Recorded Load Test Results

I have created a recorded test plan for my web application using Jmeter. My web application basically creates a financial plan for new and existing customers. I recorded all the steps required to create a financial plan for a new customer.
I am not sure how to validate if Jmeter actually runs recorded steps. I am using Graph Results and checking throughput at the end of the recorded plan.
I am not sure how to validate if Jmeter is actually running all Thread users with the recorded steps. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Add a View Results Tree listener to your test plan and execute your test with 1-2 virtual users. Inspect "Response Data" tab of each request to ensure it does what it is supposed to do
If you use any JMeter Variables and want to check their values - add Debug Sampler(s) to Test Plan where needed. Variables values can be checked via aforementioned View Results Tree listener.
See How to debug your Apache JMeter script guide for advanced information on debugging your JMeter test.
Don't forget to remove or disable View Results Tree listener for the actual load test as it is too resource intensive. Also make sure you run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode for the actual load.

Any suggestions for good automated web load testing tool?

What are some good automated tools for load testing (stress testing) web applications, that do not use record and replay of HTTP network packets?
I am aware that there are numerous load testing tools on the market that record and replay HTTP network packets. But these are unsuitable for my purpose, because of this:
The HTTP packet format changes very often in our application (e.g. when
we optimize an AJAX call). We do not want to adapt all test scripts just because
there is a slight change in HTTP packet format.
Our test team shall not need to know any internals about our application
to write their test scripts. A tool that replays HTTP packets, however, requires
the team to know the format of HTTP requests and responses, such that they
can adapt details of the replayed HTTP packets (e.g. user name).
The automated load testing tool I am looking for should be able to let the test team write "black box" test scripts such as:
Invoke web page at URL http://... .
First, enter XXX into text field XXX.
Then, press button XXX.
Wait until response has been received from web server.
Verify that text field XXX now contains the text XXX.
The tool should be able to simulate up to several 1000 users, and it should be compatible with web applications using ASP.NET and AJAX.
JMeter I've found to be pretty helpful, it also has a recording functionality to record use cases so you don't have to specify each GET/POST manually but rather "click" the use case once and then let JMeter repeat it.
A license can be expensive for it (if you dont have MSDN), but Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition has a great set of load and stress testing tools that do what you describe. You can try it out for free for 90 days here.
TestMaker by can run recorded scripts such as Selenium as well as many different languages like HTML, Java, Ruby, Groovy, .Net, VB, PHP, etc. It has a common reporting infrastructure and you can create load in your test lab or using cloud testing environments like EC2 for virtual test labs.
They provide free webinars on using open source testing tools on a monthly basis and there is one next Tuesday.
There are a few approaches; I've been in situations, however, where I've had to roll my own load generating utilities.
As far as your test script is concerned it involves:
sending a GET request to http://form entry page (only checking if a 200 response is given)
sending a POST request to http://form submit page with pre-generated key/value pairs for text XXX and performing a regexp check on the response
Unless your web page is complex AJAX there is no need to "simulate a button press" - this is taken care of by the POST request.
Given that your test consists of just a 2-step process there should be several automated load packages that could do this.
I've previously used httperf for load testing a large website: it can simulate a session consisting of several requests and can simulate a large number of users (i.e. sessions) simultaneously. For example, if your website generated a session cookie from the home page you could make that the first request, httperf would then use that cookie for subsequent requests, until it had finished doing the list of requests supplied.
What about ?
