Sharing Bootstrap across WordPress projects - wordpress

I'm working on several WordPress projects that all use the same template and core WordPress files. So I split the folders like so:
both my project.scss and core.scss use #extend and #include using bootstrap sass files.
I can indeed #import bootstrap at the top of project.scss as well as core.scss, but then I will end up with duplicate of bootstrap.
Is there a way to avoid it? how would you approach it? I feel that importing just the bootstrap files I need for the project is still a waste. There must be a way for sass to go into the files, extract what final css it needs from bootstrap for #extend/#include and leave the rest out of the final project.css
I hope I'm explaining this right.


How do I know if my WordPress page was made with Bootstrap?

I'm trying to figure out whether it would pay off to use Bootstrap on my existing Wordpress site and while researching it, I came up with the idea that the template I'm using might actually already be using Bootstrap.
I can't see any signs of Bootstrap in my functions.php file or through the FTP, but the template is using classes like these: ".col-md-4", ".col-sm-4". Is that because it was created with Bootstrap or is it just a convention?
Sorry if this is complete nonsense.
That's a classic bootstrap class.
You shouldn't check the PHP files but the css ones or javascript.
It may be a sign.
You can check more bootstrap classes Like container, row, and ...
And for being sure you can check asset files like CSS and JS files, if you found bootstrap css and js files you may be sure of using bootstrap in your template.
You can open asset files it may wrote the bootstrap version in it even.

How to configure Cakephp and Bootstrap-sass?

I'm new to Cakephp and I have been developing a website for my client. I'm not satisfied with the look of the website and I've been trying to figure out how to use Bootstrap with Cakephp. I have been introduced to Sass and it seems like this is a great way to write css. So I want to use Bootstrap-sass. But after seraching a lot I still cannot find a good tutorial on how to approach this matter. Most of the tutorials are for Ruby on Rails with Bootstrap even the official Bootstrap-sass Github page
I would be gratful if someone could guide me through this or if this is not the way to go, which Bootstrap should I use If I want to have the sass functionality as well.
Also there is another doubt that I have:
Is it possible to overwrite Bootstrap css without using LESS or SASS?
That is more than one question.
SASS and CakePHP, easy. First of all, understand there are 2 SASS dialects. Original SASS tries to use the minimum of characters and is indent-sensitieve like Python. SASS 3 brought SCSS, which is more like CSS on steroids and easier to use. Then - outside of Ruby - you need a SASS compiler. SCOUT for SASS - Windows and Mac - is dead simple and does the job. You indicate your source SCSS folder, sits in webroot in my CakePHP, a target folder, the CakePHP CSS folder and a temp folder sitting in CakePHP/tmp for me. That is all it takes, save a SCSS file and Scout watches this and generates the CSS.
Bootstrap. Not easy to integrate in CakePHP templates. Additionally it uses some questionable JavaScript. Take a look at Compass, the same thing integrated in Scout.
If you want Bootstrap for a responsive grid, use SimpleGrid instead. As the name says simple and CSS only. Drupal is based on it.
Remember SCSS is a CSS superset; copy your CSS to your SCSS folder and start adding to it.
Good luck, André Hartman, Belgium.

How to Implement Sass into Underscores Theme with Bootstrap for Wordpress?

I was able to create a Wordpress theme that I am working on, using my local machine. The issue I am having is incorporating Sass into the Underscores Starter theme, with Twitter Bootstrap's Sass and Wordpress.
I was creating the fixed-top bootstrap navigational bar. I managed to add the proper code to include WP_Walker_Nav in my functions.php file, but this is what my navigation looked like My Bootstrap Nav.
The content is too close to the fixed-top navigation and I wasn't able to control the body tag styles to provide padding of at least 60px from the top.
I was wondering if someone can guide me in the direction on how to incorporate Twitter Bootstrap's Sass and Font-Awesome's Sass into Underscore's Wordpress theme.
I'm struggling with the proper workflow. For my Wordpress default style.css, all I would do is put
#import url("css/style.css");
underneath Wordpress Stylesheet default comments.
I have a folder labeled sass (for all my scss files) and a folder css (for all my compiled css). In my style.scss, I import bootstrap and font-awesome's sass files, and I create a separate scss file (main.scss) to use for my custom styling, but nothing works when I create a variable in my main.scss file.
I would set my style.scss file like this:
#import 'main';
#import 'bootstrap-sass';
#import 'font-awesome';
For example:
$padding10: 10px;
body {
padding-top: ($padding10 * 6)
nothing happens when I set up my body tag. Please tell me what I am doing wrong, any help is appreciated. Thank you!
For those wondering about how to do this: the _S Underscores theme added direct support for generating a starter theme with a sass-based architecture last year, which I only recently found out about. If you click the “Advanced Options” link on the Underscores main page, you can then select the _sassify! option and you’re on your way. From there, it should be clear to you how to wire in Bootstrap. The generated sass/styles.scss file in your new theme is a very well organized and documented list of imports, to which you can add Bootstrap however you wish (via Bower, direct download, whatever).
As a side note, you can automate this and make it even easier via wp-cli, which very recently added support for the sassify option to their wp scaffold _s subcommand, which looks something like:
wp-cli scaffold _s my-sassy-theme --theme_name="My Sassy Theme" --sassify
(Note that as of this writing, there hasn’t been a release of wp-cli with that feature; you can use it immediately, however, by installing the wp-cli nightly.)

Selecting css components during yeoman initialization, twitter bootstrap and angular

I am trying to use angular, yeoman, and sass at the same time, also I only wanted some css components in twitter bootstrap, so I tried scaffolding my app like this
yo angular --coffee
And answered yes for the following questions,
would you like to install twitter bootstrap & would you like to use compass sass blah2x.
I answered yes,
Now the application is ready to go, but I have few concerns.
it loads all twitter bootstrap components, I actually wanted only the normalize.scss
How do I selectively use an scss component, because it builds all files, making my codebase super big because of unnecessary imports.
Thank you.
It sounds like you may need yeoman install yeoman-normalize.scss and then inside your main.scss file add a import line to correctly add normalize.scss
#import "../components/yeoman-normalize.scss/yeoman-normalize";

Twitter Bootstrap Customization responsive

I want to set up bootstrap like that Twitter Bootstrap Customization Best Practices
I want though the responsive version. I found this thread Twitter Bootstrap responsive css is not generated form the less files
but it's not clear to me how can I set up bootstrap files so I can customized it using the responsive version ?
If you are wondering how to use less to customise the bootstrap css and then use this in your project, then there are basic approaches.
You can combine your customisation into the base bootstrap css files and import this into your project, or you can leave the bootstrap files untouched, create a second css file for your customisation and import this into your project as well, after the bootstrap css.
Overwrite vs override.
From the first link you give, you can see that both approaches have their supporters.
I've usually used the first method, and this is what I've done.
Download a copy of the less files, here is one source, and add to your project files
Open the bootstrap.less file. You'll see that it orchestrates everything and imports the individual less files
Create theme-variables.less and theme-css.less files and save to this less folder
You need to import these files in the right sequence. Adding the variables file at the end of the Core variables and mixins block with #import "theme-variables.less"; and the theme file at the end of the Base CSS block with #import "theme-css.less"; works for me. Depending on what you are customising, you may need to play with this a bit
That's basically it. Edit your custom files, compile bootstrap.less, and import the resulting bootstrap css file(s) into your project.
Naturally at the start you want to keep good backups incase something goes wrong, and likewise when you upgrade Bootstrap.
Good luck!
First download form less version
How to use Less and less compilers
Bootstrap tutorial
