Nginx variable names are lost between OpenResty captures - nginx

When creating a variable from the server_name in Nginx and calling a different endpoint using ngx.location.capture the variable is then gone.
The following example demonstrates by calling testlocalhost and acclocalhost:
server {
listen 1003;
server_name ~^(?<name>test|acc)localhost$; #<-Name is set here
location / {
#return 200 $name; #This would return the expected test or acc
content_by_lua 'local options = {
method = ngx.HTTP_GET,
local res = ngx.location.capture("/internal", options)
location /internal {
return 200 $name; #<- Name is empty here
Is there any way to maintain the variable between endpoints without modifying the body or using url parameters?

You need to add to the option to ngx.location.capture to share or copy all available variables.
copy_all_vars specify whether to copy over all the Nginx variable
values of the current request to the subrequest in question.
modifications of the nginx variables in the subrequest will not affect
the current (parent) request. This option was first introduced in the
v0.3.1rc31 release.
share_all_vars specify whether to share all the Nginx variables of the
subrequest with the current (parent) request. modifications of the
Nginx variables in the subrequest will affect the current (parent)
request. Enabling this option may lead to hard-to-debug issues due to
bad side-effects and is considered bad and harmful. Only enable this
option when you completely know what you are doing.
location / {
#return 200 $name; #This would return the expected test or acc
content_by_lua 'local options = {
method = ngx.HTTP_GET,
share_all_vars = true
local res = ngx.location.capture("/internal", options)


NGINX Ingress Redirection Based On Domain Name

I have two domain names, each for different applications hosted in a single kubernetes cluster.
Is there a way to configure ingress to redirect to the different apps based on the hostname in the request it receives?
For example: and point to the same IP address. However, I want to redirect to /appABC while redirect to /appXYZ.
I have attempted to capture the host name and use this to determine the redirect but it doesn't work.
Is what I'm trying to do possible with NGINX?
Yes,it is Possible. You must need to create two configuration files and point them to their respective paths. Please follow this link for more info and refer to this SO also to get further idea on how to use.
After some experimentation, using the NGINX Playground, I was able to come up with this solution.
... |
set $is_app1_base 1;
set $is_app2_base 1;
if ($host !~ "^.*app1\.com$" ) {
set $is_app1_base 0;
if ($request_uri != "/") {
set $is_app1_base 0;
set $is_app2_base 0;
if ($is_app1_base = 1) {
return 301 $scheme://$host/appABC;
if ($host !~ "^.*app2\.com$" ) {
set $is_app2_base 0;
if ($is_app2_base = 1) {
return 301 $scheme://$host/appXYZ;
In case you're wondering why a number of if statements had to be used this way, NGINX is not that great with if statements and logical operations.
Another caveat worth stating here is that all ingresses associated with this NGINX controller will be affected by this server-snippet; Because is a global annotation.

How to block Nginx requests where http_referer matches requested URL

I am trying to block a webcrawler that uses the requested page as the http_referer, and I can't figure out what variable to compare it to.
location / {
if ($the_variable_with_the_current_full_uri = $http_referer) {
return 403;
The variable has to match protocol, host, and URL, so that internal redirects from http to https don't get blocked.
So if someone requests "" with the $http_referer of "", it should be blocked.
As a secondary question, is it possible block requests on two conditions: where the above check matches, as well as matching a specific user agent string?
The full URL can be constructed by concatenating a number of variables together.
For example:
The secondary condition could be handled using a map (see this document).
For example:
map $http_user_agent $my_http_referer {
default "";
blahblah $http_referer;
server {
if ($scheme://$host$request_uri = $my_http_referer) { return 403; }

nginx match request body without using lua module

is there a way in nginx to do something based on if the request body has a string or not?
I am sure i can do it with using Lua module..
I am try to find out if there is a way using nginx alone.
I am hoping something like below will work.
location /students-api {
if ($request_body ~* "(.*)specialstudent(.*)" ) {
set $student_status 'special';
// and use student_status for some logic
I think it should work, however it needs to be tested. In practice I used $request_body only for logging, not sure if it is available at the rewrite stage of request processing. Here is an official description which says:
The variable’s value is made available in locations processed by the proxy_pass, fastcgi_pass, uwsgi_pass, and scgi_pass directives when the request body was read to a memory buffer.
Additionally, you don't need those capture groups to check a variable for substring presence if you don't use them later (in fact you just wasting resources to keep them in memory), just if ($request_body ~* "specialstudent") { ... } should be enough.
Here is another approach that has more chances to work since proxy_add_header directive is definitely executed later than the rewrite stage of request processing:
map $request_body $special {
~*"specialstudent" "special";
# otherwise '$special' variable value will be empty
server {
location /students-api {
proxy_set_header X-Student-Status $special;
Update 2
After testing all of this, I can confirm that the if approach does not work:
server {
location /students-api {
if ($request_body ~* "specialstudent") {
set $student_status "special";
proxy_set_header X-Student-Status $student_status;
As being expected, the $request_body variable doesn't get initialized at the rewrite stage of request processing. However, the map approach work as expected:
map $request_body $student_status {
~*"specialstudent" "special";
# otherwise '$special' variable value will be empty
server {
location /students-api {
proxy_set_header X-Student-Status $student_status;
What really surprises me is that the following example doesn't set any of two headers:
map $request_body $student_status {
~*"specialstudent" "special";
# otherwise '$special' variable value will be empty
server {
location /students-api {
if ($request_body ~* "specialstudent") {
set $student_special "special";
proxy_set_header X-Student-Status $student_status;
proxy_set_header X-Student-Special $student_special;
Somehow accessing the $request_body variable at the early rewrite stage of request processing leads the map translation to stop working too. I didn't have an explanation of this behavior for now and would be grateful if someone could explain what happened here.
Update 3
I think I'm finally found an explanation of what happened with the last example in the Nginx Tutorials written by Yichun Zhang, the author of famous lua-nginx-module and the OpenResty bundle:
Some Nginx variables choose to use their value containers as a data cache when the "get handler" is configured. In this setting, the "get handler" is run only once, i.e., at the first time the variable is read, which reduces overhead when the variable is read multiple times during its lifetime.
Looks like the $request_body variable behaves exactly this way, if being accessed at the early NGX_HTTP_REWRITE_PHASE (see the request processing phases description). Its value, if being read during that phase, gets cached as an empty value and became useless during the later request processing phases.

Nginx - how to access Client Certificate's Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field

I have an Nginx server which clients make requests to with a Client certificate containing a specific CN and SAN. I want to be able to extract the CN (Common Name) and SAN (Subject Alternative Names) fields of that client cert.
rough example config:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_client_certificate /etc/nginx/certs/client.crt;
ssl_verify_client on; #400 if request without valid cert
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location /auth_test {
# do something with the CN and SAN.
# tried these embedded vars so far, to no avail
return 200 "
Using the embedded variables exposed as part of the ngx_http_ssl_module module I can access the DN (Distinguished Name) and therefore CN etc but I don't seem to be able to get access to the SAN.
Is there some embedded var / other module / general Nginx foo I'm missing? I can access the raw cert, so is it possible to decode that manually and extract it?
I'd really rather do this at the Nginx layer as opposed to passing the cert down to the application layer and doing it there.
Any help much appreciated.
You can extract them with the Nginx-builtin map, e.g. for CN:
map $ssl_client_s_dn $ssl_client_s_dn_cn {
default "";
~,CN=(?<CN>[^,]+) $CN;
I'm not a lua expert, but here's what I got working:
local openssl = require('openssl')
dnsNames = {}
for k,v in pairs( do
for k1,v1 in pairs(v:info()) do
if(type(v1)=='table') then
for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do
if(type(v2)=='table') then
for k3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
if(k3=='dNSName') then
table.insert(dnsNames, v3:toprint())
ngx.say(table.concat(dnsNames, ':'))
You can do it through OpenResty + Lua-OpenSSL and parse the raw certificate to get it.
Refer this:
Just like this:
local varibleName = string.match(require("openssl"),"/C=([^/]+)")
Had the same problem, when I try to retrieve "subject DN" by a upstream server.
Someone might find the following advice useful. Thus, there is an access
to such fields as ("subject DN" an so on) - you have to look at link1. Beside it, I had to through this data into the request header, so I've done it via 'proxy_set_header' (link2). It was possible without any extra Nginx extension (there is not need to rebuild them with --modules, just default modules)
This is an example how an URI value can be extracted from client certificate extensions and then forwarded to the upstream server as a header. This is useful when implementing WebID over TLS authentication, for example.
location / {
proxy_pass http://upstream;
set_by_lua_block $webid_uri {
local openssl = require('openssl')
webIDs = {}
for k,v in pairs( do
for k1,v1 in pairs(v:info()) do
if(type(v1)=='table') then
for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do
if(type(v2)=='table') then
for k3,v3 in pairs(v2) do
if(k3=='uniformResourceIdentifier') then
table.insert(webIDs, v3:data())
return webIDs[1]
proxy_set_header X-WebID-URI $webid_uri;
Let me know if it can be improved.

Nginx rewrite: how to change URL from dynamic to static

I'm configuring nginx as reverse proxy.
I need to change (rewrite?) the URLs, example: when the request (to nginx Reverse Proxy) is ";password=passwdtest1" it will must "modified" to the main server as ";password=passwdproduction1".
Consider that in the original request the fields "username=test1;password=passwdtest1" are not always the same (they changes), instead the "modified" to the main server are always the same.
Others example to be more clear:
"/test/?username=test1;password=passwdtest1" -> "/test/?username=production;password=passwdproduction1"
"/test/?username=test1876;password=somepasswd" -> "/test/?username=production;password=passwdproduction1"
"/test/?username=somevalues;password=somepasswdvalue" -> "/test/?username=production;password=passwdproduction1"
So, independently to what are the values of "?username=somevalues;password=somepasswdvalue" it should always become "?username=production;password=passwdproduction1".
Thanks for your help!
A little late on the answer but this should work for you:
location ~* /test/? {
if ($arg_username ~ "^$|\s+") { return 404; }
if ($arg_password ~ "^$|\s+") { return 404; }
rewrite ^ /test?username=production&password=passwdproduction1? permanent;
The code above checks if it is within the path. If it is it will check if the user name or the password variable are present and not empty in the query string. In case if any isn't present or is empty it will return a 404 else it will redirect you to the preferred url.
By the way, instead of the semicolon in your example urls I would use an ampersand (&).
