ALT + TAB (Task Switcher) in eWAM - ewam

How to switch to a different task, or view the previously opened windows in eWAM without using the mouse? I have tried ALT+TAB it is not working.

Due to the "modal" nature of Wynsure it is often not advised to switch between screens when in a multi step process for sub process. However, when relevant you can use Ctrl+F6 to cycle between open windows as an alternative to selecting them through he "View" menu with the mouse. Here is a list of the most popular Wynsure shortcuts
Ctrl+F2 to insert the current date in any date field (must be active)
Ctrl+F4 to close a window
Ctrl+F6 to cycle between open windows
Ctrl+F10 to toggle a window from "maximized" in the workbench or "restored" as a separate window in from the the application.


Microsoft Teams navigate in a view and press a button (mute all)?

How to click a button when the frame is highlighted after SHIFT+TAB on mac?
Is this not supported in the OSX app as part of accessibility/screen reader feature in MS Teams and description of how to navigate in a view?
I can't figure out i.e. how to click Admit all or Mute all.
FYI - I'm writing applescript to press the required keys sequences accordingly.
EDIT: FYI - the web client supports selecting the button, I have to use the desktop app though for other features.
I tested the desktop version of Teams ( on Windows 10; similarly to the OP I also found I couldn't access the 'Mute All' button when focus was on the 'Attendees/In this meeting' accordion panel. But, I could access the 'Mute All' button when I used the Applications Key (or Shift F10) a context menu appeared with the 'Mute All' option and I could access it with the keyboard.

Automated testing with Robot framework : RE Switching beetween windows that open on the same browser

Following the question : Automated testing with Robot framework : Switching beetween windows that open on the same browser a second issue arises.
How do I make it stay on the new tab if the original and the new tab have the same title.
I click the element, a new tab opens, then it switches to the original tab.
If I take out the Switch Window keyword, it stays on the new tab but it doesn't find the next element, I imagine because it is looking in the original tab.
Click Element //*[#id="id1"]
Sleep 3 seconds
Switch Window TAb 2
Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[#id="id2"]
Click Element //*[#id="id3"]
Sleep 20 seconds
Is it possible to solve this ?
You can try using window handles and switch to the particular tab
Identify and switch to first window
#{list1} get window handles
Switch Window ${list1}[1] -- this will switch to the latest tab opened

Straightforward way to count number of windows up through PopUpManager?

I'm using the PopUpManager to bring a bunch of event windows up.
I want to make it so that only one window can be open at a time, but I don't see anywhere in the code that tracks open windows to set up a conditional. I guess it just creates the windows and then sets them free?
Thinking about a windowCount variable that increments when I add a window and decrements when I remove one, but since the PopupManager is called in different classes I'd have to start throwing events all over the place. I can do that, but I'm wondering if there's a more straightforward method?
The systemManager (rather than PopUpManager, go figure...) provides information on the currently opened popup windows.
If your popups are all model then you will be interested in 'systemManager.numModalWindows':
The number of modal windows. Modal
windows don't allow clicking in
another windows which would normally
activate the FocusManager in that
window. The PopUpManager modifies this
count as it creates and destroys modal
Otherwise try out 'systemManager.popUpChildren':
An list of the topMost (popup) windows
being parented by this ISystemManager.
An ISystemManager has various types of
children, such as the Application,
popups, tooltips, and custom cursors.
You can access the top-most windows
through the popUpChildren property.
The IChildList object has methods like
getChildAt() and properties like
numChildren. For example,
popUpChildren.numChildren gives the
number of topmost windows and you can
access them as
I see a few options:
1) Make all your windows modal; so that the application can't be used until the window is closed. This is a argument to the createPopUp method on the PopUpManager. Presumably you do not have Popups creating other popups.
2) Create your own Manager class, possibly an extension of the PopUpManager class that keeps track of all open windows. Then you'd have a single source of all PopUps and could maintain them that way.

Application.application.nativeWindow.activate() problem on Windows

I have an AIR application with a system tray icon. When clicked it shows and activates the app. This is working as expected when the app is hidden (docked), however if I select another application so my app is in the background clicking on the system tray icon does nothing.
Oddly I also have a contextual menu on the system tray icon, which has an option to restore, this calls the same event handler as ScreenMouseEvent.CLICK, yet works.
I expect it's something to do with the contextual menu changing the focus, perhaps it's a bug in how AIR works with the system tray, perhaps it's just something I'm missing. Would be good to know if that's the case.
Thanks in advance
//instead of just calling
//or even better
Update based on OP's input: if you have multiple windows open for the application, use:
If you are not in the main WindowedApplication class, you can use the static property NativeApplication.nativeApplication to get a reference to the singleton object.
Activates the underlying NativeWindow (even if this application is not the active one).
NativeApplication.activate(window:NativeWindow = null)
Activates this application. If the operating system allows activation, then the specified window is activated and brought to the desktop foreground; that is, in front of the windows of other applications. (If the window parameter is null, then a visible window of this application is activated.)
livedocs is not clear on why this is happening. It says activate() activates the underlying native window - one would expect it to be brought to the front when it is activated, but that's not happening.

Flex-AIR: Make application with NO tab in taskbar?

I have an AIR app about half way done right now. I was informed by the client today that he does not want a tab to show up in his task bar. I already have this in place for new windows by making them lightweight. I do not know how to make the main window lightweight though. If there is not a way, is there a work around, like not not having a main window and just opening lightweight windows, don't know how that could be done either though? Anyone know how to do this?
Check this doc out. -- Yes, you can do this. In short, you have to hide the initial window - then display your application in a lightweight window.
Also - do note: On a Mac - the behavior is different. By convention, a window is not shown in the 'task bar' when it is displayed. When it is minimized it is in the bar. To hide the application when minimized on a Mac - you have to make the window 'invisible' instead of minimizing it. The doc mentioned above gives further details.
The key part of the doc for your case:
On the Windows operating system,
windows created with the types utility
or lightweight do not appear on the
taskbar. Invisible windows do not
appear on the taskbar, either.
Because the initial window is
necessarily of type, normal, in order
to create an application without any
windows appearing in the taskbar, you
must either close the inital window or
leave it invisible.
To close all
windows in your application without
terminating the application, set the
autoExit property of the
NativeApplication object to false
before closing the last window. To
simply prevent the intial window from
ever becoming visible, add
false to the
element of the
application descriptor file (and do
not set the visible property to true
or call the activate() method of the
In new windows opened by the
application, set the type property of
the NativeWindowInitOption object
passed to the window constructor to
NativeWindowType.UTILITY or
