size p:commanButton with fa-2x - css

My problem is the next:
I have a p:commanButton like this:
<p:commandButton icon="fa fa-reply fa-2x"/>
The problem is that the content (fa-reply) grows but the size of the button doesn't.
Which is the problem?
When I do: <p:commandButton icon="fa fa-reply" styleClass="fa-2x"/> the size of the button grows, but the content doesn't show correctly.

I think, simple work-arround would be to use p:commandLink with manual <i class="fa fa-reply fa-2x"></i> tag instead of p:commandButton, as following:
<i class="fa fa-reply fa-2x"></i>
And if you want to use text as well, then:
<i class="fa fa-reply fa-2x"> Reply</i>
Otherwise, you will require to add compatencies for the different sizes of the icons (fa-xx) on your p:commandButton using custom CSS classes.

You can simply add style="font-size: 2rem" to your button:
<p:commandButton icon="fa fa-reply" style="font-size: 2rem"/>
This will set the font size of both the icon and the button text.
Example from the showcase where I applied this to the button in the middle:
I suggest to create a class though, so you can reuse this style on buttons.
See also:
How do I override default PrimeFaces CSS with custom styles?


Why doesn't JAWS screen reader read my Font Awesome icons?

I'm testing the JAWS screen reader on a table having the following markup in its cells:
<center><i class="fa fa-check fa-1" title="MyTitle" aria-hidden="true" style="color:green" aria-label="read me"></i></center>
I've noticed that the screen reader can't "enter" the above cell (due to the aria-hidden), so I removed it:
<center><i class="fa fa-check fa-1" title="MyTitle" style="color:green" aria-label="read me"></i></center>
Now it can enter the cell but doesn't read any text.
Any way to put some text accessible only to the screen reader and not visible on the UI?
<i class="fa fa-check fa-1"
aria-label="read me"
Notice how I added role="img", this instructs the screen reader to treat this like an image and so it will read the aria-label.
Without it some screen readers will ignore aria-label attributes on certain elements as they aren't "semantically correct".
The alternative is to leave the aria-hidden on the icon and add some visually hidden text that is for screen reader users.

Why additional classes doesn't work with fontawesome?

I have a question. Do any of you know why when a try to add an additional class to a fontawesome icon it doesn't work?? Looks like this,
<i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>.
What I want to do is to add an additional class to this item just like .hide.
It should work this way
<i class="fas fa-angle-up hide></i>
Of course, if it is possible to put additional classes to a fontawesome icon, it is usually like this:
<i class="fas fa-angle-up"></i>
And you only add the additional classes you need, these must be previously created:
<i class="fas fa-angle-up hide"></i>

Am trying to use a font awesome icon as a button

Am trying to use a font awesome icon as a button to implement the like feature in my web application, using bootstrap 4 and font awesome
<button class="icon-button" onclick="actOnStory(event);"data-story-id="<%= story._id %>">
<i class="far fa-heart"></i>
my current code results in the icon being inside the button and not being the button itself
No need to wrap <i> with <button>, since onclick event can be called on icon as well. Just make it
<i class="far fa-heart" onclick="actOnStory(event);" data-story-id="<%= story._id %>"></i>

Bootstrap 3 btn does not wrap the second line

I'm trying to implemented a button just like the one demontrated in the example page of fontawesome, whose code is:
<a class="btn btn-lg btn-success" href="#">
<i class="fa fa-flag fa-2x pull-left"></i> Font Awesome<br>
Version 4.3.0
It works but only when the second line is no more longer than the first one.
So what causes the weird phenomenon and how to fix it?
There is a running demo over here.
This is a single page app and the broken btns is over the second scene.
The problem comes with white-space: nowrap;. Bootstrap sets it on .btn. In most cases the text in buttons is on one line. In your case it must be on two. So, add a custom class to the button and overwrite it, like this:
.btn-custom {
white-space: normal;

Unknown bootstrap component

I've been given an assignment to recreate a form from a given image. I'm using bootstrap 3, but can't recreate the following images. At the moment I'm using a label with a rounded radius but it doesn't look the same. Can someone point out the right component I should be using?
You could use fontawesomes stacked icons concept. But this would make the icon bigger that yours. Otherwise, as you pointed out by your self, you could use a badge or label and restyle it the way you need it, by modifying the border-radius or anything else, which doesn't fit your needs...
<!-- just some example code -->
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x"></i>
<i class="fa fa-plus fa-stack-1x fa-inverse"></i>
Priority Payment? <span class="label label-default" style="border-radius:100%">?</span>
Deporit <span class="badge">+</span>
PS: Note that you would have to override all border-radius-prefixes which is better done in a css class (as always). The inline css here is of course just for the sake of simplicity
