How to add multiple ads in Facebook Instant Articles using wordpress plugin? - wordpress

I want to display multiple ads on Facebook instant articles. I found this code, which I tried manually and its working.
<section class="op-ad-template">
<!-- Ads to be automatically placed throughout the article -->
<figure class="op-ad">
<iframe src=";adtype=banner300x250&adslot=1" height="300" width="250"></iframe>
<figure class="op-ad op-ad-default">
<iframe src=";adtype=banner300x250&adslot=2" height="300" width="250"></iframe>
<figure class="op-ad">
<iframe src=";adtype=banner300x250&adslot=3" height="300" width="250"></iframe>
Now I am trying to make it possible via Facebook Instant Article Plugin. I didn't find any setting option for these type ads.
I tried to search on google and can't find anything except this:
Please help me!
A. How to add multiple ads using FB INSTANT ARTICLE PLUGIN in wordpress?
B. How to add different codes using FB INSTANT ARTICLE PLUGIN in wordpress?

You can do this by adding the instant_articles_transformed_element filter, in order to modify the header accordingly.
This is generally used when placing Facebook Audience Network units, but if your manual code worked, the following code should work, although you might need to play around with the query vars. Add to functions.php the following:
At the top of functions.php, add this:
use Facebook\InstantArticles\Elements\Ad;
And then:
* Adds multiple units to the Instant Article
* #param Instant_Articles_Post $article
* #return Instant_Articles_Post
add_filter('instant_articles_transformed_element', function ($article) {
// Create the base ad
$ad = Ad::create()
// Retrieve the header
// Add the first ad
// This creates the URL;adtype=banner300x250;adslot=1
'adtype' => 'banner300x250',
'adSlot' => '1',
// Add the second ad
// This creates the URL;adtype=banner300x250;adslot=2
'adtype' => 'banner300x250',
'adSlot' => '2',
// Add the third ad
// This creates the URL;adtype=banner300x250;adslot=3
'adtype' => 'banner300x250',
'adSlot' => '3',
return $article;
With that code, the plugin will take care of the rest, and it will automatically add the following code to the head section:
<meta property="fb:use_automatic_ad_placement" content="enable=true ad_density=default"/>
It will also add the following right before closing the header:
<section class="op-ad-template">
<figure class="op-ad op-ad-default">
<iframe src="" width="300" height="250"></iframe>
<figure class="op-ad">
<iframe src="" width="300" height="250"></iframe>
<figure class="op-ad">
<iframe src="" width="300" height="250"></iframe>


Display content before <a> href attribute when using the "woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item" action hook

On my website I added a hover effect to show a wishlist icon, but when you click the icon, you are transfered to the product page, instead of running the ajax script to add the current product inside the wishlist.
I know that I can easily do this with insertAfter jQuery but before I do I wanted to know if there is a "cleaner" solution in WooCommerce?
I also tried with CSS pointer-events:none but that doesn't have the desired result.
Currently this is the markup:
<div class"wishlist">My icon</div>
<h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">
How can I edit WooComerce with hooks and filters so that I can move the <div class"wishlist">My icon</div> outside of <a> ?
<div class"wishlist">My icon</div>
<h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">
Right now I use the action woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item to show the wishlist icon.
When using hooks without a priority number, like:
function action_woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item() {
echo '<div class"wishlist">My icon</div>';
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item', 'action_woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item' );
Priority 10 will be used by default in WooCommerce.
However, in /templates/content-product.php we can see that the callback function woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_open already contains priority 10:
* Hook: woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item.
* #hooked woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_open - 10
do_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item' );
In /includes/wc-template-hooks.php there is:
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_product_link_open', 10 );
So you have to make sure that your custom code is executed before the default actions, this can be done by adjusting the priority number, for example to 1:
function action_woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item() {
echo '<div class"wishlist">My icon</div>';
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item', 'action_woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item', 1 );

in_category method in wordpress and script tags - AdjacentHTML

I am trying to show .gif banner on a posts only within specific category after first paragraph in wordpress, so I my code in loop-single.php looks like:
<?php if(in_category('my_category')){ ?>
const par = document.querySelector('p');
par.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div><img src="some_gif" alt="" class=""></div>')
<?php } ?>
But it doesn't work as expected. Anyone have an idea? Or may be some other solution that not recquires installing additional plugins (not that I don't want to, most of them just slow the site down).
Thank you
edit: 'after first paragraph' added
So, I found a way, firstly I needed to check if the post is in wanted category, than create a function and call it afterwards. The code is set in single-loop.php file in my template:
<?php if(in_category('my-category')){ ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
function krasAd() {
const par = document.querySelector("p");
par.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div><img src="my-gif" alt="" class=""></div>')
<?php } ?>
There was also one way to check if you have a string in URL that only recquires JS. But it recquires you to have properly created URL structure, for example:
If I had category in my posts URL I would use code below, the code is set before closing footer tag in my single-loop.php template file:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (window.location.href.indexOf("my-string") > -1) {
const par = document.querySelector("p");
par.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<div><img src="my-gif" alt="" class=""></div>')

How can I display ads in amp pages

I added this code to functions.php to perform the operation, but yet ads are not displaying on my amp pages.
//Adding Header Code in AMP pages in WordPress
function nhb_amp_my_custom_head($amp_template) { ?> //adsense_header_code <?php }
//Adding Footer Code in AMP pages in WordPress
function nhb_amp_my_custom_footer($amp_template) { ?> //adsense_body_code <?php }
You can display ads on your amp pages using the <amp-ad> or <amp-embed> tags.
A container to display an ad. The amp-embed is an alias to the amp-ad
tag, deriving all of its functionality with a different tag name. Use
amp-embed when semantically more accurate. AMP documents only support
ads/embeds served via HTTPS.
Example: Displaying a few ads
<amp-ad type="a9"
<amp-ad width="300"
<amp-embed type="taboola"
data-placement="Ads Example"
For more examples, you can try visiting this link.

Wordpress ACF Plugin - wp_get_attachment_image function doesn't work with ACF Options Page?

I'm trying to get an image asset shown on the front-end using the wp_get_attachment_image WordPress function, but it doesn't seem to work with my options page on ACF.
Here is my code:
$image = get_field('logo', 'option');
$size = 'full'; // (thumbnail, medium, large, full or custom size)
if( $image ) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image( $image, $size );
Which looks like this on the back-end:
The picture you see above is an options page in ACF and when I try to query that image into the wp_get_attachment_image function, it doesn't work. However, when I run this code:
<img data-src="<?php the_field('logo', 'option'); ?>" alt="footer logo" class="lazyload" />
which is within an image tag, it works just fine.
I copied and pasted what was shows on the ACF docs located here (Basic Display ID), but it's not showing the image on the front-end.
Anything I'm missing guys?
Thanks a lot!
Return value in field should be Image ID. See Screenshot
What is the return value type you used? Image Array, Image URL, Image ID
And you need to get a field like this:
get_field('logo'); why do you add option?
More info here:
wp_get_attachment_image requires the first parameter to be an image ID. In your case, if you are seeing the image using the code <img data-src="<?php the_field('logo', 'option'); ?>" alt="footer logo" class="lazyload" /> then get_field('logo', 'option') is returning the url of the image.. not the ID which is what you need if you are using wp_get_attachment_image.
What you need to do is change the Return Value of your logo field to Image ID.
Then you might have to re upload the image.
And also change this code <img data-src="<?php the_field('logo', 'option'); ?>" alt="footer logo" class="lazyload" /> to <img data-src="<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_field('logo', 'option')); ?>" alt="footer logo" class="lazyload" />
ACf plugin returns value as you have set the return type.
If you have sent the return type as Image array then :
$image[0] -> full or $image[0][$full] or $image[$full] depending on the number of image uploaded.
If you have set return type as Image url:
<img src="<?php $image; ?>"> would do the work.
If you are setting return type as Image Id:
$img2 = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($image),
$full); echo $img2[0];
I guess above methods will surely help you out.

inner nested shortcodes not working - eg: columns not showing inside of row

I wanted to create specially styled columns, but make it easy for the client to still edit the content of the column.. so I created my own shortcodes to setup the row and columns inside. (This is a custom wordpress template I created for a specific client).
Here is the code in my function.php for the two shortcodes 'member-row' & 'member':
add_shortcode('member-row', function ($content = null) {
return '<div class="row">
<br />'.do_shortcode($content).'</div>';
add_shortcode('member', function ($atts, $content = null) {
'color' => 'white',
), $atts));
return '<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 md-margin-bottom-40">
<div class="member-col funny-boxes funny-boxes-top-'.$color.'">'.do_shortcode($content).'</div>
I've also added the .do_shortcode($content). on the inner-nested 'member' column shortcode - just in case the client wants to add other shortcodes inside of each column. (Note: The problem still occurs even if I change the 'member' shortcode to just use .$content.)
Here is the code I entered in the text side of the wordpress page editor
[member color="gold"]
<img class="aligncenter img-responsive" src="http://localhost/test/testWP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/logo1.jpg" alt="logo" />
<strong>Company 1</strong>
[/member][member color="yellow"]
<img class="aligncenter img-responsive" src="http://localhost/test/testWP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/logo2.jpg" alt="logo" />
<strong>Company 2</strong>
When I save, and click on 'view page', the section where this has been added doesn't display anything.
This is the html code that is produced:
<div class="row">
<br /></div>
So it is only executing the 'member-row' shortcode, and not the nested 'member' shortcode columns.
This is the correct html code I was expecting:
<div class="row">
<br />
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 md-margin-bottom-40">
<div class="member-col funny-boxes funny-boxes-top-gold">
<img class="aligncenter img-responsive" src="http://localhost/test/testWP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/logo1.jpg" alt="logo" />
<strong>Company 1</strong>
<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 md-margin-bottom-40">
<div class="member-col funny-boxes funny-boxes-top-yellow">
<img class="aligncenter img-responsive" src="http://localhost/test/testWP/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/logo2.jpg" alt="logo" />
<strong>Company 2</strong>
When I just remove the surrounding [member-row] and [/member-row] shortcodes from the editor window, then the 'member' column shortcode does show up properly on the webpage.. so it appears it is just being inside of the 'member-row' shortcode that causes the problem.
Note: I did try adding the add_filter('the_content', 'do_shortcode', 10); line to the bottom of my function.php file, but it didn't seem to make any difference, so I removed it.
Hopefully I have just made some typo error.. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I figured out the problem.
I had to add $atts to the function for the member-row shortcode as follows:
add_shortcode('member-row', function ($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div class="row">
<br />'.do_shortcode($content).'</div>';
It now works as expected!!
I am not sure why I needed to add $atts, as this shortcode is not passing attributes or setting default ones, but it appears you need it if you are going to use enclosing shortcode with $content. (Maybe it is needed because $content is defined as the 'second' parameter???)
I just read in the WP Codex for shortcode api that
"Three parameters {$atts, $content, $tag} are passed to the shortcode
callback function. You can choose to use any number of them including
none of them."
So that seems to me that you could use the $content by itself... but as I just proved that $content can't be by itself - I am still unsure of the reason that my solution worked for me. (Just glad it did!)
If anyone knows the rule or reason for why the $atts is needed to make this work, I would appreciate the comment - to clarify this for myself, and anyone else that has the same problem.
